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Selina pulled the covers over her head and buried her nose in the pillow. She felt the press of the smooth mattress pad on her breasts and tucked one arm across her midsection for comfort. It was toasty warm under the sheets, but one of her feet had escaped that coziness. It felt made of ice.

She pulled her legs up to her chest until her knees were pressed up against her breasts, laying in a ball as sleep eluded her like a cake of soap in the shower.

Suddenly she heard a breathy whisper, so self-consciously sultry that somehow it came across as obnoxious as Harley’s clown-loud voice. “Selina? Selina, are you awake? If you’re awake, you should know I’m getting under the covers with you…”

Selina lay as balled up as a fist, half-wishing that Ivy would think she needed her beauty sleep and lay off.

“Selina,” Ivy persisted, rubbing Selina’s back. “Come on. Harl isn’t here… you are. And you know how it is. ‘Share and share alike.’ I’ve certainly been there when you’ve needed me…”

Selina kept her mouth tightly shut. That was her problem. There’d been plenty of times she’d been happy to let Harley and Ivy into her bed, knowing it was a bad idea. Her entire friendship with them was a bad idea. But bad ideas were her stock in trade, so long as they were fun.

“I know you’re still hot from Superboy,” Ivy cooed into her ear. “And if that didn’t get you off, I’m sure Power Girl did. We’ve got to keep our heads above water, Selina. Keep riding this little swell. Time enough to be chaste when all the action’s dried up. Until then, let’s enjoy ourselves…”

“Oh, give it a rest, Ivy. We’ve done this too often. You go back to Harley. I go back to Batman. The thrill is gone.”

A pink tongue teased at her ear and managed to do more than Selina would let show. “It doesn’t feel like it’s gone.”

“It’s boring.”

“An old favorite,” Ivy insisted. “Don’t tell me one round with Superboy and you’re leaving bisexuality behind.”

“Maybe. At least it was novel. We’re like some… old married thing.”

“You know exactly how you like it and so do I.”

Selina put her hands on the delicate slope of Ivy’s back, so scintillatingly curving between her high shoulders and the swell of her hips. Almost irresistibly, she fondled her way down the lines of Ivy’s body. The languid muscles and yielding softness naturally pleased her sense of touch.

Selina knew she’d become aroused. She already was. She and Ivy would relieve each other’s sexual tension and they would both end up feeling satisfied. It was natural, in a way. Even such as them wanted someone who cared for them. And if their natures precluded the real thing, then a facsimile—someone who loved the way you made them feel—was the next best thing.

Only Selina resented the substitution and to Ivy, it all seemed the same. A tryst with Superboy, her love-hate relationship with Harley… Selina didn’t want that for herself. Not caring who pleased her, so long as she was pleased.

Absently, Selina’s hips fluttered upward, feeling Ivy’s fingers touch her sex and sample the slickness of the hot juices inside her. Ivy kissed her belly, making the muscles there flex and tingle with excitement. Below, Selina’s cunt was in motion too. Ivy’s kisses made it sensitive and the slightest touch of her fingers played that tenderness like a virtuoso.

“I have a new game for us,” Ivy murmured.

“It’s always something new with you,” Selina said. “Don’t you ever quit thinking of things to do or insert or tie up…”

“You want to marry the Bat?” Ivy muttered. “Has Superboy really got you thinking of him? Even I don’t see these mammals as that alike…”

“There’s something to them,” Selina said, with a rush of feeling that she could suppress but still had to experience. “Isn’t there something with you and Harley?”

“I can stand her,” Ivy said evenly. “Why not? Whatever else she is, she’s enthusiastic. She loves me. And she’s reasonably competent, too. Annoying, yes, and an idiot, but most people are idiots. She manages it while being… Harley.”

Selina could believe her. Ivy was hardly like other people. It made sense her reaction to Harley would be unlike anyone else’s.

And Selina? She wasn’t like other people either. She could probably marry Bruce and be happy. And with Superboy? Why not? She didn’t have to marry him to keep having fun with him.

“He really did a number on you if you’ve still got it for him,” Ivy said.

Selina frowned. She began to buck her hips upward. “Come on. Stop lying down on the job. You clearly want me to tell you you’re better than him, so be better.”

Ivy smiled all the way up until she licked Selina’s pussy. Selina drove her body upward, moaning in pleasure. Ivy fondled her breasts, making Selina hotter and wetter, and Ivy tasted that wetness on her next lick.

Selina was getting into it now, wanting that sex that reminded her of a roller-coaster, only it was no slow climb to the top. She surged to the top of the precipice and then plummeted all the way down.

But Ivy wanted the same. She came up Selina’s body and straddled her face, letting and expecting the cat burglar to eat her out. Selina stitched her tongue into the soft, wet chamber that so eagerly accepted it, enjoying it but not really delighting in it.

At least it would free her of the thought of Kon. Who could think of a Superboy at a time like this, with the most powerful femininity imaginable literally right under her nose?

