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So, I just got this email from Patreon today. I am a LITTLE nervous about it but... I think I am going to do it.

EDIT: I also want to say this is not about me getting money faster... it's about the 100+ people this month  that pledged, stayed for an hour then left. I even recognize names of people that have done this dozens of times over the past few months.

While I understand a little why someone would do this, I think it is unfair. I spend more time on this work than anything else in my life and it just makes me feel cheated when someone joins, takes/see's what they want and leaves. Additionally, I have spent literally thousands of dollars so far... voice actors, software, plugins, render farming, new computer, tutorial website memberships, etc... to animate and by someone doing this it makes me feel like they are stealing.

I am very scared this is going to somehow negatively impact things but I really hope it doesn't because I will be heart broken.

Anyway, see the email below for more info.

Email Below:

I took a look and you are on schedule to be rolled into the charge up front beta next month. Please read through this email in it's entirety for next steps for enabling this feature on your account.

While you are on the schedule to be rolled into the beta for the 1st of next month, it’s conditional upon your response. If you’d like to continue to be rolled into the beta as scheduled, respond to this email by the January 31st.

Here are some important considerations to keep in mind when thinking about switching to charge up front:

Most importantly, this change is permanent. You will not be able to undo it: you will not be able to go back to a per-post option or regular monthly option.

Your current patrons will experience no change: they have been billed this month on the first and they will be billed next month on the first.

You will see a new billing cycle on your rewards manager: https://www.patreon.com/manageRewards. It will begin when the first new patron signs up and begins being charged. The only patrons included in this extra cycle will be new folks who sign up this month.

Everyone (new and existing patrons) will be charged on the first of the month after that.

We strongly advise you to alert your existing patrons: after the new process begins, if they edit their pledge (to move to a higher reward tier) they will be instantly charged the difference. A $1 patron who becomes a $10 patron will be instantly charged $9 on the day of the edit.
I hope this information helps you! Please let me know if you have any other questions and do let me know if you want to participate in this beta! 



Glad to see this! I hope it doesn't negatively affect you going forward, I don't see why it would!

william russell

Looks good. I want to keep my $10 pledges going through to help your great work moving forward.

michael whipps

I don't care what you do,I already told you where I stand (patreon 4 life)

william russell

looks alright. I just want to keep my $10 pledges going through to keep your great work moving forward.


Thank you William! I promise to keep animating and moving forward and getting better and better!

Frank Celestino

Go for it. It makes more sense to pay up front in this case. FYI, check out this link: <a href="https://blog.patreon.com/creating-rewards/">https://blog.patreon.com/creating-rewards/</a> Hopefully it will help you with setting up the rewards that we were all discussing for different tiers, if you're interested in doing so.


I agree with Frank as this will help you. Also it's worth noting that a huge number of artists on Patreon have already taken this step and for the same reason you are, yet I've never heard of any negative repercussions. After all making people pay up front has no effect on your existing loyal members since they've already paid and are with you for the long haul. Hope that sets your mind at ease.