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The dinner party was small, a celebration of a LexCorp VP who celebrated himself often enough to make his birthday party almost redundant. But nevertheless, it was held at a swank hotel downtown. Mercy had often attended these kinds of soirees on behalf of Lex, while he stayed in a lab or a bed. Now that she was chairwoman of the board, she had to attend these dull mixers still. She had fostered the illusion that she enjoyed them.

Lana was there as well, and Lois, and Clark, her date. There were some high-priced lawyers that LexCorp was hoping to get into their legal division, and Lana was giving them the velvet glove treatment.

Mercy patrolled the banquet hall as if she were still a bodyguard. The routine was comfortable, though now she was almost playing hostess. She would drop into conversations, advise people on the entrees they should try, attend to the birthday boy with whorish appreciation. It was all a role, one she was ill-suited for, but that just made her try all the harder to fit it. Lex was counting on her to keep the company afloat until he got out.

It was almost as it was when they’d first met. She was nothing more than a thief; he’d had all the power. But he’d helped her, cleaned her up, given her opportunities. Now she had the power. Not his intellect or his ambition, but his power. She had to keep it safe for him. There was nothing she could use it for otherwise.

Lois came up to her, wearing a strapless dress that barely held onto her full breasts. All the work Lex had done to try and get Lois to show her body, and now she flaunted it at his own company while he wasn’t there to see it. God, how Mercy loathed her! She had the same audacity that had driven Mercy to swipe Lex’s briefcase upon their first meeting, but none of the loyalty or trust or respect that had brought Mercy up to where she was today. All Lois had was… obscenity.

“Mercy. A little hard to recognize you without the chauffeur get-up,” Lois said, looking right at home with a martini at hand. “I saw someone who looked just like you the other night, but… no cap. Had to have been someone else.”

“Maybe you should get glasses like your friend.” Mercy cast her frosty look over to Lois’s date. “Kent. Glad you could make it.”

He nodded in mildly warm greeting. “Funny, all those years trying to get past you for a quote and now you’re the one we want to talk to.”

“I still have nothing to say.”

Lois chugged her drink. It was one of many, but it didn’t show. Lois’s eyes leered over Mercy’s green gown. “Smallville, why don’t you buzz off and let me have a word with sweet-puss here? I’d like to show her something.”

“Not interested,” Mercy replied curtly.

“So you are interested in your Aerospace Division guy’s big six-three?” Lois shrugged as Clark wandered off, looking for undoubtedly either the buffet or the bathroom. “We may have had our differences, but you never struck me as boring.”

“Oh, if I’d have struck you, you’d have known it.”

Lois grinned challengingly. “You smash me behind closed doors, I won’t tell.”

“Jerk me around and I will,” Mercy threatened.

She gritted her teeth to hide a dry mouth. She knew what might happen if she went off with Lois. She wanted it to happen. But she didn’t want to want it.

“Let’s go find some boxing gloves,” Lois said—teased, as she left the hall. Through one of the luxury hotel’s heavy oaken doors, the ingratiating sounds of the party immediately diminished, and they dropped further as Lois led her down the corridor to an elevator.

“The roof?” Mercy asked. “Finally going to jump because Superman won’t make you his Superwife?”

“I think we both know that isn’t a problem.”

Lois got into the elevator, pressed the floor button. The doors started to close with Mercy on the other side. Lois held her hand out and stopped them from shutting.

“You know what’s waiting,” Lois said. “I’m perfectly willing to go it alone. But it’s better with an audience. Even being the audience.”

Mercy crossed her arms. “You really think I’m going to give up my company just for a hot fuck?”

“You’re willing to do it for Lex,” Lois shot back, and took her hand away.

Mercy drove her hand between the doors just before they shut. Arrested again, the doors slid open, and Mercy got into the car, simmering.

“I won’t give up LexCorp,” she said.

“Think of it as a trade,” Lois replied.

The elevator brought them to a large, spacious room that had nothing but a couch and lush carpeting.

“What is this room?” Mercy asked.

“I think the technical term is ‘love nest,” Lois told her. “The hotel staff likes me—I did an expose on their working conditions. And since I don’t leave used condoms or used needles around the place, they let me use it.”

“Use it for what?” Mercy demanded unnecessarily.

