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“Oh, it’s wonderful the way you and Mommy get along!” Stacy breathed, dropping her right hand into Wayne’s lap, sinking her fingers as far as she could into the heft of his erection. It was rock-hard, though, throbbing almost too hard for her to keep her grip on it. That made it feel even better—knowing how aroused the family had made Wayne. That erection wasn’t just for her… it was for her mother too.

Stacy panted with its throbbing, her breaths pushing her sweaty breasts out for what felt like miles. Wayne wrapped his left arm around her waist; he filled his right hand with one of her gorgeous tits. She tilted her head up for a kiss from him, a damp darkness on the crotch of her panties showing where else she wanted to be kissed.

Just before their lips met, Stacy saw Ana’s tongue cover the distance, diving into Wayne’s mouth. Stacy moaned, hips twitching with the same lust Ana had felt, while her hand polished Wayne’s erection like it was pure gold.

Filling with delicious arousal, Ana bounced down beside her daughter and slid her left hand between Stacy’s warm thighs. The girl’s shudders and gasps said she was almost ready to come; Ana was happy to help.

Her little girl deserved the best orgasms she could get. And as much as Ana helped her get them by entering into a threesome with her and Wayne, if she could do it herself, she would give it to Stacy that way too. Anything for her baby.

She cupped Stacy’s moist sex through her panties, squeezing it lovingly. Stacy knew who was playing with her pussy, but there was no stopping herself. Her climax came on far too quick and she arched her hips, fingers tightening on Wayne’s prick as she blasted with ecstasy—

Holy shit! Stacy thought wildly. I’m coming already! Coming because of my mommy! I need that cock inside me, but Mom’s getting me off even before I get it! I can’t believe it! It’s even wronger than both of us sharing Wayne, but how can I help it? Does it even matter so long as I orgasm? Mommy obviously doesn’t think so… I bet this is turning on Wayne so much. He must wanna fuck me so bad!

She sucked hungrily at Wayne’s tongue, felt his manhood pulse with desire for her. Suddenly Ana’s hand snaked into Stacy’s wet panties, a finger sliding juicily into her daughter’s twitching cunt. It was too much for Stacy. Her breasts swelled, even against Wayne’s fierce grip, and her ass jerked. Clit burgeoning, the demanding ache in her pussy became a sharp fire, stinging as it jolted Stacy with rapture. So much pleasure it hurt.

Stacy tore her mouth free of Wayne’s kiss and screamed as the honeyed beat of her passion rocked her lower body. Her inner muscles clenched in luscious rhythm, her breasts quivered, and she flung her hips about with the wild explosions of her orgasmic sex. Having a man’s cock in her hand made it even more delicious; she was going off, burst by burst, coming so hard she only wished Wayne were inside her pussy to feel it.

“UHH! UNNH! OHHH! OH! YES!” Stacy cried out. The satiated pulses of contentment had never been sweeter than after this orgasm. She kept fucking right through it until there was no energy left.

Then, drained, she sank down onto the sofa, breathing hard and deep. Wayne’s fingers still delighted in her tender breasts and she savored how much he liked them. There was no need to worry that her mother would hog all of Wayne’s attention. It seemed that the new arrangement had produced enough lust in the man for both of them… almost too much!

“Christ, you made me come so good! Both of you!” Stacy gasped out, still quaking with the twinges of her release. “I needed that!”

“That’s why I wanted you to go first,” Ana laughed, taking her wet fingers away from Stacy’s panties and wiping them on her creamy belly. “Now let’s get to the bedroom and really fuck!”

“Mother knows best!” Stacy grinned. Then she grew serious. Talking about something as pleasurable as this had its own kind of solemnity. She couldn’t be lighthearted about it. “I want to see you take his cock, Mommy. I wanna see you get off as hard as I have.”

Seconds later, Wayne was flat on his back in the master bedroom, on the wide, firm bed that was made for fucking, had needed to be used for fucking for a long time. The fury of Stacy’s climax lingered in his fevered mind, his cock so hard now that it felt like the very core of him and the purpose of his being.

Mother and daughter were both naked now, though Ana still wore the boots, the fishnet stockings, and the gloves that had fulfilled his fantasy so exactly. Her and her Stacy’s identical pussies dripped with lust.

The younger woman sat beside the pair, sharing the bed but not using it the way they would, her rich thighs spread wide while her mother mounted Wayne, her own tawny legs opening up to his tensed, hungry endowment.

Ana fingered her daughter… got her off, Wayne thought with a tremble going through him. The two of them want to fuck each other as much as they do me and I don’t even care. I want to watch them fuck just as much as I want to cock them myself! I’m going to move into this house with them and give them all the dick they want! I’ll eat them too, whenever they want me too—hell, I’ll knock them both up! Give Stacy a sister and give Ana a grandchild! I want it all!

“I’m going to make very sure you can satisfy my daughter, little boy,” Ana said, holding herself above Wayne.

