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Kory’s face was now only inches from Gundersen’s; she felt his hot breath against her skin. She realized that her nipples were sticking out, hard and quivering. Gundersen’s eyes went wide: he ignored the threat she posed to stare openly at her full breasts, seeing how they pushed through the faint curtain of her long hair.

His mouth hung open dumbly and he couldn’t seem to retract the attention he’d already given her. The sight of his overt lust made Kory feel a nervy kind of passion. She fell forward against the hard, broad surface of Superman’s chest. Instinctively reaching to catch her, one of Gundersen’s hands gripped her own chest. The man reacted as if he’d stuck his fingers into an open flame.

“Oh Christ, shit, sorry,” he stammered in reflexive embarrassment.

Superman’s handsome face blushed bright red and Kory laughed a soft, cooing laugh. She watched his hard bulge grow even bigger as if reaching for her soft belly, almost pressed against his body.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said, breathing deeply. “It’s not as if I wanted you to do something else…”

She knew now that this wasn’t Superman—that he wouldn’t swear in such a fashion, nor have such an angry edge to his embarrassment—but whoever it was clearly didn’t have the sexual experience to pass up her charms. He was blinded by her beauty and she knew she would succeed at distracting him. Maybe even enjoy herself in the process.

Her palms pressed flat to the hardened muscles of his chest; Kory filled her hands with the firm flesh, massaging it lovingly. “All that muscle,” she continued. “Why use it simply to break things and cause panic when there are things so much more pleasant to be doing?”

Gundersen said nothing, unable to look away from his hand as Kory openly pressed her swollen teat into its hold.

“You do like doing this, don’t you?” she asked, looking into his eyes, her statuesque height letting her stare directly into them.

“Oh God, yes,” Gundersen barely breathed.

“So do I,” Kory replied. “Any woman would when she has such a handsome man to spend time with.”

She pressed herself against him, forcing Gundersen to step backwards even with his superior strength. But not quickly enough that her breast didn’t push itself firmly into his open palm, filling it, while her dripping sex rubbed against every iota of feeling in his bulging erection.

“There are all kinds of things we can do together. I’m sure you’ve thought of a few. Why don’t you simply enjoy yourself? I’m sure I’ll like whatever a big, strong man like you does to my body…”

She pulled her hair aside, sorting it behind her shoulders so it did nothing to censor the magnificent hills of flesh on her torso. They stood out, plump as ripe fruit, before Gundersen’s astonished eyes. Her nipples were stingingly erect, quaking in the open air, while her breasts heaved, so close now that Gundersen could see the blue veins underlying the glow of her orange flesh.

Kory saw Superman’s mouth watering as he stared at the soft flesh of her bosom. “Kiss them,” she told him gently, lightly placing her hands in his hair so she could ease him down into her cleavage. To her relief, but not surprise, Gundersen went willingly, allowing her to press his face against one of her proud breasts. “Make them feel good. Make yourself feel good…”

Hnnnnhh,” Gundersen moaned until his lips closed around her hardened nipple, which stopped up all his lustful noise.

He locked it inside his mouth and ran his heated tongue all over it, licking it as much as sucking it. He wanted to taste it, feel it, and especially hear Kory’s pleasured sighs while he slurped on her sensitive little nub.

Mmmmm, X’Hal,” Kory trilled, happy to satisfy him as he sucked at her quivering breast. “Suck me good, baby.”

She watched his lips pull at her stiff nipple, running her hands through his thick black hair. She never would’ve imagined that this would be how she had a sexual encounter with Superman, but she still couldn’t say that the experience was entirely unwelcome or even mostly.

“Let’s find out how hard you can suck that tit.”

Superman redoubled his efforts, hands now groping her plump mounds, while stuffing the nipple of one as deeply into his mouth as he could. He wetly slurped on all he could fill his mouth with.

“Oh, sweet X’Hal, YES!” Kory gasped, rubbing her thighs together and feeling a fire rise between them. It gratified her that Gundersen was going along so willingly with her efforts to direct him, and not solely because she feared him digging his heels in and becoming violent once more.

Kory felt the same passions as the next woman, but was more easily able to dismiss where those passions had been born. She felt no recrimination about the fact that she might as well be bribing Superman with sex to get him to stop his rampage. It was a far better use of her mental energies to try and bring about an orgasm. Why should she not enjoy a sex act just because it was being done out of a motivation besides pleasure or romance?

She hauled his hand away from the breast he was suckling—it was receiving enough stimulation—and shoved it down roughly between her legs, into the drenched thatch of her groin.

As soon as he’d touched her, Gundersen started sliding his fingers between Kory’s inflamed pussy lips and deep inside her sex. When his fingers brushed against her stiffened clit, a shock ran through all of Kory’s voluptuous body. She quaked all over, little bites of orgasm insinuating themselves into the pleasure she already felt.

Superman held onto her tightly, glutted with her sensuality while she pressed her tit even tighter to his face and rode his hand as if somehow she could take more of his fingers than the length that was already inside her.

