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“You tell,” Daphne began, “the worst damn jokes.”

“Yeah, no shit, Red,” Elvira replied. “You think anyone who looks this good has to be funny too?”

Daphne moaned. She wanted Elvira’s cunt, wanted it so much that she could smell it… and either it smelled like Elvira’s perfume or Elvira’s perfume smelled like… oh God…

Elvira sidled closer, putting herself within reach of Daphne. Her perfume assaulted Daphne’s senses, adding to the helpless desire the redhead already felt. “You look like you want a closer look. How about taking off my panties and seeing if my pussy is as good as you’re thinking it is? I’m sure yours still has that new-car smell, but mine’s tried and tested… and baby, I give great mileage.”

Daphne obeyed the implicit order, even as her sarcasm rose like bile in her throat. “Your innuendo isn’t much better than your jokes.”

“You want to go find a poet laureate to fuck or do you want my pussy?”

Daphne felt woozy. At that moment, the most important thing in her life was seeing just what was hiding underneath Elvira’s panties. Her hands skated over the gothic beauty’s hips, not daring to touch them fully and feel all of the sparks that would come from this mismatch—female lust to female pleasure. But the frisson wasn’t enough to stop her; it seemed to spur Daphne on.

She slipped her fingers carefully under the tight loop of Elvira’s waistband, as though fearful she might catch them in some trap. But it was all so easy. Seemingly the moment she’d touched them, the black lace ran down Elvira’s legs, baring her luscious hips and then a neatly trimmed triangle of raven-black hair, sitting oh so befittingly on Elvira’s pale loins.

Daphne swallowed, feeling both sleepy and so keenly excited that she felt sure she’d never sleep again. Elvira’s panties puddled on the floor, quickly lost in the folds of her similarly abandoned dress. Elvira stepped out of them; now all she had to flaunt from the waist down were her heels. Daphne wanted to lick them. She wanted to lick, to worship, every inch of Elvira.

“You’re so beautiful,” Daphne admitted. “Your cunt is… I want it. I’ve barely even touched myself, but I want to touch you… so bad…”

She never would’ve thought she’d be making such an admission, but she realized now this was the overflow from a reservoir that’d been filling for some time. There’d been so many women who’d plucked at her interest—but only Elvira had demanded it utterly, making the attraction impossible to deny.

Daphne could no longer fight her urges. She didn’t know how much of them were her own, how much was this spell Elvira had placed her under—it didn’t matter. She knew satisfying this vehement want would be the greatest pleasure she could ask for.

She looked up at Elvira. “Let me touch you, please.”

“Hey, I’ve been ‘letting’ you touch me for like three chapters now,” Elvira snapped. “Go on and do it already, babycakes, I’m all yours!”

Though her flashing eyes said the exact opposite.

Daphne staggered to her feet. Her knees wobbled momentarily, but with the conflict inside her resolved, she seemed to have full possession of her faculties. There was no longer any voice of restraint jockeying for control of her. She wanted this with all of herself.

Her blue eyes burned into the twin hills of milk-white flesh, fitfully restrained by Elvira’s bra. She had to bare them. She had to see them free. Her restraint was nil. Even as the impulse sparked in her, she moved to fulfill it. Her hands slid the straps from Elvira’s shoulders. She trilled joyously as the bra slipped low, unburdening itself of even more of Elvira’s ample cleavage.

Trembling, Daphne saw the catch between the two cups and she notched it open, freeing Elvira’s breasts and amputating the bra entirely. Elvira sighed in relief at being bared. Daphne sucked in a tight breath, seeing her beauty unhindered, and exhaled it in a rasp.

Mmmmm,” Elvira cooed, reveling in her nakedness—both liberty and yet bondage, with the oppression of Daphne’s need fully upon her. She knew now she had to sate the desires she’d awoken in the redhead.

She caressed Daphne’s flushed face; it was almost level with her breasts. “Yeah—Red—no kidding. I wish I could say I was about to cool you off, but it only gets hotter from here.”