Yet for all her lesbian inclinations, all the sweet responsiveness making itself known at the end of her tongue, Selina thought of Kon. His strong body. His big, powerful member… the liquid flame that had come from it when it was done with her. She imagined him doing to her what she was doing to Ivy. Suctioning her clit, making the redhead moan.

Ivy kneaded her own breasts, helping her own tingling nipples bring her body to its peak. She had no idea that thoughts of Superboy consumed Selina’s mind. She thought that Catwoman’s newfound passion was the thief finally giving into her attraction to Ivy, as everyone had to eventually. Even Batman would one day admit she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known…

They were both near climax now. Selina knew Ivy’s next move; with her innate seductiveness and Harley being as overenthusiastic as they came, Ivy didn’t have much use for innovation. She would lie down on Selina’s body, rubbing their pelvises together until the fire flared for them both. Fun, but unoriginal.

Instead, Ivy grew up over Selina like a plant that’d been well-watered. “Here’s the twist,” she cooed to Selina. “It’s a good thing you’re not really a cat.”

“How’s that?”

“Unlike the feline, you like being wet.”

Ivy spread her legs, her thighs paralleling Selina’s high breasts. Then she let herself come. Really come. A spray of inner honey, glossing her pink folds and then spurting out of her, silvery water washing Selina’s breasts, her belly.

Ivy trembled in ecstasy to release her liquid pleasure on Selina’s gorgeous body. She thrilled to see and hear her own wetness marking Selina’s silky smooth skin. It heated Selina with Ivy’s own inner warmth.

“Oh my God!” Selina’s eyes were huge, her body frozen in surprise.

“Just letting you know how much I—nnnhh!—appreciate you!” Ivy cried. “I’m not wasting this on Harley! I’m doing it to you!”

Squatting, she emptied more of her cream onto Selina’s body. It hit lower, flowing down her belly, decorating more of her with the glossy, glistening wetness. She felt the kinkiness of slowly draining, of knowing how much of herself she had emptied onto Selina.

For Ivy, the taboo was momentarily turning her back on plants and going back to the animal kingdom. Abiding by the rules of marking territory. Her claim ran down over Selina’s belly, her womb.

“Almost there!” Ivy gasped, wide-eyed. Having such scorching wetness leave her body renewed her orgasm even as it had happened. Selina’s body had a blanket of moisture now, shiny and soft. “Have to let you have all of it!”

The last wet jolts landed on Selina’s dark thatch and ran down to mingle with her own juices in Selina’s folds. Ivy was done. She looked down at Selina with heated eyes.

Selina remained shocked into stillness. She felt the sting of body-hot fluid on her body, smelled its scent overtaking her own. And she realized she wanted the entire experience, to feel every drop coating her nudity entirely.

Selina gasped like she’d just dived into a pool. It was more than simply sex. It was searing—she was actually wearing Ivy all over herself.

Ivy cried out in delight at Selina’s acceptance. She dropped onto Selina’s body and embraced her, the wetness lubricating their meeting bodies. Ivy’s womanhood rocked against Selina’s. Selina drove upward, crazed with the wildness of what they doing.

They clung to each other and they thrust into each other, like they were trying to break apart even as they held on so tightly. They wallowed in all the wetness that had come from Ivy. Together, they rose from ecstasy to ecstasy until they broke in orgasm.

Ahhh!” Ivy wailed. She throbbed and throbbed and throbbed, her cunt clenching but with nothing to expel. She still reveled in how taut it had become, emptied of the luscious fluid that kissed both her and Selina’s bodies. She worked off her rapture with animalistic grunts. Then all her lust melted into the decadent afterglow of satiation.

Selina rolled on top of her, then off of her. Laying back, her face stunned, her succulent body tingling with all the wetness it carried.

“What was that?” she asked.

Ivy rolled against her, slowly, inevitably. Not embracing her, but formlessly bringing their bodies to each other. “I’ve given myself fruit—pollen—sap. All the most valued plants produce something of value to humanity. And what do humans value more than my sexuality?”

Selina picked herself up, her body smeared with cream, her thighs even wetter with her own juices. “How long did you want to do this before Kon came inside you?”

“That’s irrelevant,” Ivy said. “Why? Do you want me to put it inside of you? A little more tinkering and I could…”

Selina rolled her eyes. “Whatever. We’ll probably never seen him again, now that Harley’s introduced him to Power Girl. She’s not even a supervillain. Easy come, easy go.”

“At least we have each other.”

“I need a shower.”

“Don’t use up all the hot water; I clearly need one too.”

“Screw you, you’re not the boss of me.”

Ivy moaned, knowing now that it’d be a cold shower for her if she didn’t want to smell like her own cunt. She tried to recall whose idea it had been for her, Harley, and Selina to be one big girl gang.

Probably Harley’s. What did they even have in common, besides voluptuous bodies and good fashion sense?

Of course, any menage with Harley in it had known relationships based on worse…


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