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Exit Survey:

"I'm sorry but I cannot in good consciousness continue to support you. I started to follow you because of friends to lovers audios. I truly loved your wholesomeness. even when it went into a more pornograpihc direction as long as it was wholesome. That last cuck audio you posted broke me. I don't even want to comprehend how you could try such a vile creation. It is not my wish to bellile you or preach morals. It seems to me that now we just stand on opposite sides. I will hold my morals until death however broken or insufficient they may be and I hope with all my might you can find a better way for yourself. I will be forever thankful to you for the "Please Be Okey" audio. It drastically shifted my life for the better."

A Sincere Response:

I fully support people not wanting to listen to my erotic stuff or anyone else's. But I really am baffled by one form of acting shifting anyone's opinion so drastically. I am acting in every audio. I am acting when I'm being sweet, I am acting when I'm faking sex, when I'm coughing, drinking, or doing anything.

It is a performance. Not what I think, feel or support.

These audios are stories. Please, please remember that.

I know 99.99% of listeners understand that, but that tiny percent really do baffle me. We're perfectly okay watching something like The Walking Dead where a man gets his skull smashed open, but a woman performing a consensual sex act on the wishes of her partner? Clearly not.

Again, please just remember that all these audios are stories. They're not real, just like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead or any other work of fiction.

Thank you.




I thought it was wild when Patreon temporarily shut down Tea’s account for having Mommy and Daddy in the titles. Imagine going nuts over an audio you don't have to listen to if it’s not your cup of tea. No pun intended. Sorry, I like dad jokes.


Are you telling me you're not a actually some super spy who found a guy washed up on a mermaid Island and recorded it?


Tbh bro had the chance to not listen to it and chose to listen to it…