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Lara felt cold stone against her naked back. For a moment, her fright made her wonder if Rocky had somehow, impossibly, managed to get in front of her even as he chased after her, like some horror movie monster.

A quick glance told her it was only a fallen pillar. It still trapped her. Too big for her to vault over, too long for her to go around before Rocky headed her off. She couldn’t run anymore. And advancing on her was her stone paramour, intent on finishing the lovemaking she had started.

“Go to him,” Sheena ordered.

Lara looked at her like she was crazy. Then Rocky lunged. He caught her, his fingers like ice on her overheated skin. He spun her around and pressed her against the pillar, her breasts mashing into its equally cold solidity, her aroused nipples thrilling painfully against the rough rock.

“Here, beloved, until she understands,” Sheena said, holding out her undone necklace to Rocky.

The statue took it and tied Lara’s hands behind her back with it. She tensed her powerful arms and tried to break free immediately, but the leather cord bit into her wrists more painfully than she could fray them. They were too strong to break without slitting her wrists.

And Lara knew then that this wouldn’t be another last-minute rescue or escape in the nick of time. That bulging cock she’d wrapped her lips around was about to be a permanent part of her story—one of her rare lovers. The first to take her instead of her taking him.

“Now you’re his, cowodi,” Sheena sneered.

Lara gulped, wondering if it would be as good as the blonde had made it look. If one of her most satisfying fucks might not be one that’d been forced on her.

Rocky picked Lara up and simply fell backwards with her. The tomb raider felt as though she were in giddy flight. Then Rocky impacted the ground, splashing aside the ankle-deep water. Lara hit on her knees, ending up straddling the statue’s waist—with her cunt landing on his jutting erection, accepting it into her sheath in a sudden burst of exhilaration.

She’d done it. She was actually fucking the thing. Lara felt her cunt roiling with incredible sensation, inner muscles milking at the penetration. She gaped, breath hissing out of her, eyes wide.

Rocky’s hands held her at her wasp-waist, but they didn’t yank her down, just prevented her from pulling clear of the impalement. There were still inches and inches… maybe an entire foot… to lodge inside her. The statue waited for her to lower herself down on them, as Sheena had, and surrender to the enjoyment Lara knew was in store for her.

It already had its claws in her, taking her over like an invader gaining territory. Her slit felt so good. It would hurt some, taking in more, but she remembered how Sheena had screamed so delightedly as she’d watched. Hadn’t Lara envied her then?

“No, no, I can’t!” Lara declared. She was sure she could take being violated, as she could withstand any torture, but not this faltering of the will, this ecstasy that was already stirring in her loins.

The least she could do was force the statue to ravish her instead of admitting her desire for it.

“There is no arguing with her, beloved,” Sheena said. “Just give it to her. When it’s over, she will wonder how she ever hesitated…”

Like a faithful hound answering its mistress’s call, the statue obeyed her. He rolled on top of Lara, his profound weight coming down on her and forcing his cock all the way inside her ready, willing sex. Her juices spilled out around the thick plug of his erection—she felt their tickle as they flowed down to join the lake water lapping at her buttocks.

Lara tensed and relaxed her labia; her folds rippled all around the deeply embedded prick. She gasped at the result, wondering if Rocky was similarly thrilled. He was even bigger inside her snatch than he had been in her mouth—perhaps she’d gotten him more aroused with this game of resistance. Yes, it seemed nothing more than a game now…

She was splayed around his waist, her legs shooting up in a vee to either side of his back. Lara moaned as her writhing agitated the necklace that bound her wrists so tightly underneath her. She looked up at the statue’s face. It showed no emotion, but she felt the excitement throbbing in his manhood.

He reached down and groped her buttocks, pressing them together, forcing her pussy lips tighter around his prick. Razor-sharp sensations drilled into Lara’s lithe body, thrilling her even deeper than that massive cock could reach. Never had she been so fulfilled and so fast and so… wrong!

It was all wrong! She shouldn’t enjoy being ravaged this way! Rocky, whatever he was, had bound her tight and was forcing himself upon her. It was impossible for her to be getting off on this—she was strong, independent—not a submissive bone in her body.

And yet Lara reveled in her fullness with every moment that Rocky spent inside her… savoring it as she’d never delighted in sex ever before.

This isn’t just any man, she told herself. It was some sort of god… a mythological creature… an alien being… Just as a man might force himself on a woman, this thing was forcing her to feel this way. It had to be that. It had to be that it was controlling her pleasure—making her delight in what she would never enjoy otherwise!

“Go on, cowodi,” Sheena told her. “Fuck yourself on that cock. Your new god wants to see what you’ve learned, fucking all those studs who can’t compare to him. Get yourself off and let him see your tits bouncing up and down.”

To emphasize the blonde’s words, Rocky rolled onto his back, letting Lara lie on top of him. As she reared up, he stretched out his arms to grab two handfuls of her succulent breasts. Squeezing down hard, Rocky sent painful jolts surging through Lara’s sensitive flesh until she could barely breath.

Then he let go with his fingers, pushing hard on the underside of her breasts with his thumbs and the heels of his hands. Lara had to pick herself up to avoid the pain of his stone hands pressing too firmly into her. His prick slid from her womanhood and he then relaxed the pressure on her cleavage. Without it, Lara simply fell back down onto the impalement of his stone cock.

She gasped while it mercilessly filled her up again, pulling her walls taut around all his vast arousal. Lara felt like she was going out of her mind, having so much inside her. She couldn’t even tell whether what she felt was pain or pleasure. But she knew she’d never been so full before—never fucked anyone with so much prick until now.

Lara repeated the upward motion, knowing that Rocky would only push at her breasts again if she didn’t. This time, she tensed her inner muscles as if trying to keep his cock inside her even as she forced herself off it.

Rocky’s prick was too well-lubricated to stay inside, no matter how hard she squeezed. It had her own saliva, her own juices all over it. The phallus slipped away until only the bulging head stayed inside her, nestled cozily in her fluttering pussy lips.

Unconsciously wailing in a sort of anticipation, Lara relaxed her muscles and let herself fall down again until the unfathomably hard cock was back inside her steamy sex.

She rose and fell, again and again, until her hips had the rhythm and were doing everything by themselves. Lara twisted and turned on that vast cock, entering into a world of pleasure, and she had to think Rocky was enjoying himself immensely too. The way her inner folds gripped his maleness and then barely let it out of her sent thunderclaps of pleasure all the way to her womb.

The fact that this was against her will was a distant memory. Even the fact that she was tied didn’t seem to matter. Lara smiled and cackled as the pleasure went on and on.

“Don’t stop, you filthy slut! You haven’t pleased him nearly enough!” Sheena called out. “You’ve only started getting him to enjoy that dirty cunt of yours…”

Lara kept moving. She undulated and swayed, feeling the heavy presence of Rocky’s cock inside her and how it pulsed with what had to be delight. How she loved the sensation of burning, throbbing manhood inside her, touching every inch of her eager walls. Her juices flowed in an ever-growing flood of passion.

Lara pumped herself up and down on Rocky’s prick even faster, wishing her hands were free to add to her pleasure. She wanted to touch herself, to touch him. She was breathless—her riding up and down made her pant. She was barely able to withstand the feel of the pillar bucking and jerking in her snatch.


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