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They broke up after that, obviously. Peter’s emotional state was an odd decomposite. He felt shame over what had happened, but not regret. Maybe he was intellectualizing it, but it seemed clear to him that if his and Gwen’s relationship could be broken up by nothing more than a hot chick in a catsuit, then it probably wasn’t good for business in the first place. Still, he felt embarrassed enough to let Gwen have the apartment, moving his things out and staying with his Aunt May while he looked for a new one.

The apartment hunt proceeded fruitlessly. New York real estate made Doctor Doom look nice, and even when he found a decent place in his price range, he was so distracted by his Spider-Man patrols, his job at the Daily Bugle, and his studies that someone else would invariably snatch up the pad before he could. Heck, they’d snatch up the closet if it was being subletted. Being Spider-Man in his spare time didn’t make him any different from the hordes of apartment seekers in the Big Apple. It was enough to make him try joining the Fantastic Four again, hope they had a couch he could crash on.

Having fought the Shocker to a standstill, Peter began the rigmarole of preserving his secret identity. He had to track down where he’d webbed his clothes, hoping the hiding place had been good enough, then he’d have to take a cab back to Aunt May’s place, tapping further into his savings—no commute would spare him time to stay up half the night fighting evil. Finally, wearier than a straight-up fight could ever make him, he left the cab’s atrocious shocks and mind-numbing conversation for the greener groves of May’s.

“Still no place to call your own?” May asked, heating up dinner just for him.

“Nothing. No prospects whatsoever,” Peter sighed.

“You can always stay here,” May suggested. “Think of it like having, oh, a roommate.”

“Sorry, May, I just can’t sleep with all your wild parties, you know that,” Peter teased. “Besides, the commute’s killing me.”

“Well, if you don’t want to stay here, you can always be a boarder,” May told him. “Closer to the city, though. I’ve taken one and I don’t charge her much at all.”


“What’s with all the excitement?” Felicia Hardy asked, coming down the stairs in a haze of drowsy, girlish energy. “I thought Queens rolled up the sidewalks at eleven.”

Peter stared at her. She was dressed almost modestly: her white hair tied back into a messy French twist, her mask and collar replaced by a black lace choker, and her… inspiring catsuit traded for a black halter top with a kitten’s face on it in white, her skirt black with white trim. Its asymmetrical contrast gave her a casual elegance that, while being street clothes, maintained the decadent easiness she showed as the Black Cat. Her boots had a white fur trim as well. The woman knew her look.

Her clothing was all perfectly innocent; it was her expression and the look in her eyes that told you she’d been around and would let you know it. Her eyes raked over Peter’s muscular body, lingering on his crotch as if calling some bluff, before flickering back to his eyes.

“And who’s this?” she asked, deeply ironic.

“My nephew,” May answered. “Oh, I’ve told you about him plenty. Peter Benjamin Parker, meet Felicia Hardy, my new tenant. She’s an artist!”

An artist at what, I bet she hasn’t mentioned, Peter thought viciously. He extended his hand to shake. Felicia took it in both of hers, her hands even softer and warmer than her supple gloves had been.

“Sorry to just occupy your turf like this,” Felicia said. “But this place is so charming! I think I can do some really nice spreads here.”

“I guess that would make you the girl next door.”

“Every girl’s next door to something,” Felicia replied.

May could see the chemistry between them and for a moment she had a vicious twinge of worry. But she reminded herself that whatever Peter’s little drama with Gwen, he would certainly get back together with her. Felicia was a nice girl, but far too bold for a sweet boy like Peter. He’d let her flirt, but that was as far as it would go. And who was May to judge someone for flirting? She’d gotten into her share of trouble when she was their age.

They sat around the kitchen table, Felicia and May telling him all about how Felicia had moved in, while Peter ate his food and deliberately avoided looking at Felicia. If nothing else, there was no sense in giving May any reason to think there was something there. And besides, every time he glanced at the minx, he thought of how she looked with cum all over her face.

And when Peter held May’s attention, he would feel Felicia’s eyes on him; glancing back at her to find the woman lasciviously darting her pink tongue out and tracing her lips. As she had before sucking his cock.

