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By 2 PM, Mary Jane couldn’t take it anymore. She’d taken a few clients while she waited, but hadn’t really been able to enjoy herself, not with things with Peter up in the air. Finally, she barged into his room. Doors in the Ball were rarely locked, as few minded having someone join them or watch them when they were in delicto flagrante. Mary Jane didn’t even get that pleasure.

Peter was sound asleep, sprawled in the middle of the bed. Carol was on his right, nose nestled in his neck, her left arm trailing down his chest as if reaching for his crotch even in sleep. Jessica was on his left, wrapped around his legs, her head pillowing on his thigh with her open mouth beside his groin.

And his groin was definitely worthy of such attention. He had a redwood’s worth of morning wood, enough to make Mary Jane’s jaw drop. If she’d known he’d had that, would she ever have shared him with the Ball?

Perhaps it was her entering the room, letting a breeze in, or perhaps it was just her, but his cock gave a twitch. It was enough to make MJ jump. Peter stirred, raising his head in a careful effort not to wake Jess or Carol. “Watson? What’re you doing here?”

He made no move to cover himself, and Mary Jane’s affection became a split-second flash of desire as she realized how handsome he was—his body thin and lean, his shoulders wide with a ripple of developing muscles, the taper of a boyish waist and a flat stomach. Of course he was looking more fit—since he’d joined the Ball, he’d had the most athletic women in the world as ‘sparring partners.’

But it was more than that. There was a certain swagger and maturity to him. When his eyes met hers, they skipped away to brazenly trace the contours of her throat down to the cleavage between her full breasts. Mary Jane’s throat turned instantly dry, and she felt her face warm with a sudden rush of crimson to her cheeks and temples. Damn—it was as if he could read her mind!

“I wanted to talk to you about something—“ Her anger overcame her. “Damnit, Peter, you’ve been in bed half the day!”

“It was a long night,” he said absently, looking over Jess and Carol’s naked bodies to either side of him. He still seemed in a bit of disbelief over it, but that was quickly giving way to bemusement.

A long something, Mary Jane thought to herself. “Look, Gwen and I wanted to talk to you…”

“Hand me my briefs?” Peter asked. Pulling himself away from Carol, he swung his legs over Jess and wiggled out of the bed. MJ hurriedly got his briefs to him, then looked away as he pulled them on, as if she hadn’t already seen it all. “Pants, pants…”

While he looked for them, Mary Jane resumed speaking. “Gwen and I were going to try for a kid… obviously, we can’t do that on our own. We need a… well, we need a sperm donor.”

“Here we go,” Peter bent over his abandoned pants, groaning as his back cracked, then straightened up to put them on. God, he was getting muscular. MJ could see the divisions of his musculature up and down his back. He must’ve been sore as hell, but obviously, wasn’t in any position to complain. He guzzled Aspirin once he’d put his pants on and reached into his pocket for a bottle. “So, you and Gwen are going to a fertility clinic?”

“No, that’s so… impersonal, and expensive, and very invasive of our privacy. Really, what we’d prefer is… not some random doctor, or someone who says they’re a doctor, but someone we know and… well, love.”

“You mean me?” Peter shrugged and looked around for his shirt. Jess was sleeping on it.

“Well?” Mary Jane asked him.

“Well what?”

“It is you! Don’t you have anything to say about that?”

Peter paused with his hand on a loose sleeve. “I mean, sure, of course I’d help. What do you need? I assume there’s more to it than filling a jar and buying a turkey baster… I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to use a not-so-fresh turkey baster…”

“No turkey basters!” Mary Jane said. “Gwen and I… want to do this the homeopathic way.”

Peter forgot about his shirt. It dripped from his loose fingers. “What? You mean…?”

“Just a very natural… organic… I mean, not that there’s anything unnatural about other ways, but we just… the old-fashioned way. Not overthinking it with a bunch of drugs and hormones.”

“But wouldn’t that be kinda hard on the friendship?”

Mary Jane closed her eyes. “We’d still be friends. Just… friends with benefits.”

She could feel Peter looking at her. “That’s both a lot to want from someone, and not too much to want. Comparatively, I mean.”

