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“You need four of you to do that?” Jonni asked incredulously.

The Duplolas split up, surrounding the bed. Two on the left, two on the right… and two more at the foot of the bed. Cinco and Seis.

They spoke in unison: “Like we said, absolutely satisfied.”

Jonni was trying to think of a nice way to tell them to butt out on her night with Amorpha—all of them—when she felt Ae shuffle beside her and grip her hand. “She’s right,” Amorpha said. “It’s sweet that you don’t want me to feel… inadequate… but I really would like knowing that you definitely… I mean for sure…”

“Ae, you satisfied me. Totally. But if it would set your mind at ease for me to let these six women gangbang me…” Jonni said, letting a little irony slip into her voice.

“It would,” Amorpha assured her. Then she turned to the Duplolas crowding in on the bed—pawing at the mattress like racers at the starting line. “Can you make one more, Dup? For me?” She looked innocently at Jonni again. “If I’m going to be sure you’re satisfied, I need to know what she’s doing to you.”

Siete crawled on top of Amorpha, barely sparing Jonni a glance. “Then I’m all yours.”

“And we’re all yours,” the rest said to Jonni, finally stripping.

Jonni watched—from six different goddamn angles—as Duplola twitched her hips, slowly rolling her blue one-piece down over her torso until her vee of pubic curls was revealed to her gaze. Finally, Duplola stepped out of the skimpy lingerie and playfully tossed them onto Jonni’s body, covering her in all six pairs while exposing her own completely naked body. Or rather, bodies.

Jonni looked around, thinking that she’d never seen so many gorgeous, naked bodies all at the same time—except for that time with the Sklin cyber-plant, and given that all those bodies had been hers, that seemed a little self-indulgent.

All these upthrust breasts and mouth-watering slits might’ve been the same, but they still weren’t her, so each glistening drop of juice, in whichever direction she looked, had the thrill of discovery.

“Now, on your back,” Cinco said. “Spread-eagle.”

Jonni lowered herself onto her spine, stretching her arms up above her head and spreading her legs to splay herself to all of them..

“I plan on being the best lover you’ve ever had,” Seis whispered, so as Amorpha couldn’t overhear. “In fact, I think I’ll be the top five.”

Jonni was suddenly immersed in girls. They covered the bed, all of their lips touching her body at once. Uno and Dos each took over a foot, sucking on her toes. Tres and Cuatro knelt beside her head to lay claim to her arms—Tres licked her hand and Cuatro sucked on her fingers. Cinco and Seis laid down on either side of her, licking the outermost curves of her swollen breasts.

Siete and Amorpha sixty-nined at the foot of the bed, between Jonni’s open legs. Jonni wanted to watch their lovemaking, have her eyes stimulated as much as the rest of her body, but it was all too much for her.

She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the perfume of nine wet cunts and the luscious thrill of six eager mouths consuming her taste. Her nipples were hard and her pussy was almost as wet as when she came.

Uno and Dos moved up to her ankles, tonguing up her calves, kissing their way to her knees. At the same time, Tres and Cuatro licked paths to her armpits, nibbling and kissing the tender, shorn skin, turning her ticklishness into a verdant pleasure. Cinco and Seis ran their lips around her breasts in closing circles, working their way to the peaks of her plump hills, their cheeks and hair rubbing together as they shared in consuming her.

Jonni tried to hold completely still to let them all have their way with her, but it was too hard. She couldn’t cope with so many hungry mouths and loving tongues at the same time.

Uno and Dos started kissing her thighs; the aroma of the nine cunts in the room seemed stronger and Jonni didn’t know if she was getting more aroused or they were. Cinco and Seis started sucking her nipples at the same moment. Tres and Cuatro alternated kissing her, sucking on her tongue and then turning her in the other direction to be given a twin of the kiss she’d just received.

Jonni couldn’t hold back any longer. She reached between Cinco’s thighs with one hand, put the other between Seis’s, and fingered them both. The warm, wet feel inside them was its own kind of pleasure, as was their heated moans as she got them off.

Uno and Dos laid their cheeks on top of Jonni’s thighs. “I want to taste her first,” Uno said.

“Go ahead,” Dos said. “I’ll taste her after you’ve gotten her juices flowing.”

Uno smirked at her. “I’ll try to leave some of them for you.”

Siete took her mouth from Amorpha’s pussy for a second. “Mmmm… roll your hips over to the side a little, Jonni,” she moaned. “Ohhh! Then Dos can eat your ass while Uno eats your—oh! Oh! Unnhh!”

She trailed off, burying her head in Ae’s lap again, but Jonni got the idea. She twisted her hips and Dos happily kissed her ass a few times before pushing her tongue in-between its firm globes.

With tongues teasing both her womanhood and her anal passage, Jonni couldn’t keep track of who was doing what to her or even what was being done. She lay with her eyes rolled up in her head, feeling hot wet mouths on every erogenous zone, educated tongues entering everywhere from her mouth to her anus. Then the kisses became a woman’s sex lowered onto her mouth. She would tongue it for a minute or so, only to have it replaced by another pussy that needed to be warmed and wetted like she had the last one.