Finally, they drifted apart. It helped that it was late. May was too tired to sit up all night, Felicia feigned tiredness as well, and Peter went to do the dishes. He loaded them into the dishwasher, always expecting Felicia to return and spring her trap. By the time he was finished, he decided he was done waiting.


A sudden knock on her bedroom door had Felicia leaping off her waiting perch on the bed, a cute little pose she’d worked out, half-wanting Peter to just burst in unannounced. Instead, she impatiently flung open the door to find him standing there, looking very uncomfortable.

“Uh, Felicia, I… just wanted to talk to you for a minute. May I come in?” he asked.

“It’s your house. You can do what you want,” Felicia replied with a shrug, moving away from the door.

She seated herself on the edge of her bed as Peter sat down in an easy chair in the corner.

“How’d you find me?”

Felicia flushed and bit into her lower lip, acting abashed for a moment before she grinned with malice. “Facebook. Your little girlfriend has so many pictures of you together. Once I found her, I found you. And, having found you—I decided to keep you.”

“You’re not my girlfriend,” Peter replied stridently.

“Why not?” Felicia mockingly pouted. “We’re very… compatible. A good fit, you might say. And you’re clearly single.”

“You’re a criminal,” Peter immediately replied.

“Takes one to know one,” Felicia taunted, sing-song. “I don’t see a badge on that skintight costume of yours. And I have looked…”

“I want you to stay away from my aunt. You can stalk me all you want, but it stays between us, it shouldn’t involve…” Peter’s eyes widened as his gaze focused on Felicia’s chest. “There’s something… wrong with your top.”

“What do you mean? What’s wrong with my…” Felicia laughed suddenly, seeing that one of her breasts had popped free of her tight halter top. The entire curve of it was now visible, the nipple long and stiff. “And that strikes you as wrong?”

Peter was discreetly looking away, giving her a chance to slip her naked tit back into her top. But, glancing at his crotch, Felicia could see the beginnings of a hard-on bulging against his pants. And the beginnings of his hard-on were bigger than a lot of men’s full erection.

“Could you just fix it, please?”

“Absolutely, Peter. I’d love to fix it.” With that said, Felicia tore her top off and threw it down, rising to stand right in front of Peter. “You can look now, Peter. I’m decent.”

She smiled as she continued to stare at his bulging crotch.

Peter turned back around and found himself staring at both her breasts now. “God, Cat, you said you were decent!”

He tried not to look, but it was impossible for him to tear his gaze away from those two huge, tempting mounds of strawberry-tipped flesh.

“Well, spectacular is more like it, but I was trying to be modest,” Felicia said with a little giggle. “You like modest, right? Why else would you date Gwen Stacy?”

“Put it back on,” Peter choked out.

Felicia laughed, delighted by his outré reaction. He was really getting turned on by her. She could see his erection getting bigger and harder by the second. And despite his supposed shock, he hadn’t left the room. He was sitting there, staring at her tits. It was such a turn-on.

“Why should I? Don’t you like looking at my tits? Is there something wrong with them?” Felicia taunted. And now she scooped both of her heavy breasts up into her hands and lifted them as if in offering.

“Of course there’s nothing wrong with them!” Peter replied angrily. “It’s just not right, that’s all.”

“Why not?” Felicia asked sultrily, moving closer to him.

“It’s just… I don’t know… I just…”

“You didn’t answer my question, Peter. Spider,” Felicia said smoothly, thoroughly enjoying herself.

“What question?” Peter asked, closing his eyes to try to keep from focusing on the mesmerizing sight of Felicia’s naked tits. That just made him blind to her continued advance.

“Do you like my tits?” Felicia asked softly.

“They’re very… evenly distributed,” Peter said, his voice thick with lust.

Felicia laughed again, this time in triumph.

“That’s one way to put it. Would you like to touch them?” Felicia could feel her sex growing hotter and hotter with each passing second. She was standing right in front of him now.

“God, Felicia!” Peter said, clenching his hands on his knees as if afraid of what they would do if they were loose.

Felicia shuffled between Peter’s open legs, her shins hitting the chair he sat on, kneeling forward to rest her weight on the seat between his thighs.

“Take that as a yes,” Felicia murmured as she reached down and grabbed one of her lover’s hands, placing it firmly on her right breast. With her hand covering his, she squeezed, forcing him to squeeze as well. “Mmm, feels good,” she cooed. “Don’t you like touching me, Spider?”