Elvira’s voice, insouciant as it was, careened through Daphne’s brain. She didn’t really hear the prattle, but it somehow added to her arousal, drowning out any last-minute reservations that might otherwise have caught in her consciousness.

Daphne’s hands spanned Elvira’s full breasts, her fingers sinking into their ample softness. She was captivated by how the creamy flesh bulged around her fingers. That exotic skin took her touch like her own body did—yet touching Elvira was nothing like touching herself.

“They’re so big… there’s so much of them…” Daphne squeezed and heard a delighted whimper fly out of Elvira’s lips. It was music to her ears.

“And they’re sensitive too,” Elvira cooed. “Hey, toots, not that everything magenta isn’t your color, but what’s say we put on matching outfits? Unless you want a stain when you get me to squirt…”

Daphne quickly, if clumsily, pulled her sweater off, dropping it carelessly to the floor. Her breath came shallow and fast and loud. Next she peeled off her tight jeans, revealing her slender hips and long legs. She hid nothing of herself from the elegant goth, unashamedly showcasing her nakedness, allowing Elvira to fully return her own admiration.

Daphne was lithe compared to Elvira, her breasts modest, her hips almost boyish. A lighter, more insinuating version of Elvira’s blatant sexuality. But she still had plenty of lush curves, sweeping hips, and pert breasts. Her svelteness was sweet and innocent, subtle where Elvira was an advertisement for passion, even without—or especially without—her provocative attire.

Eager to be naked with Elvira, Daphne undid her bra and shimmied out of her panties. Then she gasped at her own nakedness; equal to the statuesque goddess who had waited patiently to be seduced in turn. And, seeing her object of desire naked, Elvira found herself as seduced as always.

“Mmm. Freckles. How’s about I count how many you have and you try to make me lose count?”

Elvira’s arms opened for the redhead, breasts billowing as her breath came hard and fast. Daphne went into her waiting embrace, melting together with the taller woman, her head tilted back, her lips puckered for the fiery kiss she knew was next.

Elvira trapped Daphne beyond rescue in her tightly gripping arms, bringing their lips together and plunging her tongue into Daphne’s waiting mouth. Her hands hungrily caressed Daphne, kneading all the succulent curves, enjoying all the newness of a fresh lover. A thigh slipped easily between Daphne’s legs, pressing up into her mound and feeling the heat it responded with. Elvira’s leg soon gleamed with wetness where it rubbed Daphne so pleasurably.

Daphne’s sylphlike figure glowed from top to bottom with lust. She pulled Elvira tighter until they were all but fused together, sucking on her tongue and stroking her cunt across Elvira’s luscious thigh. Their breasts rubbed together, making both women feel the sizzling heat of being joined.

Slowly, they sank to the floor, the icy stone doing little to cool their fiery bodies. They moaned with passion, their cries floating through the room the same way their hands wandered each other’s bodies. Their lips pressed feverishly together, tongues working urgently towards the next note of pleasure, the next hungry kiss.

They twisted on the stone floor, rolling from deep-piled carpet back to cold stone, ignoring the difference—everything was spasms of delight, the curiosity of delving hands, the glee of being touched so intimately. Daphne made love with the exuberance of inexperience, while Elvira received her caresses with the deftness of a porn star. She wouldn’t let Daphne feel anything but the utmost sensuality.

Daphne’s lips finally had to come away from Elvira’s kisses so she could breathe. When they did, she gasped.

“Oh my God! I’ve never—never—OOOOHH! I’m on fire!” She molded her hands to Elvira’s silken body, delighting in the cold-burning feel of the flesh, the catlike murmurs as Elvira reveled in being touched. “I want you, I want you so much!”

Daphne lost herself in Elvira’s swollen breasts, taking on the impossible task of kissing and sucking all of their fulsome heft.

Elvira purred like a gleeful kitten, more than content to let the virginal Daphne explore all the indulgences her own lush body had to offer. “Your mouth is so hot, it’s like eating cinnamon with my tits,” she said, squirming on the rug. “You’re making me all juicy between the legs, trying to put that fire out.”

Her long fingers wove themselves into Daphne’s hair, pulling her down firmly into the suffocating heft of her bosom.


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