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Typical. Harley tried to do something nice for her girlfriend, asking a nice person like Superman for something nice, and what happened? She ended up at the North Pole, freezing her tuchas off! Her last act on Earth would be proving right everyone who said she showed off her tuchas too much!

There was a key to the door on the Fortress of Solitude, but for some reason, Harley couldn’t pick it up. The thing weighted a ton! It was right there, but Harley couldn’t budge it for love or money.

Then the door was opened by what had to be the most beautiful woman Harley had ever seen. Definitely the prettiest brunette ever. And she wore absolutely nothing. All of her statuesque, athletic body flowed—from her bare feet to the top of her luscious black hair—with a supple bronze tan, worked through with corded muscles that bulged at her thighs and biceps, matching the exuberant fullness of her glutes and breasts.

Her stripped cunt was shorn of hair, only a small W left chiseled above her slit, which itself flared with active pinkness. A trickle of white seed spilled down from the splayed passage, mirroring the sweat that glistened on Diana’s perfect musculature despite the Arctic chill.

It was obvious how she’d worked up her sweat, equally obvious that she’d been enjoying doing so too much to want to be interrupted, and Harley lost all courage at the thought that she’d displeased this sexual goddess.

She was about to run away, even if that would take her out of the meager shelter of the Fortress’s doorway and out into the raging elements, when Diana froze her with a gracious though long-suffering smile. Like Harley was a cat she was fond of, but that had thrown up on the carpet.

“Harley Quinn. I might’ve known,” she said, moving aside. “Come in. It’s too cold out for anyone, much less someone as underdressed as you.”

Look who’s talking, Harley thought, though all she did was blush and lower her eyes, unable to even look at Diana despite how stunning a spectacle she was.

She meekly slipped into the Fortress, numb to all the technological wonders that surrounded her in the crystalline palace. The simple knowledge that Diana’s nudity was at her back blotted out any thought of her astonishing surroundings.

Kalex came by, bearing a pink robe as clear as fruit juice for Diana to put on. Seeing it, as though reminded of some minor task like taking a letter with her to drop off at the mailbox, Diana took the robe and gratefully slipped it on.

“Something to warm you up? A glass of bourbon, perhaps?” Diana offered. She raised her voice: “Kalex, bring us an appropriate vintage. Your choice. You know so much more about these things than I do.”

Ushered inside by Diana every step of the way, Harley felt ridiculous. Even her delusions couldn’t deny the reality of Diana’s beauty. It was insane for them to be in the same room together and even Harley knew it. But she was equally helpless to speak against Diana, any tiny word telling her what to do.

When she sat down on a chair, Kal came into the room. He wore his costume but no cape and no boots. He lifted his eyebrows when he saw Diana’s even more dishabille appearance, but shooting a quick glance to Harley seemed to justify it to him. There was no need to put on airs for the jester. She was harmless; no one would believe her if she tried to spread stories.

“I suppose he was who you were expecting,” Diana said to Harley. “But you’ve got both of us, so talk. What is it you want and why shouldn’t we beam you straight back to Arkham?”

Harley’s mouth was as dry as cotton—her heart pounded in her throat. “I was thinking I would get Red something special for her birthday… then I remembered one of those articles about you, Supes, and how you have all sorts of endangered plants in your Fortress that ain’t anywhere else in the galaxy… and if you’d just let me pick one, I’m sure I could find one Red would like. She’d take real good care of it, honest! And I’ll, you know…”

“Stop committing crimes?” Kal asked drolly.

“Yeah! Yes. I mean, I’m trying now to keep all straight and narrow, but I’ll try even harder! And ain’t I been good these last few months, no, weeks—shouldn’t I get a little reward? Not even me, but Red! Red’s been real good! You should see her! She’s always telling me to be good and go to work and brush my teeth and go to bed on time.”

Kalex bustled in with a bottle of bourbon gripped in his pincer claw and some glasses propped upright on some prongs of his. Diana passed the bottle to Kal, then moved the glasses to the coffee table.

