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Emma tried to push through her lust to think of something constructive, something she could do, but the only thought her smoldering body allowed her was of doing something about the throbbing burn between her thighs. The vivid memory of Scott’s hard, obscenely long manhood did not help matters at all. God, what would it even feel like going inside her? All Emma could think of was getting somewhere private and fingering herself like mad. It was an embarrassingly paltry offering for a seductress like her to have to settle for, but she’d long since learned that all the hard abs and broad shoulders in the world didn’t guarantee a man could satisfy her. The only one she could really count on was herself.

Emma closed her eyes and tried to calm her body by thought alone, but inevitably she couldn’t. She tried pressing her thighs together. It only increased the chaotic passion between them.

Emma broke into a run when she rounded the corner to see her red convertible parked on the side of the street. Tinted windows. That would be privacy enough. Coming up to the shock of her own desperate reflection in the one-way glass, Emma plunged her hand into her pocket, but only came up with some lint. Her key! Where was her key?!

After trying every inch of her clothing and purse, Emma finally came up with it. She unlocked the door and climbed in and realized that her arousal had diminished. In her distraction, she’d managed to find room for focus. She checked herself now—it wasn’t that she feared Scott’s wrath if he found out about her disobedience or thought he was likely to. Emma simply hated the thought of proving him right; that she was so animalistic, at the core of her, that she couldn’t control herself. That Scott could. If he thought she couldn’t meet his challenge, he was in for a surprise. She had no need of sexual pleasure. Not for the foreseeable future. Scott might’ve been locked away in his dank cage, but she had countless exquisite satisfactions to avail herself of. She would show him that she could play by his rules and still win his game.


Going upstate, Emma found herself at the Crossbar Ranch, one of her family’s many holdings. She went horseback riding for several hours, then enjoyed a meal from her chef Drew, who she’d brought along.

Drew was one of many lovers she kept ‘on retainer,’ so to speak, knowing she could get a good fuck out of him whenever she chose and that he would always be receptive. More than receptive, enthusiastic. A man who nearly lived to be reached for like a dildo when she wanted him.

And that thought reminded her again of how Scott had spoken to her: I’m going to make you into the perfect sex toy that Sebastian Shaw never could.

Suddenly she couldn’t face Drew. His fantasies of her were honeyed with a knowledge of exactly how exquisite she was. It gave his lust for her a sharp edge she couldn’t stand. Fleeing, Emma went outside to the front porch to enjoy the country air in privacy.

Then Ned, the ranch’s foreman, came out to smoke. Leaning against the railing, his eyes not on her but not off her either.

Emma couldn’t look away from him herself. She’d forgotten how handsome he was: tall and well-built just like a cowboy should be. Like Scott, but without the domineering attitude. The thought that he had a similar physique—but that she could take control—it took Emma’s breath away. She looked at his crotch again and again, not once missing the growing bulge which seemed to beckon to her hot stare.



Phew, thought Emma would "take a ride" on a horse in a different way