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Diana’s body bisected an air duct, the unspooling flow of ventilation stirring the sweat on her bare body. The chill made her pull tighter to Clark as he collapsed between her legs, his body pulled as taut as hers. He wasn’t used to exerting his strength this way. She’d taken his power as nothing on this planet could. And she could see the thrill of that realization in his eyes, as he realized their pleasure didn’t have to end with his last ejaculation.

“Did you enjoy that, Clark?” Diana asked, her body on fire with lust and appreciation for the man who’d equaled her. She knew what the answer would be, but liked giving him the opportunity to say it.

“I thought it was going to drive me crazy, you wonderful…” he gasped, twinging as her inner muscles tightened on him once more. Still ready. “It was out of this world.”

“I suppose you’d know,” she replied. “I’d like to keep doing that, if you’d let me. Whenever you like.”

Diana held her breath, expecting him to say that he couldn’t take another minute of it… that he was one more man who’d been worked bone-dry by her and could sate her no longer. She feared his words.

He smiled at her instead. “That sounds like a very nice offer,” he told her. His cock was rising up straight and true, hard as a nail once again.

Diana bit her lip, feeling her heart thumping hard, her throat growing dry, her ears burning and her temples pulsing. Her face was flushed and an aching, warming desire spread through her loins and lit them on fire. She couldn’t wait to receive him again, to feel his hot, hard prick with every fold of her sex.

But he stopped suddenly, his head turned, ear canted. “There’s a factory fire in Mexico. Children trapped inside.”

Diana nodded, warming at his sympathy, if frustrated at its timing. “I understand. Go.”

In a blur, he was in his costume. Diana laid there, feeling more decadent than ever with him standing over her, fully dressed.

“Like you said,” he told her. “Whenever you like.”


His hand moved down, down, slowly, teasingly. It made contact with her pubic hair, soft and wispy, and slowed its journey. His fingers ran through it like gentle feathers, then slowly went further back to the skin between her asscheeks. He touched it gently.

“Uhhh,” she grunted. She could feel her legs spreading, clearing the way for his wants.

“Do you want to be fucked?” he asked simply.

“You don’t know how badly,” she confessed.

“Good,” he said. “Then I think we’ll get along just fine.”

His fingers were touching the lips of her cunt now. She had a strong urge to reach down, spread them for him, and impale herself upon his hand. But she restrained herself. The tension she felt throughout her body was too good not to enjoy.

Besides, she’d decided beforehand that he was going to take her. She was not going to take him. It was good to change things up once in a while.

But she wanted him so badly. And he didn’t disappoint her.

One hand was working on her sex, stroking her lightly, teasing her, taunting her—getting acquainted with her. The other hand was over and around her left breast. He would bunch it up and wrap his big hand around it and squeeze it until it came around the top of his hand. The nipple would stand up against his palm, high, hard, ready.

He adjusted his grip, leaned forward, and took only the nipple in his mouth.

The sensation was excruciating, but only because it felt so good. It was not pain. It was very intense pleasure.

Her body worked frantically on the floor, moving from side to side, up and down, writhing under his self-assured attack. “Goddess!” she said, involuntarily, as his fingertips slipped between her legs and one touched her inside. He seemed to know just where he was going and what he wanted to do.

“Goddess…” she repeated, feeling his finger rubbing around it, him pressing it back into her and then curling it out, teasing it, intensifying her desire. “It’s wonderful… just wonderful.”

“Like that, do you?” he asked.

“How can I not… it’s so good… so very good…”

“Just imagine how my cock will feel.”

“Oh, I know,” she moaned, writhing under his moving hands. “I know… I want it so badly… more than anything…”

“You’ll have it,” was all he said.

His finger moved lower in her slit. It probed deeper too, pulling the moistness out of her, smearing it on her labia. She reached down to feel his throbbing member in his hand as he continued to knead her breast, squeeze it, pinch it, tug at it. She wanted to cry out her delight. But she didn’t.

“Ready?” he asked her, his voice low.

“Yes, damn you… yes,” she moaned excitedly. Without another word he lifted himself over her, keeping his hands where they were. “But first… taste me? I don’t think it’ll be the same flavor when you’re done.”

