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Taylor raised her arms and fingered through her wet hair to clear it of shampoo, motions that made her tits jiggle provocatively before Katy’s hungry eyes. Katy pinched her lips together, fighting to control herself. She told herself Harlan would want her to take things slow, to go soft and easy. She might’ve liked it rough; hard and fast. But Taylor would best respond to being seduced.

“You’ve never had someone else wash you, huh? Just relax and trust me. You’ll feel cleaner than you ever have before…”

Taylor tried to relax. She felt Katy ease her back, hand in her hair, pulling with gentle pressure until she gave in and bared her throat to Katy. The hot rush of the water sparked on her face. Instinctively her hands flew up, then froze in the air—she knew the only thing to touch was Katy’s body and she didn’t want that.

“Easy does it, Tay,” Katy laughed. “I’m not going to waterboard you. Just go with the flow…”

She swung Taylor’s leaning body to the left and to the right, in and out of the spray from the shower, which did feel better than being lodged under it like some… debris being pelted with water in an attempt to wash it away. No, this was being cleaned, caringly, lovingly, almost like a baby being rocked.

Taylor was reminded of the old nursery rhyme and she really did feel like she was up in a tree, safe and sound in its many branches, the wind only restfully swaying the tree in a dreamy rhythm. The feeling went down under where the spray hit, lower, and she felt that sense of security somewhere in the pit of her stomach.

A warm, glossy feeling pooled in her groin, making her hips pleasantly tingle with the feel of Katy’s pubic hair rubbing against her thigh. The soft walls of her sex trembled with a certain delight. It wasn’t sexual, or not just sexual. She was relaxed everywhere else; why wouldn’t her inhibitions be released? Her sense of propriety not objecting so strenuously to this… intimacy… as it normally would?

She’d already shared so much with Katy. What was the point of fighting tooth and nail over a few inches of territory? Katy wasn’t doing anything she was uncomfortable with—why not let her have this? Have it as long as Katy didn’t do anything… bad.

Then, she gasped. Taylor had felt the tiny button of her clitoris brush against Katy’s pubic thatch. The sensation was too insubstantial to be a come-on, to trigger any defensive instincts. But it still felt good. And the taut, tingling pleasure of it grew better with each brush. Not any more voluptuous than it was at first, but Taylor got more sensitive to it. She yearned for more of it, and that longing increased while the feeling remained tauntingly constant.

Taylor wondered if it was her imagination or if Katy wasn’t purposefully bringing their bodies together, making Taylor thrill to the feeling of it while knowing it was too innocent for her to object to.

Harlan came in then, with his own roach rolled and lit. He was unsurprised but very much pleased to see the two women sharing themselves as eagerly as they’d given their bodies over to him.

His cock responded to the sight of them, but sluggishly. Harlan knew his body well. He could manage an erection, but it’d be an endurance test. He decided instead to sit down, enjoy the lulling mist of the weed inside his lungs, and watch the show. He parked himself on the toilet and nursed his roach, his loosened mind taking in the scene.

Katy really was built fantastically—his THC-stunned mind realized this anew. Even in the circles he traveled in, even with him dating Taylor, Katy’s figure was just staggering. Her big round hips, the strong thighs that tapered into sculpted, scintillating calves and dainty feet. Her trim waist with its slight dimple that somehow swelled into such an exuberant bust, her nipples tightened with lust, shaped into bullets.

She had Taylor’s sylphlike frame bent backwards and was rubbing her sex into the other woman’s, Katy more than Taylor, a savage grin on her face showing she knew exactly what she was doing. If Katy had a prick, she’d be fucking Taylor right now. Instead, she held onto Taylor’s incredibly slender waist and pumped her hips obscenely into Taylor’s wan, boyish ones. She licked her own delighted smile as she stared at Taylor’s body like it was a prized possession. Harlan could sympathize.

And Taylor enjoyed it, without even the scandalized reluctance she displayed when Harlan really gave it to her. True, Katy was hardly fisting her, but the fact that she was another woman should’ve set off Taylor’s sense of propriety. Then again, how much indignation could she summon up after all they’d done together? It seemed little more than a fetish of hers at this point; one that she’d already indulged in to the point that it was pointless. What Katy was doing felt good enough without Taylor pretending it was a taboo.

More than enjoyment, Taylor was relaxed. The image-conscious, driven, hustling entrepreneur now had her head back, her golden hair falling almost to the floor, her arms limp to either side of her like a ballerina in some regal pose. Only her legs and thighs showed evidence of strain as she held herself tight for Katy to thrust against. The expression on her face as she rolled and heaved and swayed with Katy’s motions, dancing with the water that rained down on her, was one of simple rapture.