He opened his eyes, staring in disbelief at his hand sinking into the fulsome flesh of her tit. It heaved against his palm, full and potent, its springy resilience driving him to squeeze it more and more, to grope it with much of his strength, moving his hand all over its contours…

“Tell me if you like what we’re doing, Spider,” Felicia said, savoring the sense of power she felt over him. She continued to push her breast into his hand, and she noticed that Peter’s cock was still swelling within the confines of his trousers. “Tell me that you like this or I’ll stop right now!”

“No, don’t stop!” Peter groaned and, to Felicia’s delight, he reached up with his other hand and gripped her left breast. He kneaded the firm flesh as roughly and as thoroughly as he was doing her other breast. “I love touching you, Felicia.”

“Oh, good! But I think that’s enough for now, Peter.” Felicia moved back from him, her tits slipping out of his grasping hands.

“Felicia!” he protested, reaching out as if to grip her tits again.

But she shook her head and darted away. “Naughty, naughty! Mustn’t touch! You said it yourself—it’s wrong.”

Peter gritted his teeth. He looked away. His eyes darted back and forth from where his head was turned to Felicia’s heaving cleavage. He couldn’t help but gaze hungrily at her tits.

“So you just sit right there and watch me. That isn’t wrong. It’s perfectly natural for me to take my clothes off to go to bed, isn’t it? And it’s not wrong for you to look at me, either. But touching me… that’s not allowed. Right, Spider?” Felicia demanded, feeling her pussy tingle.

Peter licked his lips unconsciously. “Whatever you say, Felicia.”

“Whatever I say…” Felicia repeated slowly, as if thinking it over. “I like that. That’s very good. Maybe if you’re very, very good, I just might let you touch me. Would you like that?”

“Yes,” Peter gritted out, his eyes furious, at himself more than her, she thought. His cock was hardening even more at the thought of touching her naked body. She didn’t think he could help it.

Felicia kicked her boots off. She grinned at Peter—all part of giving him a good show. Staring right at him as she unzipped her skirt. She was glad to be wearing panties for once. She wanted to prolong her teasing of Peter. She wanted to make him want her the same way he’d made her want him.

“Take. Them. Off,” Peter panted, moving his gaze down to her panty-clad crotch.

“You first,” Felicia said sternly. “Show me where all that radioactive blood is going.”

Peter unbuttoned the fly of his trousers and hauled out his cock. It was rock hard, making Felicia’s mouth water with desire as she stared at it. And, without being prompted, Peter began to jerk himself off as he stared at Felicia’s bare breasts.

Felicia’s eyes widened as she stared at his huge cock. She strutted back and forth before him, swaying her hips, letting her breasts jiggle, modelling not clothes for him, but her voluptuous body. The more she turned him on, the faster he stroked.

“Take your panties off… don’t tease me like this… take your panties off now!”

Felicia laughed delightedly. “Do you want to see my little pussy, is that it? Tell me, Spider. Do you want to see my criminal pussy?”

“Yes! That’s what I want! For God’s sake, Felicia, let me see your pussy!”

“Well, I don’t know, Spider. I mean, what if we get caught?” Felicia asked, teasingly putting a finger to her chin as she prolonged his torment.

“Fuck, Felicia… Aunt May sleeps like the dead. I’ve been sneaking out to play superhero since I was fifteen years old, we’re fine!” Peter was leaning forward in his chair as if about to spring out of it and ravish her. Felicia shuddered at the thought—if only!

Felicia faced him. As much as he wanted to see her naked pussy, she wanted him to see it. Slowly, seductively, she leaned forward, slipping her panties down until they fell around her ankles. Then she straightened up. She stepped out of her panties and kicked them to the side.

She could feel his horny gaze all over her white-furred sex.

Peter was struck silent—his hand pumped urgently along the length of his stiff member, turning Felicia on all the more. And she stood proudly before him, completely naked now, her hands on her powerful hips, her big tits thrust forward. She parted her legs widely, relishing the way he devoured her with his eyes.

“Do you really like my pussy?” she asked huskily.

“Yes! Yes! It’s gorgeous!” Peter cried.

“You wanna touch it?” Felicia asked with a smile.