Gghhhh!” Kory crooned, her juices running in hot streams from her steamy cunt, drenching Gundersen’s hand. Then her quivers subsided and she leaned heavily against Superman, allowing his great strength to hold her up.

“Oh, oh my—X’Hal!” she gasped, breath heating Superman’s chest even through his costume, her face rubbing against his heaving pecs like she was trying to get to the bare skin underneath. “You don’t know how much I needed that… but I think you realize how good it felt. Yes, I’m sure it was good for you too. And it can be even better.”

She reached down, fingertips straying along his chiseled six-pack until they met the shaft of his upright, fully hardened cock. Feeling a wet warmth at her first feel of it, Kory looked down and saw that he was so well-endowed, and had grown so significantly, that his cockhead was actually peeking out of the top of the red trunks meant to contain him.

Mmmmm,” Kory sighed, popping open Gundersen’s belt buckle and quickly drawing trunks and legs down from his rigid erection, wadding the fabric up at his knees. “Now that you’ve given me some attention, I’d like to return the favor. And it’s hard not to give attention to a hard-on like that.”

With his erection relieved of the pressure that his skintight costume had put on it, Superman’s lengthy cock leapt into the open air, immediately filling Kory’s sweaty palm. She was quick to feel out his girthy length. As her experimental massage of it rolled to his knob, a clear drop of his precum trickled from his glanshole.

Kory couldn’t resist a moment more once she felt that moisture scorch her fingers. She dropped to her knees and thrust her head down on his upright manhood, ramming her tongue against his cockhead. What little she could taste of his semen was delicious to the feverish Tamaranian; all she could think of after that was getting even more of this wondrous delicacy.

“Yes, lover,” she moaned as Superman’s body shook with the enormous feel of her tongue on his member. “I’m making you feel nice, aren’t I?”

“Shit, yes!” Gundersen moaned, taking two handfuls of her thick red hair from the abundant flood of her mane and pulling her against his stiff maleness. He grunted at the touch of her smooth cheeks and lush lips on his tender erection. “Suck it, Starfire! I want you drinking my cum!”

Kory gave an animalistic growl—full of hunger—utterly devoid of antagonism. This was exactly what she wanted to hear from any male as appealing as Superman.

She drove her mouth down on his quivering hardness, plunging down its length until his knob was lodged deep in her narrow throat. Her nose nuzzled into the hairs of his crotch, smelling even more of the musk that inundated her eagerly receptive senses.

“Son of a bitch!” Gundersen cried as the superheroine seemed to swallow his prick into all of her curvaceous body. Filling herself with it as obscenely as she would straddling his hips for a fuck.

Gently at first, with the wariness of disbelief, and then with a growing frenzy of teased need, Kory felt Gundersen fuck his way into her moaning face. For the first time, she found herself sympathizing with her Earther teammates’ rather prescriptive view of sex. She herself couldn’t believe she was doing this, kneeling down in the middle of a city’s devastation to suck the big hairy cock of her enemy.

But the pleasure she both reaped and elicited spoke for itself. This was surely preferable to more destructive conflict; if only more of their opponents were endowed as well as Superman was. But then, if they were, Kory had to believe they would find more productive uses of their time than such antisocial activities…

She knew she and the Titans often did… not as often as she would’ve wanted. She’d given Robin every hint she could imagine without straying over the lines of propriety she knew Earthers—and Dick especially—wouldn’t want crossed.

She sat in the front row of the briefing room whenever he had a single word to say, soaking up all of his attention that she could. She made sure her panties showed every time she moved around in her seat. She sat with her shoulders back and her breasts thrust out for Dick’s approval. Her all-green eyes fastened onto his whenever he glanced her way. And when they did, she saw a twinkle in his eyes that told her that her attentions weren’t unwelcome.

So she kept at him despite the neurosis and discomfort that barred her way, getting as close to him as possible, literally, letting her chest brush against his arm as she asked whatever questions she could come up with. It played into her reputation for misunderstanding Earth culture; she was far more perceptive than she let on, but it was convenient to ‘need’ Dick to explain things to her three or four times before she ‘got it.’

However reluctant he was to act on their mutual feelings, she would not let Dick forget how much she wanted him and she would not deny herself the thrill of offering her body to him, knowing one day it would be accepted.

Of course, despite how perceptive she was, Kory did not quite ponder why it was she was thinking so vividly of Dick when the equally attractive—in physique, at least—Superman was hers for the taking. She didn’t try to direct her thoughts any more than her body; Kory let her urges guide her. She gave into them, letting herself want for Gundersen to keep fucking her face, using her like a cheap whore.

She wanted the feeling of a prick in her throat. She didn’t care that it was technically an enemy she was pleasuring. She didn’t think of who might come by and see the acts she was indulging in.

She had to have this man’s cum.



Glorious! Especially cuz there seems to be a bit of plot sneaking in there at the end.