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Albus Severus Potter was developing quite a lot of sympathy for his father, going on so many madcap adventures in his schoolboy days. He could barely stand it, and all he was doing was disguising himself as Ron Weasley, distracting Hermione Granger, his aunt and the Minister for Magic, so that his friends could grab the one Time-Turner left in existence.

‘Only’. At least there weren’t any Death Eaters. That would be unbearable.

“Why are you blocking the entrance to my office?” Hermione said.

“I’m not blocking anything,” Albus replied, as he blocked the entrance to her office. The moment she poked her head in there, she’d see Scorpius and Delphi, and Cedric Diggory would be dead. Well…

Hermione tried to get past him again, but with his new, taller Polyjuice body, Albus—or rather Uncle Ron—was easily able to block her way. “You are! Let me into my room, Ron, I don’t have time for this. There’s a new rumor going around that Draco Malfoy was one who went back in time and got pregnant off of Voldemort… pictures of them hugging… I absolutely need to do damage control this instant.”

“Let’s have another baby,” Albus retorted, that seeming like a very in-character thing for a Weasley to say.

“What?” Hermione asked.

“Or if not another baby, a holiday. I want a baby or a holiday and I’m going to insist on it. Shall we talk about it later, honey? Maybe with a drink in the Leaky Cauldron?”

Hermione stepped back, regarding him with a certain fondness that Albus had never gotten from a girl before, and certainly not from his aunt. “A baby or a holiday? You are off the scale, you know that?”

“It’s why you married me, isn’t it? My puckish sense of fun.”

Hermione shook her head. “We both know that’s not the real reason…”

And, quite abruptly, she grabbed his dick.

Albus, needless to say, was not used to having his dick grabbed, despite certain rumors about him and Scorpius. And if his dick was grabbed, it was by himself, primarily for urination, not by a girl, and not by an aunt, and not by the Minister for Magic. But it was a rather pleasurable experience, all in all. He was sure the girl part helped. He hoped it wasn’t the aunt bit. The Minister for Magic part, that he could take or leave.

Additionally, as a consequence of having his dick grabbed so few times, Hermione’s hand acted like a firmly voiced Engorgio charm on his member. Practically the moment she touched him, his dick shot into full life, filling Hermione’s grip and then some.

Hermione’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Well now! What sort of reaction is that for a middle-aged man to have? You’re shameful, you are, Ron Weasley.”

Albus gulped. “Yes, well, I—“

“And here I thought nothing could get you that agitated but Veela porn.”

Albus’s eyebrows shot to the receding hairline he’d borrowed from his uncle. “Veela porn?”

“I don’t think you want a baby or a holiday. I think you want a holiday to work on the baby.” Hermione giggled. It was quite disconcerting to hear the Minister for Magic giggle, especially when she was holding your dick. “Well, I’m not going to let this dragon run loose on the countryside. Let’s get into my office and play Naughty Secretary. You can take all the diction that you want…”

Albus was so discombobulated, he let Hermione pull open the door before his hand shot out and slammed it shut in mid-motion. Hermione whirled on him, startled, but an excuse sprang into his mind.

“Not in there,” Albus said. “That’s so… typical. Let’s do it something unexpected.”

Hermione bit her lip. “You madman. You absolute madman. Alright, c’mon. I know where you want to go!”

She grabbed him—at least it was his hand this time—and Albus let himself be dragged off.

Minutes later… minutes in which Albus had still not figured out what he was doing… Hermione led him into the Department of Mysteries, then further into the Hall of Prophecy. Albus became more nervous by the moment. As if it weren’t bad enough that he was letting himself be groped by the Minister for Magic, now he was letting it happen in more and more highly restricted areas. At least there were fewer and fewer people about, with the Hall of Prophecy being outright deserted. Odd that none of the prophets could have known two people were about to have sex in their office space.

“Vaporiate,” Hermione cast, gripping her wand—at least it wasn’t his, Albus figured—and abruptly Albus could see her legs poking out from under her robe, bare and pink. Then she stripped her robe off, revealing that all her clothes had slipped out from under it. She threw her robe down on the floor and knelt on it, hands and knees, her ass gently gyrating toward him with thighs spread wide, her wet, glistening cunt in the air.

“Still hot,” she whispered. “Not that I don’t want a holiday, but if that beautiful monster of yours gives me a baby now, it would be most convenient…”

Albus hesitated, his eyes burning on his aunt’s slit. He’d have bit your arm off to see a vagina, once, then he’d seen a few in the Slytherin commons, the House being as ambitious in pornography as everything else. Perhaps it was that centaurs were usually ramming them, but he’d been a bit let down, wondering what the big deal was. They were more hairy than anything else. But Hermione’s looked so tender and kissable, delicate and delicious… and her ass was spectacular. Merlin, she had a backside like a black woman!

“C’mon, Ron!” Hermione ordered, swirling her hips about. “Don’t you dare try and tell me you’ve forgotten how this works! I’m going to explode if you don’t ram your cock inside me!”

Albus certainly didn’t want her to explode. He struggled with his… with Ron’s… robes and trousers, constantly having to swipe his robe out of the way, then work at his belt and fly, then push the robe out of the way again… finally, Albus pulled his fly open at least enough for his cock to spring out, long and surging with lust.

It was then he realized it was too late to claim a lack of erection, which was starting to look like the only reason he wouldn’t fuck his aunt.

