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“Let me make you come!” came the moaning, plaintive voice from upstairs. “Let me jerk you off. I want you to come all over me. I want your cock to cover my tits.”

Cass couldn’t believe it was sweet, innocent Honey Lemon saying such naughty things. Such wrong things. And with Peter, too! He was so young… and she was so young… and they were having better sex than Cass had had in a long time.

She was, of course, so grateful that if anyone had to come to San Fransokyo from another dimension, it was Peter. He was a good guy in general, and a far more experienced superhero than her nephew or any of his friends.

It was good of Peter to take the Big Hero team under his wing and watch out for them—already Cass couldn’t believe she had ever said yes to a bunch of kids putting on costumes and fighting evil like they were cops, trained cops.

She knew Peter wasn’t that much older than them. He was only a little older than Tadashi had been when he’d passed. But he still seemed so experienced, so wise, so casual and cool no matter what life threw at him. She could believe that he’d been doing his death-defying duties since he was Hiro’s age.

Of course she’d let him stay at the café. It wasn’t like he could get a hotel room—interdimensional travelers didn’t have government ID. He didn’t even speak Nihongo. And Cass had actually thought he would brighten the place up now that Hiro had moved into his own place. Keep her company, like the cat, but with a bright smile instead of a pouty attitude… opposable thumbs to help out with the dishes…

But then Honey Lemon had started hanging out around the café, and of course Cass was always glad to see her, until it became very, very obvious why Honey was spending so much time there…

“You’re going to come soon! I can feel it!”

“Open your legs. You can feel it a lot more down there…”

“No, not yet! It’s so much fun to play with it!”

“You’re telling me.”

Cass didn’t disapprove. They were both consenting adults. But the way Honey screamed. She was as enthusiastic about sex as she was about, well, everything. And Peter definitely gave her reason to be ebullient, judging by how many hours it had been since they’d started. No wonder Cass had caught Honey going around zonked out, dead on her feet. She’d thought the girl was just studying too hard. But the only anatomy she was focused on was Peter’s.

“OHHH DADDY!” Honey crooned through the floorboards. “Daddy, it’s so gooood! I want some more, Daddy!”

Then a new sound; that of the welcome bell ringing. Horrorstruck, Cass whirled to the front door. Not only were Peter and Honey fucking each other’s brains out in the middle of the day, but she’d been caught listening to them!

How could she not listen to them, though, Cass thought defensively? It wasn’t like she was operating a 7-11. This was a cozy little shop, a breakfast nook of a business. When a woman came once every five minutes, everyone heard it.

It was Gogo. Cass felt a surge of relief, followed by a wave of renewed neurosis. Peter and Gogo had been flirting heavily. She’d seen them together, sharing meals at her café. Peter wiping crumbs from Gogo’s mouth with a napkin, teasingly giving her a forkful of his meal… once he’d even hooked his finger in her waistband as she’d gotten up to go to the bathroom and pulled her into his lap. He wouldn’t let her go until she asked nicely for his permission to be excused.

Cass would’ve thought no man could pull a stunt like that without Gogo ripping his head off, but Gogo had simply asked nicely for him to let her go.

“See? You’ll get anything you want when you ask nicely,” Peter had said, and how Gogo’s hips had swayed for him as she’d walked away.

And now he was balls deep in Honey Lemon. Cass thought there was no way that an eruption would be avoided this time. And she had to have an ‘bronze star’ insurance policy on the café.

“Gogo, I’m so sorry,” she consoled, cringing at the ridiculousness of her words as the sound of Peter and Honey’s sex continued unabated.

“Shake your little ass, bitch, shake it for me!”

“Sorry for what?” Gogo asked, having no reaction to the noise other than a wryly amused grin. “Honey could use a good bang. If she kept up that Stepford wife, smile-and-nod act for another minute without some good dick to go with it, I’m betting her head would’ve fallen off.”

Cass dropped her jaw in astonishment. And the band played on.

“AAHHH! It’s good, Daddy! Give me more, Daddy, more-more-more!”

“I thought you and Peter were…” Cass began, dumbstruck.

Gogo shrugged. “Not twenty-four-seven. When I’m not with him—it’s a free country. And like I said, Honey could use a good bang. I’m just happy she found a guy who knows what he’s doing.”

Inchoate cries of lust spilled down from upstairs like a water pipe had burst. Honey was beyond begging, but she also seemed to be getting everything she might’ve pleaded for. Peter’s own grunts of passion rose, keeping pace with the sound of the bed rattling: legs stomping on the floor, headboard banging against the wall.

Cass bit her lip. She didn’t know how Honey was surviving this. It sounded like a full-blown orgy and the only recipient for all that lust was one skinny little blonde…

“Of course, he’d pretty much have to know what he’s doing with a dick that big,” Gogo continued. “Just put it in and keep hammering away until you’re done. A girl’s bound to come eventually. Let’s face it: size really does matter. Not that he doesn’t go for extra credit. Like how he always has at least one finger snaked into my asshole when we fuck. I know from experience that Honey hates taking anything up the ass, so that must be something he only does with me. Talk about feeling special—!”

Cass felt stranded in a desert of awkwardness. She seized on something to say, no matter how odd, like she was stumbling across an oasis. “You… and Honey… from experience…?” she mumbled.

Gogo laughed. “Not like we’re lezbos or anything. Well, I’m about as butch as it gets when Peter’s cock still does what it does for me. But Honey, she’s crazy-straight. Only gets with me because it turns Peter on. We were kinda sorta double booked and Peter decided to take us both—ended up being pretty hot. You ever try anything like that?”

“What? No! I’ve barely even been on a date since Tadashi and Hiro—”

“Shame,” Gogo said. “You deserve a good fuck.”

“I do not!” Cass protested, before realizing what she was protesting. And SHE’S the one in college, she thought dismally.

“Not that I’m great at relationships myself—it probably breaks some bylaw that I’m letting my guy fuck whatever hole he can find on my BFF—but Peter and I, we usually do it out on some rooftop or somewhere. And I don’t sound like a civil defense siren when I come. So if they’re doing it here, they want you to know they’re doing it here. And like I said, Honey is straight as an arrow. She barely even got off when I fingered her. Might’ve even told me to stop if Peter wasn’t fucking her throat at the time…”

“Are you saying Peter—“ Cass stopped and lowered her voice. The fuck had stopped, becoming a fraught-sounding silence accompanied only by Honey panting for breath. “There’s no way Peter is interested in me that way. I’m old enough to be his mother!”

“Yeah. And you’ve got the tits for it too.” Gogo smirked. “I’m going to peace out. Not in the mood for Honey’s sloppy seconds. But tell Peter he should buy some earplugs if he’s gonna keep giving her multiple Os. His and hers. That banshee wail is no joke.”

“That!” Cass began, aghast. “Is not a topic I will ever be discussing with—“ Her phone beeped. With it demanding her attention and Gogo slinking away, Cass growled to herself and took her phone out. It was a text from Peter.

Obasan, please come upstairs if you’re not busy. Would like your expertise on a personal matter. Will require some time investment.


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