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I’ve messed myself up so badly, Bettie thought to herself. Dear heavens… what should I do? Gordon isn’t forcing me to do anything, no more than Danny did. I could run away, but he might catch me. He could hurt me then. Even kill me. And even if he doesn’t, what might he do to Izzy? I can’t be responsible for that. If only I agree… just lie there and allow him on top of me… Izzy will be fine. And I’ll be no better than a five-dollar whore. Is that really what Izzy wants for a wife? A whore? Could he live with me like that? Could I?

There were so many questions now, after the finality of her encounter with Danny had seemingly put them to rest. She still didn’t know if Izzy would continue to want her, love her, not after that—but if she compounded the sin? And for his sake again?

Why couldn’t she know the right thing to do? Why couldn’t it be a simple decision? Why, in this place of such vast and uncomplicated beauty, did she and her fellow trespassers have to make life so much more difficult than survival and rescue already were?

She was jerked out of her indecision by Gordon’s hand on her jaw, strong fingers forcing her head to swing around until their eyes met. Her shame. His anger. His voice came at her like a charging animal.

“Goddammit, why are you making me play games like you did Cannon? You enjoyed it with him, didn’t you? Don’t you think you will with me?”

“Take your hand off me!” she snapped angrily.

Gordon laughed, amused by her fury. “I’m going to put a lot more than my hand on you, doll.”

Bettie’s cheeks burned. “Don’t you dare speak to me that way! I’ll—I’ll tell Danny. He’ll deal with you.”

Gordon’s face darkened. He chuckled again, slow and bitter, while unbuttoning his shirt with a kind of forced, rigid nonchalance. “Oh, I don’t think you will. Because then you’ll have to explain to Izzy why Cannon played white knight, riding to your rescue. And whatever you tell him, I’ll be sure to spell out the real reason. When he hears you let him take your clothes off and eat your cunt, it’ll all make so much sense. And then he’ll wonder why I made a pass at you. And I’ll tell Izzy that too. You enticed me, Ms. Page. You wanted me…”

“That’s a filthy lie!” Bettie spat, but she said it by rote—not really meaning it—her head was spinning too much for her to truly believe it.

She was so confused. Gordon was making it all her fault, but she didn’t want him to be here… yet, somewhere inside, she remembered not wanting Danny with her either. She certainly hadn’t felt that way the whole time!

Gordon had taken off his shirt and shoes. He wore nothing but his khakis, tight and bristling with the muscle underneath the fabric. Muscle and something else…

Bettie forced her thoughts to gather. Maybe she had betrayed Irvin with Danny, but at least she’d gained a measure of control over herself in these trying circumstances she was unfortunate enough to find herself in a second time.

“You’ll still have to deal with Cannon,” she told him sternly. “You won’t have too much fun ruining my relationship with Izzy when Cannon’s done with you.”

Gordon eyed her body intently. As intently as she watched his body, eying him for any sign of threatening motion. “You’re asking me to take a gamble: you may hate me balling you so much that you want revenge… or you might like it so much that you’ll want even more! Yeah, you won’t run and tell either of those boys—you’ll be running to get me the next time they’re busy, so you can beg me to get pumped again!”


There was no arguing with how horny the sight of her made him. Danny took his cock in hand and again dug it into her sex, making Elvira shriek as she felt his vast size dip inside of her.

Unhh, yeah!” Elvira lustfully wiggled her ass. “Let me feel it in my womb like you made me feel it in my throat!”

“Oh, you’ll feel it alright,” Danny assured her, though he was only pumping into her clinging folds enough to douse his erection in her slick cream.

Withdrawing, he spread her buttocks with his hands, bringing his cockhead to her anal ring. He hoped he’d gotten enough lubrication to get it into her relatively painlessly, but honestly, at this point, it was hardly a prerequisite.

Elvira didn’t think so either. “Yeah, baby, do it!” Elvira clawed the carpet and furiously thrust her needy asshole onto an impalement that was actually a little painful for Danny. She was so tight and he was spreading her apart so far… “Give it to me, Captain! Put my tray table in its upright and locked position! Turn off the No Smoking sign! Buckle me in good and tight!”

Her anus was sweet and insanely tight. Not one moment was Danny inside it that it didn’t suck at the burning hardness of his cock. Sliding his hands up her vivacious hips until they were locked onto the narrowness of her waist, Danny kept going.

He didn’t stop until he cupped the swaying fullness of her dangling chest. Then he rutted into her ass hard, taking up more of the tightness she’d surrendered to him with every thrust he could manage before the pressure drove him to come.

“I’m now… boarding!” Overwhelmed with passion, Elvira dropped flat to her belly. She writhed sinuously, only moving to bounce her ass up into Danny’s impaling manhood. “Come in on your final approach, Captain! You are now free to move about my cabin! Oh shit, I want all of it in my cockpit!”

With a last grunting lunge, Danny slung every inch of his endowment into the furnace heat of Elvira’s ass. For several seconds he just stayed inside her, having conquered every inch of space his enormous prick required, winning the luscious press of her supple buttocks against his groin. They both quivered as her anal passage wrapped itself tightly around his manhood.

Urged on by how Elvira convulsed around him, Danny withdrew until only his cockhead still felt the roiling pressure inside of the woman. Then he drove back into her well-opened hole, making Elvira groan shamelessly as all of her bowels were put to use for the enjoyment of Danny’s prick. Then he rutted her hard and fast, pumping her churning ass to its fullest, inflicting extremes of pleasure and extremes of pain with each ferocious thrust.

Elvira loved how thoroughly he used her ass. He was as determined to get his money’s worth from that tight opening as he would be with her pussy at its wettest and most sucking.

“Feels… so good, Captain!” Elvira brought her cheek down to the carpet and fucked energetically, squealing as she brought her jiggling buttocks up to splash against Danny’s strokes. “Love the way you slam my ass! You’re making it feel like I’m going to have to get used to having my hole stretched open for a long, long time!

His balls cracked against her womanhood, so laden with sperm that they were firm as a paddle. Danny felt himself growing longer and thicker as he went into her, because Elvira felt tighter, squeezing out his cum. So either he was getting bigger or her ass was getting smaller—he knew it couldn’t be the latter.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Elvira cried, unable to come up with anymore piloting puns in her current state. Lustfully she worked her hand down between her legs and stuffed two fingers into her soaking cunt. She fucked herself as Danny fucked her ass. “Harder, harder, fuck my asshole while I cooommmeeee!”

The strength of her orgasm made Elvira shudder all over, shimmying and shaking, all her delicious curves in motion while her anal muscles sucked powerfully at Danny’s pistoning cock.

Danny grunted and dropped down on her back, directing himself so that all of his shaft went into her burning anus. He was hilted in her when his thick cum shot out, loading up Elvira’s bowels and soothing the burning walls of her well-used passage.

“I love it,” Elvira moaned, her eyes crossing. “I love it in the ass… keep that big dick in my hole for a little while longer, baby, and I’ll love you too.”

“Maybe next time.” Danny slowly pulled his wilted erection from her gaping rectum. The wide-stretched opening seemed to dwarf the soft worm that his manhood had become. “It’s not easy to stay big for long in that little hole,” he added ironically.

“Then I guess you’ll have to widen it some more, if you want to crash my landing again.”

Privately, Danny thought that the gothic woman liked sex so much that the last thing he needed was her being even more fond of him and his hard cock.


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