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Every inch of Kon’s full, girthy length was buried to the hilt in Cassie’s permanently stretched sphincter. He shook with the last of his ejaculations, rocking his hips to lash against Cassie’s glutes like a hand delivering a punishing slap. It should’ve hurt Cassie as much as a spanking, but she was so inundated with sexual bliss as to be numb to anything else.

Her jaw hung open. Her eyes stared blankly ahead. Her tongue even lolled out, almost touching the wet pussy underneath her, but Cassie wouldn’t have noticed if she were at the center of a blowbang.

In later days, she’d wonder if this was what she’d wanted to elicit from Kon all along or if she’d simply lucked into such a perfect sexual match as she tried to comfort her boyfriend—her wholesome, romantic boyfriend. Maybe she wasn’t a slut. Maybe it could only feel this good with someone she cared for as much as Kon.

With Kon being such a horndog, directing her to his hard cock morning, noon, and night, it wasn’t likely she would be able to double-check that theory. And as long as she ended up in such a state of cock-drunk transport, Cassie didn’t care.

Maybe Aphrodite’s reward for all her service to the Olympians was to perfectly balance her whorish nature with Kon being an absolute man slut. It was something she couldn’t exactly ask Diana about.

Kon’s erection was drained, but it held onto its hardness with amazing resilience. Deciding he quite liked having Cassie fucked silly—as it was the furthest he’d ever seen her from complaining—Kon pounded into her with his lingering stiffness. His thick, slippery jizz worked back down the contours of his prick, lubricating his erection into a well-oiled piston.

As he continued pumping, the cum worked its way to his balls, then dribbled onto Raven’s face. She scowled, irritated both by getting bukkaked and by how little cum had made its way to her face compared to how much was bulging out Cassie’s belly and, hell, the fact that her facial was a clear afterthought to Kon impregnating Cassie’s ass.

And it was true. Kon didn’t give a shit where his cum was landing, whether it was on Raven’s face or Superman’s cape. He breathed hard and kept right on fucking that sweet, slippery, clenching, clutching sheath of an anus—the perfect hole for his cock to be holstered in.

Without the maddening urge to spend his load, his sexual delirium settled into a nice, lazy pleasure. It really did feel great to have all his prick wrapped in the squeezing warmth that Cassie’s luscious little ass had to offer. It was even better knowing that some of that heat and all of that marshy wetness came from how he’d inundated Cassie with his seed. Yup, there was nothing bad about sloppy seconds, so long as it was you who had gone first.

As the pleasure of being used dwindled, one thought overrode the milling contentment of Cassie’s afterglow. She had to squeeze all the deliciousness she could out of the end of this encounter, because it might never be this good again. She puckered her asshole, smiling in fulfillment, yet sad that her rapture was coming to an end.

Kon lifted his head, sweat darkening his hair in lanky locks that hung down over his face. Breathing raspily, he whispered, “I’m gonna… take it out now, Cass. I want you to squeeze your asshole tight when I slid out.”

Cassie nodded her obedience. She didn’t know why Kon wanted her to do what he’d asked of her, but she’d learned that doing as he told her meant enjoyment and her mind hadn’t awakened enough from its fugue to doubt that proposition.

She felt him leaving her; there was a sharp sense of loss as her asshole became emptier, degree by degree. Her very sense of self-worth lowered the more Kon pulled out from her ass. She felt the withdrawal nearing her sphincter and she clenched her cheeks, the definition standing out from her little round hips. The grommet of her anus clamped shut right before his cockhead came out of her.

It made for one hell of a feeling as her asshole slowly relinquished the massive intrusion it had once resisted. She was left with barely any energy, but Cassie still managed to swing her head around and take a look at the man who had shown her what her hole was really for. What all her holes were for.

His hair was mussed up. Sweat beaded like diamond dust on his forehead and sallow cheeks; he breathed hard. His cock had still barely given up its swollen redness. It shone wetly, glowing whiteness smeared on the tip and along the shaft. Cassie plainly saw his semen dripping off his length and into Raven’s fan of purple hair. Some clung to the hair of his scrotum as well.

Cassie’s mouth watered. His cum had felt so good surging inside her that she longed to find out what it tasted like as well—even if that dick had just been inside her ass. Surely, if the taste of her own pussy wasn’t so bad to experience, could her own ass be much different?

Kon straightened his back shakily, coming out of the hunch he’d been in over Cassie’s pertly luscious ass. Her hole was stretched and reddened—battered, swollen, and whitewashed by the thorough fucking he’d given it. Splayed open, her inner flesh glistened whitely, sloppily smeared with splattered cum. He looked down at his prick; it too was a mess. And for some reason, Kon felt a compulsion to…

Kon’s hand lashed out, the flat of his palm smacking Cassie’s firm buttocks. The spank resounded deep into her body, deeper than Cassie thought her slender body went.

