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“I know you don’t want to take advantage of me—but at least take a sample before you decide I’m not worth a little coercion!” Harley said, feeling her throat tremble with all the hunger that Kal and Diana had just expressed. It was in her too and unlike them, she’d had nothing real done to sate it.

Harley ran her tongue up and down the boulder-like muscle of Kal’s ass, then down to his balls, tasting the heady hint of cum that waited inside the wrinkled skin. After her first taste of him, she started licking more greedily.

She took his balls into her mouth one at a time, then tried to get both, but they were too big to both fit inside at once. She left them glistening with her saliva—evidence of her having sampled them—and licked her way to Diana’s soft, yielding skin.

“Taste it. Taste inside me,” Diana said, quivering at the feel of Harley’s prying tongue on the inside of her thigh, tasting sweat and the beginnings of Clark’s trickling seed. “Time’s up, Kal. Now we let Harley have a turn at satisfying me.”

“I’d like to see that,” Kal said, his voice dry with double meaning, and he withdrew his prick slowly.

Diana looked down her body, now able to see Harley’s eyes above her crotch. Looking down themselves at the Amazon’s splayed slit—already a receptacle for Superman—now about to receive her tongue.

“Look at me,” Diana told her, and Harley’s eyes shot to Wonder Woman’s. “I want to see how much you appreciate licking my cunt from the moment your tongue goes inside me.”

Kal knelt down beside Diana’s head, his knees trapping some of her abundant hair, and he held his stony prick to her parted lips. “You can look at her, but you’re going to satisfy me.”

She opened her mouth. Kal thrust his manhood deep inside.

Harley was ignorant of this. She hummed with desire, looking at Diana’s sex and trying to think when she’d ever seen something so beautiful.

Ivy’s cunt was gorgeous, yes, thrillingly alive, but Diana’s was vibrant in a way that seemed impossible to describe. Perhaps it was the volcanic boil it was at, with thick globs of cum still inside it, dotting her dark pubic hair in glittering pearls.

Harley lowered her mouth to Diana’s opening and slowly pushed her tongue inside. The moment it left her mouth, she was letting in the delicious taste of Diana: all she’d sampled before, on Kal’s balls and Diana’s legs, now mixed and melded together to completely overwhelm her with both tastes.

Her throat convulsed. Unable to resist, she locked her lips onto Diana’s cleft and forced her tongue as far in as it would go.

“MMMMPH!” Diana moaned, her voice lost with Kal’s length muffling it. She lifted her hips into Harley’s face, writhing their bodies together, before she dropped back to the bed with a renewed focus on Kal. Satisfyingly moaning on his prick.

Even Harley couldn’t care that Diana wasn’t paying complete attention to her. She licked and sucked at the Amazon’s warm sex, taking in all the cream she could get. It was even better than having a guy come in her mouth. This was way more gentle, more kind. More more.

She felt like she was joining in on their lust for each other instead of making love to only one person.

“I never knew a woman could taste so good!” she panted, taking Diana’s clitoris into her teeth and softly biting into it. “Or a guy… I’d fuck guys all the time if I knew they made my pussy taste this good!”

While Harley licked and savored, her hips swayed up and down, moving her wet cunt on Diana’s calf. The contact was electric, sending tremors as deep inside her as if Kal’s massive cock was fucking her. Within moments, she felt an orgasm mounting—gaining ground with every passing moment to take over her body.

“Oh, ohh, you can have my tongue, please enjoy my tongue!” she mewled, shoving her face deep between Diana’s legs. “Come on my tongue and come right in my mouth!”

She fed her tongue into Diana’s cunt and its muscles clamped tight on the intrusion. It pulled as much as it could with Harley spearing into her.

With Harley’s tongue gone as deep as it could go, Diana’s folds still sucked and drew on it, as though trying to keep it forever.

Aagghhh!” Diana cried, her body flooding with delirious pleasure all the way to where Clark’s manhood stoppered her mouth, keeping her scream a gagged gurgle.

“Devour it, princess,” Kal said with gentle insistence, his voice rough around soft words. “Show me how much you love it in your mouth.”

He thrust his full weight forward. His manhood plunged into Diana’s mouth, balls crashing against the hollow of her throat, before he pulled back far enough to reenact occupying her gullet all over again.

“I can tell you like how it tastes… I know you’ll love my cum…”

Harley looked through the chiseled notch of Diana’s pubic thatch at Kal’s steadily rocking hips. Slowly, she reached her right hand out to cup Kal’s muscular ass, feeling it flex with lustful tension while he kept up his plundering of Diana’s spread lips.

“Fuck her mouth full of come,” Harley breathed, eyes wide to stare at his swinging balls—gauging that they easily held enough for two women. “Then pump me full of it. See which bulges more: her cheeks or my belly!”

“I’d rather fuck that gorgeous face,” Kal said, reaching back to grasp one of Harley’s pigtails and pulling demandingly on it. “Fuck those lips with my cock before Diana gets her tongue between them.”

Harley hardly wanted to leave behind Diana’s steaming cunt, but the sight of the Amazon relishing Kal’s prick was too much for her. She had to join in on the enjoyment.

