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Jean reached for the belt of her pants. Emma grinned delightedly and got up to turn on the radio, playing something slinky and insinuating. She flopped back in her chair as Jean pushed down her jeans, leaving her in only her dress top, and Emma licked her lips as she watched Jean untie that. Her leering look seemed insinuating all by itself, as exciting and dirty as a nasty rumor.

“Dance, Jean,” Emma said. “Give us a show, now, there’s a good girl…”

Jean obeyed, swaying to the music as she undid her top’s clasp and let its long, filmy length slip open. Emma encouraged her with an eager grin. Trembling with embarrassment, Jean let the top slip off her shoulders. It descended in a slow cloud to her feet. She stepped out of it wearing only her bra and panties, her loafers.

“Not bad,” Emma said. “But I’ve a feeling that I haven’t seen anything yet…”

Jean had never felt so humiliated in her life. She’d known Emma would make this difficult for her, but she hadn’t reckoned with her perverted mind. Emma had gotten under her skin, practically seduced her with her gentleness and sly touches, but now she had gone from that odd romance to forcing Jean to strip! The blonde’s leering eyes and malicious smile increased Jean’s mortification. An hour. She only had to put up with this for one hour. Less, minus the time she’d taken to tell her story.

To further eat into that hour, she was very slow in kicking off her shoes, fitting it in only belatedly to her dancing sway.

“Now the bra,” Emma purred. “Let’s not pretend you have a better rack than me one second more…”

That crack made Jean want to put a stop to this now, tell Emma to go fuck herself—as if she weren’t telling her that already with her dishabille, giving Emma plenty of fodder for her perverse fantasies. But if she did that, she’d lose Scott. Emma may have been a predator, but she was an honest one. She held a code. If Emma said she’d give Scott up after an hour with Jean, she meant it.

She was intent on humiliating Jean in that hour, though, and any resistance would only make Emma demand submission all the harder. Brave-faced but red with embarrassment, Jean reached around and found the hook of her bra. Emma sat on the edge of her seat, straining for the first glimpse of her rival’s naked bosom.

Reluctantly, Jean unhooked her skimpy lace bra and drew it forward, letting it slide down her arms. She concentrated on her dancing, as she’d been ordered, and pretended her pert breasts weren’t wobbling smartly, the soft rosy nipples bouncing up as if eager to be viewed, the scattering of freckles on her soft brown skin now visible down to her waist. Her breasts were indeed smaller than Emma’s, but firm and perky, and natural if anyone still cared.

There was a long moment of silence before Emma let out an appreciative wolf-whistle, forcing Jean to remember she was both on display and being viewed. Emma sat on the edge of her chair ogling Jean’s firm breasts as they undulated along to every beat of her dancing. If it were possible to die of shame, Jean would’ve done it, but she soldiered on. To save her marriage, she had to endure the scrutiny of her topless body. She had to show that bitch Emma what Scott really wanted.

Emma started licking her plump lips again. “Now the panties, wifey,” she said with a posh laugh. “Take it all off.”

Jean couldn’t help but whimper. “Oh, please…” How long had it been since someone other than her husband had seen her naked?

“Forty-five minutes, Jean,” Emma said idly. “No wonder your husband’s strayed if this is the extent of your kinkiness.”

More from anger than anything else, Jean hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her little lacy panties. Avoiding the undeniably excited eyes of Emma, she inched her panties down as she danced. If Emma wanted to see her pussy, she’d have to wait for it.

“Hurry, hurry,” Emma said in a rough voice, practically falling out of her chair. “What are you afraid of? That I’ll see how wet you are?”

Jean moved as slowly as she could, but at last the panties were down over the tight buoyancy of her ass and then over the glossy red fur of her pussy. Blushing furiously, Jean let the scant garment slither down her legs and stepped out of it, standing as proudly as she could, naked and exposed.

“Stop dancing,” Emma ordered. “Let me look at you.”

Jean felt like something out of a sideshow as she held herself in place, vowing to hold the defiant pose for as long as Emma wanted to stare. She couldn’t help but wonder how long Emma was going to torture her like this, forcing her to show every intimate part of her body to those leering eyes. She posed before them, enduring Emma’s evil grin with all the poise and grace she could muster.

“Yes… I think you should just about fit, if you hold your breath… you see, I’m tired of seeing you naked. Can you blame me?” Emma got up and went to a dresser, pulling open a drawer. “Now I want to see you wearing something provocative.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Frost.”

