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As much as Sam had been affected by what her mom had done to Tory, naturally Tory was even more enthralled by it. While Sam tossed and turned in her bed, finally resorting to masturbation, Tory laid awake in her own lonely bed, staring at the ceiling, praying for sleep to take her.

Her mind was like a TV with the off-switch broken, endlessly showing her mental images of Amanda. And yet, the memory wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel it again, to once again know the breathtaking immediacy of having that wonderful strap-on up her ass, taking her, claiming her, making her feel what only Amanda seemed able to. What she wouldn’t give to feel it in her bowels again—all night long, if she could manage it!

Why not? A little devil on her shoulder asked. Why not go to Amanda’s room, knock on her door, and offer your body for her pleasure? If she doesn’t want you, go to Sam. There’s no way both those women can turn you down.

Tory’s pride melted with the desire the thought kindled in her. Yes, yes, fuck it, she would take either one of them. All they could do was say no; Tory refused to believe they both would. She was their bitch. She wouldn’t be if they didn’t want to use her.

Tory slid out of bed, put on a robe over her nightie, and ran a comb through her hair. She went to her cracked window and sucked in a breath of fresh air to steady her nerves, then slipped out the door, leaving it ajar behind her. Despite that, she didn’t feel like she would be coming back that night.


“Kneel down,” Amanda ordered, grabbing Sam’s hips and forcing her to her knees, as if too impatient to simply let her daughter obey.

Sam settled onto all fours, her firm young ass raised vulnerably high, displayed to Amanda as less temptation than a red flag waving at a bull. Even in the darkness, Amanda could see that her daughter’s cunt was moistly pouting, seething in invitation.

Sam leaned forward, bunching a pillow under herself to rest her head on while she lifted her softly fleshed ass even higher into the air, completely unprotected, offered to Amanda to use however she wanted.

Sam’s eyes were teary already; she was well able to imagine how she was going to be ravished. She was ready to bite down on her pillow until the urge to cry out passed, but there was nothing she’d be able to do about the tears that would run as her mother used her. And yet, her damp eyes glazed over with the thrilling anticipation of Amanda’s strap-on going deep into her hungry pussy.

Her dreamy haze of need shattered at the touch of Amanda’s steel-hard dildo between her buttocks… not at the moist, splayed lips of her pussy, but in her asshole. Uncertainly, Sam waved her trembling ass, feeling the blunt tip of the strap-on against her tiny puckered sphincter, wet with lubricant that was now smearing on her rosebud.

There was no doubt. Amanda meant to put her cock there and keep pushing through it until Sam had taken every inch of it in her ass.

“Mommy, you’re not going to put it there, are you?” she asked pleadingly, knowing that her mom shared her fetish, but hoping maternal feelings would lead her away from something so painful. “That’s the biggest strap-on you have, Mommy. If you put it in there, I’ll be split in half!”

“Then you’re telling me where I should put my cock in my bitch?” Amanda asked, though Sam couldn’t hear the last part of her question.

The pain of being sodomized blanked her thoughts far too thoroughly to make out anything but what Amanda’s words really meant—that Sam was her sex slave and would be treated as such.

With a grunt, Amanda shoved her hips forward, smacking her legs against the backs of Sam’s thighs while she worked up the intolerable pressure of the dildo against Sam’s tightly clenched anus.

Sam squealed as her sphincter admitted the forceful thrust. The dildo seemed to hotly throb while it penetrated her once unused passage, one vicious lunge suddenly owning it, almost half of the strap-on’s long rigid length disappearing into Sam’s ghoulishly stretched anus.

Sam scrambled to crawl away, forgetting to bite the pillow and forthrightly yelling in surprised agony: “Mommy, please! You’re hurting me! Take it out, please, pull it out!”

“No, baby, it’s not going anywhere. This is the tightest asshole I’ve ever fucked and from now on, it’s mine!”

Sam heard a dark chuckle, then felt her mother grab her hips like a pair of handles and drag Sam back to her loins. Sam’s frantically writhing ass was forced onto the massive dildo; it sank to the hilt in her rectum, blazing pain mingling with the sloppy feel of the lube.

Amanda’s leather-clad groin slapped against Sam’s swollen, sodden cunt, the hairs of her thatch brushing ever so gently against the obscenely stretched rim of Sam’s asshole. It was an unheeded reminder that Sam’s numbed anatomy really existed, that there was anything for her to feel other than the thick strap-on plundering her mercilessly.

