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Hello all! So I have a really big scene to render this weekend so today I am working to get that setup and ready for rendering. This scene alone is 144 hours of rendering so, I most likely will not get all of it done this weekend but I can hopefully knock out a huge chunk of it and continue it overnight on Monday & Tuesday. Anywho, this one scene accounts for about 10% of the overall rendering so I need to get it going asap.

So, on another note, my 2nd computer keeps overheating during the cum simulation for Mary and Bella and so I have take it to a computer store to figure out why exactly that is happening and see if they can do something to stop it from overheating. Its is making it impossible to get the cum simulation finished.

So based on the poll here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/amrl-6-first-28135448

I will be releasing the Mary & Bella scene to Patreons only once it is fully completed. This is a bit of a divergence from what I have previously done but I am going to give it a shot this once and see how it goes. I dont know if I will release partial animations again going forward. The only reason I feel somewhat comfortable doing it with this one is because it just turned out a lot longer than I originally anticipated and I think its an interesting enough scene to be a stand alone.

Once I get my 2nd computer issue figured out and I can start running the simulation again for their cum scene, I should have a better idea of when exactly I will be able to release the Mary + Bella scene.

Animation Progress 43% (+1%) - Rendering Progress 28% (+1%)

  • Scene 1 - 9 = Done
  • Scene 10 - (Done)
  • Scene 11 - (0-1440) - Needs render
  • Scene 12 - (Done)
  • Scene 13 - (Done)
  • Scene 14 - (2970-3690) - Cum Scene (Running Simulation)
  • Scene 15 - (Done)
  • Scene 16 - (Done)
  • Scene 17a - (Done)
  • Scene 17b - Surprise 1, Part 2
  • Scene 17c - Surprise 1, Part 3
  • Scene 18 - Maggie waking up
  • Scene 19 - "Hey bitch dick!"
  • Scene 20 - "Sure... OMG GUESS WHAT?"
  • Scene 21 - ??? 
  • Scene 22 - "I HAD SEX!"
  • More to come...



Out of curiosity, Red, and I am sure someone has probably asked this before, but do people (friends/family) know exactly what you do? Or do you say something vague like 3d artist and leave out the futanari and sexy stuff? Maybe it's just me but I would never actually admit to doing anything like that, I mean, seriously, "I make sexy 3d futanari animations" (and then have to explain what a futanari is) isn't exactly something you mention on a first (or second) date.

OneT rikpony

That's so curious! I also keep overheating during marry-Bella cum scenes. But I never seem to have a problem completing my cum simulations.


I’ve been having a difficult few days and this really made me smile and lol in real life thank you so much this is hilarious 😆


Heya Braid! My mom knows what I do to an extent yeah... that was a very awkward conversation for sure. She lives with me and so it kinda hard to keep anything from her.


For my family the topic of sex is off limits, hell I got anatomy books and puberty/sex-ed books instead of actually being given the Talk... (Though considering I love reading it wasn't a big deal). I know every family is different so I was simply curious, if I started doing what you do, I would be forced to keep it a secret, to my family it would be like I started doing actual porn, but I know that some would simply consider it actual legit art

OneT rikpony

Happy to be of service ma'am. (hat tip, riding into sunset) 😊