“Of course. Now, I want you to wear one of my old costumes—no, darling, it won’t be painted black—and as for myself, I’ll be playing…” She held up a strap-on dildo. “Scott.”


Jean straightened the tight white minidress, smoothing out some of the few wrinkles, wishing that would make it easier to breathe. For a woman with more hips and tits than she knew what to do with, Emma had a remarkably small waist, which gave Jean less room to breathe. The neckline plunged in a zipper-led canyon to a midpoint between her breasts, while the hem was cut to show a sampling of firm thigh before it covered her. A white leather belt made the ensemble actually classy; it was the way Emma wore things that made them so sexual.

She’d stretched out five minutes putting it on, and she’d barely exaggerated the time that went into putting on the many-strapped sandals Emma supposedly wore around the house. But finally, she was dressed as her nemesis—and there was Emma herself, playing Scott, with jeans, a baggy white tee, and a leather jacket. Scott’s own clothing, meant for his bulkier frame, shown off on Emma like trophies from a hunt. It was hard for Jean not to sneer at her. But of course, that wasn’t what ‘Emma’ would do to ‘Scott’.

“Oh, hello Scott!” Jean said in simpering eager-to-pleaseness, happy as ‘she’ was to see the handsome X-Man. “Come right in.”

Emma approached her, leering so much it could be noticed even through her ruby-quartz sunglasses. She sat down on the couch, masculinely spreading her legs to show off the bulge of her strap-on. “Oh, Emma, I’m so glad you’re here. My wife doesn’t understand me, she doesn’t put out anymore, she’s got a stick up her ass and it isn’t even mine…”

Jean put her hands on her hips and struck a ridiculous pose to show off both her ass and her tits. “You came to the right place, Scott. I always put out.”

“Good,” grinned Emma. “Because you know how I love fucking you every morning before you get up. And every afternoon during our lunch break. God, I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t suck my cock every night before I go to sleep.”

Jean gritted her teeth together. “Speaking of sucking cock, do you think I could blow you? I love sucking men off. It’s the taste of cum. I really like it when they come on my face first, so I get to feel how warm it is on my skin before I eat it. Mmmm… so good.”

Emma stared through red lenses as Jean suggestively ran her tongue along her soft wet lips. The sight of her moist mouth sent a tingle rippling through her groin. In her consummate acting method, she thought Scott would find the idea of sweet fresh lips sucking on his cock to be strangely exciting.

“But Emma, I’ve already had so much sex with you,” ‘Scott’ protested, in what Emma found to be his roundabout way. “How can I get hard and still have anything left for my loving wife?”

“C’mon, Scott. Just let me look at it. I’m such a slut, I’ll get off on just seeing a prick.” Jean quickly removed her short little dress. “I’ll let you see my pussy if you’ll show me your prick.”

Emma gulped as she stared at Jean standing there with nothing on but her brief panties. She didn’t have to act very hard to find something highly erotic about her pert breasts, capped with long nipples. They’d grown since the two women had started this game.

Smiling at Emma, Jean slowly peeled down her panties, revealing her wet, pink slit surrounded by wisps of downy red hair. “Wanna take a picture of it? I just love people seeing my pussy. I’ve shown it to everyone I can! Now let me see yours!”

Emma unzipped the massive bulge in front of her pants. “Sounds fair. After all, you’re the only one who gets me this way…”

“Wow!” Jean gasped when the big, thick dildo sprang out in front of her. She was not acting. That could not have been the one Emma had shown earlier. More games. But it did seem to be about the same size as Scott—and realistically colored too, thick and girthy with a huge purple cockhead.

“C’mon, Emma,” the other woman said beguilingly. “We both know how much you love my cock…”

Jean sat down beside her, reaching over and wrapping her cool fingers around the thickness of Emma’s unbelievably big dildo. She ran her hand down the thick pole until she reached the bristly pubic hair of Emma’s own groin, and ran her fingers through that tangle before coming back up to the dildo that straddled it.

Emma reached over and began tenderly squeezing the swollen nipples that thrust out from Jean’s firm breasts. Pinching them, she tugged Jean down toward her strap-on, and Jean obligingly dipped her head down and started licking the tip of the dildo. As embarrassing as it was, Jean figured it was better Emma enjoy the visual of her sucking on some apparatus than look at her naked again, or whatever other depraved activities Emma had planned. If she could entertain Emma’s perverted sensibilities enough by going down on this dildo, the hour would be over before she knew it.