Lois moved close and Mercy felt her large breasts rubbing against her arm. Mercy jumped back as if she’d been bitten. Lois was smiling. She pressed against Mercy again. Mercy backed away from her, thinking vaguely of combat stances, defenses, but unable to think of anything to defend against this. Not until her back was against the door on the far side of the room and she couldn’t go any further. Lois was still smiling. She stepped closer. Her shapely breasts pressed against Mercy’s.

“Don’t be shy,” Lois said. “It’s just a corporate restructuring.”

“I could have ten women like you, or him,” Mercy spat. “I won’t give up my chair.”

“You don’t have to. But you don’t have to fight Lana so hard either. Don’t you think it’d be more fun… not fighting?”

Mercy groped behind her, trying to find the doorknob. Lois was even closer now. Her body touched Mercy’s from shoulder to—

Mercy lifted her knee, driving it sharply into Lois’s gut. Lois went down to her knees, gasping for breath with a fierce pain throughout her body. She looked up at Mercy.

“Like you said,” Mercy hissed, “as long as we’re in private, I get to kick the shit out of you.”

“Fine by me, cabbie! But you should know, the only reason you kept Lex safe all those years is because it wasn’t me trying to wring his fat neck!”

Lois came up off her knees in a flash, tackling Mercy about the midsection. Mercy made one grunt of surprise as she went backwards, through the cracked door, and landed on her ass.

Lois closed one hand into a fist and, straddling Mercy, swung her arm in a brutal roundhouse. Mercy wasn’t able to move in time. She caught the blow on her chin and it had her seeing stars. But she jerked her knees up, slamming them into Lois’s back, sending the brunette tumbling over her. In another second, she was on her feet, leaping up, suddenly noticing she was in a bedroom.

On the bed, totally naked but for the sheets that clung to him like lily pads on the surface of a pond, was Superman. “Would you like me to referee?”

Mercy scowled at him, trying to ignore the impressive muscles that rippled over seemingly every inch of his body—though not the several that were outlined lying against his thigh. They were big in other ways.

“Stay out of this, Superman. Lex may have liked me going easy on this little cunt, but now that he’s gone, she’s getting her scrawny ass kicked!”

“No, she’s not,” Superman said. “She’s only doing what I told her to do.”

Mercy’s lower lip dropped in shock. “What kind of woman do you think I am?”

“The exact same kind of woman you’ve always been,” Superman replied. “The kind that likes watching other women get fucked while imagining you’re her. You’re looking for some excitement and I’m going to give it to you.”

“We both are,” Lois said, standing in front of her. She walked past Mercy to close the door she’d come through. “Though we can always do that with our fists if you want. S won’t interfere. Will ya, Supes?”

“I think me getting in your way would be something like the irresistible force meeting the immovable object.”

“And all I have to do is let you turn LexCorp into some damn charity,” Mercy sneered.

“Better than Lex Luthor’s private toybox. He doesn’t care about the company, Ms. Graves. Or about you.”

Superman’s voice sounded so soft and soothing. He was getting out of bed, the sheets draped around him casually, like a robe, and Mercy could see his limp cock swinging between his legs, impacting with the sheets cinched around his waist. The point of impact was almost at his knees…

“Lex values my loyalty more than you’ll ever know!” Mercy retorted.

“Then why won’t he marry you?” Lois asked, like she was conducting some damn interview.

Mercy wheeled on her. She could still feel Superman’s gaze on her back. “It wouldn’t be prudent. It’d be sacrificing a queen for a pawn…”

“You’re One Percent Fertile,” Superman said. His voice was right behind her. Caring. Gentle. The good cop, not Lois Lane. “If he married you, he’d be out of prison like that.”

“There are… other people he can marry. Alliances he could form by playing that card. He wouldn’t want to waste it simply to get out of prison, he can still do so much of his work there—“

“He thinks you’re unworthy,” Lois said, and Christ, now she was being compassionate. “He doesn’t want you to bear his child or share his name because he doesn’t respect you.”

“It’s the same reason he kept you a bodyguard for so many years. He doesn’t deem you a good investment. Just like he doesn’t make an effort to please you.”

Mercy spun between them, focusing on Superman now. “Lex pleases me fine!”

Superman just looked at her while Lois spoke: “Accidentally? With table scraps of affection? Scraps you have to make something of yourself? That’s the real reason you watched the three of us for so long. You couldn’t believe a man, especially a man as powerful as Superman, could focus so much on a woman’s pleasure. On giving instead of taking. He got off on how hard he made us come, Mercy. He loves us, not himself.”

