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Pat sat beside her, completely naked, his body hair dark and glistening with sweat. A note of tired excitement on his handsome face, like he was drained yet energized. Looking at his member—Normandie couldn’t believe she was actually seeing such a thing—it was harder still to believe that he had just taken her.

His prick was stiff and engorged with blood, glistening with the wetness Normandie still felt inside her and leaking dregs of semen from the tip. She wondered if he’d ever softened… if he’d stayed hard because the perversity of what Lai had done to another woman appealed to him as much as it’d pleased her… or maybe it was just that for a man like Pat, having two women wanting him was the only reason he needed to have lust enough for two. Somehow.

“Mistress Drake looks as if she would like a second serving,” Lai said with a smiling look at Normandie. “Perhaps you should go ahead, Pat. I’ve taken you plenty of times. Now it’s her turn to indulge herself.”

Normandie knotted her legs together in shock at the suggestion. She felt sure her cunt couldn’t take another dose of Pat Ryan—not so soon. She ached all over… but in spite of the feverish quality of her satiation, she couldn’t forget how good it had been. Normandie grew excited even as she tried to deny herself.

“No,” she moaned, face covered in sweat. “No more… not until tomorrow, then you can… you can do whatever you want!”

“And give you time to forget what happened between your legs?” Lai asked with a sinister smirk. “Don’t listen to her, Pat. You can see she wants it. Go on and give it to her—see if you can break her as you tried to break me!”

“I don’t know, Dragon Lady,” Pat said. “I’m pretty sore myself. And we’ve both let you get away with plenty already.”

Lai was hardly satisfied with that answer. She leaned over and took his big prick in her tiny hand. “Let me see… mmmm… does that feel better? You have such a manly cock, but my small Oriental cunt always manages to take it. How can Normandie’s not be able to accept you? Go on and rut her. Show her how much of a man she’s been missing out on and let her know that the days of her not answering to your dick are over!”

Normandie saw Lai running her hand over Pat’s manhood, his scrotum. Soothing him with her touch and trying to provoke him to a state of arousal too big to ignore. Already, her fingers glistened with Normandie’s secondhand juices, but Lai seemed to take an especial joy in anointing her hand with Pat’s precum and rubbing it between her fingers. It seemed to Normandie like the Dragon Lady was fascinated by Pat’s sizable, growing erection—she seemed unwilling to let go of it.

Unhhh, Lai!” Pat groaned. “My cock never feels better than when you’re holding it! Oooh! Yes! Your hand is so good! Aaagh!”

Normandie watched as they fondled each other: Lai stroking his prick, Pat grabbing her breasts in his powerful grip. She was happy to see them playing with each other—didn’t want to be any further fucked than she already was.

Yet Normandie also enjoyed the sheer sight of the two of them together. All her misgivings from when she’d watched them before had vanished. Now she felt like part of it. An audience. And when they were done, Lai would watch her. Or Pat, even. She’d liked what had happened while he watched before.

“OOOOH! Your teeth are sharp, Pat! Aaaahh! You’re making my little nipples feel like they’re about to explode! OH! OHH!”

Pat sucked her juicy breast, his hungry maw demanding and getting almost all of its sizable heft. Lai leaned into his greed for her and threw her head back, enjoying being devoured by him. She put her free hand around Pat’s head and held him close. Her other hand kept pumping his swollen dick.

Uuugh! Mmm!” Pat groaned, Lai’s plump tit filling his mouth. “Rrrhh!”

HNNNH! My tit is on fire! It feels so good because of you! Eeeeeyyeeessss!”

Pat’s sharp teeth dug into Lai’s golden breast, painting it white with indentations. While he serviced that teat in his mouth, his big hand satisfied the other one. He groped and massaged and fondled the soft flesh until it swelled up as heaving and hard as the one in his teeth.

Hhnnnn! Yesss! OOH, bite me! Suck my tit! Pat, pleeeaase!”

Normandie saw the pleasure on Lai’s face as she cradled Pat’s head in her arms. Rubbed her cheeks against his hair. She was enjoying Pat’s sucking lips as much as Normandie was. And Pat was hardly having a poor time of it—mouthing Lai’s nipples like they were drops of candy, to dissolve in his mouth at any moment.

“AAGH! UUH! YESSS! Oh, Pat, your mouth is hot as the summer sun! Ooooohh!”

With Normandie watching, Pat lavished his touch on Lai’s pussy, his hand moving fixedly between her legs. And while he caressed her, his mouth continued to gorge itself on her warm breast. Soon Lai was writhing and panting, completely overwhelmed. Happily submitting to all Pat was doing to her.

Ghh… I need your cunt, Lai. I need to fuck you. Open your legs!” Pat groaned, his hands stroking over Lai’s thighs, beguiling her into more arousal—enough for her to want him instead of watching Normandie’s despoilment.