Popping herself out from between Diana’s legs, she laid down next to Wonder Woman—chittering with excitement as Clark straddled her head, his excessive length still aimed at Diana.

“You work on my balls,” he told her with his firm insistence, dipping them onto her mouth. “You’ll have to earn taking my cock in your mouth.”

Harley did as she was told for once. She liked the idea. With her blood thumping in her ears, she couldn’t come up with any witty dialogue. Taking Kal’s bloated balls inside her mouth would ensure no one noticed she wasn’t providing much comic relief.

Mmmmm!” she trilled, running her clawing fingernails over Kal’s naked flesh, trying to add to what her mouth was doing.

“Not bad,” Kal said, taking his cock from the two women’s mouths and suddenly pointing it at Harley’s trembling lips. “Now let’s see how you do when you can use your throat too.”

He rammed himself violently into her gullet. As more and more of his inches sped past her lips, Harley felt a wild orgasm explode in her pussy. Her inner muscles spasmed and turned to jelly. She jerked her ass up and kicked her legs out, giving a loud moan around the cock that skewered her mouth and filled out her throat.

“Enjoying yourself, I see,” Kal said, withdrawing, then pumping back into her. “Let’s give you more to enjoy, clown.”

That said, he started pistoning his cock bestially into Harley’s mouth. Harley had never felt such a blend of affectionate care and sheer, savage lust. It was like he knew exactly how much her throat could take and he was determined to get all that satisfaction out of her, without going overboard and hurting her.

That brutality, leavened with just a note of care, was the best thing imaginable. Each precisely aggressive thrust sent Harley closer to her crescendo.

“You’re making me jealous, Kal.” Almost unconsciously, Diana opened her mouth wide, before realizing she had more to say. “Let me use my throat on you.” And she opened up her mouth again.

“One moment,” Kal told her huskily, dashing into Harley’s mouth so fast that his hips were a blur. “She’s earned at least a little cum…”

Cum. The word echoed in Harley’s head. As sweet and as heady as what she’d tasted inside of Diana, but now fresh from the source—all for her.

The mere thought was enough to make her throat gulp. She started bobbing ferociously on Kal’s shaft, like she could get it all the way down to her stomach to put its load directly where she wanted it.

Then Harley got what she wanted. Kal groaned and his cock erupted with a rush of leaden cum, surging to the back of her throat. The impact somehow became a clutch down between her legs. Her pleasure convulsed in her, approaching pain, then becoming it with a sweetness that was so good it just had to hurt.

Ghhh!” Harley coughed, inhaling the acrid scent coming off his emission. Another convulsion of raw ecstasy worked its way through her. Charting its own course. Seeming to go wherever it wanted, all over her body, until she was feeling it with the most random parts of her throbbing anatomy.

“Hera, but she makes that look delightful,” Diana said, licking Harley’s cheek where it was bloated with cum. “As it surely is. Let me share in it, Kal. Let us both taste you.”

Kal jerked his manhood free of Harley’s mouth and popped it right into Diana’s open lips, down her throat.

His words dropped from a terse mouth: “Take it,” he growled, helplessly working his hips into the luscious pressure Diana’s mouth offered. Too pent up now for his usual gentility. Even after his release into Harley’s mouth, Diana aroused Kal too much for him to escape its rigors, even in orgasm.

Harley didn’t want Diana to take it. She wanted more for herself. More and more and more. Didn’t matter if there was no room in her mouth, in her stomach, if she’d already had so much that her whole body was painted white. She wrapped her fingers around the base of Kal’s endowment and ripped it right out of Diana’s mouth.

The moment she did, a massive blast of seed slammed between her eyes, rolling down her nose and along her cheeks and dangling from her bangs too.

Not that she cared. There was plenty more waiting to be launched—waiting for her mouth.

“MMMMMMMM!” Harley gargled, sucking on Kal like she didn’t care if she burst from being overfull, so long as she rendered him entirely empty by the end of it. And as she swallowed his eruptions, Diana licked her face, cleansing it of the many drops of cum that had escaped her mouth.

“Greedy girl,” Diana said with soft chiding. “But I suppose I can’t blame you. I’ll just have to show you how pleasing it can be to share…”

“Great Rao!” Kal panted as he impaled Harley’s throat for the last time. “That’s all… not another drop…”

Harley sucked on him some more anyway, but after a few moments of him proving drained, she spat his flagging erection from her mouth. Twisted to the side to face Diana.

“Share—yeah—let’s you share those perky tits and big ass—then I’ll give it a try!”

She moved her lips to Diana’s open mouth, kissing her passionately. The fresh taste of cum, tinged with Diana’s own sweetened sweat, made Harley blaspheme with obvious relief.

She’d thought Ivy was the be-all, end-all of lovers, putting the Joker to shame. Harley never expected she’d encounter a woman with even more soft femininity than Ivy possessed. Or a muscular man who could please her every bit as much as a cute redhead.

She’d found the best of both worlds here, at the top of the world. And they’d shown Harley that even if she deserved them, she was in no way ready for the pleasures they were able to experience and share.


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