“Lex. Pleases. Me,” Mercy insisted, her ire trained on Lois now, barely even noticing how Superman’s hand slipped down the front of her gown and gently cupped her breast. She tried to fight the sudden rush of feeling that went through her. It didn’t work. In a split-second her nipples were getting hard, starting to ache with a need for more.

“Want him to stop?” Lois asked. “I don’t…”

Superman lifted her breast out of the gown. Mercy felt the cool air touching her nipples, turning them to rock-hard points. She could feel his fingers brushing across the stiffness topping her breasts—the one outside her dress and the one still covered.

“What’s to stop me from saying I’ll do as you want, getting you to fuck me, then telling both of you to go to hell?” Despite her strong words, it was all Mercy could do to keep from panting as she said it. Her reasoning was crisp and clear inside a mind that was anything but.

“We trust you,” Superman said.

“Besides, why would you want to stop at just once?”

Mercy’s knees shook. More than once…? “I know who you are,” she said, one last stopgap maneuver.


“You and Lane and Lang, all tied up together… just like Lana Lang and Lois Lane have both dated Clark Kent. Just like he’s here now at the hotel. Lex’s AI once said you were Clark Kent, but he didn’t believe it. He thought no one would ever willingly go without flaunting such power.”

“And what do you think?” Superman asked.

“I think if I tell Lex… if I tell Lex…”

“Come here, Lois,” Superman continued.

Mercy didn’t realize it but she was already pushing her creamy breast against Clark’s hand. Lois was looking smug as she moved close again. Her expression weakened as she looked at Mercy’s breasts.

“Beautiful,” she said softly.

“Kiss it,” Clark commanded.

Mercy tried to move away but Clark’s hands stopped her. Then it was too late. Lois was lowering her head and her red lips touched the end of Mercy’s nipple. Mercy felt an electric shiver go through her.

Lois knew what she was doing. The brunette opened her mouth and captured the achingly hard nipple in her teeth, gentle but unyielding, and Mercy moaned softly.

“That’s the way, Lois,” Clark said. “She’s loving it.”

“I’ll tell Lex,” Mercy breathed, lost between Clark massaging her breasts and Lois sucking her nipples. “I’ll tell him… I’ll tell him…”

“Sure you will,” Lois said. “Just like I’ll print his secret and win another Pulitzer. You already know, Graves. Nothing in the world is as good as this.”

Lois opened her mouth wider and began to suck hard at Mercy’s proud breast. Mercy tried to hold onto her train of thought, but each sucking motion of Lois’s mouth made Mercy feel a little weaker. Then Lois was moving her tongue back and forth between Mercy’s big tits, her mouth like chocolate on Mercy’s flesh, corrupting each of Mercy’s hard nipples into something dangerous and delicious and decadent.

“Yes,” Clark said, “I knew you’d enjoy it. Lois has a sweet mouth, Ms. Graves. You’ll be hard-pressed to match it.

Mercy couldn’t fight Clark’s hand when he reached behind her back and unhooked her gown. He unzipped it all the way down the back and then slid it down her body. She was left wearing nothing but her pumps, her panties, and her garter belt.

Lois stepped back and gave a soft whistle. “I’ll give Lex this, he has good taste.” Her eyes raked over Mercy. “I wonder if her pussy tastes as good as those tits?”

“Why don’t you find out?” Clark suggested.

“I’ll tell!” Mercy insisted, but deep inside her she knew she would be willing to let them do anything they wanted.

Lois took Mercy by the hand and led her over to the bed. She barely shrugged her shoulders and her round tits popped free of the strapless gown. Mercy’s eyes widened as she looked at those full breasts, the nipples hard, the sweat perfectly glimmering between them.

“Do you like my tits?” Lois asked, then answered her own question. “Why don’t you kiss them for me?”

“I want to,” Mercy said, a note of protest, a note of fright in her valiant voice. “I want to…”

Lois lowered Mercy to the bed, sitting down beside her. “It’s like Wonder Woman said when I interviewed her. Loving authority. Enthusiastic submission. You’re a bottom, Mercy. A sub. You just are. But submitting to Lex won’t bring you happiness. He’s impotent. Too eager to prove his mastery; he tries too hard.”