“Yes,” Lai sighed, her eyes dreamily fixed on Normandie while she spoke to Pat. “You can put it in me… you can put it all in me… yessss…”

Pat wasted no time in thrusting her down onto her back, right at Normandie’s legs, and mounting her with his cock jutting out like an unsheathed sword.

“No, no!” Lai cried. “You may do Normandie like that, but the Dragon Lady rides on top! Roll over, Pat! My legs will be open so long as you’re on your back!”

Normandie huffed a relived sigh when she saw Pat acquiesce and roll onto his back. As deep as her misgivings with Lai were, Normandie wasn’t sure the petite woman could handle having Pat on top of her, ramming his bestial prick into her small cunt. She herself had barely been able to take it. At least if Lai were on top, she would be able to control how much of that cock was having its way with her tiny pussy.

But Lai didn’t straddle Pat’s monstrous cock—not immediately. Instead, as Pat sprawled out with his manhood up in the air like a quavering flagpole, she bowed to its massiveness and stretched her tongue out to the throbbing hulk of masculinity.

Normandie watched, enthralled by how Lai held Pat’s member in one hand, her fingers barely reaching around his thick shaft. She ran her tongue up and down his length, licking from his hairy balls to the engorged knob.

“Yeah, yeah!” Pat growled. “Your mouth is getting my prick nice and wet! Shit! Ooh! Suck my cock, woman!”

Normandie’s mouth watered as she watched the Dragon Lady. Lai had wetted Pat’s entire manhood with her drooling tongue. Now she spread her lips and forced her open mouth down on his upright cock. It looked insane, his huge cock going into her tiny mouth. But Lai was determined, working her lips slowly down Pat’s girthy shaft. Taking in more and more of his erection slowly, by degrees, until her splayed lips were down in his thick pubic hair.

Normandie could’ve giggled; Lai looked like a chipmunk, her cheeks bulging and her lips slavering around the base of Pat’s member. She stayed down the length of his cock for a full minute, gurgling and sputtering as she sucked at the whole of his endowment.

And it was easy to see what her hot mouth was doing to Pat. He rocked and bucked his hips in an attempt to fuck the sheath she’d offered to his erection, pumping against her flushed face like he was trying to fuck his big prick all the way into her stomach.

“OOHH! Your mouth is boiling my goddamn prick! HNN! Shit, shit, it’s just like fucking a cunt! NGH!”

Normandie saw the Dragon Lady’s tongue roving over Pat’s cock. She wondered what Lai was feeling as she pleasured that immense phallus. What was the delight of mouthing that big, meaty prick? She started to envy Lai… whatever debauched things the Dragon Lady did with Pat, she wanted to experience them too.

Like she was coming up for air, Lai lifted her head up off Pat’s cock until only the bulging knob stayed between her lips. She slid her tongue all over it; Pat gasped his approval. Normandie could only stare at Lai’s enthusiasm—how she fucked his big cock back into her mouth, lips open wide and greedily devouring the full span of his hardness. Then she sucked blissfully on all she’d stuffed her mouth with, burnished black hair slamming up and down on his length.

“UUUNNH! Lai! You’re fucking me with your throat—AAH—couldn’t fuck that mouth any harder than you’re fucking me! Oh helllll! Suck it! Suck my cock, you bitch!”

Normandie stared in astonishment as the Dragon Lady sucked crazily, only spurred on by Pat’s seeming insults. Her clinging lips slurped noisily up and down his massive erection. She swallowed whatever precum he offered her, throat muscles working furiously around the monstrous bulge his dick created in her gullet.

As Lai suckled Pat’s manhood, her fingers held tightly to his balls, squeezing and fondling them with firm pumps that seemed designed to work his cum up into his shaft, where she could suck it into her mouth. Normandie saw that she was breathing through her nose with her mouth crammed full of maleness.

Rrrruhh!” Pat groaned. “Your mouth is even tighter… and hotter… than goddamn pussy! OOOOH! SHHIIITT!”

Lai moaned, still sucking him off. Saliva ran down her chin and covered Pat’s cock as well. With her lust overtaking her, she dug her teeth into Pat’s stiff cock, but either she was able to restrain herself a little or she simply couldn’t make much of a mark in the hardened flesh. Her tits bounded as her entire body bent and bowed to fuck Pat with her mouth.

The Dragon Lady gummed and nibbled and sucked Pat’s big dick like a woman possessed—let it slide out of her mouth until only the cockhead remained, then slurped at the tip of his endowment like she was trying to polish it. Pat groaned, bestowing her with droplet after droplet of precum, and she swallowed them eagerly.



Can't think of anything productive to say, other than that this super hot