Mary Jane looked at him. He was regarding her suspiciously—but a bit fondly. Amusedly. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, asking for someone to be a sperm donor is one thing. Asking for someone to be a friend with benefits is another.”

“It can’t be both? Obviously, I have a high sex drive. I come here, after all.”

Peter stepped closer to her. Mary Jane felt her breath quicken. Her heart pound. Jesus, she could face down a supervillain without blinking, what was it with her and Peter Parker?

“So… MJ… is all you want a friend with benefits and a sperm donor? Nothing more?”

“What else is there?” Mary Jane asked. Nervously.

Carol picked then to moan in her sleep. Mary Jane looked over at her. She was smiling in her sleep. So was Jess. “Will you do it or not?” she demanded of Peter, before either of them could answer anything else.

Now Peter looked taken off-guard, and that filled Mary Jane with a fierce satisfaction before she wondered whether she shouldn’t have answered his question. Whether she still could. He had asked, after all. Hadn’t she wanted him to at least ask?

The door was still opened. Mary Jane didn’t realize it until she heard the petite knock on it. Both she and Peter whipped around to see Emma Frost, her imperial majesty in hooker boots, standing in the doorway.

“Peter Parker. Pleasure to meet you. My name’s Emma Frost and I’m quite interested in you. New to the Ball, a good reputation, but not yet so jaded as to be some kind of…” She glanced over at Mary Jane. “Stud service.”

“Umm… yes?” Peter replied.

“How would you like a free fuck? With myself and Jean Grey, if that helps. Perhaps you have a thing for redheads…”

Mary Jane colored, but fought through her mortification. “He’s my plus one. All his fucks are free.”

“Mmm,” Emma said. “Well then. Perhaps you’d just like to fuck me? It’s for education.”


Mary Jane fumed. “He knows all about—“

“You know I run a school, correct? One interested in post-human teaching methods. Well, we find that the best way to sexual education is to simply show the act of coitus. Obviously, we wish to make it look pleasant, so someone like you, Peter—handsome, charming, and… otherwise blessed.” Emma smiled blithely. “You’re the perfect person to demonstrate the joy of sex. I mean, imagine someone like Logan jackhammering someone in front of a bunch of impressionable minds. It’d put them off the thing forever! No, no, we need a bit of a… dark horse.” Her eyes tilted downward. “Emphasis on the horse. Not on the dark. Has anyone ever told you that you could use a tan?”

“Peter!” Mary Jane hissed out of the corner of her mouth, noticing an interested gleam in Peter’s eyes. “You can’t tell me you’re considering this!”

“Well, I mean, you have wanted me to do more for mutant rights…”

“Besides, you need to live a little,” Emma said. “It’s not as though you’re going to be a bachelor in your twenties forever…”


Jean breathed tersely as she approached the classroom. She had to be centered. There would be a lot of lust in the atmosphere of the room, but she would just have to contain herself. Emma had assured her that the demonstration would be quite matter-of-fact and practical, and although Jean was used to surprises from her in the bedroom, she truly doubted that Emma would go back on their agreement of what would be the best education for their students.

She stepped into the classroom, instantly picking up a flickering awareness of what today’s lesson would entail. She had thoroughly explained it to all of them, having one-on-ones with a few students, writing others passes to spend the period in the library for free study. This would not come as a shock to them.

“Alright, class,” she said with her chin held high and her voice unwavering. She would waste no time on nervous preliminaries. “You’re all aware of what today’s exhibition will be on. Last week, we covered the specifics of the sexual organs and how each gender matures physically.” She felt the memories of the lesson bloom in the sex-starved teenagers, and hurriedly attempted to cover the fluster that their arousal generated in her. “Headmistress Frost has generously volunteered to demonstrate some particulars of the act of intercourse itself. I expect you to be very appreciative and respectful. Whatever attraction you feel to her physically does not make her an object, and the act she will be performing is not pornographic, but educational. If any of you behave inappropriately, you will face the strictest consequences!”

