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Peter recognized the secretary. Her shoulder-length auburn hair billowed about her playfully animated face: blue eyes innocent pules of promise, small pouting lips seeming to beg for a kiss. Her skin was pink satin over a perfectly proportioned doll, only her breasts breaking the symmetrical proportion. They were firm, voluptuous, almost too large for her athletic body and adorably tiny waist. Her broad hips flared heart-shaped into long legs, bare feet curling and fidgeting under her Indian-sit as if they had a mind of their own.

If Felicia was a cat, Patsy was a kitten.

“Hellcat,” he greeted, trying to affect the friendliness of a fellow superhero when he had the nerves of a nerd meeting a girl. Was this the first time they’d run into each other out of costume? “What’re you doing at the law offices of Hulk & Smash?”

“What does it look like?” Patsy replied. “I’m the secretary.”

“I heard you worked here, but I thought it was as an investigator or something… paralegal? Associate—“

“I lost a bet,” Patsy said quickly. “Here for Jen?”

“Yeah. For this, actually.” He unnecessarily indicated the large bouquet in his hands, as if Patsy couldn’t notice it.

“And here I thought you were giving me the hard-sell.”

“It’s for Jennifer,” Peter said, also unnecessarily. He was feeling pretty bad about this conversation by now.

“Of course it is.” She sighed. “What is it about green women?”

“Can you, uh, buzz me in or—“

Patsy was leaning out of her chair and towards Jen’s door. “Hey Jen! Visitor for you!”

“Use the intercom!” Jen rumbled from inside.

“It’s broken!”

“Use it anyway, I can hear you either way.”

Patsy pressed the intercom on her desk, causing a squeal of feedback which almost made Peter drop the flowers as he covered his ears. “Visitor!”

“Who is it?” Jen shouted over the hissing.

“Peter Parker!”

The hissing stopped as Jen turned off the intercom. “Oh,” she said from inside the office, and even her conversational tone was audible—despite the recent deafening. “Show him in.”

Patsy pointed at the door. It appeared to be misaligned with its hinges. Good superheroing made for bad house repair. “That’s the way in.”



Great start :) You always know how to set it up!