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I've had a couple people ask me about animation so thought it would be interesting to post a screenshot of what I work with all day. The program I use is Maya 2017.

Outliner - General 1 stop shop to select anything in your scene.

  • Systems (brown icons) - These are the dynamic portions of the character rigs.
  • Collider (bowling pins) - These are objects that the dynamic portions of the characters will collide against.

Joint/Bones (all the purple things inside the characters) - This is what actually makes parts of the character move.

Character Rig Controls - All the wires around the characters. These control the joints and they are what you key frame to make a body part move.

Blendshapes (shape editor) - These are special deformations you can setup to change parts of the character. IE: The veins on Maggie and Mary's penis are a blendshape. You can turn them on/off or do something inbetween. I usually have these tied to a control on the character rig or automatically turned on at certain points.

Set Driven Key Window - This is where you can setup an automatic reaction to another action. IE, if her penis is flaccid, the veins on her penis disappear.

Dope Sheet - Visualization of the placement of key frames by time.

Graph Editor - Visualization of the arc of movement between each key frame.

Studio Library - Presets of poses I setup (useful for animations that will repeat in some form or fashion).

Layers (bottom right with green and red boxes) - Show/hide or select certain aspects of your scene

Hypershade - This is where you create all the textures for the characters and objects in the scene. Each little color circle represents a texture for a different object in the scene. The blue boxes connected to the grey and purple boxes in the bottom/middle is Maggie's skin texture and its connections.

That's not everything but those are this is what I use the most for animating.



michael whipps

Wow! I bet you drink ALOT of red bull,lol!!


Animation: where rocket science meets art!


lol it can get pretty complicated at times for sure... and btw THANK you so much deepblue =) Are you too kind, I really appreciate what you did. Just so long as you are comfortable with that... thank you =)


My god...complicated is an understatement!

Bwub Saget

How hard is Maya to get into?


It kinda depends on how much time you dedicate to it. It's kind of like learning another language + learning an art form at the same time. I would say 50% of Maya is technical knowledge. Knowing how to do something... of that 50%, I would say 20% is fairly easily to grasp, 20% much harder, and the last 10% is very very technical and difficult to master. The other 50% of Maya is artistic ability. Know how to do something is one thing, but making it look good or how/when to do something is all artistic skill and timing. It is not easy to learn Maya by any means BUT when you accomplish something it can feel very rewarding, if you have a lot of time, patience, and drive though, you can do it. I have to stress, time and patience. I've been using it for maybe 5 months now and I spend between 5-12 hours a day dedicated to it. Ok sorry for the novel but I wanted to be honest. I would also like to add that I spent hundreds of hours watching tutorials... every day for several hours in the afternoon up until maybe a month ago. Now, I just watch them to remind myself how to do stuff.