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Soooo... I have been working on this while simulations ran on the animation today. Please take a look and let me know if you think I should put a little effort into making a comic every now and then.

This is just kinda an example of me putting a little more effort into the text bubbles etc.. I could try for panels and stuff just like a real comic. With the new render engine it doesnt take much time at all.

The full quality images are available for download at the bottom of this post.

ALSO: This is a BDSM ROLEPLAY scenario. Both of these are CONSENTING ADULTS. Maggie is NOT Bella's "mommy". Mommy is being used in a "playful/authoritative" way. IE: someone calling a man "daddy". 




I'm totally down for these! This would be a great way to introduce new characters.

Ciarán M

I think this is great! The text bubbles are a lot of fun and I like the way you're putting emphasis on certain words, let's us imagine the tone of voice that the characters would be using, like how Naughty and Punish are in red, or how "please" is elongated. And the little "throb!" Next to Bella's cock is great too! I can imagine that being used to describe sound effects to give the impression of motion, like if in the image, two characters are fucking and you put in little "slap" text or something like that to help with imagining the impact of the thrusts. And I won't go into my usual full descriptive mode here, but I will quickly say that the lighting on Bella's body is amazing! The clearly defined shadows and how they starkly contrast with the lighter tones across her body really accentuate her forms, her legs, stomach and left breast being the best examples 😍😍😍 Great work thus far and I definitely can't wait to see these images finished!

Red girl fan

Just a thought put bella in a cock cage while she's being submissive


Maybe not the text bubbles, but definitely on making Maggie a dom.


I like it it's something new and you never wanna put yourself in a box as far as a creator/artist then that all you will be know for and your audience will only consist of the people who like the animations while there is a culture of people who do only like the comics. My only issue is the font it's kinda hard to read and I know it is just a test to see how it is received so I'm not going to give you the third degree on it but it is a little hard to read it using that font style. But keep up the good work hope to see more in the future.


Comics are good, tidea over your adoring fans while we wait for videos😊


Red, what is so good about your work is that you provide a plot and story to what is usually just a great deal of banging around. A graphic novel or comic book would allow you to expand on this.

Dildo Faggins

i fucking love it, if it doesn't take to much time it would be a nice hold over every now and then


I love it! I love the dom outfit!


I like the ideas of comics because it gives you a chance to tell stories that otherwise wouldn't be worth making an animation for. It helps (pun not intended) flesh out the characters.