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Heya all! I just wanted to let you know that I only have 1 short scene left to do before AML3 is completed! Below is an updated todo list of what is left as well. I had to update the completion %'s because of the additional time that was added. Once I complete this last scene, I will send off the animation to the voice actresses and keep both my computers rendering 24/7 until its done!

While I am not posting previews of the final scenes, you can view lots of previews of the animation at the link below:


AML3 (Part 1)

Animation = 11,629 of 11,729 - 99% Completed (+650 Frames)

Final Rendering = 9,459 of 11,720 - 80% Completed (This went down because I updated the final frame count to include the added time)

  • Done - Intro + Scenes 1 - 37
  • 5840-6500 - Rendering Now - Maggie cumming hands free
  • 6430-6580 - Surprise 2 = Need Render
  • 7060-7660 - Bella cumming inside Maggie's ass = Need Render
  • Coming Up: Quick Surprise

Super Detailed ToDo List (with estimates) 10-17 days before release:

  • 1) Finishing Rendering (80%) (Aprox 9 days of rendering 24/7)
  • 2) Finish animation (1 day)
  • 2) Maggies cum simulation (DONE)
  • 3) Bellas cum simulation (1 day)
  • 4) Compile and add audio (1 day)
  • 5) Send to voice actresses for additional sounds (2-5 days hopefully)
  • 6) Post to Patreon!
  • 7) XRAY bonus scene of Bellas cumshot (2 days + rendering)


Futanari Fan

Excellent news Agent Red but don't bust a gut. After yesterday's conversation we're all with you to do the best job we know you can. Having said that am so looking forward to seeing the finished item. And am having lots of ideas for ABW so I wonder, once AML3 is finished whether you might ask for suggestions/ideas for ABW?


Heya Futa Fan! Thank you so much =) And YES! I will 100% be taking ideas and putting up polls about Amys Big Wish =)


Excellent. Can't wait to see the finished product

JB Bowles

Have you ever considered voicing a character in an animation or perhaps have your own character and animation with that character?


Is there still gonna be a follow up scene of AML3 part2?

Martin Knopp

Wohooo cant wait to see the final result ❤