“You know!” Peter groaned with lust as he pumped his fist on his prick faster and harder.

Felicia turned around, shielding her pussy from his eyes with her ass. It was a great ass, but he’d already largely seen it, her panties barely more than a thong in the back. Besides, this hid her breasts too, except for the sides, jutting out past her slender torso. She began to do an erotic bump and grind, looking over her shoulder to see his eyes were completely glazed over.

“You know what, Spider?” she asked.

“What is it?” Peter asked, his voice strangled with desire.

“My kitty is almost always juicy,” she said coyly. “I’m always turned on, always ready to be fucked. That’s why my pussy is always so wet. It’s dripping right now!”

Peter stopped jerking off and just squeezed his cock, obviously trying to prevent himself from cumming before he had a chance to actually get inside her.

“Do you want to see me touching my wet pussy?” Felicia asked excitedly.

“Yes! Touch it! Touch your wet pussy!”

Felicia moved closer to Peter, putting one leg up on an armrest, and thrust her hips forward. Her cunt was so close to him now that he could actually smell her. Staring right at him, Felicia slipped a finger into her labia, running it up and down her wet slit.

Peter’s mouth went slack, staring wide-eyed at Felicia. His fist closed on his cock as if strangling it.

“Oh, yeah, Spider, my pussy’s sopping wet now! Do you want to see how wet it is?” she taunted him.

Unable to speak past the knot that rose up in his throat, Peter nodded several times.

“Here! Look!” Felicia cried as she pulled her hand away from her groin and held it up right in front of him. Peter stared wordlessly, but Felicia saw that his cock was seeping precum in his tightening fist.

“Yeah, it’s really wet, alright. Let’s see how it tastes,” Felicia said softly, thrilled by her own deviance so much it was almost masturbatory. She brought her finger to her mouth and sucked on it. “Mmmm. That tastes really good, Spider. Would you like some?”

Peter nodded his head so fast that it was a blur.

“Okay, you’ve been a good boy, so I’ll let you. First, let me get my finger wet again—just for you.” Felicia dipped the same finger between her pussy lips again, feeling her walls clench on it. God, this whole thing had her tight. She bet Peter would love having his cock in her.

When she pulled her finger out, it was once again coated with her juices.

“Let… me… taste it…” Peter grunted, panting hard as he stared at her hand. It wasn’t just her finger that was wet—her arousal slicked down her palm.

“Okay, but don’t try anything else,” Felicia said as she held out her hand.

Like a starving dog following the scent of a juicy steak, Peter leaned forward, lips parting for the wet finger held out in front of him.

But as his tongue stuck out, Felicia laughed and yanked it out of his reach.

“You bitch!” Peter growled, his face turning red. In a heartbeat, he was up out of his chair and colliding with Felicia, carrying her onto the bed, his body on top of hers, pinning her down. Felicia only laughed, feeling his cock pounding against her naked thigh with his racing heartbeat, his body hot and sweaty, his breath coming warm against her throat.

Peter was forcing himself to calm down, forcing himself to stay cool, and Felicia almost wanted to rub her leg against him just to see if she could break the stalemate. “I’m sorry,” he said finally, his voice a croak. “I shouldn’t call you names…”

“No, you’re right, I’m a bitch. Wanna be my bastard?” She bit her lip in open arousal, emphasizing the point.

“Give me your finger,” Peter said, all his self-control gone. Felicia wasn’t sure what had taken its place.

Felicia ran her wet hand down his face, to his mouth. This time, when Peter stuck his tongue out, Felicia stroked her juicy finger over it. Left it there, moaning softly as she felt his tongue running up and down its length, lapping up her arousal.

Finally, she pulled her finger away. He wasn’t done licking it, but it was shiny only with his saliva. She put her hand on Peter’s chest, pushing him back and arching her hips to roll him over. He went willingly, settling onto his back. And, unable to restrain her lust any longer, Felicia wound herself down his body, knelt between his legs where they dangled off the bed.

“What are you doing?” Peter asked, his cock lurching wildly.

“I gave you my finger… now I want your cock.”

Peter gasped as he felt the cat burglar’s experienced hands cupping and squeezing his swollen balls. He knew he should stop her. It was very un-Captain-America to let this supervillain play with him like this—literally—but it felt so good he couldn’t bring himself to stop her.