Grinning in agreement, Bruce raised his hand to his lips and casually sucked the moisture off his fingertips. Ivy grinned as she watched him suckle hard, swallowing in gulps that were like great draughts.

“Do you like the taste?”

“Yes,” Bruce replied. His previous confidence seemed shaken.

“You would like more?”

“I would.”

“Then I want you to show me the cave. Come now, Bruce… business before pleasure.”


The cave was damp, humid, but it was the warmth of the earth, not a manmade chemical thing, and Ivy preened in it more than she would the most air-conditioned interior. Besides, here, in private, she could shuck off her artificial clothing and walk about as nature intended. Even if the metal burned on her bare feet, reminding her of its falseness. She tried to pretend it was ore and not something cruelly worked over by man.

“Lex Luthor,” she enunciated dryly, voice crisp with pleasure as she crossed off a grated walkway and onto musty soil, “wants you to kill the Superman. So he wants you to want to kill the Superman. So first, you have to want me. I, in turn, had to want to get out of the laboratory where they were studying me after my little… blessing in disguise. Obviously, I did.”

Bruce typed at the computer, banks of monitors cycling through information, Ivy reviewing them idly, but not finding what she was looking for. She kept looking while she talked. She liked talking. At least, once she’d made someone listen.

“I don’t mind keeping my end of the bargain. After all, there’s nothing more harmful to an ecosystem than an alien biology being introduced to it. But what good will removing one weed do when tycoons like you and Luthor are still destroying the environment? So, now that I’ve worked my magic on your obsessive little brain…” She pushed her finger at Bruce’s temple. Like a man in a trance, he ignored both his head skewing to the side and it bounding back. “I’m going to give myself a bonus.”

“The Urzkartaga plant,” Bruce said, and Ivy saw it on the monitors. Beautiful. A work of art. “A rare species, the only one of its kind. Retrieved by archaeologist Barbara Minerva from a deep-jungle ruin. Smuggling it into the States was one of her many criminal charges. She claimed it turned her into the metahuman Cheetah, that it’s actually a demi-god she worships, her husband…” His voice faltered. “Currently resides in GCPD lock-up under heavy quarantine following the Cheetah’s capture by… me…”

Ivy kissed him before he could get any more confused. He got up and tried to put his arms around her. “Come here…”

He pressed his muscular chest up against her breasts. “Now, now,” she warned him. “Don’t get excited…”

“How can I help it when you’re here?” His crotch rubbed against hers. She could feel a large bulge jabbing into her.

“Ohhh,” she purred.

“I can’t wait anymore,” he husked loudly. “I’ve got to have it.”

“First things first. I need you to get me that plant. After that, you can do whatever you want to me.”

He pulled his fly down. “Pump you first… need you now…” He groaned.

“The plant,” Ivy insisted, and he gritted his teeth, emitted a keening noise from inside his throat. The poor boy was desperate for her. “Put on your suit.”

Needing her, hating her, obedient to her, Bruce staggered to the costume vault.

“And remember,” Ivy called after him, “Superman is responsible for the bombing.”

“What bombing?”

Ivy changed the channel on one of the monitors, looking for a news station. It should be on all of them


Clark wasn’t surprised when he saw Diana.

Anyone else would’ve surprised him. He’d come to the top of K2 because it was the closest he could come to peace. No Lois, pitying him and feeling guilty over him from her end of the bullpen. No senators demanding answers. No satellites tracking him. No bombs going off.

He didn’t know what his limit was, but he felt he’d reached it. He felt unable to go on. He felt like lying down and letting himself rest, no matter how long it took to feel right again.

If they wanted a world without Superman, he wondered if he shouldn’t let them have it.

Diana was dressed as simply as he was. A black turtleneck and pearlescent white slacks. She made them look as fashionable as an evening gown. Seeing him, she gave a look of greeting, then sat down on a boulder cold enough to freeze water into ice. She took off her messenger bag, pulled a thermos from it, took the cap off and poured hot coffee into the cup that it made. Clark came over to accept it.

Diana smiled gently as he sat down beside her, drinking her coffee straight from the thermos. The two of them sipped it in silence, each trying to sort out what had happened since the last time they’d met.