“Oh my, Mr. Weasley!” Hermione gasped, settling down onto her belly, folding her knees under her so that her tawny ass was propped up, naked and helpless. “What nasty little trick are you selling at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes now?”

Albus couldn’t help himself. He took hold of Hermione’s ass and he squeezed. He caressed. He massaged. It felt incredible in his hands, heavenly, just a little firm and just a little soft, resisting when he squeezed too tight, trembling as if to beg when his grip wasn’t sure enough, just an incredible ass.

“Spank it!” Hermione demanded suddenly.


“Go on! Give it a smack! Haven’t you been reading Rita Skeeter’s articles?” Hermione gave her ass a little shake. “I’ve been a very bad Minister for Magic…”

Almost moaning, Albus slapped her ass. Watching it ripple tautly sent a charge through his cock, and he looked down in surprise at a bulb of precum emerging from his bare cockhead. Had he… had he come? No, he didn’t think so. There was always more white stuff than that when he had a dream about Professor McGonagall looking how she did in her portrait…

“Oh yes, you’ve taught me a lesson alright!” Hermione husked out. “Now it’s time to make sure it’s really sunk in! Time for me to put my learning to the test! C’mon, Ron! Accio cock!”

Her slit dripped honey beneath that wonderful ass, rendered red from his groping and spanking, but Albus knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he could not possibly put his name in that particular Goblet of Fire. Imagine, him impregnating his own aunt! Wasn’t that how they’d gotten Voldemort? Heck, it was at least how they’d gotten Snape.

Albus clutched her cheeks in his hands and spread them, eying the cute little asshole of Hermione Granger. Everyone knew you couldn’t score at Quidditch by knocking a Bludger through a hoop. Same principle.

It was time to act like a Slytherin.

First he slipped his cock inside her eagerly clasping cunt. Instantly Hermione gripped it with a fierce joy and the noise of a wild animal, squirming and wiggling so lewdly that Albus could barely resist thrusting himself deeper in, thrusting all the way to her womb, coming inside her! He didn’t, in fact, taking a few moments to fuck her powerfully, kneeling between her thighs, squeezing her ass, even slapping it a few times.

“Oh, I love your cock!” Hermione sobbed, clawing at the blanket of robes beneath her. “Ron, your dick is so beautiful! It should be in Hogwarts: A History!”

Panting, she reached back to grab his balls and give them a squeeze as she swayed to meet his massive strokes. And while having his balls pumped might be something Ron Weasley liked—he was a ginger, after all—all it did for Albus was to bring him back to himself. He slipped his rod out from Hermione and she wailed in more protest than she’d ever shown discussing goblin rights.

“What are you—Ron? No, wait, eeeeeeee!”

Moving swiftly, Albus placed his swollen knob against her tiny pink asshole and then rammed forward with brutal force. Hermione pounded the floor beneath her and gasped for air, not even able to scream. And Albus just knelt there without moving, her anal passage churning desperately on his manhood. Voldemort’s balls, was it ever tight and hot! He couldn’t wait to tell Scorpius how great anal sex was! Wait…

“Sorry, sorry!” he groaned, gripping her silky cheeks tightly in his hand. “Silly old Ron Weasley, always messing up, got the wrong hole by mistake! Oh well, waste not, want not! I don’t think it’ll hurt much in a minute, just, ahhhh, hang on now, wow!”

He just had to come, then she couldn’t very well ask for more, could she? And in an ass this tight, that’d be no problem. Sorry, auntie, but it’s for the best, he thought.

The agony was so intense for Hermione that she sank her teeth into the blanket beneath her to keep from screaming her lungs out. She’d never felt more weak and feminine in her life, and that knowledge excited her. It thrilled her so deeply that she could feel a climax building up in her. Hastily, Hermione darted one hand down to her pussy and began rubbing herself lustfully, matching the thick inches Albus slid into her squirming ass with her own slender fingers.

“Hang on!” Albus groaned. “Gonna shoot off now, Hermione! Merlin’s beard, what a hot little ass! Oh, now, now, here!

His pounding mast grew brick-hard in her boiling asshole, spurting a hot flood of cum. Hermione moaned ferociously as the seed stung her tender bowels, tickling and stinging like liquid fire. She came too, tears of pain and depraved bliss streaming down her cheeks. It felt like she’d ridden a centaur for hours and hours and…

When he slid his limp dick out, Hermione let out a brief cry and then collapsed to the floor, heaving for breath. With a stab of remorse, Albus patted her sympathetically. Then he realized he probably shouldn’t touch her ass for a while.

“Oh my, what a whoopsie-daisy,” Albus barked, overly loud, as he tried to tuck himself back under pants and robe. It was as difficult as extricating himself in the first place. “Silly old Ron Weasley. Silly, silly. Well, at least we know everything still works, so to speak, and when we go on holiday, I’m sure—“

Hermione rolled over onto her back, staring at him through tear-filled eyes. “I… I liked it. In fact, I loved it.” She smiled at him. “But Ronald Weasley hasn’t been able to stand the thought of anal sex since Fenrir Greyback raped him. So whoever you are… you’d better get hard again. The Minister for Magic expects your full support.”



Well, that was excellent and is the most I've enjoyed anything to do with the Cursed Child. Hope to see more Hermione around these parts.