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Heya all. I am around halfway done with Bella's cum scene. I will post a more specific update tomorrow or Wednesday.

Also, I apologize if it seems I have been a little in-active or slow to respond. I am really focused on finishing the animation right now so I have had very little time to do anything other than work and animate. I have maybe 2-3 days of animating left until the animation is done then all that will be left is rendering + finalizing all the sounds.

Sadly, I was out the whole weekend visiting my dad so I was not able to get much done. Thankfully though, I and done with my "other job" for the month and I have the entire day tomorrow and Wednesday to myself so I can focus on this 100%!



We know you’re on it Agent Red Girl! Thanks for all your hard work!

John Paterson

Please no offense, but.. at this point in your patreon you stated you would quite your job "completely" to do this full time at almost 10,000 a month I think we all expect a little more effort on keeping updated and putting a deadline for yourself for us to have a release date..I feel like we are all being "trickled along" in order for income to you to generate more.

Futanari Fan

Disagree with JP. Sometimes family commitments get in the way and I don't see you as someone who is stringing her patrons along. So take the time needed to deliver the excellent outcomes we expect and I'm quite sure we'll all be very pleased with the results - including PD


Hello John. Yes, I totally want to quit my job! And, I plan to when I start Amys Big Wish. The only reason I havnt is because of the Patreon suspension thing going around right now. I want to see how this site holds up. As for updates, I typically provide updates a few times a week. Usually at least 1 or 2 super specific updates. There is always a lag at the end of a series due to cum simulations. There is nothing I know of that I can do to speed this step up sadly. I am far from greedy though. I promise, if I could have released this 2 weeks ago I would have. I made a mistake early on that cost me around 2 weeks of rendering and I wish I hadnt but it did. Thankfully, I have learned from it and wont make it in the future. Also, animation, rendering, simulations all just take a lot of time. I plan to buy a 3rd computer to help with rendering and simulations soon. I do feel the rest of AML will take less time compared to this first part because I have learned a lot again and I will be rendering from the start. I am sorry you feel the way you do. I hope that I get faster and faster as I do this more and more.

Johnny Rotten

You just do what you do. Life happens!

BJ's Bounties

No expectations, here. Patreon isn't guaranteed to remain a certain amount, for example, and you've been making great deadwa. As one who knows how long this can take in time and effort, you've been doing quite well with what limitations the computers have. Don't let anyone pressure you into losing a prime source of income while it's still useful.

Darth Pax

John Paterson can feel whatever he wants. Doesn't make it so. I have NEVER felt you string anyone along, quite the opposite, you give regular detailed updates, more than I think you need. (though ive told you to overestimate eta a few times) If he feels "trickled along" he is free to stop supporting, and whinging. You do amazing work that's worth the wait. As Johnny said, life happens!

Dashing Dazzla

JP has obviously never done anything artistic in his life.