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“This is a lovely house,” Donna said, gazing around the richly furnished interior of the living room, her heart pounding.

She had worked hard that morning, putting the finishing touches on all her jobs and then leaving last night’s development to her assistant. She’d showered again to wash off any hint of the photochemical fumes and gussied up for meeting with Mary Jane Watson. It was part courtesy—how better to show respect to a model than to look good for her?—but also it was seduction. Everyone had heard of MJ being on the outs from her boyfriend, which put blood in the water. Even if Mary Jane hadn’t been so personable and beautiful and good-hearted, Donna almost would’ve wanted to date her just to keep her away from the sharks, even the ones Donna knew MJ could handle herself. A woman so beautiful, and who had suffered so much, shouldn’t have to put up with such things.

They sat on a big sofa, chatting. “I was lucky to get it,” MJ said. “Usually I stay in hotels or with friends, but I thought I’d splurge after…” Mary Jane stopped and flashed a smile instead, her green eyes flicking across the snugly delineated cleavage inside Donna’s top. “Well, I deserve it. Oh, I don’t know why anyone would think you were older, but you look so young to be so successful. Tell me, did you practice photography on myself?”

“No, no. I just started early, had some good teachers… saving the world occasionally helped…” Donna could feel a sweet tingle between her hips as she spoke. The vibes were good. Donna could feel the interest in Mary Jane’s manner. MJ was a woman who knew how to wear clothes, and there was a certain way she wore the navy-blue pajamas she was lounging in. It seemed to reveal every line of her exquisite body, especially her voluptuous breasts.

Her look was lazy, well-fucked, and Donna wondered if that would make her seduction more difficult or if it wasn’t Mary Jane trying to seduce her. A woman like this would take time and her best efforts—but she’d be worth it. Mary Jane had class, she had experience, maybe even with another woman.

“So what did you have in mind?” Mary Jane asked. “I don’t have a lot of time before I have to do work-work, but any chance of getting to work with you…”

“Oh, it’ll just be a quickie,” Donna assured her, touching Mary Jane’s cheeks with a faint pink flush. She was flattered, all right. “Bra and panties, I should think. I’d hate to hide any of that lovely body.”

She finished with a wink, feasting her eyes on the proud jut of Mary Jane’s breasts, then along the full, slightly open thighs to the sweet outline in her pajamas. No panties underneath.

“Me too,” Mary Jane said. “But you dress a little strange for someone who hates to hide lovely bodies.”

“Why, thank you, honey,” Donna said. She was going for it, she liked Donna and her body. Donna shivered and wished she could rush this, but she couldn’t, it had to be just right.

And Mary Jane felt a sweet excitement herself as well. She had never met anyone quite like Donna Troy. Superheroes, of course—either at Peter’s side or just at parties like any other celebrity. But Donna was like a goddess come to earth. Casual, but eloquent and flawless. Mary Jane envied her for having the effortless beauty that she herself aspired to. Funny how she wasn’t jealous. Other girls like that had made her jealous.

Maybe it was disarming that Donna so clearly wanted to fuck her. That set down a mutual respect. Donna wouldn’t be so lustful if Mary Jane didn’t have something to offer, wouldn’t be so open about her interest if she were ashamed of it. MJ liked the directness of it. No closet-case sniping, no bullshit, just the cool flirtation of it. The only reason it wasn’t blunt was because Donna was too elegant for that.

God, she is elegant, Mary Jane thought, shivering again. Hits me right in the same spot Gwen used to. I haven’t had a girl work on me since her. If I wasn’t enjoying her throwing for me so much, I’d let her have it tonight. The truth was, she didn’t trust herself. With the Peter thing blowing up as it had, she was reluctant to rush into anything, even a fling.

“I’d love to model for you,” Mary Jane continued, her nipples tingling. “Just so long as neither one of us hides anything.”

“Yes, you’ll see everything.” Donna winked, wetting her lips with her tongue and arching her breasts ever-so-slightly in her new posture. “Why don’t we go through your drawers?”

“Oh?” MJ asked.

“If this is going to be a lo-fi shoot—all guerrilla—you should supply your own wardrobe. I should see what you’ve got.”

“You just want me to show you?”

“Would you rather I see for myself?”

“Watching can be a lot of fun.” Mary Jane stood up, deliberately grinning to set off the shameless quip. “But I’d better make sure you don’t get lost.”

As they walked to her suitcases, Mary Jane was not at all surprised to feel Donna’s left arm slide around her waist and squeeze her a little. A delicious little pang of need was inside her clit. Their eyes met and held.

“Maybe you should let me get lost,” Donna said. “I find things better when I’m allowed to explore.”

“Oh no, when I get a girl where I want her, I keep her right there.”


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