Clark sat down on the other side of them. He rubbed his leg against Mercy’s. She felt heat bloom in her body, little roses of need blossoming all along her body. She needed to be touched everywhere. She needed to be kissed everywhere.

“You need someone like Clark,” Lois said. “He just is. A good master. A loving master. He’ll take care of you, because he’s more man than Lex will ever be.”

“No!” Mercy insisted. “No—“

She turned around to him and he met her mouth in a wicked kiss. Mercy gasped for breath when he released her. Superman was always so calm, Clark always so gentle—she couldn’t believe that together, they had such passion.

“Now kiss Lois’s tits,” Clark ordered, with simple firmness.

It wasn’t something she ever would’ve thought to do, but somehow she found herself wanting to do it. For the first time she touched her lips to another woman’s body. She trembled as she tasted the saltiness of Lois’s sweat.

“Suck at them hard!” Lois demanded. “Open your mouth and suck on ‘em!”

Mercy found herself opening her mouth wider and sucking at Lois’s teat. At the same time she could feel Clark reaching around her to cup her breasts. He caught her nipples between his fingers and squeezed them hard. She could feel ripples of pleasure going through her body. She hadn’t planned for this to happen, but now she had lost control.

She raised her head and kissed Lois’s mouth, gasping with pleasure as she felt Lois’s lips part, their tongues touching gently. Hers danced as enthusiastically as Lois’s did.

“You’re so beautiful,” Clark whispered in her ear. “You’ve made us both want you. Your breasts just fill up a man’s hands.”

Mercy was fast forgetting about the party and all those men outside. The only thing she could think about was how Clark’s strong hands massaged her breasts, and how good Lois’s tongue felt in her mouth. She had never known how soft another woman’s lips could be.

“Take your panties off!” Lois demanded, so much more harsh and strident than Clark’s gentle mastery. “Hurry up! I want your pussy!”

Mercy trembled as she helped them—two sets of hands working her panties down long legs, but it was Mercy that kicked them away. She was still wearing her garter belt, but that only excited Lois more. Mercy moaned as she felt Lois’s hand moving up between her thighs, to her wet pussy…

“That feels so good,” Mercy sighed. “So good!”

Lois’s searching fingers quickly found the slit. Mercy spread her legs wider and Lois’s fingers entered her, left her, rammed in and out. Mercy had never felt anything quite like those pistoning fingers. They felt so soft and experienced as they touched everywhere in her cunt.

Mercy felt herself being pulled back on the bed. Something hard and wet touched her cheek. She turned her head and realized Clark was nearly straddling her face. His cock was right there.

“Kiss it,” Clark suggested. “See if it tastes as good as Lois’s breasts.”

Mercy took hold of it at the base. Her mouth was watering. Her body burned where Lois touched it. She hated how aroused they’d made her, how they’d turned her flesh against her, made her cunt betray Lex. But she made no attempt to reconcile what she felt and what she thought.

“You’re not half the man Lex is. I’ll prove it. Ten seconds in my mouth and you’ll come for me. You won’t last a fraction as long as Lex does.”

“Let’s see you get it in your mouth first,” Clark said, so confident, so masculine, that Mercy felt herself tighten around Lois’s fingers. The sheer, easy assertiveness of him… of true power… it reminded her of Lex before Superman came and unseated him as the greatest power in Metropolis. Back when he was king. Back when he was God.

Mercy lifted her head and touched her lips to the massive cockhead. Clark inhaled sharply and started rubbing his prick against her lips. Mercy could taste cum. She drew her head back but Clark grabbed her hair and pulled her back.

“Take it in your mouth, Ms. Graves,” he said. “Use that beautiful mouth…”

Now it was Lois who was massaging Mercy’s breasts, Lois’s gentle stroking fingers that sent shiver after shiver of pleasure through her. She couldn’t resist the impulse to lower her head, as obedient as a lamb. Her lips gently caressed the tip of Clark’s prick. Her mouth opened. She felt Clark’s cockhead smearing the inside of her mouth with precum. She opened her lips wider and she let his manhood slide up over her tongue.

“That’s it, bitch,” Lois husked. “You learn fast.”

Clark leaned back and let her lean against him. Her mouth slowly sucked up more of his hard cock. His prick went deeper inside her mouth, deeper than she would have ever believed. She hadn’t known she could take this much. She hadn’t known that she would enjoy it so much. She felt his cockhead at the back of her throat. Her mouth felt squishy with precum.

He slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth.

It came away dripping with saliva.

“That was more than ten seconds,” Clark said.

Mercy stared up at him, furious, burning. Every little motion made wetness run from her. “Give it back.”

He let go of her hair. Mercy stayed there a moment, simmering with defeat. She could feel a wetness between her thighs, an itchy feeling. It was from sucking his dick. It was how sucking his dick made her feel.

She lowered her head again, taking his fat cock between her lips. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Lois was undressing. Her body was perfect. No wonder Lex wanted her. No wonder Superman wanted her.

No wonder Mercy wanted her.

Lois bent over Mercy, kissing the insides of her thighs. “Stretch out while you’re sucking his cock,” she ordered. “I’m going to show you what the general’s daughter knows about high explosives…”

Clark was forcing her forward and Lois was pulling at her legs. There was nothing else she could do. She extended her legs as far as they could go, toes spread, thighs open. Her lips still worked up and down Clark’s hard cock. She felt Lois’s tongue polish her perineum, tingle between her buttocks, then up into her pubic hair, her labia, her sex. It made Mercy shiver. She felt Lois’s tongue slowly moving into her pussy. Mercy tried to twist away. It felt too good. She couldn’t focus. She didn’t know how she could handle Lois and Clark at the same time.

“Don’t try to get away from me,” Lois said. “I’m going to eat that sweet cunt. Find out what top-dollar LexCorp pussy tastes like…”

There was nothing Mercy could do to get away, not even want to. A moment later she felt Lois’s tongue probing inside her. She felt herself spreading her legs wider as Lois’s tongue explored her folds.

“She likes what you’re doing to her,” Clark said.

Mercy could feel his hands in her hair as her mouth moved up and down his slippery cock. She felt his precum mixing with her saliva, dripping down the sides of his cock. She lifted her hands and started playing with his balls, the base of his cock where her mouth couldn’t reach. His testicles felt heavy. It made her shiver, thinking of all the cum they could shoot into her.

“You’re doing fine, Ms. Graves,” Clark said. “You’re doing really good. Just keep working your mouth up and down.”

She was beginning to deep-throat him. His cock was going all the way down inside her throat, so deep that it was almost choking her. But she didn’t gag, and she breathed easier every time she used her mouth to stroke his member.

“Wonder which of us is eating better,” Lois mused, lifting her head a moment.

“You won’t know for sure unless you put your tongue all the way in,” Clark said.

“That’s not what I wanna taste…”

Lois did more than put her tongue inside Mercy. She tongued at Mercy’s clit. Earthquakes followed volcanoes through Mercy’s body. She forgot about her loyalty to Lex, her devotion to Lex, Lex himself. Now all she could think about was how good she felt.

Lois sucked at her clit until she had it inside her mouth. She held it under her tongue and pulled at it with tiny jerking movements of her head. Mercy almost screamed, but she was taking Clark’s manhood almost to his balls.

She closed her eyes. She had never felt so dreamy. She could feel Lois’s mouth, smeared with her juices, slip over her groin. Lois didn’t seem to mind. The brunette seemed to have a lot of experience at eating pussy.

“Oh yes,” Clark said. “You’re really making her hot now. She’s all worked up. Keep sucking on her clit!”

Lois’s tongue was moving deep into her cunt, barely pausing for Lois to suck hard on Mercy’s clit. Mercy could feel an immense knot in her groin and knew she wasn’t going to last much longer. She was shocked by the thought that she could come with a woman sucking her cunt and a strange man’s cock in her mouth. What kind of woman was she? She tried to muster up some of her old loyalty to Lex, but she just couldn’t keep from rocking her pussy against Lois’s mouth. It just felt too good.

Mercy could feel Clark’s cock getting bigger and thicker inside her mouth. She could feel his precum dripping into her mouth. His seed felt salty on her tongue. She had to swallow a little faster as more of it ran down her throat.

She was a whore, a slut, a traitor, but she couldn’t think about that now. The only thing on her mind was the way that Lois was stroking her tongue inside her pussy. It was driving her crazy. She started rubbing her hands over her breasts. Her nipples felt hard and swollen.

