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Just wanted to say I paid for my second computer today. The store only charged me $70 to put it together too. I spend right at $3000... which is super scary for me... but I think its a necessary step for me to get these videos out sooner. I should be able to pick it up on Tuesday. 

Below are the specs.

Threadripper 1950x 16 Cores

32GB DDR4 3000 RAM (The motherboard can go up to 2666 whatever that means)

500gb SSD

2 x 1 TB WD Hard Drives (1 for backuping up the other)

Liquid cooling system (it was all they had thay would fit the cpu but it was only $119)

I forget the graphics card but it was $330... I think it is a 8600 something. They didnt have many to chose from so I paid more than I wanted to here

They only had 3 cases that fit the motherboard so I had to buy a $200 case.

Windows 10 pro

A KVM switch

$70 for putting it together

It took like 3 hours in the store and I hate crowded places so that really sucked but anyway... I am excited to get it setup. I really hope it speeds up rendering significantly. I will let you all know how much of a difference it makes.


Frank Celestino

Glad to hear. Unfortunately graphics card prices are high now, and have been for a while due to crypto mining increasing demand for high end GPUs.


They made you pay for ram with a clock speed of 3000mhz on a motherboard that can natively only handle up to 2666mhz, you got ripped off there, especially considering how high memory prices are. And the $120 for a liquid cooler, hmmm. Got my corsair h100i v2 for under $100 on newegg.com. And $200 on a case lol, it better have a complete tempered glass exterior with rgb LEDs all over it. Most "nice" mid atx cases are around $100. And like Frank here mentioned, worst time to buy a graphics card, literally inflated to double the msrp because of bitcoin miners. Sorry for the rant, haha just think they jipped you for more than a couple Benjamin's.


Well done girl, yep we all get a little ripped off from time to time, hoHum maybe next time you can put the next computer on a small debate, tech is moving so fast it is not always easy to keep up, and there will be another computer as you become better known. But good job we move forward, as a wise man once said look to the sunrise not the sunset.

SFM admirer

i remember a time when friends said they would help me build a pc after highschool and no one came through. 3 years after buying a Alienware comp i realised i wanted more of a performance so i pieced out the Alienware and bought alot of other better parts. Not a very simular story but maybe in the future when you have a computer to spare you can learn to take it apart and learn to fix one yourself and later look at specs and parts for what exactly you would want out of it. Either way just cause you payed alot you should not feel bad at all since you at least chose good parts and didnt buy a pre built one which uses nothing but junk parts for a functional computer. I dont like when people give all this snooty advice for computers and would never actually help a person out by actually showing how easy it is to assemble, I know i am rambling but congrats on your second comp and dont take any criticisms or feel bad about your purchase since most of the randoms on the internet arent very much help anyway.


I was just thinking this. 3000 on a motherboard that only supports 2666? 🤔🤔🤔


well never ever go cheap on graphic card even if the prices are high it gives the most speed nowadays.here is a video explaining rendering <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQGlm5-QAWY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQGlm5-QAWY</a>


I do think I overpaid a little bit on the overall build... but not by much. Maybe $200 more than if I ordered everything off websites. And then that stuff would have taken 2-3 days to come in... which would have cost me 2-3 days of rendering. Which I would have to use a render farm to makeup for... which would have cost $100-$200 so I think in the end I got what I needed. The motherboard only goes up to 2666 RAM (for now) but the guy said they are releasing updates all the time and also the RAM was on special for $389 for 32GB of DDR4 3000. I don't know a whole ton about hardware but he seemed really nice. I could have gotten a cheaper case online as well but again... I would have had to wait 2-3 days at least.


Well... the build my Patreons helped me put together was around $2600... however, I got a better graphics card than what was recommended, the store is also putting it all together for me for only $70, and I got a KVM switch and a switch for my internet. So, I do think I overpaid a little but the time and stress savings is worth it to me. He also said the motherboard only supports up to 2666 but they release updates for it quite often so it may go higher in the future and the RAM was only $50 more than what I was originally planning to pay.


Didn't mean to be a jerk lol, sorry if it came off like that like others seem to mention. Just thought I put in my 2 cents. Always exciting to get new hardware, but it pays off to take your time.


Oh its ok Tofu I totally understand! I should have thought it out a little more but I just didnt want to delay the release of this animation anymore... I hope this new rig speeds things up a whole lot!