Searing lust streaked through his body as Felicia’s fingers tickled the sensitive flesh beneath his scrotum, ticked over the wrinkled skin of his balls, moved up to his hard shaft and slid his foreskin up and down. Peter was soon writhing wildly on the bed as the nymphet explored everywhere between his legs, rubbing, stroking, and caressing until his own manipulation of his prick was a distant memory. Goddamn, they were hands, how could hers feel so much better than his?

“God, your cock feels so good in my hands,” she whispered. “How’s it gonna feel in my mouth?”

She opened her mouth wide and sucked his throbbing cock into her mouth. She sucked hard and fast, closing her eyes and moaning with lust as she turned on more and more.

“Yes, Cat, yes—suck me off! Make me come! Swallow it all! Peter gasped, bucking his hips to drive more of his prick into her hungry mouth.

Now there’s an idea, Felicia thought. Her pussy was so hot and so wet that she knew there was no way she wouldn’t come. She was having the time of her life with Peter’s cock. It was so thick and juicy that it drove her wild, the strong taste and musk of it making her sex cream with excitement. She could feel it swelling even bigger as she teased her wet tongue around the crown of his cock.

Suddenly, she climaxed. Waves of orgasm struck her and she gasped around the thickness of Peter’s cock. Her juices ran down her legs, providing enough for even Peter’s appetite.

“Hey, easy does it, Cat! Mmmmmm, that’s wild, ummmnunmm, your hot mouth…”

Madly excited, Felicia was whipping her mouth back and forth on his throbbing cock with wanton need. His manhood was so damn exciting to her, a man’s cock, a hero-cock, just what she’d dream about a superhuman having in his pants. She shuddered as she felt his cock pound and throb in her hands and in her mouth, swelling larger and hotter with each frenzied suck.

The thought of its sheer size smoldered in her mind like a burning fuse, along with her seduction of Peter, her corruption of him. It said she was sexy and wild and irresistible, everything a guy could want. It told her she was a goddess. It made her happy. Anyone could steal a diamond. She had stolen Spider-Man.

She sucked Peter hard, licking all over the throbbing cockhead with her wet tongue. She could feel it pulsing against her inner cheeks and she groaned with excitement, knowing he was ready to pop. Barely able to resist just one more suck, she wrenched herself off him in the nick of time.

“Come all over me, motherfucker!”

And, laughing loudly, Peter did just that.

He came on her face and automatically Felicia shoved her head into the stream, trying to protect herself, but all she succeeded in doing was creating a spray of cum that splattered her tits. She tried to get hold of his cock, but in the heat of the moment, it actually seemed too big to get her fingers around. Besides, he was holding it, spurting up and down her tits and stomach, even drenching the hair of her pussy. She felt his hot cum running down her body into her pubic hair, over her clit, her perineum, it was touching her more than Peter had!

“Damn you!” Felicia squealed, her flesh tingling as he kept coming, the spurts splashing and stinging her erect nipples, then her stomach, and finally he was coming into the platinum curls of her sex. Felicia gasped as the impacts slapped against her most sensitive places. “I didn’t—didn’t know you had it in you!”

“I don’t,” Peter replied. “Not anymore… you do.”

“Ohh, it’s good!” she moaned happily. “I want more. More on my tits, more on my cunt… fuck, it feels so good! So warm—so much!

Her eyes smoldered, watching his cock tense with the cum shooting out of it. She found a certain beauty in watching him cum, a beauty that was compounded by feeling it cover her like soothing oil. Her cunt, drenched by his seed, began to throb with a heat that she was quite familiar with.

“You’re going to make me come again!” she groaned, leaning forward. “My pussy… oh, I’m coming, Spider! Come on me, come all over my fucking skin!”

Peter was done, but not finished. Taking firm hold of his cock, he shook loose a few last drops of cum, sending them splashing against Felicia’s lips in a goodnight kiss. Felicia’s climax was not as strong as the one she had had while blowing him, but its lingering, almost painful sting in her oversensitive sex had a certain… poignancy.

“Now I’m going to have to wash,” Felicia said, her voice a little thick. “Hope you don’t mind sharing a shower from now on, Spider. I plan on getting really dirty.”



Hah, called it! 3 for 3 so far