Mercy knew she was completely crazy. She wanted to kiss Lois again, as hard as ever, but she couldn’t. All she could do was run her tongue up and down Clark’s cock, licking all his precum away before it was lost. And he hadn’t even spurted yet.

But she was hardly thinking about his cum. Her pussy felt too good. When it felt so good that it hurt, she pulled her mouth away.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed. “Oh fuck, it feels—nggghhh!—good! Oh your tongue feels so fucking good! I’m going to come! Oh shit, nnnhhhh, I’m going to come! OH FUCK!”

Lois didn’t move her face away from Mercy’s cunt as Mercy came. She felt Lois swallowing her juices and then sucking for more. It was fantastic. She felt weak as the last few shivers of pleasure went through her. Barely able to keep sucking on Clark.

He was as hard as ever, as big as ever, but no closer to coming. He’d resisted a blowjob that would’ve made Lex come twenty times by now. He’d resisted her. Because he was Superman.

She pulled her mouth away from its long kiss with Clark’s member. “Fuck me! Fuck me! My pussy needs it so bad! It hurts so good! I’m yours! I need to be yours so goddamn much!”

Clark just looked at her with a warm smile. “Wait your turn,” he said.

Then he shoved his cock into Lois’s mouth. One moment he was beside her, the next he was on the other side of the bed, over Lois, and she barely had time to open her mouth before he was fucking it.

“Oh yeah,” Clark groaned. “I’m going to shoot. I’m going to blow my fucking wad. I’m going to come down your throat. I’m going to fill! You! Up!”

Lois thought she was prepared, but she wasn’t ready to take the sudden thickness of his salty-tasting cum. It was spurting into the roof of her mouth, clogging her throat, filling her mouth. She couldn’t breathe. She had to draw her head back and swallow frantically, but most of his cum ran down her body to her tits. Clark took her by the hair and pulled her head back, pumping the rest into her lips, her face, her cheeks, covering her visage in unbroken white.

Then, still erect, he was on Mercy. He entered her, impaled her, the hottest, tightest pussy he’d yet screwed. Her cunt squeezed and sucked at his throbbing shaft, oozing its honey all over his deeply embedded manhood. Mercy’s whole body seemed to be gripping him hungrily, unused to such size, such passion, such a man.

It was so hot and slick that Superman didn’t bother to hold back any longer. Thrusting his hips forward, he slammed himself into Mercy with long, squishing strokes. She came instantly. Clark didn’t let himself come. Mercy came again, screaming, ejaculating. Clark held back and kept the rhythm. Mercy came once more, screaming but this time hoarsely, her mouth open but without breath to voice the cry written on her face.

“Sweetie, she’s had enough,” Lois said.

“Not yet,” Clark retorted.

He tensed on top of Mercy, came to a full stop, shuddered, and began pouring his cum out in hot jets.

Mercy came again.

Clark burst into motion once more. He drove his prick into her with vicious lunges. And each time he rammed forward, his cock spurted a thick, frothy head of spunk into her pussy.

“Yes, you bastard!” Mercy gasped. “Fill me with hot cum! Pour it all out into my goddamn cunt! I love it! I fucking love it!”

Deluge after deluge of hot cum sprang into her, until her cunt was overflowing. White seed floated from her labia down into the crack of her ass. It hung from his cock in streamers each time he withdrew from her. Her pubic hair was matted with thick globs of it.

“Fill me up! Fill me up! Fill me up!” Mercy changed, hugging Superman to her. Her legs were now tilted up over his broad shoulders.

He fucked her steadily for maybe another minute, giving her the rest of his cum in fat streams. Then his ejaculation was done and he slowed down, coming to a rest in a heap on top of her. Mercy was gasping for breath as if she’d just run a marathon. Clark hadn’t even broken a sweat.

“Now she’s had enough,” Clark said.

He pulled himself from her cunt, still hard, his balls barely diminished, and let Lois embrace him. They fell down to the bed together, staring at Mercy’s gaping cunt as thick wads of his cum poured forth from it.

Mercy laid liquid on the mattress, feeling his heavy jism running out of her. She gazed up at the ceiling and blushed. She’d cheated on Lex. She’d cheated on him.

Then, rolling over, Mercy crawled across the mattress and joined Lois in laying her head down on Clark’s broad chest.

She could worry about it in the morning. But she felt certain that she’d be agreeing with Lana Lang a lot more often from now on.


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