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“Oh my God!” Lois gasped. “Was he trying to get his ass kicked? Is that a thing for him?”

“No, she agreed with him. And it turned Jen on—you could see it turned Jen on. I’ve never seen Reed so nasty; the nastier he got, the more Jen seemed to like it. He told her that she was no role model, that kids could tell what a whore she was, and that a bitch in heat like her could never enjoy fucking as much as she’d enjoy bending over and being his good little cocksleeve.

“She got on her knees by the side of the bed, with her chin and her arms on the mattress, and her ass shoved out. He smeared lubricant all over his dick and in the crack of her ass. Then he got down behind her, wrapped his arms several times around her hips, and went right into her anus. I mean, it was like a snake going into a hole. And I couldn’t believe how much she got off on it. I could see it hurt, but the way she moaned and begged and pleaded—“

“For him to stop?”

“For even more!”

“And you got pictures?” Lois asked breathlessly.

“I was almost out of film by then, so I parsed it out—one picture for every inch he put into her bowels. Thank God he went slow; made her feel it. I also got pictures of Jen’s face. I know Reed was just playing a part when he called her a bitch in heat, but if you saw the look on her face… even with it hurting, she loved it. She might’ve loved it even more if it hurt worse!”

“Then she took it all?”

“There is no all with Reed, but I’m convinced he gave her as much as she could take without getting into an Ant-Man/Thanos scenario.”

“And you have pictures of all of it.”

“Thirty-six shots to a roll, six rolls,” Sue confirmed. “A role of film for every position they fucked in.”

“And where are they?”

“Locked up, safe and sound, where no enterprising journalists can find them…”

Lois threw her head back, exasperated. “Sue, c’mon, you know there’s no way I would print a thing like that. How much have I told you about me and Superman?”

“Fine, fine, I’ll bring a roll next time.” Sue smiled. “If you bring some shots of ‘you and Superman.’”

“If I do, you can’t complain about the quality. I’m putting the camera on a tripod and setting it on a timer, not inviting Jimmy Olsen in.”

“Why not get your sister to do it?”

“Is that a fetish I detect in your baby blues?” Lois asked. “For a woman whose own brother is off-limits, you sure seem excited by my family.”

“So do you. Want to see my husband with his brother-in-law next?”

“Sue, I’m so bi I’ve fucked my own sister. The gay stuff doesn’t do it for me; I feel like I’m missing out if I don’t see some tits and ass. And no matter how big Clark’s pecs are--not the same thing. Now, if Johnny flamed on while he was inside Jen…”

“Holy Christ, you do have an imagination,” Sue breathed.

“And you should get one. I know Jen is the obvious choice for Reed to have an affair with, but you’ve got to push him to go further with it. I know a lot of girls are curious about how far he can stretch—Cat Grant would be my bitch for life if you set the two of them up.”

“You have any pictures of her?”

“I’ll bring a magazine if you bring your photos. ‘Kitty G’ did a lot of modeling in her youth.”

“Did I hear someone say modeling?” Mary Jane slipped into the booth with them. “Sorry. I hope this isn’t too private. But I thought I’d get a bite to eat and when I saw the two of you were here…”

“Think nothing of it,” Sue said. “You’re always welcome here.”

“So what’s the latest?” MJ asked.

“Just a little gossip about the home life of the Fantastic Four,” Lois explained. “Hardly bears repeating.”

“But what about you and Clark?” Sue asked. “It is your turn to spill.”

“Oh, I’ve talked plenty. You know how it is… out-of-state relatives, husband overworking himself, the usual. Mary Jane, you have something new?”

“No, I’ve still got the same old problems. People trying to kill my husband. Paparazzi trying to get pictures of my cellulite. A stripper in a catsuit trying to sleep with both of us.”

Lois perked up. “Hollywood stars: they’re just like us!”

“Have either of you met Felicia?” Mary Jane asked them. “She’s hot, sure, but she’s so annoying about it. And she won’t take no for an answer.”

“Probably not much experience with it,” Sue quipped.

“Well… not that I tell her no,” Mary Jane admitted. “But Peter should! He’s the responsible one. I’d like to know that his focus is on me, but he keeps stringing her along… or at least letting her string herself along…”

“Clark is the same way,” Lois cried. “This Maxima chick… you both know Maxima?”

“Looks for the most virile male on Earth,” Sue said. “I’m offended on Reed’s behalf.”

“Yeah, and what about her and Ben?” Mary Jane asked. “If all she wants is some guy who’s super-tough…”

“Oh, she is way more shallow than that,” Lois said, quickly swallowing her drink to be able to dish. “The woman is a total fame whore. She acts like all she wants from Clark is his DNA, like it’s just her culture, but Superboy has been sniffing after her forever and she wants nothing to do with him! Why? Because he’s not the leader of the JLA with a statue in Centennial Park.”

“Technically he does have a statue there,” Sue said. “But it’s a memorial statue and he came back to life… I’m not sure they’ll let Kon-El keep it.”

