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Cassie knew Kon’s prick throbbed to the same beat as their mounting passion. She wanted it to outpace their lesbian desire, have him all but howling for the two of them just from seeing how little they needed him.

Mmmm, give it to me harder, Raven! OHHH, your cunt’s so wet! It feels amazing!”

Raven too was getting into the spirit of eliciting Kon’s lust. It pleased her that all three of them had went along with the idea. Obviously while Cassie enjoyed playing the prude, she had as much sensual imagination as Kon had perversion. Maybe after today, they would see the benefits to that.

Raven certainly did. She enjoyed toying with Cassie, but also relished the thought of Kon standing there, his burgeoning erection straining against his jeans, getting off—or trying to—on what they were doing.

Together, the girls dropped down to the floor and arranged themselves face to crotch. Raven’s head nestled between Cassie’s toned thighs, while Cassie faced the wispy little triangle of Raven’s pubic hair.

While Kon leaned forward for a better look, the two women tongued each other. Their fingers lovingly petted each other’s secret flesh as they tasted it; Kon saw tantalizing hints of their most profound nudity through what they were doing to each other. He couldn’t resist. He knelt down on the floor, then rolled onto his side, still bound. From that low perspective, he could best see every moment of their lurid affair.

“Holy schnike,” he exclaimed softly, watching Raven swirl her tongue around Cassie’s swollen clit. And as it tingled and trilled about Raven’s mouth, he could also see Raven’s reaction—her pale skin flushed, her lips quirking with delight at Cassie’s taste.

Kon realized that this wasn’t just some quirk of Raven’s empathy, some naughty relic of her demonic heritage. She genuinely enjoyed eating pussy—eating Cassie’s pussy. The revelation stunned Kon. Who would’ve thought the monotone Raven, who seemed all sarcasm and angst, was hiding a porn star under that big cloak?

Well, except for him, but that was a happy-time fantasy, not a psychological insight. Only somehow it was both. Maybe he was a bit of an empath himself, with genius-level analysis of other people’s psyches running just under the surface of his consciousness!

“You aren’t,” Raven said casually, shutting down Kon’s fevered thinking, before she went back to Cassie’s clit. Working her tongue down from its stinging stiffness to the dripping lips of her womanhood. She licked up the warm juices, sniffed deeply the aromatic perfume that went with them, savoring every little facet of the beautiful woman she was making love to.

She left the sweet taste of Cassie’s sex before she could become addicted to it, sending her tongue instead to the tightly clenched pucker of Cassie’s asshole. Her lick into it became a thrust and a lascivious thrill consumed Raven when it made Cassie wail in delight. The empath ground her own sex frantically down into Cassie’s mouth and soon felt the same touch; a debauched eroticism as Cassie’s tongue prodded her own sphincter.

“A-azar…” Raven swore gently, before the urge to do the same, to keep doing the same, to Cassie was overwhelming.

Cassie grinned into Raven’s wet pussy. That was just what she wanted to hear. The sound of reserved, chilly Raven losing herself in decadent enjoyment was music to her ears. She plunged her tongue into the glistening wetness of Raven’s sex. The way the empath’s cool-looking paleness blazed like want made physical, then its resilient tightness yielded to Cassie’s tongue—how could it not make the Amazon’s womanhood throb?

She pressed her own cunt to Raven’s face while she lapped up all the delicious moisture she could find in Raven’s swollen folds. Then took one of Raven’s engorged labia lips into her mouth and sucked it until she tasted more of her satisfying flavor flowing onto her tongue.

Raven groaned wantonly, her mouth coming off of Cassie’s slit to let out her reaction to what the Amazon was doing. Cassie had to ease up on how she was lavishing Raven with attention. As much as she loved the taste, she couldn’t take driving Raven away from what she was doing. And, getting the message, Raven’s mouth quickly returned to its pleasing task.

Kon watched, wide-eyed, incredulous, as the two beauties worked at each other, pumping hips and bobbing heads in one continuous circle formed by their bodies. Cassie’s mop of long golden hair fountained over Raven’s clenching thighs and bellies. Raven’s short purple bob swayed its bangs as she labored at Cassie’s grinding crotch.

The empath moaned softly while she both gave and receive. And every time she found a particular delicacy in her hunger for Cassie’s sex, Cassie’s gentle moans became an animalistic howl.

The sound sent an urgent throb right through Kon’s erection. He knew he couldn’t go much longer without trying to join in on their endless cycle of taking pleasure and giving it. While his gaze stayed riveted on the Sapphic give and take, he tested the bonds of mystical shadow that held him tight.

His cock stood out in front of him as if in parody of his fruitlessly straining muscles, pointing the way as if he needed further guidance to his destination. The tented erection trembled bare inches from Raven’s bowed back.


“Oh, Raven, you’re so good! YES!”

Kon banged his head against the ground. They were right there! He’d cry out to them that the joke had gone on long enough if he were willing to miss a moment of their erotic moans. God, what he wouldn’t give to be the floor those two were rutting on…

Then Kon grinned. That’s it! Rolling onto his back, he touched the ground with both bound hands. Extended his tactile telekinesis through the floorboards. And soon, he was touching the two women, right through the ground they laid on.

With a grunt more of triumph than of effort, Kon flung them apart.

“Hey! What’s the big—“ Cassie started to say, picking herself up, only to find hands and knees locked against the hardwood.

Raven sighed. She was glued onto her back. Kon’s telekinesis would not let her go back to what she was doing. And all of them knew better than to fight back and risk the Kents’ hardwood floors.