One of the girls, Jubilation Lee, snickered animatedly from where she sat. Jean gave her a sharp look, frowning in disapproval. “Jubilee,” she scolded, “I should think we’ve covered this topic enough for you to be over your immaturity. It’s a serious subject and you must be an adult about it.”

“That’s just it, teach,” Jono Starsmore said. “Jube’s very adult about sex.”

Another boy, Angelo, hooted derisively. “Just look at her! You can see how mature she is!”

“Stop it!” Jean snapped, sending a wave of psychic displeasure through the loudly laughing class. It was harmless—something like making them all forget why they’d gone into a room all at once—but effective. “This is your final warning, everyone. Monet, will you please dim the lights so we can move on with the lesson?”

Monet rose from her chair, seeming to project a knowing smirk rather than express it. It was all in her body language as she sauntered primly back to the door, took hold of the dimmer switch, and lowered the lighting to the perfect level—about the ambiance of a movie theater.

One light was undimmed. A spotlight on the large classroom’s presentation area. Jean’s desk had been moved off to the side, and the chalkboard blanked, so all attention was on a cot that had been placed there.

Jean sat down in the front row of seats. Thankfully hidden in the dark, she took her first breath of relief. She’d been worried there would be something like a riot, but aside from some quiet shuffling of chairs as everyone got comfortable, they were more curious than misbehaving.

They were eager for the show to begin, and Jean had to admit, so was she.


Emma waited patiently with Peter. While Jean held court in the collegiate-style amphitheater seating, she would be with Peter on the stage, and she filed her nails, touched up her make-up, wanting to look as beautiful as she felt, displaying that grand eroticism to her adoring fans.

“It’s turning you on, isn’t it?” Peter asked her. “Knowing you’re going to be watched.”

“And what makes you say that?” Emma replied condescendingly. “As long as we’re pretending you have any insight into me?”

“Just that you don’t seem like the type to do something for no reason. Seems like the big reason you’d do this is because you get a buzz out of it.”

“Then you’d best hope you can deliver a buzz, little man.”

“I think you know I can or I wouldn’t be here.”

She heard a psychic signal in her head from Jean and left the classroom’s closet, Peter following. Just as well; she couldn’t have waited any longer. Both of them knowing what was going to happen, the anticipation building, their closeness, their heat, his cock growing and growing, making her hornier than hell…

The lights were on the cot, ten feet and a waist’s worth of elevation separating them from their public, but Emma ignored everything in the darkness. She focused on Peter. When she kissed him, not only did his arousal spike, but so did that of the class. It was so much more real and visceral to them when they knew it would lead to sex.

She unzipped her skirt; her silk blouse came off with ease while he took off his shirt. In seconds, she was down to her lingerie and in Peter’s arms. She gasped at the sensation of her soft, smooth body against his chest, strong and hard and even a little hairy. Her hand strayed down into his trousers, patting his cock.

“My, my, Parker. Maybe we should tell the kids that most men aren’t so well-endowed. Otherwise they might be a little scared.”

She’d spoken too low for the class to hear, but as if in reply, they heard Jean orating: “As you can see, class, Ms. Frost is most eager to receive her partner. This eagerness is mostly the result of romantic seduction, physical intimacy, and sometimes extenuating circumstances. In this case, Ms. Frost is very excited by the situation she’s in, and further stimulation is not needed to prepare her.”

Peter’s hands worked Emma’s panties off, his fingers inside the band, pulling the fabric away from the bulge of her hips. His hands lingered on the smooth curves of her buttocks, making Emma shift her weight from foot to foot as she processed his touch. Pushing downward sent her panties to the floor. She lithely stepped out of them, undoing and opening her bra as well.

Jean’s voice stammered as Peter pulled down his fly. “Please notice that the male also requires preparation, though how much and of what intensity varies. In this case, he responds to Ms. Frost’s complete desire for him, and is sexually ready almost immediately…”

“Hope you’re not too ready,” Emma said under her breath, hands on her hips as she displayed herself. “Well?”

“Bend over,” Peter told her. “I want to fuck you like a dog. And that way I can see both you… and them.”