“Quinn, you can’t just barge in unannounced and ask for dangerous biological specimens as a reward for obeying the law.”

Kal popped the bottle and poured for them. “Not that we mind you asking for help or even for a favor. This just isn’t a great time.”

“Which you’d know if you called ahead,” Diana added.

“Hey, how was I supposed to know you were all intimatical? Supes, you always act so dead below the waist—you too, Wondy! People think you’re a virgin!”

“My sex life is none of their affair. Nor is it yours.”

“Diana, come on,” Clark said gently. “A little encouragement…”

“She shouldn’t be rewarded for no longer committing crimes! Surely, not committing crimes in the first place is a far more impressive feat and more deserving of commendation.”

“I would say that Harley has more trouble than most leading a normal life. We might think about rewarding her for overcoming that challenge, even if it’s one most don’t have to face. Besides, there are plenty of plants that are truly harmless—they’d like being in Ivy’s garden. I didn’t save these endangered species just to keep them cooped up here forever…”

The drinks were poured and then refilled, the atmosphere inevitably warming as the debate progressed. Harley felt her muscles relax and her mind grow secure. It was kind of nice getting a bit of attention from two such impressive people, even if they thought she was a bit of a bum.

“How good a cocksucker are you?” Diana asked matter-of-factly.

“Say what?” Harley gasped, sloshing her drink until it nearly spilled.

“I won’t let Kal just give you a boon for obeying the law, but if you showed you were sorry for all the trouble you caused—really, truly sorry—so sorry as to make it up to us…”

“Make it up to… his cock?” she sputtered, turning red.

“Diana, what are you saying?” Kal asked. He seemed slightly less shocked than Harley herself, but only slightly. “We can’t just seduce some vulnerable…”

“Look at her, she’s already seduced!” Diana argued. “And Harley Quinn, vulnerable? Come on. She’s here, so we might as well use her. It’s not like either of us hates eating pussy while in the midst of coitus.”

Harley felt like she’d been dropped on her head. She’d heard all the jokes about Paradise Island, but there was that and then there was hearing Diana say she liked going down on a girl! As much as Superman did, she said!

“We were enjoying ourselves just fine before she came along,” Kal said. “We don’t need her to have a good time.”

“Maybe,” Harley said, swallowing hard as she tried to believe her luck. “We could, uh…”

“No, don’t speak,” Diana told her with gentle firmness. She looked at Kal and smiled. “Talking about it has made me horny enough. We’ll have enough fun without worrying about her keeping up. Oh well. Come on, Kal, let’s go.”

Kal stood, giving Harley an apologetic grin. “I’m sorry, miss, but you understand I can’t turn down an offer like that.”

Harley’s chin dropped as she watched them return to where they’d come from—what had to be the bedroom. It had all the sense of a dream. They’d simply… dismissed her to go fuck each other. Superman had turned her down… and Wonder Woman had wanted to fuck her… and now they would screw each other’s brains out with her in the next room!

“How’s a girl supposed to stay sane when shit like that happens?” she muttered, picking herself up.

She didn’t know what to do. Then she heard Diana cry out, the same volume as the roar of aggression she sometimes let loose in a hard fight, but this one was all pleasure, a greedy exhortation for more. Then Harley really didn’t know what to do.

She guessed between Superman being so accommodating and Wonder Woman being so Wonder Woman, the sex would be pretty good—Diana making sure Kal gave her exactly what she needed and him being happy to give it to her. Because who wouldn’t?

Harley wanted to walk out of earshot, but something held her. She had to know just what it was Diana was enjoying so much. And anyway, at least one of them had wanted her to join in—they both wouldn’t mind her just looking, would they?

She cautiously moved to the door they’d disappeared into, until she was looking through it into the bedroom. Thankfully, the crystal that made up the doors was as icily translucent as the rest of the Fortress. What she saw through it made her eyes bulge.


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