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Cannon worked away Wendy’s resistance until there was next to nothing—then, until he felt a stir of movement, with Wendy pushing her hips back to meet his thrust. He took his hands from her waist and moved them to her breasts. Cupping the firm hills as his next thrust sent his erection all the way to Wendy’s bowels, faster than she’d ever taken it before.

But there was no pain. Just the rapture of being fucked, even if it was in a place where Wendy had never known a man before.

“That looks sooo good,” Greta purred, still running her hands over Wendy’s body, but now to feel her shudder, feel her heat up, as Cannon had his way with her. “Pump her. Ram it into her. Fuck that bitch! Harder! Harder!”

Wendy felt the bulging glans of his prick deep inside her.

The pain worked its way through her, twisting and contorting and shifting until somehow it was warm and pleasant. So gloriously hot that she didn’t care how it burned. She wanted Cannon to ram himself into her forever.

“Oh shit, all the way! It feels good, it’s so fucking good!” Wendy moaned while she pushed against the tiled wall, forcing her ass out to grab all it could of Cannon’s driving prick.

Cannon grunted; he felt the same. He was almost there. He couldn’t hold back his boiling cum anymore, but Wendy was past the point of minding. He dug his fingers far into her breasts, squeezing them hard, and started a ferocious onslaught on her asshole. After all she’d been through, she let him in deep.

Wendy flung her ass back to meet every stroke he gave her. She couldn’t get enough of being ass-fucked. It felt to her like every nerve in her body was getting in on the action, singing of the pleasure of having Cannon up her ass. She wanted every inch, every pump he could give her.

She felt the bulging veins full of searing blood on his dick, seeming bigger every time he made her take it. Felt the boiling cum swelling out his shaft as it worked its way heatedly down his length. Knew it would soon bloom from the glanshole of his burgeoning cockhead. Her next orgasm was close; she wanted to come with him.

She’d never been so aroused before, not even in bed with Cannon and Greta. She also knew how excruciating the pleasure would be when she did come. She hoped she would be able to take it without passing out, but then again, losing consciousness might be a relief.

It all might be too much, but Wendy still didn’t want anything less than this masterful fuck Cannon was giving her, even if it was something as good as the thing with Greta had been. She knew that an overwhelming orgasm like the one she was headed for was exactly what Cannon wanted from her. She’d be a good girl; she’d come for him.

Cannon gave her all of himself, rammed straight to the hilt. She felt his cockhead in her depths. It swelled beyond all reason; she didn’t know how they’d get it out of her. Still she forced her hips back as far as she could.

Her asshole thrummed painfully as she flexed it, squeezing it tight around the base of his cock. Wendy had no right to ask those muscles to do anything after how they’d been abused, making them take Cannon’s massive size, but still she milked the length of his prick with all the control she could manage over her well-used rectum.

The sensation in her abused ass spilled over into her cunt. Wendy mewled and exploded in orgasm, “Now! Come! I want your cuuuumm!”

Cannon clawed into her nipples, pinching them hard. Equalizing the agony that Wendy felt as her orgasm had its way with her. He pulled his hips back from her quivering ass, much as she hated to give him up, until only his knob was still inside her convulsing ring.

He held it there for just a few seconds, twisting Wendy’s nipples now, centering her entire being on the pain that felt so good to her as she was climaxing. She barely even noticed that he was firming his grip on her sweat-slick breasts before he sent his jerking, throbbing dick up her ass one final time.

As he drove to the very core of her, Cannon felt his balls contract, his manhood burst. His glutes clenched as he hunched into Wendy, forcing her buttocks all the way apart, giving him the deepest possible impalement.

Pure bliss flooded his body when he spurted, a load that seemed even bigger than when he’d covered the two women before. It filled Wendy’s bowels—he was surprised it didn’t come shooting out her mouth.

Blazing sparks shot through every inch of Wendy’s body. Crashing waves of feeling attacked her flesh. It hurt, but when she went wild, it was not at all to stop what Cannon was doing to her. She shoved her ass against his groin as if she wanted to be impaled still further.

Cannon held his ground, staked in her ass, trying to enjoy the feel of her luscious breasts while his whole body roared, bulled all its energy into the too-small space Wendy had for it. That didn’t matter. She loved it. He wanted her to love it, so she loved it.

He bellowed rapturously. It was all too sweet. His inexhaustible strength gave out, somehow, and he collapsed against the wall Wendy was leaning on. Only a quick catch with an outstretched arm kept him from crushing her. His shooting prick kept going until it was satisfyingly empty.

After he’d spent every drop of cum there was to be used, his cock finally showed mercy to Wendy—it softened. Cannon hated to leave the warm, tight sheath he’d made of her virgin ass, but he didn’t want her last memory of this to be his flaccid dick, so he pulled out. Wendy cooed in delighted afterglow as dollops of his cum followed Cannon out of her ass.

Cannon washed his dick in the shower spray. He looked at Greta, who was looking at it. It was spent and soft, but she still couldn’t look away. Cannon knew he had her as good as he had Wendy.

“Keep her here until that bulge in her belly goes down,” he told Greta. “Then come to bed.”

“It won’t be big enough for the three of us,” Greta said.

“We’ll make it big enough. Haven’t I done enough of that tonight?”

He glanced at Wendy. She was still cooing, a little pained. Big wads of semen coming out of her ass couldn’t hurt as much as his dick going into it, but he wasn’t surprised she was tender. His own prick felt like it could fall off, just from him washing the smut from it.

“We’ll get a bigger bed, but you’re both waking up with me. If I’ve got a morning hard-on, I’m not looking for either of you.”

Wendy cooed particularly loud. Liking the sound of that. Or maybe just realizing this wouldn’t be the last time she’d feel sperm coming out of her gaping ass.

Lying in the bed, exhausted, Cannon reflected on both the fantastic climaxes he’d had—one for each of his new women. He felt a little guilty, wondering if Greta was jealous of having to share one load and miss out on the other. She’d be who he fucked in the morning, Cannon decided.

By the time the shower shut off, he was past the point of hearing it. Greta and Wendy padded naked out of the bathroom, still drying themselves, but eager to see Cannon, even in repose. Wendy laid out next to him, resting her head on his trunk-like chest.

“Am I still your whore, Cannon?” she asked eagerly. “Tell me I’m your whore… I have to be your whore, the way you used me…”

Greta could’ve gotten on the other side of the bed, put her own head on Cannon’s broad pectorals—almost close enough to kiss Wendy. But instead, she laid down beside Wendy. Wrapping her arms around that lush little body—even throwing a leg over the bell-like curve of Wendy’s hips.

“He’s sleeping,” she whispered.

Wendy bit her lip. She felt the buzzing heat of Greta’s sex against her buttocks. It seemed to be on the same frequency as her sweetly sore anus, slowly recovering from how wide Cannon had made it…

“Will you tell me?” she whispered back.

Greta parked her lips at Wendy’s ear. “You’re his whore… his dirty little whore… he’s going to use you when he wakes up… he’ll fuck your ass again… you’ll love it like the filthy slut you are…”

Wendy was so excited that her legs rubbed together. She covered Cannon’s chest in tiny kisses. It seemed like hours before she fell asleep. When she did, it was with Cannon’s prick in her hand and Greta’s cunt still so warm against her ass.


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