Emma laughed. The front row of the class was packed with girls, all of them leaning forward eagerly, desperate for a glimpse of Peter’s manhood. She’d be able to see them too, if he reamed her out from behind. She quickly bent over the bed, her ass jutting toward Peter. She felt his long, hard erection press urgently into her.

“With both of them at a high state of excitement, the male is now going to insert his penis inside Ms. Frost’s vagina,” Jean announced with a slight stutter. “And thrust vigorously in and out until both have achieved orgasm…”

Peter’s hips worked forward. His cock was quickly surrounded by Emma’s buoyant ass, probing deeper and deeper into the humid canyon between those two fleshy globes. He felt his balls tightening with need, lurching with the thick jism inside them aching to get out. Soon, he was possessed of a ten-inch erection, and he could hear appreciative gasps from up in the stadium seating, shining eyes watching him.

He gulped, feeling his balls boiling, but lowered himself between Emma’s legs to the pussy underneath. They both moaned in anticipation when his purpled cockhead lightly touched her gateway. He shoved a little harder and felt her quivering labia part for him.

She was excited, too excited to relax, and he was liable to come all over her ass at any second. He had to take it slow. Nice and slow…


Jean bit her lip. She thought she wouldn’t be affected so, seeing another person fuck her girlfriend. Of course, she’d enjoyed watching Scott do it, and Logan, and some people at the Ball, but always people she knew and cared about. This was a stranger. And yet, that just made it interesting… unfamiliar hands touching Emma, caressing her, an unfamiliar body pressed against her, an unfamiliar cock inside her… while familiar, unwanted sensations coursed through her body, tingling every nerve end with rising arousal.

Jean had a slight twinge of doubt as to whether she could sit through watching her lover be fucked in such a way, without even joining in. The fever pitch of excitement it would surely produce would betray her secret to her students the moment the lights were switched back on. Somehow, she had to overcome this kinky longing and not succumb as she had to Emma’s sensuality so many times in the past. No matter what happened, she couldn’t let it affect her! She mustn’t!

Emma was bent over the cot now, her face pressed down into the mattress by Peter’s outstretched arm. He was mounting the spread cheeks of her nakedly rounding buttocks, his other hand on his back. His cock, which had been between her cheeks, tip dripping with precum, was now trembling and jerking underneath her, trying to bury itself into Emma’s body.

Breathing hard, Emma looked back, shifting her full buttocks to try and capture the lengthening shaft of cock. Utterly shameless, she mewled for his long, hard cock inside her voraciously hungry sex.


Sooraya Qadir dropped into Jay Guthrie’s lap and found that his arms were waiting for her. She didn’t know why she did it. She just did.

Jay brought his hands up around her waist and hugged her close to his lean chest. Instantly, she knew she had to break away, no matter what the cost would be—either in embarrassment to herself or a loss of her growing friendship with Jay. She was nearly frozen solid with a mixture of shame, fear, and something else, a smoldering lust that was burning hot deep within her abaya, where she should be safe and hidden.

The self-imposed helplessness of her own position seemed to be linked with Emma, a sadomasochistic sense of fascination holding her spellbound in place. She couldn’t even keep her eyes from the vision. The lewd thought of being pleasured, of being so nakedly defenseless and vulnerable to her own sensations, reminded her too strongly of her own desires, her own nightly submissions to sin and lust. Shivers of revulsive empathy tingled through her sensitive skin like a strong breeze—she felt as if she were wearing nothing at all.


“Sometimes penetration can be difficult to achieve, due to both excitement and… excess lubrication,” Jean said. “It may be necessary for the female to assist in her own…”

Peter’s cockhead missed, sliding up to find Emma’s momentarily relaxed anus. Emma cried out, and Peter teasingly put his hips into the motion, making Emma’s jaw drop as he pushed at her inner muscles.

Emma tensed and reached down to her sex, parting her labia lips for him, and both Jean and her students held their breath as they watched Peter skewer Emma on his still-lengthening manhood. With one mighty lunge, he was inside her, his cockhead buried to the glans inside her tightly grasping pussy. And he slithered forward inside, Emma’s moan deepening with every inch, until he was sunk better than halfway into her.

