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The day conspired against them making love for every hour straight. It got unseasonably warm. Oswald, though in surprisingly good shape, still wasn’t superhuman and neither was Selina. When the tide came in, splashing irritatingly at their beach towel, they had to get up and once they did, it was wordlessly decided that they might as well go in and eat.

They relieved themselves as well, then, and washed up, and Oswald treated himself to a shave, as he disliked having a five o’clock shadow, even on vacation. He napped and Selina napped and when Oswald awoke, Selina had changed into a black bikini. It fit her lean, pale body like a shadow, flattering her breasts by how it lifted them up with demi-cups and cut across their offered heft, while a thong accentuated her juicy ass by doing no more than passing in between her pert buttocks. The moment Oswald saw her, he motioned her to where he lay on the bed, already naked.

She stretched out on the bed beside him, casually landing her hand on his groin and feeling his prick. As always, her touch seemed to marvel at his nice, long shaft and fat, hairy balls. She snuggled up to him and kissed him as she caressed his manhood.

Oswald ran his hand along her smooth back, then wrapped his arm around her side to dip his hand to her breasts. Selina sighed happily. It always felt good when Oswald touched her. She didn’t know if she was getting hornier at his caresses or if she’d just been more turned on than she’d realized.

“It’s a shame to deprive ourselves of such a flattering outfit,” Oswald said, “but that bikini really must come off.”

“You take it off,” Selina told him.

He moved his hand down to her bottoms and touched her cunt through the triangle of fabric that protected it ever-so-slightly.

“Such a delicate little passage to have to take so much,” he said.

Selina ran a series of kisses over his meagerly haired chest. “I need to take as much as I can get, Ozzie,” she whispered.

“I’ll give you whatever you give me, my dear.”

Selina simpered at him with a smile. “You mean suck your cock good and hard and you’ll fuck me with it?”

“Yes, darling, though if you keep talking like that, you’ll find the job done for you.”

Selina licked her lips teasingly. “You know I love to suck your prick.”

“No more than I love the taste of your womanhood.”

Selina crawled down between his legs and gazed up at him, watching his reaction as she blew her warm breath across his manhood. It stirred, to a delighted coo from Selina, and she flicked her tongue over his cockhead.

“My dear, I’m not sure which I love more, you or your tongue.”

“I’m not sure whether I love your cock more… or your cum.” Selina swirled her tongue around the flared glans of his knob.

“Get it good and hard,” Oswald ordered her, unable to think with Selina’s pillowy lips so close to his dick, lavishing such overwhelming yet faint delight on it. Already he felt like his erection was straining, demanding the tightness that would eventually satisfy it.

“Don’t I always?” Selina replied with a little quirk of those thick lips—those cocksucker lips.

She curled her hand around his length, which seemed to dwarf each of her dainty fingers, and pumped it gently. At the same time her tongue washed over his cockhead. She seemed to polish it, leaving its pink smoothness glimmering without a trace of white precum that was trailing from his glanshole.

“It’s so unfair to you,” Selina mused, her lips touching the tip of his erection. She giggled: “I want to suck this thing until the last possible moment, until you’re all but bursting, but then you put it inside me and I want you to last a nice long time before you come.”

“I’ll take it as a challenge,” Oswald promised her. “And you know how I like to indulge you, darling dove.”

Selina cupped his surging balls and rolled them around the palm of her comparatively tiny hand. Her other hand kept pumping his shaft. Her tongue kept lapping up his precum. The more she sucked and fondled him, the harder his cock got, the more encouraged. The aroma of his masculinity grew too. She salivated at the smell of it, even with the taste of his precum already gracing her tongue.

“Lick around it,” Oswald told her.

“Like this?” Selina asked, and tantalized him by running her tongue around and around the burgeoning cockhead.

“Yes. Get it nice and wet.”

Tweaking Oswald’s sense of propriety, she spat a helping of saliva onto his knob. Oswald grabbed her by the head, her shortened hair pushed from its neat styling by his groping hands, and for a moment, Selina worried she’d really offended him.

“Now lube it up,” Oswald ordered her.

Happy to obey, Selina hungrily massaged the saliva into his manhood with both her hands and her rolling tongue. Then she took his cockhead into her mouth, smearing her saliva over his length by bobbing her head up and down on the first several inches of his endowment. Her need for him to be inside her had mounted and now, it seemed to fill her entire body. Her only thought now was getting his prick stiff enough to give her the fucking she desired; wet enough to allow her to take it into her tight slit.

