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But like Lamia had cast a magic spell on her, it was impossible for Jonni not to see the… possibility. Lamia had a long tail—it had to be ten feet from the tip to her green scalp. But it never tapered off all that much. At the end, all but the tip was as big around as her fist, while those last few inches reminded her of a monkey’s tail, pliant and clever. And those scales… without being anything but pleasing to the eye, they were knobby, bumpy, with a raised texture that Jonni could only imagine being very interesting to touch.

But the real prize was how Lamia’s jade eyes looked at her. She was as sultry as Amorpha had been nervous, and none the less endearing for it. Jonni felt like a human sacrifice, about to be entirely given up this this evil-eyed goddess. Dark delight throbbed inside her body and made her feel warm, soft, pliant—ready to accept that massive intrusion into her body.

Lamia shimmied towards her, tail swishing behind her like a cat’s. She’s going to fuck me with that, Jonni thought. She’s really going to let me have it—ram it into my cunt even if it tears me in two!

She knew, of course, that Lamia wouldn’t hurt her—but something about the sinister, serpentine nature of her body made it very easy for Jonni to read taboo desires in every little movement, every quirk of her expression.

Jonni stretched out, opening her thighs and exposing her yearning sex to whatever torment Lamia would inflict on it. Lamia fell between her open legs, propped up on outstretched arms. She doubled up her tail like a scorpion’s stinger and pushed it forward into the opening of Jonni’s slit.

“UUUUGGHH! It won’t go in! Jesus, Lamia—ahhhh!”

“It’ll go in,” Lamia panted, her green body flushing darker as she grew aroused. “When it does, you’ll think you died and went to heaven. Nobody, not man or woman, can make you feel like this is going to! You’re going to have the happiest little pussy this ship has ever seen!”

The end of her tail felt big as an apple going into Jonni. The very tip seemed insubstantial next to the bulging size it quickly developed—too much for her tender labia to fully enclose. The softly furred folds of her pussy stretched and Jonni cringed in pain, feeling herself opening further and further, far past what she thought her limits were.

“I’m fucking you!” Lamia hissed, jerking her tail deeper into Jonni. “And you love it! Put your legs up and enjoy it, do as I say! You think you’re in control when this is going into you?”

Jonni lifted her feet off the mattress and fully gave herself over to the impalement of the giant phallus. The scaly tip wormed its way into her velvet sheath, tantalizing her as it pushed past the convulsing muscles inside her entrance.

“OOOOHHH! Oh, God, it’s really in me! It’s going deeper and deeper! I can’t believe it! I’m taking it all, I’m taking every last inch!”

Lamia gritted her teeth, her hips undulating like a belly dancer’s as she bore her tail deeper into Jonni’s pulsating womanhood.

“You bet you’re going to,” she grinned. “Take it from me, you haven’t known what a fucked pussy is until now!” She kept thrusting her tail onward, forcing the slow, unrelenting act of penetration to the only conclusion it could have.

Jonni’s belly heaved. She felt like she was accepting a firehose inside her and she couldn’t bear it, fearing that any moment she would reach her real limit. And yet Lamia kept rocking, forcing her tail into Jonni, pushing in steadily and rhythmically until there was nothing else to feed Jonni. Or at least, so the time traveler thought.

“Just two inches to go. You’ve already been changed forever, Jonni. But now the real fun starts!”

Lamia jiggled her hips, her jaw down, seeming to take as much pleasure in what she was doing as a man would with his hot, juicy prick stuffed inside of Jonni. Jonni instinctively wiggled her ass, enjoying the prickly delight of her walls sucking on the monster that had entered her. Its scaly horns and bumps felt good on her overstuffed womanhood—spinning whorls of crazy excitement into her tight, taut hole. God, how tight it was, being crammed full with so much of Lamia’s very body…

Her sex convulsed and shuddered, throbbing against its merciless impalement as much as hungrily gulping at it. Jonni squeezed her legs together, clutching at the thickness of Lamia’s tail. She thrust herself into it, pushing her straining slit along each little scale that was left to go.