And Emma did indeed enjoy watching Jean’s slippery little tongue teasing deliciously up and down the thick hardness of her ‘cock’, sucking and lapping at the length like it was that of Scott himself.

Then, opening her soft lips as wide as possible, Jean took the entire head of the dildo into her mouth’s moist warmth. She could feel Emma lurching, forcing the dildo just a little deeper, even as her wet lips slid down the shaft. Jean tightened them around the realistic ridge at the base of the mushroom-shaped helmet, locking the supposed cockhead securely inside her mouth.

“Oh, Jesus!” Emma gasped, looking down at her spit-drenched dildo stretching out the sucking lips of Jean Grey. “You’re so good at this, Emma!”

Jean looked up at her with an askew glare, then resumed sucking on the cock. Emma dug her fingers into the sofa cushions. She was staring at Jean’s slippery juices as they boiled out onto her inner thighs. The delicate pinkness of her dripping sex was the most succulent looking flesh she’d ever seen.

“God, Emma!” Emma cried, parroting Scott’s husky voice. “No one can suck my cock like you can! No one loves my cock the way you do!”

Jean removed her mouth from the steel-hard shaft. “I don’t know… Jean’s pretty good at riding cock.”

“But nowhere near as good as you,” Emma persisted, flattering herself with a challenging look in her eyes.

“Maybe, ‘Scott,’ we should see just how true that is.”

“Oh, I would love to.”

Jean quickly straddled Emma’s loins, grasping the root of her strap-on, aiming the wet tip of it at her dripping slit before slowly squatting, lowering her cunt directly onto the long, thick weapon of ‘Scott’.

Her entire body quivered with anticipation when the hairs of her pussy grazed against the humid wetness her saliva had imbued the cockhead with. Staring at Emma’s smug expression, Jean knew what was happening, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. She just kept slowly lowering herself down over Emma’s dildo. She wanted Scott back, true, wanted to count down the hour and have Emma out of their lives forever—but she also wanted to prove Emma wrong. To show her that all her talk about being sexier, more experienced, a better lover, a better woman, it was all horseshit.

Smiling at Emma’s flushed face and lust-crazed eyes, Jean managed to work her labia down around the smooth head of the massive dildo. Squealing with excitement, she started working its bloated knob into her hole.

“Oooooh, Scott!” Jean panted when she finally had the fat cockhead wedged into the comparatively tiny opening of her sex. “You’re lucky I’m so damn loose! I bet Jean would need lube to take this big cock!” Slowly lowering herself further, she could feel the hard shaft gliding up her brutally stretched pussy.

She’d expected it to feel big, but she wasn’t prepared for the way it totally filled her womanhood. If she hadn’t been so aroused and it hadn’t been so wet, she felt sure it would’ve ripped her in two!

Heaving with both lust and fear, she could feel the huge dick sinking deeper and deeper into her cruelly stretched cunt. She was so stuffed with it that she could barely breathe!

Staring at her latest conquest, Emma watched her tiny slit be pulled almost to the breaking point as Jean was pumped full of the big dildo. Watching the redhead sitting on her loins with the massive strap-on inside her, it didn’t seem possible that the thick dildo could get into such a petite woman.

“Oh God,” Jean whimpered, exhaling a deep breath. “Your prick feels so fucking big…”

Emma didn’t think she was acting anymore.

Her sunglasses had fallen down the bridge of her nose, and Emma looked over them, into Jean’s eyes as she bucked her hips, jabbing the dildo inside of her rival. Jean moaned and took it, undulating her body to absorb the impacts. It soon became a rhythm, Emma jerking her hips upward, Jean rolling her hips to meet those thrusts. Jean was soon moaning happily as she rode the big, plunging shaft. The initial discomfort was rapidly disappearing and Emma’s strap-on was wildly stimulating every square inch of her widely stretched pussy. She was creaming all over the dildo, bouncing like crazy on Emma’s lap, propelled by the thrust of the blonde’s hips as Emma drove her strap-on deep into Jean’s flesh. Their breasts jiggled wildly, brushing against each other, and Jean’s gaping cunt seemed to suck on the plastic cock inside it.

“Oh shit!” Jean squealed. “I love it! I love it!”

Definitely not acting.

Panting and heaving like a madwoman, Emma slammed her screaming dildo up into the pussy her man had taken such pleasure in, sharing it, fucking it as hard as Scott ever had. She’d fucked many women, but nothing had ever compared to besting the cunt that had so obsessed Scott Summers, obsessed all the X-Men, that she’d been endlessly compared to and held up against and fallen short of.

