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Selina awoke the next morning with a pleasant soreness, the result of her body being strained to the limit, but in a most rewarding way. Dick wasn’t there—no doubt long since departed for work, whatever that was for a heir of his trust fund fortune.

But Selina remembered the loving look in his eyes before they’d both gone to sleep. She’d wanted to show him a good time; true, it was to get some attention in return, but Dick was also a very good target to lavish some affection on.

What had happened between them had proved unexpectedly wonderful. She would’ve thought that such an unconventional hook-up would be sordid, dirty, but together they’d plumbed the depths of potential feelings for each other and found there was real fondness there. They could be tender with each other as well as passionate.

Now Selina felt guilty. She wanted to let this thing continue between them, but could she let Dick know that? It felt so impossible, after how serious her relationship with Bruce had been. And of course, that dynamic almost paled in comparison to the father-son bond Dick had with his mentor.

Would it be safer to write this off as one more tryst in a long career of dalliances? Or, if she risked another night with him, would he be willing to pursue another ‘fling’? And perhaps another and another…

“Why do I have to pick guys that are just impossible for me?” Selina asked herself, getting no answer from the silent bedroom. “I could go through the whole roster of the Titans and not one of them would be a problem. But oh… Dick Grayson…”

She was sure that, somewhere, there were words of delicate sincerity that would prompt Dick to join her in an attempt at a relationship. That would make him not see it as a betrayal of his adopted father. But speaking from the heart that clearly had never been Selina’s forte.

She wondered how hurt he must be already, seeing himself as having turned on Bruce, and how she might only compound that sting by telling Dick how strong her feelings were for him. While her emotions towards Bruce felt dead and buried.

Selina rose naked from the bed and examined herself in the dresser mirror—possibly the first time it had been put to that feminine purpose. Bandages and stitches laid on the vanity surface where make-up and perfume would usually go. Dick must have tended and hidden countless wounds with this mirror’s help.

Looking over her reflection, Selina decided that at least her looks weren’t a problem. She was beautiful. Dick wouldn’t turn her down because he could do better, that was for sure.

She wondered, then, why she felt so unsatisfied so much of the time. In every magazine, every commercial, women who looked like she did were having the time of their life. Why couldn’t she?

As vixenish as it would feel to march around Dick’s place stark naked, that would put him too on guard. Paradoxically, she’d have to ease off on the seduction a little bit if she wanted him to let her in.

Selina picked up her duffel bag from where she’d dropped it to the floor on the way into this safe house and rifled through it until she found a filmy negligee. It was all in lacy black except for blue embroidery at the cleavage and crotch that provided a note of modesty.

She went to the kitchen and fixed herself a drink with some breakfast. Food and glass in hand, she went to the living room and turned on the TV to look for something entertaining. Nothing held her interest. She picked up a book from the shelf that she’d been meaning to read, but hadn’t gotten around to buying. That failed to grab her too.

She was supposed to be lying low and usually, under these circumstances, she was good with her own company. But after her night with Dick, she was restless. She laid back on the bed, sipping her drink and munching on her sandwich.

Selina thought back to the previous night, trying not to imagine too hard how Dick’s member had tasted in her mouth, of how that voluptuous body she’d seen in the mirror must’ve looked to him as she knelt before him, her mouth fucking his cock even as all the rest of her submitted.

Her thoughts increased her appetite. Now she wanted something sweet. Selina finished her drink and went back to the kitchen. She was in the middle of removing a plastic liner from a pint of ice cream when there was a knock at the door. Selina turned to answer it without thinking, only to realize she was facing the window. There on the sill were Dick’s tennis shoes. Agog, Selina went to open the window.

“Dick!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing out there?”

“Letting myself in, with a little help,” Dick said, swooping in like the acrobat he was with a canopy over the window as his only lifeline. “This is much better when there’s someone to get the window for me. It takes forever to break into my own place. Security system’s too good.”

“Why don’t you just go through the lobby, take the elevator up?” Selina asked him.

“That’s so boring,” Dick keened miserably. Then he perked up, looking over her and all the lush curves covered only flimsily. “I’m on lunch break. Not that I need lunch. I had a big breakfast.”

“It could’ve been bigger,” Selina told him. “You left before I woke up.”