“Full penetration at the onset of coitus is inadvisable,” Jean said, “as the female may not be sufficiently relaxed to accept the full member inside her. Instead, a patient entry will lead to more comfortable intercourse, and a longer experience before ejaculation.”

Emma moaned again, without a single note of pain, as she began to move rhythmically backwards against Peter. She undulated her body and moved her ass in lewd little circles, abandoning herself to the anonymous sex she was participating in. Everyone in the room could see the rapture she was feeling. Her large, pale breasts danced tautly beneath her body, moving in time to Peter’s long, lancing cock as it slid deep into her.

Jean’s breath was coming in tight gasps and the sensation within her grew in maddening intensity with each second she watched her lover being ravished. Her own body was beginning to perspire, the excited lusts of the teenagers around her acting like an oven for her physical body. She could feel a trickle of sweat running from her navel down into her pubic hair, its slow, teasing trail causing her to squirm for relief.

She heard another series of loud, gasping exhalations in the room. To her surprise, they weren’t coming from the presentation area.

She tore her eyes away from Peter and Emma. Paige Guthrie had abandoned her desk and was sitting in Jono’s lap, their thrusting young bodies locked together as they searched each other’s clothes with thorough hands. Jean knew she should call an immediate halt—now—before her own body succumbed to the lewd urges springing up all around her.

But then, a heart-rending groan from the front of the room pulled Jean’s weakened mind from logical thought and back to the show. Through the daze of her shock, she saw Emma’s obscenely swaying body. The White Queen had gone completely out of her mind, and was shouting lewd encouragement to the savage animal behind her. She was begging Peter to fuck her harder and faster, to come inside her, to fill her with his seed.

She barely seemed human, the sex-crazed beast coupling with her male, a quivering mass of sweating and lustful flesh begging to be subjugated. She was groveling in abject need at being fucked by Peter, grinding her buttocks back against his jerking body as if she were a bitch in heat. Jean watched with a certain masochistic glee, reveling in Emma being subjected to the same satisfying humiliation that she had received from the White Queen so many times.

“Now they will experience climax,” Jean heard herself say, “the final bliss of the sex act…”

But Peter didn’t. He just kept fucking away, Emma coming and coming, Jono and Paige kissing, until finally Emma screamed for mercy.

Peter stopped thrusting. He pulled out of Emma and she seethed in blushing pleasure.

“Jean?” Emma called dreamily. “Can you take it from here?”

Her eyes rolled back into her head soon after.


Sooraya squirmed as she felt her panties cutting deep between her buttocks. The flimsy fabric was already soaked and she squeezed her thighs together to hold down the tingling sensations that seemed to grow without limit. She was on dangerous ground and she knew it, but she wasn’t able to bring herself to break away from Jay—from the growing hardness she felt beneath her ass, growing in his lap to their mutual awareness. The evil fascination of Jean’s impending ravishment held her glued to the spot. Emma could do such a thing, yes, of course. But Jean Grey? Sweet? Innocent?

She squirmed downward again, forcing the crotch of her panties deeper into the pulsating division of her sex. She felt the throbbing engorgement of her clitoris and she bit her lower lip to hold back the unwanted sensations that were creeping up her belly.

As well as the knowledge that with every squirm, she was sending the same sensations into Jay Guthrie…


Jean sat on the bed, not believing what she was doing. Could she really do it? Really, truthfully go through with it? If it were just her, she didn’t think so—no, of course not. But Emma was doing it, had done it. Could she lead the kids to believe that she disapproved of Emma, that she didn’t practice what Emma preached?

She had to do it.

Peter sat beside her—how grateful she was that he’d shown a modicum of her own trepidation, that he’d drawn some of the cot’s sheets over his lap. It was still obvious, but at least she didn’t feel completely ridiculous in not acknowledging it.

Then she realized he was reaching under the sheets, to her skirt, pushing it up from behind. She had a momentary thought to resist, a flicker of shame, but then there were the surging waves of lust that overwhelmed everything. His other hand cupped her chin, deft fingers gently plying over her lips, her cheekbones, caressing the smooth lines of her face as he leaned in and was kissing her—

She barely felt his hand trail down, to her breasts, squeezing them through her blouse. Not groping them, but exerting the slightest of pressures, a pressure that felt like too little, leaving her nipples aching, her breasts warmer than it seemed they should be.

