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“Are you lost?” he asked cavalierly.

“Nah, can’t be. I really wanna be right here.” The girl sat down, crossing her legs Indian style, and twirled her joint between two fingers when she wasn’t puffing on it. “Why? Don’t you want me here?”

Yes. “I sorta want to be alone.”

“So go be alone,” she reasoned. “Or do you want some weed?”

A smile spread over Kon’s lips and his eyes lit up. “Well, I’m not really doing anything…”

“I’m not doing anything either,” the girl said. “Not yet.”

She passed him the joint. Kon took in a lungful of the harsh smoke, held it down while he toked again, and then handed it back to the woman.

“So do I call you Superboy? You don’t look all that boyish…”

“Folks call me Kon. What about you?”

She shook her head. “They don’t call me Kon.”

Kon supposed he should’ve expected this when the main personality trait he knew about her so far was that she smoked weed. “What do they call you?”

She smoked the roach down until it burnt her fingertips, then tossed it. “Harley.”

“Harley. That sounds familiar.”

“Then let’s be familiar.” From out of a tiny pocket in her vest, Harley took out another joint. She held it out to him. “You mind?”

Kon’s eyes glowed briefly red. Harley reeled the joint in and put it in her mouth, breathing in through the cherry-red tip approvingly.

They passed the joint back and forth with some perfunctory conversation until it was all ash. Kon was feeling no pain, emptied of desire except for wanting to touch Harley’s breasts. In fact, he wanted to bury his head between them and get lost in Harley’s body, wandering around until he’d explored her pert ass and the yawn between her thighs as well. But Harley held herself aloft from him.

“I’m a part-time lesbian,” she declared proudly.

“A what?”

“A lesbian, but only part-time.”

Kon cocked his head at an angle. “You mean like a bisexual?”

“No, bisexuals like men. I only like women… but only some of the time.” She held her left hand up and wiggle her ring finger. On it was a bejeweled golden band. “My wife is really jealous. She thinks me fucking other people is bad for the relationship, especially men. So we decided to compromise. I won’t fuck anyone but her—but only part-time. When I’m not being a lesbian, I fuck up a storm!” She winked at Kon.

Kon nodded in agreement, wondering if this was an actual sexual orientation or one of those pretend ones. It was a frustrating aspect of modern living. Like how there really were aliens, but none of them were actually into anal probes.

Except me, Kon supposed. And he didn’t have any yen for cows, unless they had two buns around them…

“In other words,” Harley went on, “when I’m with my wifey, I’m one hundred percent faithful and a lesbian. I don’t even look at men. So when I’m not with her, I really fuck a lot to make up for lost time.”

“Gotcha,” Kon grinned. He still didn’t understand, except that he was stoned. He understood that part. “So, you wanna fuck?”

“Nah, my wife is here. Did you like the grass?”

Kon sighed, feeling somewhat letdown and a bit of a failure: “S’okay.”

He supposed it was for the best. Bad enough that he’d hospitalized Roxy and Tana, who were straight all the time, but to do it to Harley here and cut into her lesbian time?

“You’re disappointed,” Harley surmised. She licked her lips. “Did you really want to fuck me?”

“Yeah,” Kon said.

“Aww, that’s sweet! You barely know me and you already want to fuck me! Shame all I can do is fuck my wife.” Harley suddenly slapped her knee. “Hey, that gives me an idea!”

Kon raised an eyebrow expectantly. She was a bit behind the curve—he’d been getting ideas ever since she stumbled out of the jungle.

“How’d you like to watch me fucking my wife? You guys like that, right? And maybe she’ll want to fuck you after we’re done!”

“She’s not a part-time lesbian too?”

Harley shook her head. “Nope! She loves plants too much to be a lesbian.”

“Plants?” Kon asked. This all really sounded familiar.

“Yeah, she’s sorta a treehugger. Name’s Red. You don’t have anything against redheads, do you?”