Her mother held Sam tight, too tight for her to pull away no matter how agonizing the penetration grew. Sam felt like a baseball bat was being rammed between her buttocks, shoved up into her bowels until her stomach twitched with nausea, she was so overcome with pain. But through it, she felt something else stirring. The enslaving pleasure that, when Sam sodomized a woman, always ended up making them her bitch.


Tory’s ear was at the door to Amanda’s room, her knuckles white from knocking at it. She held onto her bathrobe with her free hand, keeping it shut as if to maintain the façade that she wasn’t such a slut for a while longer. But Amanda wasn’t answering the door.

Her mind reeled with confusion and disappointment. Could Amanda really be sleeping too deeply to hear her? Tory couldn’t believe that, but she didn’t believe that Amanda was ignoring her either.

She knocked one last time, but didn’t hear even a whisper inside to indicate Amanda was responding to her summons, even there at all. That was okay. Tory moved to Sam’s room, though her head was downcast, her spirits plummeting from her prior, taboo excitement. She still wanted to be Sam’s anal bitch, but she felt like she needed to get the approval of Amanda fucking her.

Padding her way to Sam’s room, she allowed herself a relieved grin. She could hear voices and motions inside the room; Sam, at least, was there for her. Tory crept closer, wondering what was going on. Was another of Sam’s loving victims there with her or was she just watching TV? The odd thing was, the voice she heard sounded like Sam…

“Please, Mommy, please take it out! I can’t stand it anymore! Please, I’ll do anything you want, I’ll suck it, I’ll suck it right after you’ve pulled it out of my ass, but please, I can’t take this, I’m being torn apart!”

The words rushed into Tory’s awareness like a knife stabbing into her. Squinting her eyes as if to close them and block out the sight, she nonetheless fell to her knees and looked through the keyhole into Sam’s room.

She saw Amanda fucking her daughter up the ass, just like Tory had wanted for herself.

Her hand flew to her mouth, clammy skin blocking off the distress she wanted to release. And so she knelt there, reeling, gagging herself for fear of revealing her presence to them.

Tory felt as though she’d been replaced, replaced by both Sam and Amanda. They’d replaced her with each other. The terrible emotion seared her and a growing wave of darkness swept over Tory, dropping her stomach, tightening her throat. She covered her mouth with both hands and screamed into them, knowing that mother and daughter were far too involved with each other to hear her.

Then she returned her eye to the keyhole. As she watched Sam get fucked, Amanda doing the fucking, her robe opened up as if by magic. Her hands drifted up under her nightie, into her lap. Tory’s eyes bulged, wide enough to drink in every last note of light illuminating the coupling pair, and she watched them live out her fantasies.

The pleasure of seeing their tryst, at least, was still hers.


Inside the room, they continued their unknowing performance for her.

Amanda relished Sam’s pleas, the begging that was already only half-meant, just a way for her to keep from embarrassing herself by screaming or squealing. If she didn’t savor Sam’s muted enjoyment so much, she would’ve simply ignored it. Far more interesting was the sight of her strap-on pumping back and forth.

Out of Sam’s tightly stretched anus, leaving it until only the tapered tip remained inside, then into her again. Inch by merciless inch. Until every bit of the hard and unyielding length was nestled in Sam’s bowels, stretching from her colon to the convulsing opening of her asshole. Amanda wished she could feel it. The sensation must be incredible, but just the sight was enough to enthrall her.

As though possessed, she rammed herself into Sam harder and harder, pushing aside the tender walls of her anal passage as though beating them, punishing them for their continued tightness. They wouldn’t resist her much longer.

The massive dildo was going as far as anything could into Sam’s hotly quivering asshole. And Amanda kept pistoning it in there, again and again, her entire body trembling with the fury of this exhilarating taboo.

Amanda would’ve been frightened by her own vehemence, except that she knew she was pleasuring Sam. That made it okay. Better than okay. She would make Sam suffer as much as she had to for her daughter to climax.

An hour ago, Sam would’ve hated that thought, but now she was seeing the truth of it. A change was happening inside her, changing the violation from agonizing pain to something bearable, then intriguing, then wildly exciting. Slowly, her hurting was dwindling away, disappearing, perhaps still there but eclipsed in Sam’s mind by other, more imposing feelings.

Her total and absolute subjugation as she sank into the comfort of submitting to Amanda. The imagining of her taut asshole being so ruthlessly impaled was especially vivid—she had seen it happen to others so many times that she could easily picture what was causing the spasms of forbidden delight going deep into her writhing flesh. She knew what it looked like to be another woman’s anal bitch.


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