“A lot of the time, a sexual partner won’t be as receptive as Ms. Frost was earlier, so foreplay is required. A massage—on any part of the body—is a good way to… break the ice!”

Peter’s right hand under her ass became bolder as he sensed her growing willingness, and he hooked his middle finger to slide her skirt up her excitedly trembling thighs, exposing more and more of her legs and the quivering softness between…

“I know a lot of that seems kinky and weird, because it’s outside traditional coitus, but really it’s very healthy and natural, both for its own sake and to prepare for… for penetration.” Jean could already feel the light tickling sensation of her skirt sliding from between her buttocks and her legs. She wondered if the students had noticed.

She could feel her skirt raising above her waist, and she lifted with it, inadvertently, as a fingernail scratched at the softness of her inner thighs. There was no more of her skirt in the way, just her thin white panties, and Peter’s fingers were snaking inside them, entering the elastic legband. Slowly he teased the opening of her sex, and she squirmed against it, holding her breath for fear some tell-tale sound would escape her.

Her entire body quivered. Her impaled cunt was giving itself over entirely to lubricated softness, welcoming him in, but she didn’t think she would ever be used to being fingered in front of her students. She felt her wetness flowing over the palm of the hand beneath her buttocks… Peter moved his fingers in circles across her cunt, expanding her tight little hole with each teasing rotation, sometimes even dipping inside her… never very far, but he was inside her, God!

Jean felt as if she would go out of her mind from his maddening teasing. She felt as if she already had.

But her voice sounded calmer than ever. “The age-old act of cunnilingus, or mouth-to-genital contact, is one of the most prevalent and effective means of foreplay.” She turned her head to look into Peter’s eyes. “It rarely fails to ready the female for penetration. Of any kind.”


Laura Kinney watched as Peter loomed over Jean, barely moving back the inches necessary for her to swing her legs onto the bed and open them to his gaze, his head just above her defenseless sex. He lowered his head to the soft nest between her legs and seemed to sniff it, Jean breathing tremblingly as her thighs rubbed together in building arousal. Both of them seemed set on what would happen next.

Jean tensed as Peter kissed at her upturned buttocks, his tongue lapping up and down the crevice, curled tip making contact with her puckered little anus. A trembling grin shook Jean’s face, before she bit her lower lip, trying to hide her excited reaction. Peter ran his tongue wetly upward, from the tightly closed asshole, up over the lightly spread edges of her sex, and to the tiny bud atop her pubic mound. Jean’s mouth opened and she exhaled in a continuous gasp as Peter’s tongue spread through the waiting folds of her pussy, his mouth working relentlessly between her thighs, stopping sporadically to nip at her throbbing clit. She jumped every time, letting out a bark of enjoyment that she never could stifle.

“As… Mr. Parker is demonstrating… good cunnilingus is not… just about ravenous activity! It’s precise… measured… strokes. Growing bolder with the female’s… receptiveness… as she… as she…”

Laura thought of the pleasure that came from indulging in something forbidden, something taboo. She almost moaned at the change coming over Jean’s face. The silent mewls she had made so unwilling were now soft sighs of unconscious pleasure—a feeling that she had obviously set her mind against, but one which Peter’s determined efforts were forcing her to accept and enjoy.

It was much as she had been as a prostitute, Laura thought, staring expressionlessly at the coupling adults. She’d needed the money, but she’d also needed… what Jean had when she finally capitulated to her own body.

Jean lowered her hands to Peter’s head, holding them in indecision for a moment above her own churning loins, then bracing her fingers in his close-cropped hair. She seemed to sigh in relief to have him in her grip, unable to stop without her permission. As reluctant as she had been, now she couldn’t get enough of it.