“I’m here now. You look amazing, Selina. Those colors suit you.”

For a moment, Selina saw the exuberant young boy she’d first met—the one Dick most assuredly wasn’t anymore. His eyes gazed into hers: challenging her, terrifying her, thrilling her.

“Yes,” she said weakly. “It’d be a shame to take them off.” Her voice grew stronger as her conviction raised. She was not looking at a man who regretted what they’d done last night. “But maybe if you make it worth my while…”

He put an arm around her waist and kissed her mouth hard and certainly.

“Hard not to think you’re talking to a kid, isn’t it?” Dick gave her a cockeyed grin that was both teasing and loving. “Too bad for you. I know I’m not talking to an old lady.”

His brashness started to annoy Selina. She’d been all set to let him weep on her shoulder and now…!

Clearly, he had sorted through his mixed feelings in a hurry while he was away from her. And equally clearly, he’d decided that she was fair game, Bruce or no. Now Dick planned to take full advantage of having such willing prey in his sights.

The alcohol Selina had started her day with gave her equal obnoxiousness. “Listen, Dick, just because of what happened last night, don’t think my body is yours every day of the week…”

He cut her off by again taking her mouth. His tongue pushed hard against hers. His hand squeezed a plump buttock through her negligee. Selina made a show of straining away from him, but didn’t really try to escape until he let her go. Then she broke away.

“Dick—so help me—I’ll scream!”

“Don’t trouble yourself on my account,” Dick taunted her. “I’ll make you do that soon enough.”

Selina was dumbfounded. “You really think you’ve got your hooks in me, don’t you?”

“What’s the matter? Assumed I’d be the stalwart hero, trying to resist your charms, and you’d be able to throw yourself around all you wanted until I gave in? Sorry, sweetheart, but this isn’t Gotham and I’m not Bruce. When there’s something I want, I go after it. And when I like it, I keep it.”

Selina could only stare at Dick, who suddenly seemed so much less the boy she’d known and so much more the man he’d been last night. It was so hard to reconcile the two, but getting easier all the time. Once, she could’ve scarcely believed that Robin the Boy Wonder could give her such pleasure. Now… now she felt tempted by him all over again.

“Now, do you like being kept? Because you seemed to last night. If you want more of the same, well, so do I. If you don’t…” Dick smiled cockily. “Get ready to have your mind changed.”

Her mind flashed on the feeling of his prick between her lips. Selina realized how thrilled she was by his directness, how perversely she wished to let him beat her at her own game and be seduced herself for a change.

“You won’t have to change my mind,” she told him mildly.

“Yes. Yes, I know.”

All during their talk, his hand kept stroking and rolling the luscious flesh of her buttock. It was having an effect on Selina. Her eyes were starting to cloud over. Her lips parted voluptuously. He kissed her mouth again—this time she was all welcome, all permission.

“Oh, Dick,” Selina sighed, overwhelmed by how much he was giving her, feeling him all up and down the front of her body, his hand on her hip, his lips against her own. All of her flesh tingled from his passionate touch, from his sensual kiss.

“You like being kept, Selina? Because I’m only going to do this more. Now that I’ve got you, I don’t intend to let you go to waste.”

Mmmmm,” Selina groaned. Her body was tight, clenched, compressing every time he placed one of his little kisses on her neck or shoulder. Her flimsy negligee was falling away from her, not that it took much for Dick to strip her.

Dick eagerly kissed what he revealed, until Selina couldn’t stand it anymore. She gave her negligee a tug and it flew down her body, slithering over her hips to collapse to the floor.

Dick looked down at her—the sumptuous breasts were only a high point in a landscape of beauty. Selina was gorgeous all over. Dick whistled as he lustfully memorized her full breasts, her taut stomach, and her rounded hips.

“I should warn you,” Selina told him, some of the old fire back in her eyes at Dick’s flattering appreciation. “You won’t do better than me. Once you’ve had me, you won’t want anything else.”

“That’s already the case,” Dick assured her.

“That’s good, you little addict. That’s real good. Now prove it.”


Gundam lupus

(sorry venting) ugg i was hoping this was over. I hate this paring and it shows how callous Dick is in regards to Bruce's feelings...and Selina really is not this callous with Bruce espeically when she actually knows he is Batman. PLease do a batcat story or update one.