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They held him by the base of his cock, by his balls, and licked up and down his massive phallus. It felt like it was steaming—heated to begin with, then stroked to a fever pitch by their frictioning tongues.

Mary Jane and Felicia worked as one, lapping upward to caress his cockhead with both tongues at once, then divulging. Mary Jane pulled his entire bellend into her mouth, while Felicia ran her lips down his length until her teeth nibbled at the seam in his scrotum.

Even with as well-endowed as Peter was, it wasn’t enough for them. They inevitably grew tired of what they’d settled on and sought out more. Going back up the length of his cock or down off its knob.

When their lips touched, their tongues were next to meet. They kissed and sucked at each other’s mouths, happy to pleasure each other so long as the throbbing beat of Peter’s arousal was included in their touching.

Peter felt his body coil in the middle of their desire for each other, for him, for sexual sensation itself. It would’ve been so easy to let himself go and give into the orgasmic satisfaction they offered, flooding both their faces with heat straight from his balls. But he held back, though his face contorted in painful self-denial.

“Don’t you stop sucking me,” he gasped. “Don’t either of you stop when I know you both want this dick.”

“Not just your dick,” Mary Jane quipped, coming up just above the end of Peter’s cock, her lips dragging all the way off it.

“No, we want everything,” Felicia agreed, pulling her slurping lips off his erection and raising to face Mary Jane. “And we’re going to get it.”

Their mouths came together right above Peter’s towering cock, locking into a passionate kiss. Their lips squirmed together, faces twisting to the side, and slowly they lowered themselves down—continuing their descent until Peter’s knob slipped between their lips. But the kiss continued, now translated to this most welcome intruder.

Together, they sucked on the girthy dome, each pulling as much of the draining precum as they could from Peter’s glans. When there seemed absolutely no more of his precum that they could split between them, they went lower, losing even his substantial girth between sucking lips.

They kept going, licking and slurping the musky sweat from his cock, until they’d reached his wiry pubic hair. Then, separating with a moan, they took his balls, each taking one and lovingly mouthing it.

“God!” Peter groaned, half-sitting. He put his hands on top of their heads and drew their faces down into his lap, holding them to his cock for more licking, more sucking. “Yeah, yeah, show me how much you love this cock! I’ll take it away from you if you don’t fucking worship it!”

Felicia stayed where she was, nursing one of his bloated testes. When Mary Jane moved up his length, Felicia mouthed both nuts.

Seconds later she felt Mary Jane’s ear brush against her cheek as the redhead slid her mouth all the way down Peter’s engorged shaft, her lips pursed snugly around the thick, throbbing hilt.

“Christ!” Peter panted, looking down at the spectacle that unbelievably corresponded to all the pleasure he was feeling. All of his prick and both his balls were bathed in supple, pressurized heat. His manhood locked inside Mary Jane’s mouth while his scrotum was being gurgled on by Felicia. “Yeah! Keep doing that, ladies! Fuck yesjust… like… that!”

The girls worked more ferociously, enthused by the delicious taste they got from servicing him so readily. Mary Jane pumped her head up and down, throat glugging and gulping as she tested its tightness over and over again. Felicia ran her tongue all over his nuts, swallowing and purring, eyes dilating as her passion grew. She put her arms around Mary Jane and Mary Jane put her arms around Felicia.

They rubbed their churning sexes together, scissoring their bodies together in an orgiastic frenzy. Fucking each other while joined between Peter’s legs, clinging to either one of his thighs while their cunts met in continuous ecstasy. In only a few seconds they moaned as one, their voices a symphony of rapture and gluttonous hunger.

Their orgasm exploded in both of them, their clits buzzing together like one big beehive. Sweaty bodies rubbing against Peter’s legs as they came, lips running over his cock, stopping their sucking only to moan lustfully.

Peter felt their lips becoming more demanding, their mouths grabbing all they could of his equally ravenous erection. Even as they orgasmed, they were greedier than ever for the pleasure of servicing him, the pride of knowing he’d been satisfied. Peter clenched the muscles of his groin as hard as he could, trying to hold his thrumming jet of cum within the base of his prick, but the denial was too painful to maintain.

He had to relax his hold on himself; the moment he did, he was sucked down into the pleasure of release. A gushing bolt of semen burst from his cockhead, losing itself in the argent white of Felicia’s hair.

“Oh FUCK!” Peter roared, pulling with his hands to jerk Mary Jane and Felicia’s heads up, presenting their faces to his climax. It was irrational, but the undeniable urge suffused him. He had to see his cum on those lovely faces. “Take—my cum—you dirty bitches! I know that’s what you want—my fucking CUM!”

Felicia was swept away by the fact of his orgasm. She was so deeply attuned to Peter, so tied in to his pleasure, that his passion seemed to be her own. As he came, her jaw dropped. She quickly opened her mouth wider, sticking out her tongue as a suitable target for the cum boiling its way out of his balls. And his delicious eruption did not disappoint.

“MMMMMMM!” Felicia purred as a lengthy rope of cum entirely filled her mouth, painting her tongue white and dribbling off the tip of it.