“In the old days, my people’s gods lived on a mountain. They moved, though. We climbed too close to them. Sometimes I wonder if they needed room, or if we did.”

“I’m not a god,” Clark said.

“I’m not either. Yet we both answer prayers.”

“Not today.”

“The bomb was encased in lead. You couldn’t have seen it.”

“And if I could’ve? I didn’t look.” Clark shook his head slowly back and forth. “Because I didn’t even conceive of someone doing such a thing. I’m not built to save this world. Maybe the Batman is. You have to be a monster to use powers like mine.”

Diana laughed gently. “You’re still afraid.”

“Shouldn’t I be? Of hatred that—absolute?”

Diana leaned back and crossed her long legs. “Not of Luthor or his ilk… you’re afraid of your power. You actually think you’re responsible for the fear you’re received with.”

“Tell that to all the landfills with chunks of Metropolis in them. I hear they’re dumping it in the ocean now…”

“Do you think if you’d been perfect, people wouldn’t fear you? Perfection was never an option. And the fear would always have been there. Just as it was for me.”

He stared at her. “And you ran away from it. Now you’re telling me I shouldn’t.”

“You started down a path I didn’t take. Though I think I should’ve. Maybe it would’ve been easier for you if Man’s World was used to knowing there was a power above theirs.” She stood, disturbing an array of snowflakes from her billowing black hair. They trailed off of her like white-hot sparks. “But as I said. There are always those who can’t take the idea of there being a power greater than them.”

“And they blew up a building, just to remind me I’m not that powerful after all.”

“Among other reasons. This other thing, from outside? I can see its moves, but I can’t discern its strategy.”

“I don’t care,” Clark said wearily. “If I try to stop it, I’ll just make things worse. Even if I beat it, I’ll just make a hundred more Luthors. More fear. More hate. Nothing stays good in this world.”

“Do you truly believe that?” Diana asked. “Or do you think it makes you a good man to hate yourself the same as the men who kill innocents right in front of you?”

“Of course I don’t—“

“You’re giving into them, because it’s easier to rue your mistakes than endure. As I rued. And it’s easier to fear your power than to own it.”

“And you ran from your power,” Clark gritted out. “You ran.”

“Then perhaps it’s time we both show our power. Show me, Kal. Show me your power and I’ll show you it’s not worthy of fear.”

Clark shook his head again. “You’re trying to manipulate me—“

“Because no one can love you? Because Lois doesn’t love you? Because you’re a freak? I know your story, Kal. Neither of us can go home. But your home is gone, and mine’s still there. Taunting me. I need a new home. We both do. You say nothing stays good in this world? Prove it. Taste of my lips and tell me they’re not as good as our first night. Feel my breasts. Take my submission…”

He pulled her close to him, forcing her down onto his body as his lips took her mouth. He kissed her tenderly at first, careful even then. But next his tongue speared through her lips, occupying territory deep inside her mouth. Diana felt a dam of pent-up passion break loose as she laced her tongue with his.

They groaned together, she circling her arms around his body. She felt him grind his form against hers. Her sweater was working up her torso, her slacks riding low on her hips. She didn’t care. She needed this desperately.

He pulled up her sweater, leaving her in a tie neck blouse that she helped herself out of. As she did, she felt the bulge of his cock, trapped in his jeans, its hardness rubbing against her belly.

Clark let the kiss trail off as her scattering clothes interrupted it once too often. He pulled his head back and watched her closely. She was panting and looked close to overwhelmed. His hands slowly moved down her body, tracing every curve until he came down to her waistband. He moved his fingers gently inward, hooking them in her belt, and then he was pulling her slacks down her body. Diana hung her head limply down and moaned, hunching her hips forward involuntarily. She knew this would help him. Now what she wanted was for herself: a good, hard fuck from this man.

Naked, she was taken in his arms and lowered to the snow. She sighed as he touched a finger to her labia. She sucked air and pulled her body back, feeling the snow crunch under her. It sizzled away from her skin.

“You’re so soft,” he said, lowering his face to kiss her flat belly. “So warm.”

“I feel cold without you.”

