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Heya all! I just wanted to provide a quick update on the animation progress. I got another section of the surprise done today. There is only 1 more section of the surprise left then the Mary and Bella scene is done! This last section should push the Mary + Bella scene over 5 minutes long, which is quite a bit longer than I originally planned but I am really happy with how it turned out.

As a reminder, I am not showing previews of these surprise sections BUT I will resume normal previews once I start work on the upcoming Maggie & Anna scene.

So, as I said in a previous post I am having an issue with the cum simulation because my 2nd computer keeps overheating and crashing during the simulation. I am going to make one more attempt to fix it myself today. However, if I cannot figure it out, I am going to have to take my 2nd computer to a repair store to change out the processor. I would run the fluid simulation on my main computer but I imagine it will take a week to finish and I dont really want to go a week without animating so I really need to get my 2nd computer up and running properly.

Animation Progress 45% (+2%) - Rendering Progress 28%

  • Scene 1 - 9 = Done
  • Scene 10 - (Done)
  • Scene 11 - (0-1440) - Needs render
  • Scene 12 - (Done)
  • Scene 13 - (Done)
  • Scene 14 - (2970-3690) - Cum Scene (Running Simulation)
  • Scene 15 - (Done)
  • Scene 16 - (Done)
  • Scene 17a - (Done)
  • Scene 17b - (4340-4470) Surprise 1, Part 2
  • Scene 17c - Surprise 1, Part 3
  • Scene 18 - Maggie waking up
  • Scene 19 - "Hey bitch dick!"
  • Scene 20 - "Sure... OMG GUESS WHAT?"
  • Scene 21 - ??? 
  • Scene 22 - "I HAD SEX!"
  • More to come...


Jean-Daniel Bouchard

Have you tried to get a better fan for your cpu? The brand Noctua makes good ones if you don’t know which brand to choose. You can also open your case and point a big fan from your house in it ? (If you’re low on budget) that works great too for the summer when it’s hot.


The Mary/Bella scene is so hot, not even your computer can handle it 😭😭😭 I hope it all goes well for you Red


Or another option is to just leave the side panels off permanently. Still that shouldn't be necessary unless something else is going on. Is your fan working and can you hear it spinning up to faster speeds when the CPU starts working harder?