“Don’t move, you’ll throw us off,” Katy said. “Let me finish washing you.”

“Mmmm,” Taylor moaned in agreement.

Katy bent her own knees to make Taylor lower herself even further back, hanging helplessly from the support that Katy’s arm offered behind her back while Katy’s free hand ran over Taylor’s body. Harlan watched, breathing so fast and hard that he almost put out his joint. He didn’t allow himself to develop an erection he didn’t intend to use just yet, but his prick dangled between his legs like a sheathed weapon, a billy club on a cop’s belt.

He saw Katy put her hand on one of Taylor’s slight, supple breasts and squeeze into its delicate contours. Her grip relaxed and tightened, massaging Taylor while she dangled there, limply receptive. A little sigh of pleasure escaped her lips—small, but dwarfing the sound of splashing water.

And then Katy started crooning, in her singer’s voice, soft and sultry. “That’s it, Taylor, go limp, that’s right, just relax, nice and easy, keep your head back, that’s it, nice and easy, that’s good, almost done now.”

She rubbed at Taylor’s nipple with the pads of her fingers, making it swell, painedly throbbing for her touch. Katy left it pregnant with sensation to move to Taylor’s other breast, stroking it softly and sensuously, pinching the nipple in order to heighten the plateau of feeling Taylor was on. And all the time Katy’s hips swayed back and forth, keeping up the tingling sensation between Taylor’s thighs.

Taylor felt transported. It was weird, almost wrong, but it felt too good to be bad. Vaguely, dreamily, she told herself it’d been a long day—emotionally wearying, leaving her tuckered out from processing all that had happened between her and Katy and Harlan. Just watching what Harlan and Katy did together was a lot to process. Of course she needed a way to decompress! Or maybe she was spoiling herself. As overindulgent as she was with Harlan; a regular pillow princess. At the very least, she was wasting water.

But despite all that, despite herself, Taylor wanted this experience to go on a little longer. She liked it, she could admit she liked it, to be held and rocked and stroked and massaged. It felt so good that it was arousing feelings she’d never had before. Katy was just being nice to her, nice to her body. In a way, it was self-care to let Katy take care of her. And, anyway, it was what Harlan wanted. She was sure he’d love to see them getting along—and she had no idea how right she was.

Harlan watched—he thought he could feel his eyes straining, his savoring of their naked bodies burning itself into his memory, almost outdoing the vigorous hardness of his cock preparing to rut. His cock had started to swell beyond his control.

What he felt like, drawing smoke through his lungs and letting it back out, was a dragon sitting on a hill of gold. Only a man could simply take gold. He knew he had these two women—this cozy little harem—because he’d seduced them, pleased them, dominated them. Swayed them to the point where they were as ravenous for each other as they were for him.

Any man with his means could simply buy a woman, at least for a night, many of them almost as beautiful as these two. But to look at these two vibrant, famed, passionate woman and knowing that they were willingly his… joyously his… that money couldn’t buy.

He would have to reward them for this sense of satisfaction they’d given him, and soon.

Katy’s hand caressed Taylor’s lean stomach. Taylor had barely any fat to conceal her abs, all the core strength she needed for her choreography, and Katy’s fingers delighted in the little lines that delineated Taylor’s six-pack. And it felt good to Taylor, having her muscles teased, toyed with.

Her body tingled all over from Katy’s feminine, lustful touch. Every nerve seemed sumptuously alive, having to say something about what Katy was doing. The cumulative effect made Taylor feel as voluptuous as she did pleasantly drowsy. Almost more than sex, she wanted to lie down and let Katy massage her to sleep. Maybe she was too worn out from all they’d done already. Or maybe it really was innocent and her body could sense that.

Then Katy stopped and the way Taylor’s body sung with needful lust made her think there was nothing innocent about any of this.

Katy pulled Taylor upright like she’d just dipped her at the end of some flamenco dance number. “There, you’re all clean. Bet it’s a relief not to feel so dirty anymore.”

The innocent look in Katy’s Disney-wide eyes conspired to make Taylor feel smuttier than ever. Before, she’d opened her legs and allowed things to happen. Now—lascivious thoughts and ideas swarmed in her brain like water at a boil. The blood rushed to her head and she blinked dazedly, was suddenly steadied by Katy taking her in her arms.


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