With a loud, animalistic vocalization, she kicked her legs up into the air and pulled Peter’s face into her wet cunt. His tongue shot inside her like an attack, ravishing her without mercy. Wild, incoherent shrieks streamed from Jean’s widespread mouth as she pleaded and encouraged Peter to keep at her like the savage brute he was, satisfying her with the rutting lust of an animal.

Laura could see out of the corner of her eyes that Jay’s hand was probing into the loose folds of Sooraya’s abaya, right between her thighs. Her own small hands were dipping between their bodies, running wildly over the bulging front of Jay’s tight trousers.

Peter licked for long, avid moments, devouring Jean in all but fact, and Laura felt an aching hunger spread from the lowest reaches of her belly up to her swelling breasts. She squirmed down hard against her seat, trying to put out the fire burning in her thighs. She felt Julian Keller’s restless eyes on her from the next desk over. Brazenly, she reached out, snatched his hand from his desktop, and pulled it to her left breast. A jolt of shock at her own action compounded with the lewd excitement already shot throughout her body as he cupped the softness of the petite globe, trapping the swollen nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

His hand caressed her firming breast, with every gentle squeeze seeming to send reverberations deep into her body. She was helpless to do anything but hold her hand firmly over his kneading fingers, keeping them there as if there was anyplace they’d rather be. She looked into Julian’s lustful eyes for a moment, then turned back to Jean and Peter. It was just like seeing herself submissive to a john, a relentless tongue having lashed her to servile defeat. Both she and Jean had been robbed of their resistance by vigorous, unrelenting pleasure.

Laura didn’t think Jean would miss it either.


Sooraya bit down harder on her lower lip to hold in a groan of frustration, building like the tiny beads of sweat on her forehead, like the sounds of the feverish young bodies around her. Another sweaty trickle ran down the valley between her breasts as Jay massaged and kneaded them into firmness.

One of his hands dipped down, clutching her bra through her abaya, and Sooraya gasped as the swollen, aching mounds of flesh were freed to push against the interior of her cloak. His fingers cupped the bared globes right through her abaya, trapping the hardened, sensitive nipples and squeezing them until the excruciatingly powerful sensation brought a gasp of surprised pleasure through Sooraya’s veil.

Sooraya suddenly squirmed down hard, for now the brazen Guthrie had dropped his other hand to her knee and was pulling her abaya up her legs to the fullness of her thighs. At first, she tried to cover her lack of a bra, but then she thought to use one hand to grasp his wrist tightly.

Jay obligingly let go, but then reached through the abaya again, instead of underneath, peeling her panties away as he had her bra. Soon he was caressing the softness of her groin, which quivered under her abaya. He teased at the feel of her cleft, his strong young fingers rotating against her inner flesh, unable to go further because of the fabric still between them.

Sooraya dropped her other arm to grasp his wrist, though by doing so she was no longer able to hide the sight of her nipples pressing through her cloak. She wasn’t even trying to stop the searching of his hand. She was trying to guide it, to bring it to her excitedly throbbing clit through the thin material of her abaya.

She closed her eyes for a moment, her new lover’s fingers feeling so wickedly good to her, almost as though he were touching her nakedness. Surely he would go no further with others all around…

The next thing she knew, he was tugging at her veil, moving the niqab so its opening exposed not her eyes, but her mouth…


Peter could feel his cock jerking painfully hard, the juice of Jean’s hotly excited pussy drenching his mouth. Tasting her was exciting him as much as it was Jean, and it was only the burning insistence of his member that allowed him to pull away. Still she rocked against the space where his head had been, desperate for more.

“Get up on your knees,” he told her. “I think your students should know about anal sex.”

His lewd suggestion only excited her more, and Jean groaned in abject surrender, gesturing to her desk. With telekinetic effort, a drawer opened and a tube of lube flew out. Peter caught it, and she rolled over, coming to rest on her elbows with her ass up in the air, quivering with lewd supplication.

Her muscles felt like rubber, she could barely move, but Peter was moving for her… lifting her disarrayed skirt above her hips once more and bunching it around her waist, then ripping her panties away from where they were splayed on her inner thighs. A hot rush of air hit the rounded white cheeks of her ass, and she suddenly flushed with shame. Her most private areas were exposed to him, openly displayed in obscene invitation for anything he might want to inflict on her. Then, a last thought of taboo delight flickered dimly through her mind, aroused even further by the humiliation she felt.