It was hers now. She’d conquered it, fucked it, made Jean love it. She wondered what all her worshipful teammates would think if they knew the divine Jean Grey had come at the end of her cock like any other bitch.

Holding nothing back, Emma was fucking Jean for all she was worth, pounding the thick dildo into her with all her strength, lifting Jean’s fragile little body off her lap with every brutal stroke of her massive cock. Jean hadn’t dreamed how good a strap-on would feel and her entire undersexed body was responding as she felt herself racing toward a shattering climax.

“I’m gonna come!” she squealed abruptly. “Oh, shit, I’m gonna come!”

Jean began rocking hysterically back and forth on Emma’s thrusting cock, her tingling clit rubbing back and forth against the top ridge of the dildo. She was screaming, her eyes rolling around crazily in her head as her cunt began spasming around the entire length of the rigid strap-on.

“AAAAAAAgggghhhh!” Jean shrieked, throwing her head far back. “Yes! Fuck me! Fuck your little whore!”

Emma suddenly wrenched Jean’s head even further back with a grip on her fiery red hair. “I am no one’s little whore,” she hissed in her own voice, then threw Jean down onto her back. She couldn’t control her lust any longer. She wanted to taste Jean, not just make her come uselessly with some apparatus.

Grasping Jean’s ankles, Emma lifted her legs and spread them wide, staring hungrily down at the delicious, gushing portal she’d opened between Jean’s thighs. With an animalistic moan, she buried her face in Jean’s open sex. Licked her tongue up and down the overpowered slit, nose inhaling the delicious scent of Jean’s well-fucked arousal. The sweet nectar of Jean’s delight flowed openly from her depths onto Emma’s wild tongue, and Emma licked and sucked desperately. In all her life, Emma had never tasted anything as sweet as Jean’s well-pleasured cunt.

“Oh God!” Jean gasped, feeling Emma’s tongue plunge deep into the wettest part of her cunt.

Aware of the redhead’s ecstasy, Emma began swirling her tongue frantically in Jean’s pussy, lapping up all the exciting juices her dildo had produced inside her. She knew she was pleasing the bitch by doing so, the last thing she wanted, but Emma was being driven by a need she couldn’t control.

Removing her tongue from the depths of Jean’s sex, Emma sucked her quivering clit in between her lips. Jean’s eyes rolled back in her head as Emma lashed it with her tongue, sending Jean into a state of near-hysteria. Her orgasm was closer than ever!

“Oh fuck!” Jean cried, overjoyed. “It’s so good! It’s so fucking good!”

Wanting to delay Jean’s climax a little longer, even in her overwhelming lust, Emma removed her tongue from Jean’s pussy and worked up over her naked body. Panting excitedly, Emma licked at the sweat of Jean’s quivering stomach, letting her tongue linger wetly in the dimpled navel. She slowly worked up over Jean’s pale, freckled body, with its delicate slenderness, its robust cleavage, until her hotly slavering mouth found Jean’s firm nipples. Trembling with excitement, Emma sucked and chewed on them until Jean was literally screaming with joy. She was about to come just from a few bites on her nipples!

Then Emma paused, as if to catch her breath. “Well, our hour’s up,” she said. “You win.”

She wiped her mouth off and turned to leave, stopping only when Jean grabbed her by the hair. Her fist hid her smile. Jean’s reaction had been immediate and unthinking.

“Aren’t you forgetting?” Jean asked. “You’re still Scott. I’m still Emma. Which means you’d better get me off. I don’t accept sex without orgasm.”

“You certainly don’t,” Emma said, beaming. “Well, if that’s what you want…”

She purposely teased Jean with quick laps of her tongue, then worked her tongue in deliberate strokes all around the redhead’s clit, only occasionally slipping her tongue inside of Jean. When she did, she slithered it around the walls of Jean’s pussy. She really wanted to plunge her face between the redhead’s quivering thighs, give the lips of her cunt a soulful kiss and taste all the need Jean had for her, but she would wait. She could do that later.

First she would tease Jean for a while. For as long as she could get away with it. That was the best way to get back at the woman for the audacity of being so perfect. Feeling good and hot inside, satisfied with herself for driving Jean to embrace the whorish nature she’d once so disdained, Emma moved her tongue in one long, slow, sensuous lick. All the way from Jean’s puckered asshole, through the folds of her pussy, to the very tip of her stiff clit. Jean moaned loudly and shook all over, jerking her hips and convulsing with unmitigated sexual delight.