“You really need this, don’t you?” Clark asked, his voice husky.

Her face was impassive, but her thoughts were desperate. After everything, she needed his cock. Her body ached, begged, pleaded for him to fuck her. And Clark answered it. He moved his mouth up to her stiff nipples. He licked one until she could feel it twitching. She arched her back, pressing herself to his sucking lips.

“Yes! Yes!” Diana groaned. Clark was sucking her breast almost all the way into his mouth, his tongue raking the nipple wildly. Sharp, delicious jolts of pleasure sliced through her cunt as he rolled the nipple flat, sanding it with his blazing tongue. Then Clark was kneeling over her, pulling her up by her shoulders to face his manhood.

“You want it. Take it,” he commanded.

She tried to steady her fingers. They trembled with uncontrollable lust as she pulled open the button of his jeans and unhooked the leather of his belt. The swell of his hot cuck bulged out as she inched his zipper down. Diana’s heart pounded wildly as she remembered how big, how thick that dick had been as his powerful hips drove it into her.

Not a god, indeed.

“It’s mine now, you know,” Diana said as she pushed his Levi’s down off his loins. She swallowed hard and freed him from his jockey shorts next. “Mine…”

She released his blood-hardened cock with one movement. It was longer and hotter than she remembered it, the head bluish-purple and spasming with its need. Diana crawled backward in the snow as Clark kicked away his jeans and underwear. Soon he was atop her, his cock swaying lazily back and forth as he came, his balls hefty beneath it, packed full with a heavy, hot load of jism meant for her.

“Don’t give it to me if it’s not mine,” Diana groaned, leaning back and sinking into the softness of the snow, but feeling the stone underneath. She would need the support.

“It’s yours,” he told her. “And you’re mine.”

He lowered his head between her thighs; the suddenness of his tongue on her sex almost sent Diana into shock. She groaned happily as she felt his warm lips teasing her inner pinkness, his teeth gouging into the sensitive folds, his tongue fucking in and out of her like it could ever have prepared her for the real thing. Diana jerked her knees together, trapping his head between her trembling legs. Her head thrashed from side to side.

“That’s—God—that’s good pussy, Diana. That’s—shit, this is better than anything!”

“More…” Diana groaned. “Oh, more…” She reached down and pushed his mouth back to her pussy, hunching up with her hips, bringing her inner folds to his sucking.

Clark kept his lips locked onto her cunt for several more minutes, working it into a fine simmer before he moved up her belly. He kissed the taut muscles, then came to her tits, kissing first one, then the other. Diana could smell her cunt on him. She felt faint. She felt more need than she’d known could fit in her body.

“Mmmm,” she groaned as Clark kissed her forcefully. At the same time he moved his powerful body over her until he had his cock nestled in the valley of her groin. She felt something hot, hard, pressing against her outer lips. It was forcing its way through the oversensitive folds, burrowing into her, brushing against her tingling clit as it entered her.

“Fill me,” Diana begged. “Open me up. Oh Aphrodite, split me apart!”

Clark dragged his cock back a little, then up again, stretching her wide and rubbing her clit ragged. Diana tried to force herself to relax, moving her hips slightly from side to side, helping Clark push himself—thick and long and throbbing—into her. He was halfway inside when she seized with gasping orgasm, clenching on him needfully. He huffed with delight, unable to breathe. He’d never known she could be so tight.

“My God, Diana…” he panted, trying to force his cock to stop throbbing. He was close to coming because of her. “This goddamn pussy… shit, it’s… aaaaahh… what a good fuck!”

“I can’t help it!” Diana cried out, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth tightly together. “I need it…”

She felt the spasm pass and her cunt relax. Clark eased himself once more through the hot tension of her sex. He forced her opening wide, but slowly, very slowly, letting her mewl mindlessly as Diana felt herself stretching around his member. She bit her lower lip in ecstasy, then spread her legs out even further, waiting breathlessly for him to reach bottom.

“You asked for it,” Clark groaned as the hair of his groin finally touched her upturned mound. “You’ve got it.”

