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Ok, it took me literally all day to get this setup and working but... WOW! It renders MUCH faster than my current machine! So, right now its taking around 4 minutes to render a frame VS 10-11 minutes on my old machine! I am so super happy that this is working now! My brain is a little fried from getting everything setup but right now I have both computers rendering =) 

Oh and the graphics card I got is a GTX 1060.

Anyway, THANK YOU to everyone who helped me get this figured out. I truly appreciate it. I will post a rendering update toward the end of the week with everything I was able to get done.



You shouldn't feel bad about your purchase, but a GTX 1030 would have been less than $100, and would not have impacted your CPU based rendering performance. Maybe you can use this computer for some light gaming since you got a 1060 lol.


Yeah I wouldnt have bought it but it was literally the only one they had and I didn't want to wait 2-3 more days. And, I will still use the GPU because I can use the second computer for animating and stuff when my main one is rendering too.