“Not if he keeps tweeting the way he does,” Lois said.

“How can a woman that trashy have such high standards?” Mary Jane demanded. “Say what you will about Felicia, but if a barely legal clone of Superman were after her, she would not leave him wanting.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Lois mused slowly. “There’s something about the real thing…”

“Then you’ve never been tempted to try a younger model?” Mary Jane asked teasingly.

“Has Kon?” Sue wondered.

“Oh, of course,” MJ said confidently. “Lois, you’re gorgeous.”

“I have two legs and a pulse,” Lois clarified. “I think that’s his biggest requirement.”

“Sue’s the only one here who really has an older man thing going,” Mary Jane pointed out. “How about it, Sue? You ever feel a yen for fresh meat?”

“Reed’s young at heart. And, honestly, there’s a maturity to him I find very… engaging. I don’t have to worry about him being tempted by a cat burglar or a redheaded warrior queen. He’s focused on his work—“

“Which you complain about every time we see you,” Lois teased gently.

“And hey, hey, Namor!” Mary Jane pointed out, snapping her fingers.

“The man’s a total pussy-hound,” Sue said.

“And half the women in New York want him,” Mary Jane retorted. “Including me. If he keeps after you, it must be because he’s sensing something there…”

“I won’t say I haven’t thought about it,” Sue confessed. “But… well…”

“Spill,” Lois insisted. “Mary Jane’s certainly not going to judge you.”

“Yeah. And what’s that supposed to mean?” Mary Jane asked, facing Lois with a piqued expression.

“You’re married to a man with clones, he has six arms, he’s webbing people to the walls night and day—you don’t sign up for all that because you like nice quiet walks on the beach.”

“And she knew!” Sue realized. “She knew the whole time what she was getting into. Reed didn’t stretch when I met him.”

“No, he was just wearing a business suit and you were wearing diapers,” Mary Jane sniped.

“I wasn’t that young!”

Mary Jane snickered. “Can’t believe I met a woman who wants people to think she’s older than she really is. You’re a child bride, baby, own it.”

“I just told her you wouldn’t judge her,” Lois said reproachfully. “It’s not like any of us don’t have a little bit of a daddy thing. I saw how Jor-El looked once when Clark took me to the Fortress… let’s just say I’m almost disappointed it’s going to take my hubby three hundred years to start getting gray hairs.”

“Reed is aging well, I’ll give him that,” Mary Jane conceded. “I guess when you spend twenty hours a day in a lab, you’re going to stay in your lane by default.”

Speaking of twenty hours in a lab—“ Lois began.

“It’s nothing like twenty hours,” Sue said defensively.

“Can we get back to Sue’s Namor fantasy?” Lois asked.

Ooh, right,” Mary Jane cooed. “I have to know how the OG Namor fangirl sees it happening.”

“I have hit him in the face way too many times for you to call me his fangirl,” Sue chided.

“Hit him with what?” Mary Jane taunted.

“I’m never going to hear any good Namor fantasies,” Lois moaned.

“Unfortunately true,” Sue said. “It’s really not about Namor. I mean, I fuck him, but that’s just how it starts. I really don’t think about that part much. It’s like… scratching an itch or seeing the Grand Canyon or something. Just because it’s there. The exciting part is when I go home. I can’t hide it from Reed. I tell him all about what I did with Namor, expecting him to understand and forgive me. Why should he care, right? It’s not like he has much time for me anyway.

“Then he grabs me by the throat. His calf wraps around my ankles to keep me from kicking. And his other hand stretches out, real long and thin, until it’s like a cat o’ nine tails, only with his fingers instead of lashes. And he whips me with it. Cutting my costume right off my body. I can protect my skin—my tender, bare skin—with a forcefield, but Reed squeezes my throat and tells me I have to accept my punishment.

“So I do. He rips what’s left of my clothes off me and gives me this look. I just know I can’t use my power when he’s looking at me that way—it’d be wrong and I’ve been bad enough, doing what I did with Namor... And he trails his hand over my body, between my legs. I feel how it feels on my cunt. And then he strikes me, my bare skin this time, making these little welts all over my breasts. I quake each time he hits my nipples. He lashes me between the legs, too. Reed is sure to get every bit of punishment out of me. He even turns me over to bring the whip down on my trembling ass. Not just once, either. He gives me as much as I can take! Even more! He knows my body better than I do—it feels like he’s beating me within an inch of my life!

“Then something starts happening, or changing. It’s not something he’s doing. It’s inside me. I start… enjoying being whipped. It still hurts, I’m still getting welts all over my naked body. I even still want it to stop. But there’s this fire getting started inside my pussy and all over me. It’s not pain—it’s not far off from pain—but it’s sexual too. Unabashedly sexual. Like when a man touches your breast or your ass. It has to be sexual. You wouldn’t think that being in pain could be like that, but either Reed is doing something or I’m doing something, or both of us are doing something, because it’s not just pain and it’s not pleasure either, not entirely. Whatever it is, there’s so, so much of it.


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