They lay quietly for a minute, drinking in the sheer perfection of the feeling in each of their bodies. Then Diana pushed slowly at him, making him lift his hips—groaning as his heavy balls dragged along her ass. For a moment, Clark thought she was pushing him away, but then she cinched her hands around his back and pulled him back down. Filling her again.

“Jesus, Diana, you’re gonna make me come!”

“I can’t stop,” Diana breathed. “I just can’t.”

He couldn’t either. He was fucking into her and she was matching him, their bodies out of control, wild animals. Diana couldn’t even stop the convulsions in her cunt that were responsible for the rhythmic milking Clark felt as he held himself inside her. Her muscles tightened, relaxed, then tightened even harder, pulling at Clark’s near-bursting prick like the vacuum of space. The big man grunted and moaned, feeling himself being stroked closer and closer to orgasm.

“Then don’t!” he finally cried, and Diana could feel the big dick inside her spasming even more uncontrollably. It jerked furiously each time her cunt sucked at it, while his cockhead contracted tighter and tighter. Diana could feel the ridge that ran the full length of his underside, and it was pounding with blood.

“Now!” Clark roared, slamming himself down on her like a hammer. His cock crushed her clit, sent her rocketing over the edge into climax.

They screamed together, grinding their bodies wildly as they were both gripped by the throes of orgasm. All the pressure and frustration that had gripped Clark suddenly melted away in the lush heat of Diana’s receptiveness. Even the pain of her sharp fingernails raking across his heaving back was bracing, refreshing, a solid shot of adrenaline to resuscitate him from his walking death of guilt.

Diana rolled her head from side to side as she surrendered completely to the body-melting orgasm, and to Clark collapsing on top of her wiggling body. He’d fired his final shot into her open pussy, and was now enjoying the aftershocks that raced through their linked bodies. Diana clenched on him one more time, milking out the last few drops of seed from his manhood before relaxing completely.

“Tell me that wasn’t wonderful,” Diana sighed, opening her eyes and running her fingertips lightly from the softness of Clark’s hair to the welts she’d left across his muscular shoulders.

“I’d say there would be more times like this if you want them,” Clark began, propping his head up on her collarbone and kissing her chin lightly. “But I think it’s pretty clear by now what we both want.”

“Yes,” Diana said, pulling him tight to her chest, closing her eyes. “Oh yes… crystal clear, my love… blindingly obvious…”

He closed his eyes too, eyelashes brushing against her skin, and she could feel him trying to force the horror out of his mind. Even with her wiles, Diana knew it would be a long time before he could live with the terror that he’d been surrounded with, merely to spite him.

But getting justice for the victims—that would help. And saving the future imperiled would help even more. All she had to do was stand beside him. When she wasn’t lying under him.

The mountain under them now bore a crevice that plunged down for miles. It had cracked. They had not.


“Jesus Christ!” Officer Mike Pliatt of the GCPD yelped, nearly flying from his seat as he saw the dark silhouette flow across his security monitor like blood from a wound. His eyes darted to the monitor broadcasting the nearest hallway, and saw it again… a cloaked figure, devil-horned, pushing a handcuffed woman in front of him. They were headed for evidence storage.

“Jesus Christ!” he repeated, and reached for the phone—not that he knew who to call—when Sergeant Peters pushed it firmly down in its cradle.

“It’s alright,” his supervisor said.

“But… sir, the bat-vigilante—“

“Batman,” Sergeant Peters insisted. “He knows what he’s doing.”

“But he’s going to the evidence room.”

“Then he’s got a damn good reason and he’s gonna save a damn lot of lives. Trust me.” Peters sat down beside him, watching as the door to the evidence room swung open for the Batman as if possessed by a ghost. For the moment, their building was haunted. “Rules are rules, but when it comes to Batman—they’re just rules.”

Pliatt sat back in his chair, arms crossed. “We should tell the commissioner, at least.”

“I think he knows,” Peters replied, watching the monitors as if he himself couldn’t believe it was real. “Hot broad he’s got with him, though.”

“Yeah,” Pliatt agreed uncertainly. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Suppose you don’t save the city without getting something out of it.” Peters shook his head.

Pliatt squinted at the screen as Batman reemerged from the evidence room. “Did he… get her flowers?”


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