God, she really wanted it. She wanted all of it! Her legs kicked spastically in the air as Lamia bore down on her, balanced on her palms while she rolled her body all the way down to the lower half so deeply embedded in Jonni. Jonni’s eyes shut tightly, blocking out what little she could of the awe-inspiring assault on her senses. She felt tantalizing crashes deep inside her sex—the most beautiful sensation that had ever flowed out of that opening.

Her cunt was now a flame-licked pit, both heated and burning. Jonni’s lips parted and she grunted rhythmically with the convulsions of her flesh around her penetration. She felt like she was a part of Lamia now, the two of them connected as intimately as possible, with the snake-woman’s tail thrust inside her as far as it would go. Lamia labored against her, fucking her as hard as possible just by snapping her buried tail deep inside Jonni’s well-pierced body.

“That’s it! Give it to me! Oooooooooohh! Yes! Yes! YES!”

Her insides felt molten, throbbing with pain even as her passion flowed. Jonni cried out in agony, but her inner walls gave a spasm that was pure pleasure around that magnificent impalement. Then she felt a spurt of hot fluid against her lower belly.

“Good little whore!” Lamia bellowed. One hand smacked Jonni’s ass, the other rubbed frantically at the scales about where the groin would be on a bipedal woman. And from there—Jonni couldn’t see exactly where with Lamia’s blurring fingers in the way—another stream or clear liquid burst out to splash on Jonni’s naked flesh. “Come on, beg for it, love it, love it!”

Lamia spanked her, her hand lashing down as more of her cream spurt out and covered Jonni’s belly. Another lashing and another fine spray of misty nectar. Lamia knew what she was doing, because most of her honey was ending up on Jonni’s skin, marking her just as potently as a man would do. And Jonni could think of nothing to do but smear the juice into her bare skin as her own ecstasy continued.

“TAKE IT!” Lamia cried, lashing the panting redhead, watching as her hair tossed frantically with the continued strikes of rapture hitting her body. She clapped Jonni’s ass with all her might as her body heaved and gave Jonni a final coating of wetness, then she slowed, dribbling her honey against Jonni’s legs as she cuddled with her.

Her tail seeped out of Jonni to wind around her waist, between her thighs, down her legs instead. The spray she’d inundated Jonni with seemed to lubricate their sliding bodies, making it easy for her to wrap Jonni up almost from head to toe—tail as well as both arms, and her fingers immersing themselves in Jonni’s long fiery hair.

“That was quite a performance,” someone said, and though the voice echoed Jonni’s thoughts, she didn’t know it was someone else until the bed creaked with another’s weight.

Jonni craned her head to look over her shoulder and saw Amorpha before she pressed her body into Jonni’s back. The curls of Lamia’s body shifted around, her tail slithering around Ae’s legs as well, one hand going around Ae’s back.

“Now that I know how much she can take, I’m so eager for my next go at her…”

Then Jonni turned her head back before her neck could develop a crink and saw that Duplola was behind Lamia, spooning with her like a mirror image to how Amorpha was nestled into Jonni’s spine.

“How long have you been watching?” Jonni asked without rancor.

“Not too long,” Duplola told her. “If we’d done that, we would’ve joined in.”

“But Lamia seems like enough for any one girl,” Amorpha echoed.

“She might be enough for two, with that forked tongue of hers.”

Amorpha giggled, definitely sounding like she was out of her shell. “And she must have a rear door to match that split scale…”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Lamia cooed.

Jonni patted her hip almost firmly enough to qualify as a slap. “Get some sleep. If you don’t need any rest after all that, you’ll give me a complex. And that goes for the rest of you too.”

“Yes, domina.”

“Yes, domina.”

“Yes, domina,” they chimed one by one, then obediently closed their eyes.

Jonni hummed. ‘Domina’. She could get used to that.

This seemed like quite a change from her normal routine, but then, coming to the future in the first place had been that as well. And she’d always wanted a little black book of loving conquests to revisit on a Friday night. A spaceship full of sex toys seemed only more convenient.

Maybe she could find a female of Jermaal’s species as long as she was here. After all, why should she be the only one tomcatting around?



So, that felt like an ending. Are we skipping Silk, then?