If Knockout hadn’t put him off redheads, Kon didn’t think anything ever would.

Wait… hadn’t Superman told him to watch out for a cute, kinda crazy blonde and her special friend, the redhead who was into plants?

Ha! Like Superman went to parties that interesting! He had to be thinking of Captain Marvel or somebody. And anything Captain Marvel could handle would be a cinch for him.

“I love redheads,” Kon assured her.

“Good. There’s this petition about Netflix I’d like for you to sign later… but you wanna watch me and Red first?”

Kon checked his smartwatch. It didn’t show any messages from the rest of Young Justice, so he wouldn’t have to think up an excuse for why he was incommunicado. “Yeah, we should get that out of the way before we move onto any petitions or stuff.”

“Alrighty then! Follow me!”

Kon took it back. Her jean shorts weren’t a thong. With the amount of frayed thread showing over her fulsome buttocks, they were more like a quilted work in progress.

He let Harley lead the way into the Kompound, which made Kon wonder what Harley’s wife was doing inside of his place, but then, he’d probably left the place unlocked. His supersuit didn’t leave a whole lot of room for keys (he could barely keep condoms in it) and anyway, if someone’s lesbian redhead wife wanted to sleep in his room, that was fine by Kon. He supported gay rights.

Kon followed Harley to one of the rooms, where a redhead was slumped in a large, plush chair. Harley nudged her and she came to life.

“Oh… hi,” she said to Kon, sensually abashed, her jade green eyes looking him over.

She was very pale and wearing green, with a greenish hue seeming to creep over all but her blazing red hair as well. Kon guessed that she’d been swimming in a pool with a lot of chlorine. He wondered if he had any eyedrops to offer her.

Red studied Kon’s body carefully, smiling with approval. “Who’s this?” she asked Harley.

“Just a keen supporter of gay marriage,” Harley quipped. “How about it? You mind if he gives us some support?”

Red rearranged herself and Kon saw that the green she was wearing wasn’t much at all. A sort of harness on her chest which didn’t cover her breasts at all, but supported them with straps underneath the twin hills. And what looked like crotchless panties and suspenders, not that Kon could look at them enough to see what they actually were when Red’s bare flesh drew his eye so adamantly.

“I’d love some,” Red said. “But I want some Harl first. Show me how you love me so much more than some musclebound brute, even if he does have a hip piercing…”

Kon bit his lips uneasily. He was tempted to leave them to their lesbianing. But he was more tempted by their boobs.

“Konnie, why don’t you sit right there?” Harley told him, pointing in front of the chair. “In the splash zone!”

Kon dropped down so fast he nearly busted a floorboard, grabbing his ankles to hold himself in a cross-legged pose. He wondered if lesbians really knew more about oral sex than men. Personally, he thought he had it down—you put your cock in the woman’s mouth and let her suck it. Simple.

Red wiggled around on the chair until her legs were splayed over each of the armrests, spreading them, giving Harley easy access to her fragrant pink slit. There was no hair—both Harley and Kon could see the hard little bud of her clitoris standing tall over her long, sensuous cleft.

“I’m all yours, Harl,” Red said, running two fingernails teasingly along the heft of her massive breast, bringing them close to her nipple, but not going so far as to overstimulate herself that way. “Then I’m all his.”

She lifted her breast up high enough to bend her neck and kiss it, almost at the nipple, then she winked at Kon. As if to ask whether he’d like to see her suck her own stupendous mammary or if he’d like to do it himself.

Kon’s erection throbbed through his Speedo like it was sending out a distress signal, telling Red how much it needed her help to keep from ripping through whatever pants Kon wore for the rest of his life.

Harley knelt between Red’s legs. She lowered her head to her wife’s naked slot, her breasts swaying with her as she bowed, jostling against each other, until they pillowed against Red’s thighs. Kon nearly hyperventilated, imagining feeling those creamy tits on his legs as Harley blew him.


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