“How about we call it a draw?” Kon asked, and let them up in good faith.

With a few quick gesticulations, Raven had similarly released him. “I can still teleport you to Shanghai.”

“Or we could let him in,” Cassie reasoned, giving Kon a meaningful look even as she continued to converse with ‘Raven’. “If he’s all in.”

“Believe me—I’m getting all in.”

Raven pressed the point. “Then you don’t think you’re a bad guy anymore, Junior?”

“Oh, I’m a bad guy,” Kon said, stripping off his clothes—gasping in relief as he finally set his erection free. “But you’re really going to like how bad I am.”

“Great Hera,” Cassie trilled when she saw it.

Raven didn’t worship the Greek pantheon, but she had to agree.


Cassie and Raven went willingly to where Kon wanted them, with no coaxing at all. Mindlessly, Cassie let herself be positioned on her hands and knees above the prostrate Raven. She didn’t question. She had surrendered too thoroughly to her lust.

With the addition of Kon to the proceedings, Cassie was helplessly immersed in debauchery—ready for whatever Kon might have her do. She welcomed the hands that so urgently grabbed her buttocks and kneaded them lustily. Her throaty groans turned Kon on to the point that the interruption might as well have not happened.

From where she lay underneath Cassie’s parted legs, Raven looked up at Kon. The first thing in her field of vision was, of course, his turgid erection. Even after all the affection she’d spent on Cassie, all the femininity she’d gorged herself with, the unapologetically masculine sight made her tingle.

She shoved her hips up into Cassie’s face, feeling a fearful and masochistic kind of anticipation. Raven was sure she’d never had such a massive endowment before—equally certain that it might hurt her—and she looked forward to that almost as much as she wanted to see Cassie take it.

It made her whole body flush that her and Cassie’s combined sensuality had brought Kon to such a state… and it pleased her even more to think that, by tending to Cassie, she could arouse Kon in equal measure.

She reached up to suck on Cassie’s clit, giving her pleasure that wrenched a howling cry from the Amazon’s throat. But Raven knew she couldn’t have Cassie to herself for long. Kon was no longer content to just watch. His hard prick held so close to Cassie’s ass clearly signaled his intentions.

It took only a second for him to fulfill Raven’s expectations, which was more patience than she usually credited him with. Kon pulled Cassie’s hips high into the air, unfortunately taking her away from Raven’s ravenous tongue. Cassie moaned, equally disappointed from being removed from Raven, but submissively relenting to Kon’s sheer lust for her.

A lascivious smile made his features both unhandsome and more attractive than ever. Kon watched Cassie sublimate her need, blonde head wiggling over Raven’s cunt. Excited as she was by what Kon had in store for her, Cassie was not about to give up the taste of Raven’s sweet pussy.

“You love that pussy, don’t you, Cassie?” Kon panted out. “Well then, enjoy it, gorgeous! Turns me on to watch you treat that sweet cunt just like I would! Makes my cock want you even more!”

He watched her ass shake lasciviously and knew his words had gotten to her. Then he looked down at Raven’s wide-eyed face. She looked back at him with an excited leer twisting her features; waiting to see him plunder Cassie’s sex. Obviously looking forward to the moment when he sank into Cassie the same way he’d anticipated seeing Cassie eat her cunt. The wanton enthusiasm reflected back at him made his cock more than steely: it made him throb.

“Is she making your pussy feel good, Rae? Is my Cassie doing a good job eating that cunt?”

His obscene questioning brought a new wave of pleasurable wetness to Raven’s sex. She was thrilled by his vulgarity. “Mmmm… yeah… Cassie’s wonderful… such a good little cunt-lapper!”

“She sure is… has a nice little pussy of her own!” Kon ran his cockhead over Cassie’s quaking snatch, coating it in the combined sheen of her own juices and Raven’s saliva. Cassie shoved her ass up in the air while her mouth kept at Raven’s sex. From her moans, it was obvious she was desperate to be filled by his cock—almost too desperate to keep eating Raven out.

“Don’t worry, babe. I’m not going to keep you waiting like you did me. You’re getting all the big dick you can handle—right now!”

Kon’s bright eyes stared at Cassie’s vulnerable pink sex, begging to be used by him. At the tight little pucker of her anus, equally worthy of his attention, beckoning to him with the lubricated tightness that Raven’s tongue had left behind. Kon wondered if he should really do what he had planned, what his aching balls were screaming for him to indulge in. But this wasn’t a time for holding back. This was a time to shed absolutely all his inhibitions and divest the two women of theirs too.

“HNNNNNNGH!” Cassie’s mouth totally abandoned Raven’s pussy to let out the sudden surge of emotion she felt. She could hardly believe what was happening. Only the ecstatic strain of her scarcely prepared asshole made her accept the reality of this new perversion. Kon wasn’t in her pussy, wasn’t even bothering with her virginity. Instead, he’d skipped straight to initiating her into anal sex! “KON! KON! YOU’RE HURTING ME!”

Cassie couldn’t bring herself to ask him to stop, only to tell him how much it hurt in the hopes there was some gentler way he could sodomize her. There wasn’t, of course. Kon eased himself into her as softly as he could; Cassie wasn’t suffering from him rushing her into ass-fucking so much as she was experiencing an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. She couldn’t believe how much of his prick her tiny anal passage was now taking. And she certainly would’ve have been able to guess how much was still waiting to go into her.