She was more turned on than ever, her pussy drenched. Her clitoris seemed to jerk uncontrollably where it waited with the rest of her numbly unattended cunt to be wrapped around Oswald’s manhood. Selina knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep unless she came hard.

Oswald’s prick was so hard now that it was practically trembling, but Selina was enjoying herself too much to stop. She loved getting Oswald hot. Holding his knob inside her lips, she lashed her tongue across his glans.

“Push your tongue in,” Oswald panted.

“You mean in your little glanshole?”

“Unless you’re tired of trying. Are you?”

“Oh, Ozzie, I love being your good little cock-holster!”

“My horny little cum dumpster,” Oswald chuckled good-naturedly.

“That too. And don’t tease.”

Wildly aroused, Selina slid her mouth halfway down Oswald’s length. Then, forcing herself not to gag, she lunged the rest of the way forward, taking him into her throat. She sputtered and quickly had to pull back, but just as rapidly she went down his length again, pressing her nose into his pubic hairs and swallowing down his cockhead.

“Oh, that truly is cocksucking,” Oswald breathed.

He slammed his hips up as his engorged prick shook in Selina’s gullet like a struck gong. It stiffened so much it gave Selina a hard time keeping its thickness between her jaws. She felt an overwhelming urge to pull herself off its sheer heft before she choked. Oswald decided for her and she was disappointed when he drew her forcibly off his erection.

“My balls now, darling, they could use some attention too,” Oswald said, shoving her head down between his chunky thighs.

“When are you going to fuck me?” Selina whined, even as her hot tongue slathered all over his scrotum, smearing down the crisp hairs and feeling out the pulsing testes within the wrinkled skin.

“In no time at all, precious, no time at all…”

Sometimes Selina thought Oswald got off on having such a beautiful woman at his beck and call. But he always ended up making her come so deliciously. It was then that she was convinced he loved her. Thrilled with the taste and feel of his cum-filled balls, she pulled at them with her mouth, covering her teeth with her lips to carefully worry at them.

Oswald held her head in an iron grip and directed her mouth back up to his cockhead. “Now the shaft,” he said, shoving himself back into her mouth. “And now the balls once more.”

She went back down to his scrotum and then was made to suck on his cock again. All throughout her work she stared at his face, watching his rapt expression. Even more than the sensation of his cock inside her mouth, she loved to see that she was pleasing him.

Kneeling down with her ass in the air and her breasts pressed flat against the bedspread, she kissed at Oswald’s cockhead and tongued his hairy scrotum. With every bob of her head she managed to get more of his length into her mouth, lodging his broad cockhead at the back of her throat and then humming to stimulate him. Oswald could barely stand it: he quickly brought her back down to his balls, then equally quickly returned her to his shaft and felt her hum on his buried cock once more.

Oswald stared at the top of her head as she bent to his cock, glad that her cropped haircut let him see as well as feel her full lips around his member. It really was remarkable how Selina both loved to suck cock and did such a good job of it. His stomach muscles tensed, making his belly quiver like a bowl of jelly as the pressure built in his balls.

“Easy, I don’t want that mouth to get what’s meant to go between your legs.”

But Selina tightened her lips around his throbbing erection and bobbed her head all the more ecstatically. It was like her to get carried away when she was deep into a blowjob, her throat embracing so much of his manhood. Eventually Oswald had to push her away, further ruffling her already disheveled hair.

“I want it,” she pleaded, reaching for his cock.

“You want to be fucked more, if you’ll recall. It’d be a shame for you to remember how much you want that after you’ve gotten my cum.”

Selina pouted. “I’ll be good,” she promised, and set about swirling her tongue around his knob as hungrily as ever.

Oswald moaned encouragement, feeling her tongue roll down the underside of his shaft and engulf his balls with its thorough licks. Selina treated his balls as delightfully as ever, giving them a spitshine before she went back to mouthing his cock. Giggling girlishly around his knob, she then plunged her lips down his length, taking him briefly into her throat before working her way back off his prick.

“I’m not on the pill,” she told him suddenly, pulling at the shoulder straps of her bikini top to help it off her chest—clearly showing she’d gotten her last loving taste of his cock. “So that cum would be wasted on my mouth.”

And she gave him a ravishing smile that brought the sexuality of her plush lips to the forefront, torturing him with the thought of how good it would’ve been to finish in her throat.

But Oswald was not a man to be swayed by minute urges when he had a more important objective to consider. “Not wasted, my dear, but definitely not put where it would do the most good. Let’s get you out of those old rags.”


Gundam lupus

penguin does not deserve what's coming next. always so easy for the bat and the cat to get with anyone other then the bat and the cat.