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Thank you.



You’ve got to understand that your patrons are predominantly male, so our views will be skewed as such. Men are prideful creatures by nature so humiliation/emasculating kinks directed towards us tend to be very polarizing. At the end of the day however, it’s your platform and you can do whatever you want with it. So if a few people lack basic reading comprehension and listen to an audio without reading the tags, then fuck em’. Don’t take what they say to heart Tea, you’re doing great!

Red Cap

I think this may be magnified by the fact that Tea was mostly known for creating wholesome content, this goes back to her early days in YouTube, hence her popular moto: "wholesome degeneracy". Having considered that, the fact that she dropped and audio that delves into one of the most cursed tags ever to exist, may be shocking to some (me included).


I know a lot of people have already said this, but clearly the issue is with the (ex?)-listeners, not with the content. Fiction is fiction, and if a piece of fiction isn't for you, step away and move on, don't deploy the vitriol - because not everything is for everyone. So please, keep on doing what you do, that's all we can ask for.


Tea: You nailed this, I don't have anything else to add. This is a *them* problem, not a *you* problem.