When she started coming, she knew it was Duplola’s cream filling her mouth—and her tongue in Jonni’s asshole and her lips around Jonni’s clit and her mouths on Jonni’s nipples. It was as if Duplola wasn’t a person, but a whole world for Jonni to inhabit, a world where there was nothing but sucking lips and licking tongues and the intoxicating taste of pussy entering her with every breath.

Jonni climaxed and kept on climaxing, until she felt like every bit of energy in her body had been invested in her convulsing sex. And even before that powerful orgasm had run its course, an even more delicious eruption flowed through her, and she cried out in delirious rapture as a third ecstasy built and burst and hotly splayed whoever was between her legs to receive it. Despite how many Duplolas there were to love her, they all abandoned her mouth to let her cry out with her soulful passion, enjoying an experience that exceeded even her wildest dreams.

The thought that they’d successfully satisfied their lover—satisfied her even more than there were women to make her come—led to gasps and cries and moans as they all started coming too. But their delight didn’t seem to distract them from sating Jonni, taking care of her lust whether it was in her nipples or her slit or her asshole. Instead, they seemed spurred on to even greater returns, competing amongst themselves to give Jonni the biggest rush.

They sucked as much of her voluptuous breasts as possible into their too-small mouths, filled her pussy with more than one tongue, forced stiff fingers up into her ass with deep, frenzied probing, pushed wetly gushing snatches against her face until she’d memorized the glorious scent of cunt in climax, and filled her belly with the streams of nectar that this orgy produced.

And still their hungry mouths stayed on her. Sucking until Jonni lay absolutely drained, too sated to move or sate, in the throes of her final satisfaction. She’d come with such mind-shattering violence that she couldn’t process the full sensation of it. She felt those mouths still endlessly licking at her sweat and the ejaculation that had doused her thighs, even Duplola’s own cream where it dripped from her body. It perpetuated the overwhelming satiation she’d attained until the feeling was too much for her, sending Jonni floating away into the warm, empty nothing of sleep.


When she awoke, the Duplolas were all gone, but Amorpha was nestled in her arms. Jonni took a few moments to look at the pretty little albino before forcing herself up. Knowing this future, it wouldn’t be long until she had some crisis to face, and she should be dressed and showered when it came by.

But she still took a few moments to feel Ae’s warmth and softness on her own naked skin, admiring the fine, well-trimmed form of the shapeshifter. Then those pale gold eyes opened and Jonni shared a feeling with her, knowing Amorpha was appreciating her own firm physique as much as Jonni liked hers.

Mmmmm… is it always this good after?” Amorpha cooed.

“It should be. I have to wash up.”

“Yes, I’m sure the others are impatient for their own turn,” Amorpha said with concern. “Duplola obviously had a lot to get off her chest…”

“She had a lot of chests, I noticed.”

Amorpha sat up, fully awake now. “So they’ll all understand you being worn out from dealing with all of her, but I shouldn’t dally.”

She rushed out of bed, barely pulling her clothes back on before opening the door.

“I thought I was in charge,” Jonni said wryly. “So when do we see each other again?”

“Soon!” Ae promised. “Thank you for finally making me feel like one of those girls I pretend to be—see you later!”

And she hurried off. Jonni would’ve gone after her to further reassure her, but from the lilt in her voice and the spring in her step, she didn’t really need it.

In the shower, Jonni tried to straighten out her thoughts on all that had happened. As the first of her affairs, she would’ve thought that Amorpha would be the one to trigger her conscience, but for some reason she couldn’t feel any guilt at all about what had happened.

It’d been a delectable release—doubly so because she knew how well-satisfied Amorpha had been. Jonni didn’t regret it at all, which surprised her, when she thought about how reluctant she’d been to take over the seraglio.

Maybe it could be good for her—and she could make it good for all them too.

She came out of the shower with only the towel she was drying herself with to find Lamia in her room.

Appropriately for a snake-woman, Lamia was strikingly beautiful. Her plump lips were exquisitely kiss-worthy, her many golden piercings adding exoticism to her already green face, and her long, pointed ears seemed to accentuate the embellishment of her broad features. Her bushy hair was green as well, the only thing that touched her bare breasts, which were plushly voluptuous, thick green nipples befitting her larger-than-life abundance. And below the waist, her creamy skin gave way to scales, her trim waist forming a serpent’s tail instead of a pair of legs.

She approached Jonni, slithering towards her with an undulating motion that extended into her upper body, giving her the subtle vibe of a belly-dancer warming up for a performance.

“You’ll forgive me,” Jonni said, thankful that she happened to be covering her breasts with a toweling action—it allowed her to hide herself without being too obvious about it. “I get that you’re next, but you’re my first… non-biped. I don’t know quite what to do.”

“There’s a split scale,” Lamia explained readily—her accented English would’ve reminded Jonni of the Middle East if she weren’t doubtlessly from billions of lightyears away from the Earth altogether. “But that can wait. My sides are actually quite sensitive—where the dark green scales on my back meet the light scales of my underbelly? And at the tip, they’re the most sensitive of all…”

And she slapped her tail down on the floor, long and green and… undeniably phallic. Jonni’s eyes widened in disbelief. It couldn’t be!



This is glorious! But, you keep talking about their being nine cunts present, when two+six equals eight? Unless you mentioned Amorpha having two of 'em and me not remembering?