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I FINALLY got the latest scene wrapped up. I apologize that it took so long BUT I think it will be worth it. I am not going to share a preview of it just so there are some neat little surprises in there for everyone =)

The next scene I will be doing is Bella's tantrum scene where she decides to implement her EVIL plan. After that, we will be going into Mary face fucking Maggie as hard as she can followed by Marys cumshot =)


Ciarán M

Ooooh, I like surprises! 😉 Looking forward to seeing them. In the meantime, perhaps seeing previews of Bella's plotting will be great fun!

James Robert

I'd rather have things done right than rushed through 😀


I agree... I just feel really guilty that this one scene took me all week :/ but I learned a lot and I hope I can avoid this kind of delay in the future.


I really love the little Bella scenes :P Now... I just need to figure out exactly what she is doing with her banana during the EVIL PLOT scene.


No worries Red. It takes as long as it takes as what's the point of rushing if the scene doesn't look as good?