She stroked her breasts in readiness for the shudders that would roll through them once he was inside her. Her body was already taut and kinked up, all ready for the orgasm she knew Wayne would provide him.

“Then stop waiting and find out! Give me that juicy little cunt and let me show you what a lucky girl Stacy is!” Wayne moaned, running his own hands up and down Ana’s thighs.

He could feel her anticipation as keenly as she did and it turned him on just as much. Her legs were quivering and wet with sweat, ready to be set on fire by the ecstasy that could only come from deep inside her.

“Do it, Mommy!” Stacy found herself saying, one hand reaching down to her soaked womanhood, the other grabbing hold of the comforter to stop herself from touching the two lovers—sharing in a moment that had to be just for them. “Fuck him! Fuck my boyfriend! I want to see his big cock inside your pussy just like it went into mine!”

Smiling at her daughter’s lustful cry, Ana slowly brought her sex down on Wayne’s cockhead, lowering her body to embrace more and more of his turgid length inside herself.

Ohhhh, yeah, fantastic!” Ana moaned, feeling the last few inches of Wayne’s shaft settle inside her, leaving her straddling his lower belly with all of his fat cock buried inside her.

“God, Mommy, do you know how lucky you are to be able to take all that cock?” Stacy demanded, a thrill of renewed desire overwhelming her restraint at the lascivious sight of her boyfriend being buried to the hilt inside her mother.

She stroked her pussy while eagerly watching to see what would happen next.

“She’s right,” Ana sighed. “It’s not every girl that gets to feel such a huge cock in her pussy.”

“Good thing that your daughter believes in sharing,” Wayne said with a grin, reaching up to pull Ana’s lovely face down to his. She grimaced lewdly as his erection shifted inside her, pressing against so many tender places in her sensitive walls.

They kissed, their tongues locking together, and like the stripper she was dressed as, Ana began to undulate. Moving her body up and down on the member that had filled her up so succulently. Fucking herself because she couldn’t wait a second longer for Wayne to do it.

Stacy watched her mother’s juicy cunt sliding up and down on her lover’s enormous cock. Her nectar ran down the sides of Wayne’s throbbing erection. Stacy trained her eyes on the clear fluid like she was trying to see her reflection in it, place herself in the action that way, and she trembled all over. She fingered herself harder and faster, just as Wayne and Ana were fucking more rapidly, more potently.

They kept their mouths pressed together in a soulful kiss while Ana continued to pump her nearly naked body up and down on Wayne’s manhood. He reached up and groped her breasts, decadently enjoying how the supple flesh filled his hands. Wayne squeezed her mounds harder, making Ana squeal—it was impossible to tell whether it was in pain or pleasure, but either way, she didn’t do anything to make him stop.

His thumbs and forefingers pinched into her swollen nipples and Ana quivered uncontrollably, almost convulsing on top of Wayne’s prone body. Stacy’s own nipples surged as if Wayne were squeezing them instead of her mother’s. She felt her breasts pulsing and she moaned softly, wishing Wayne would feel them up as pleasurably as he was doing to Ana. She didn’t dare remove her hand from her pussy to take advantage of the potential delight she could get out of her swelling breasts.

Ana wrenched her lips away from Wayne’s, sucking in air as she threw her head back. Then, pumping herself on his manhood again, she gave a guttural moan and picked up her speed. Rising and falling with greater need, greater satisfaction, on Wayne’s upthrust prick.

He bucked his hips up into Ana’s pussy as it came down on him, hilting her with the same luscious rhythm her body had already set. It was still nearly too much for Ana to take, the blonde’s eyes rolling back in her head, her parted lips letting out gasp after gasp as she received one thrust after another. Only pure, passionate need kept her body moving, demanding Wayne’s cock and receiving it as hard and as fast as she could take it.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck her good, Wayne! Fuck my mommy!” Stacy cheered, losing herself in the spectacle of her boyfriend’s thick cock doing to her mother exactly what Stacy had been fortunate enough to have done to her.

“GH! HHH! You’re fucking me so haaard!” Ana cried, tears of ecstasy filling her eyes and flowing down her flushed cheeks. “God! God! Stacy, there’s no way you can take—no way you can stand this much cock!”

Each time Ana lifted herself to the top of Wayne’s shaft, he drew his hips down to leave only the tip of his cock inside her. Then, with a joyous cry, Ana let her weight carry her down Wayne’s length while he thrust upward. They both worked together to impale Ana’s hungry opening with his stiff endowment. And every time, Ana felt like there was just too much for her to take—that she was being filled too full.

She loved that feeling. A little too much was just enough for her.

Her daughter had similar sentiments: Oh, Wayne, you’re so big! So hard! I never knew you could get so big! God, it’s so beautiful—if you have to give it to someone else, I’m glad it’s Mommy. I know it must feel so good to her. Especially because of how dirty she can be. She doesn’t even care that that’s my boyfriend’s cock. She only cares that it’s so big and hard and full of cum—FUCK—I bet you’re going to come in her, aren’t you Wayne? AREN’T YOU?!



Utterly excellent and amazing