“Ohhhhh! Yessss!” Jean gasped. “Suck my cunt, you lovely little whore! Lick me! Oh yes. Worship my cunt! Worship your beautiful mistress, slave! My own little whore…”

The lewd way that Jean spoke to her when her cunt was being sucked turned Emma on. She thought she’d stumbled upon a little Phoenix in the redhead’s boring maturity. And her own pussy felt like it was on fire, melting, juices dripping down both of her thighs. She wanted to look at her flowing honey, but she didn’t dare stop licking Jean’s delicious cunt. She didn’t want to give Jean a second to rethink this. By the time Jean second-guessed herself, she would have known there was no greater ecstasy than Emma Frost’s tongue.

Besides, the very thought of her own arousal streaming down her legs was exciting her, causing waves of passion to splash around inside of Emma’s determined mind.

“Oh yes! Yes! Keep sucking me, bitch! Keep sucking my cunt! Eat it, you filthy bitch!”

There was something so damn sexy about a woman as reserved as Jean suddenly talking like a common whore. It was so nasty and crude, Emma just had to love it. Even being the bottom in the scenario, it still heightened Emma’s sexual fervor.

Jean moaned loud and deep. The sensual feelings flooding her cunt were so extreme that she could no longer stand it. Her pussy ached for quick, passionate release. She needed to come and she needed it soon.

“Suck my cunt, damnit!” she screamed, grabbing a thick swath of Emma’s blonde hair and pulling the ice queen’s face away from her dinner. She was flushed with anger, deepening the ruddy red skin of her arousal. “I told you to suck me off, not to tease me with your little whore tricks! You are going to pay for this later, bitch, believe me! Now get your face in my cunt and eat me out! Make me cum, slave!”

Yanking Emma brutally forward by her leash of hair, Jean screamed lewd obscenities as she opened her legs for Emma’s face. “Suck, bitch, suck!”

Emma fell to her task with vigor. She lapped rapidly and hungrily at the redhead’s luscious cunt, plunging her tongue deep into the slickness, grabbing hold of the woman’s pert ass so that she could tongue fuck her better. The tall, elegant blonde cravenly pumped her tongue in and out of Jean’s sex.

She lost herself in the passion of the moment, licking, sucking, even lapping at the hot juices that spilled down Jean’s taint as the redhead jerked spasmodically above her. Moaning and whining and hissing in a low, lewd whisper: “Suck my cunt, bitch! Lick it! Yeah, bitch. That’s it. Do it, my little cunt licker. Eat my beautiful pussy…”

Emma licked and sucked in a frenzy of hot, thrilling surrender. Doing her best to pleasure the suddenly domineering redhead whose moans of ecstasy filled Emma’s own luxurious room. Her cunt was as slick as could be and Emma’s hot and willing tongue sluiced in and out of it, determined to respond to the lust she had infected Jean with.

“Suck me harder, slave! Eat me out! Lick my cunt! Show my gorgeous pussy how much you love it! You’re my bitch and I expect you to do a good job! Get on with it, whore! Oh yes!”

Jean grabbed Emma’s hair again and jerked the blonde’s face brutally across her wide-spread pussy. Emma was so hot, she almost did not care that she was being topped so forcefully by her rival. She was into the depravity of the scene, the kick of being made a whore for the prim and proper goddess.

Her cunt was overflowing with juices and a wonderful feeling of lust spread through her body like a cocaine rush. She was thoroughly caught up in the lewd act of sucking Jean Grey’s luscious red cunt. If only she could finger-fuck herself, she would be happy. But that was Jean’s job. And as soon as Jean came enough to realize the depths she’d sunk to, then Emma would restore the natural balance and make this ginger bitch get her off.

“Ohhhh! I’m coming!” Jean gasped. “Ohhh, mmmph! Mmmm!” She jerked her cunt across Emma’s face as if trying to rub it raw, grinding herself into Emma’s mouth, rubbing her slick juices all over Emma’s cheeks and lips. It was the long, passionate kiss of lips and pussy that Emma had dreamed of, sealing her victory over Jean. She’d made Jean desperate for her. The fact that she’d answered that desperation was irrelevant. Wasn’t it?

Jean had squirted in her face. It was enough to make Emma wonder just which of them had actually fucked the other.

“Looks like you two started without me,” Scott said, alerting them to his presence just as he closed the door behind him. “Seems to me that I have some catching up to do.”

His cock stood thick and high against the crotch of his pants as he joined them on the bed.


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