Quick Update - Animation Progress 45% (+2%) (Patreon)
Heya all! I just wanted to provide a quick update on the animation progress. I got another section of the surprise done today. There is only 1 more section of the surprise left then the Mary and Bella scene is done! This last section should push the Mary + Bella scene over 5 minutes long, which is quite a bit longer than I originally planned but I am really happy with how it turned out.
As a reminder, I am not showing previews of these surprise sections BUT I will resume normal previews once I start work on the upcoming Maggie & Anna scene.
So, as I said in a previous post I am having an issue with the cum simulation because my 2nd computer keeps overheating and crashing during the simulation. I am going to make one more attempt to fix it myself today. However, if I cannot figure it out, I am going to have to take my 2nd computer to a repair store to change out the processor. I would run the fluid simulation on my main computer but I imagine it will take a week to finish and I dont really want to go a week without animating so I really need to get my 2nd computer up and running properly.
Animation Progress 45% (+2%) - Rendering Progress 28%
- Scene 1 - 9 = Done
- Scene 10 - (Done)
- Scene 11 - (0-1440) - Needs render
- Scene 12 - (Done)
- Scene 13 - (Done)
- Scene 14 - (2970-3690) - Cum Scene (Running Simulation)
- Scene 15 - (Done)
- Scene 16 - (Done)
- Scene 17a - (Done)
- Scene 17b - (4340-4470) Surprise 1, Part 2
- Scene 17c - Surprise 1, Part 3
- Scene 18 - Maggie waking up
- Scene 19 - "Hey bitch dick!"
- Scene 20 - "Sure... OMG GUESS WHAT?"
- Scene 21 - ???
- Scene 22 - "I HAD SEX!"
- More to come...