The shift was seismic. The sudden flash of pain made her anal muscles contract, pumping against the sheer mass of cum stuffing her bowels. She grimaced, her face twisting in discomfort as her body spasmed from the rapid changeover—contented fullness going to pained motion. She couldn’t hold her puckered sphincter any longer. Cassie felt like she was going to explode.

Almost involuntarily, she pressed down with the muscles of her glutes: it was the only thing that would relieve her suffering. What seemed like gallons of warm, white cum exploded from her asshole and cascaded like a waterfall down to splash onto Raven’s face.

Cassie howled, her pussy going in delectable spasms from that sudden, violent end to the roiling pressure inside her. Her body convulsed, shaking while her anus bunched up in harsh, biting clenches that shockwaved into her clit. The chain reaction of her body’s shocked musculature kept nibbling at her sexual pleasure until it seemed to be boiling over into an unwilling orgasm.

Cassie couldn’t help herself. She bit down on her lower lip, doing all she could to fight the strange feelings that went with voiding herself of the tension Kon had instilled in her. But there was no stopping the crash of hot shudders impacting her overworked nerve endings. And her body couldn’t begin to calm until those shivering tingles finally stopped.


Raven’s eyes glazed over with humiliated delight. Suddenly she wanted Kon’s cum in her face, even if it was dripping from Cassie’s ass. Her pussy throbbed with wet heat, clit stingingly erect, while Kon’s member was finally losing some of its hardness. No longer upthrust, it hung down between his legs, still with a massive heft—big enough and lengthy enough for Raven to reach it from underneath Cassie’s well-fucked body.

She licked the tip of Kon’s prick, tasting the semen that dribbled from his glanshole. Kon moaned happily at the touch of her tongue and Raven swirled it lovingly on all of his cockhead. Then Cassie lost control of herself and sent a hot splash of secondhand cum down onto Raven’s face.

The first droplets landed on her chin and Raven’s eyes glowed with excitement. She opened her mouth wide. Cassie’s ass drained like an upended bottle, sending a thick gout of semen across Raven’s tongue. Raven trilled with delight and felt another, deliriously thick splatter on the back of her throat.

The evacuating cum from Cassie’s ass splashed all over her face, painting her cheeks and brow and nose and tongue. Plenty landed in her mouth and plenty more covered her face while her sex convulsed with ecstatic spasms. But it wasn’t enough; Raven wanted more.

It was no effort to reach out with her empathic powers. Cassie’s strong feelings were virtually pounding on the barriers that protected Raven’s mind; she simply had to lower those barriers to allow in the immensity of feeling that coursed through Cassie’s body and overflowed into Raven’s flesh through the naked press of skin against skin.

Almost immediately that abundance of sensation had overcome Raven. She tried to hold it in, squeezing her thighs tightly together, afraid to feel as much as the overwhelmed Cassie. But the sex was a physical thing, a literal liquid heat that doused her face and filled her sense of taste. She couldn’t deny it. She had to surrender to it.

As was usually the case, Raven’s repression and the taboo nature of breaking through that repression made her experience even more intense than what Cassie was feeling. She squirted. Not much, just a few hot coos of liquid, enough to drench her pubic hair and make her inner thighs wet.

Her face burned with embarrassment: being covered in the cum Kon had ass-fucked into Cassie was one thing—it was a thing that had been done to her—but this was her fault. She’d done it to herself. Raven froze, caught in the grip of what she’d already given into. Cassie’s fucked-out bliss ravaged her as surely as Kon ever could.

Her own juices were hot on her inner thighs. Her eyes shut as she felt a strange tremor passing through her innards—then something happened that sent ripples of delicious feeling up and down her body. She pressed her knuckles into her mouth to keep from screaming; Cassie felt so good and Raven was tapping right in to everything burning away in her oversexed body.

It was only later that the empath would realize she’d shared a simultaneous orgasm with Cassie. But just then, all she could do was lie there, blushing furiously, hoping her climax wasn’t obvious beneath her mask of cum.

The orgasm was powerful, so powerful that it tightened the lips of her little pussy into a vise, holding back a threatening flood of her wetness. It was the very potency of her orgasm that stopped her from coming all over herself; afterwards, Raven’s cream spooled out of her into a pool between her thighs.

Cassie watched it leaking out of her and wondered how in the hell Kon had managed to make them both come with just one dick.


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