It made her feel like she’d taken a shot of hard liquor—a shot too big to fully quaff. One that overloaded her pulled-taut mind and overflowed her heavily laden tongue. As she brought her tongue in to suck it clean, more cum spilled onto her chin and cheeks and lips, inundating her with its heavy wetness.

Felicia’s eyes crossed. She came again, but though she pumped her hips into Mary Jane’s lap, it had nothing to do with her.

No one had fucked her like this since Spider-Man.

Mary Jane was next. Peter pulled her glorious red tresses like a leash, forcing her into the path of his next ejaculation. Her mouth dropped in shock, surprise, not in open hunger as Felicia’s had. Then her gorgeous beauty was repurposed, made into a backdrop for a demonstration of Peter’s satisfaction with her.

Wave after wave of ejaculate crested on her face, coloring it white and white and white until Mary Jane’s pale-gold tan could barely be seen beneath the effusiveness of Peter’s outpouring.

“You’re a nasty slut just like her,” Peter breathed, Mary Jane beaming as she accepted his crude words. He let go of her hair but she stayed just where she was, assured she’d get more of his cream, so much more than he’d already given her. “You love my cum—much as my cock—live to see how much you get me to—cover that pretty face with!”

“No one’s as big a slut as me,” Felicia said, coming back to her senses—compelled out of her luscious delirium by the sweet reward Mary Jane was getting. She had to share in it. Even if she was drowning in cum, she would want to get some of Mary Jane’s helping too. She muzzled her mouth against Mary Jane’s open lips. “I want more… I made you come harder than her… mmmmhhh!” she cooed, tasting just a little of the rich foam that was now Mary Jane’s lipstick.

Mary Jane managed to get plenty of Peter’s orgasm, taking it right into her open mouth. She saved it, letting it gather in her bloated cheeks and under her swooning tongue. When Peter’s eruption waned, she pushed her lips into Felicia’s, forcing the hot cum into her mouth.

Felicia happily took it; it was its own pleasure for Mary Jane to give Peter’s seed to the woman and have it greedily accepted. Sharing it, merging it with their saliva, and finally drinking it down together. All while more spurts of Peter’s cum landed in their hair and on their faces.

Ooohh,” Felicia moaned, her throat straining to swallow the thick cream she’d collected from Mary Jane, that even now trailed from her lips to the redhead’s as the two women parted.

The satiny heat dug deep into her body, penetrating into it and not lessening, until it grew into a fiery explosion that filled her cunt. “HHHNNNN!” Felicia groaned, burying her face between Peter’s legs, rubbing her flaring nostrils savagely into his body hair. She wanted to be immersed in the smell of him, the taste of him, as she came on his taste.

As Felicia lay transfixed, rubbing her slick cunt against Peter’s leg, Mary Jane took advantage of having Peter’s thick cock all to herself. Taking it into her mouth, squeezing the base with her hand and sucking the top between her lips, she was soon rewarded with the final emission of Peter’s orgasm.

MJ savored how it wound its way down her throat, stretching into infinity as she drank steadily from Peter’s glanshole—the dregs of his semen seeping past her tonsils and coating the back of her throat before pooling in her belly.

“Delicious!” Mary Jane finally gasped, having popped her lips clear of Peter’s cockhead. “I could drink a gallon of this!”

“If you two keep sucking like that,” Peter exclaimed, “you’ll easily get that much!”

“Mmm? And how soon?” Felicia asked, brushing her cheek against Mary Jane’s, slicking some of Peter’s cum onto the redhead’s face. She was tempting MJ and Mary Jane responded, turning to lick away some of the gooey mask Felicia had been left with.

A warning signal in the back of Peter’s mind told him that he shouldn’t give away the potent stamina that made him such a fighting machine as Spider-Man. He’d eased Mary Jane into seeing nothing unusual in his ‘tantric’ lovemaking—or so he believed—but Felicia, well familiar with his potency as Spider-Man… she couldn’t be allowed to know just how much Peter Parker and Spider-Man had in common.

“Maybe he just needs the proper motivation,” Mary Jane challenged. “You’ve been talking an awful lot about what whores we are… how much we love your cock… why don’t you prove it? Show us both what bitches we really are for that dick.”

That warning signal got louder. Peter didn’t really consider himself the muy macho type, but sometimes, when he was with Felicia and she was Black Cat and he was Spider-Man… well, he couldn’t very well act like his sweet, sensitive self at a time like that! And Felicia really seemed to approve of things getting a little rough.

Now Mary Jane was getting in on the act. It was one more way he was being lax with his secret identity—making the guy who just wore a pair of eyeglasses look good.

But cripes… he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t take full advantage of this windfall. He just knew he’d beat himself up par excellence when, in a month’s time, he was miserable anyway over his rent or his job and he didn’t even have the memory of a wonderful night like this to make it all worthwhile.

“I’d be happy to show you anything you want to see,” Peter retorted. “And no man could have a refractory period with you two around.”

“Glad you agree!” Mary Jane cheered. “C’mon, Felicia. Now that you’ve seen what Petey can do, let’s see how many times he can do it!”


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