Then there was no more time for thought as Peter slipped to his knees behind her ass. With one dripping hand, he massaged lube into her anus. With the other, he lubricated his member.

“Lubrication is very important in all sex acts,” Jean gasped, not sure her students were even listening. “And… taking the proper time to let an orifice accommodate an intrusion. It can make… an uncomfortable sexual encounter… very… very… pleasant…”

Peter pressed the swollen head of his manhood into her greedy cunt. Jean involuntarily cringed forward, drawing away from the heatedly pulsating touch she’d just felt. Peter’s hands closed around the sides of her hips, gripping them tightly, his fingers digging into soft white flesh.

“Reach back,” he panted breathlessly. “Put my prick in your ass, teach.”

His fingers dug even tighter into her ass. Jean had no choice in the matter. Her own lust wouldn’t allow her to refuse.

Mewling, Jean reached back between her legs and closed her hand over his hard cock. It felt more enormous than ever, far bigger than it had looked! He was going to impale her ass with that! He would split her in half!

Peter squeezed again, working the flesh of her thighs into tight little balls. Jean groaned in pain and quivered with lust, obediently placing the hotly throbbing cockhead against her asshole. She bit down hard on her lower lip to hold back the tears that were beginning to brim her eyes. Fuck, it was just like with Emma—the best times were when she cried.

She felt it begin—a slow prodding and working against her sphincter muscles, parting them and holding them open. Peter slowly tested his strength against the resistance of the ring of flesh that jealously guarded the entrance to her ass. There was a great stretching feeling back there, as though the tender crevice between her buttocks was being pulled apart—then suddenly she felt the most acute parting sensation of all, and Peter’s long, virile cock grew into her painfully opened passage like a tree.

“Gaaawwwwdddd!” Jean huffed through clenched teeth. Her asshole was on fire! Peter had penetrated it like an express train, and Jean struggled and jerked in a vain attempt to escape the overwhelming impalement.

It was no use. Peter had skewered her anus, made her his hopeless prisoner, stuck on the end of his rock-hard manhood. Her rectum was burning from the sheer size of his unnatural entry; she felt as though he were sodomizing her deep into her bowels. She moaned against the unaccustomed pain, her mouth opening and closing in sensation, torment.

Behind her, gasping and panting with delight, Peter began to saw rhythmically in and out of the terse confines of her rectum. Gradually the pain began to ease, and Jean felt a masochistic pleasure ripple through her. With Peter mounting her from behind, she was able to watch the classroom just as Emma had, seeing what the White Queen had. It sent unfamiliar thrills of wicked need coursing through her being to see her half-naked students succumb to depraved urges, ravishing each other or themselves. She was one of them. God, she had taught this to them!

Julian Keller had worked young Laura into such a fever pitch of excitement that she was lying naked on the floor, her lust-filled eyes staring up into nothingness. He was just as naked, their stripped clothes scattered around them like a forest in autumn.

Julian was on her soft pubic mound, his long wet tongue snaking out and flicking at her quivering slit. Laura’s body jerked as she fought against the electric contact, her legs clamping tightly around his head to keep him imprisoned between her inner thighs. Soft mewls of animal pleasure poured forth from her as she wrestled with him. The girl was caught in a mindless fit of uncontrolled desire that made Jean’s mouth gape with disbelief. Her body began an involuntary swaying in time to that of Laura as the naked student rose and fell in lewd delight at the action of the mouth at her tender young cunt.

Then Jean heard a deep gurgling noise from Sooraya, and she turned to look at what her other students were doing. Jay had an astonished grin on his face as sat above her, having taken Sooraya, bent her over his lap, and thrust the thick shaft of his cock deep into her innocent young mouth.

Jean sucked in her breath, wondering if the girl kneeling over him would choke to death on his long, hard cock, or if she’d be able to take it all. One way or the other, Sooraya showed no sign of stopping. She hungrily sucked at Jay, her body buffeted by Jay’s thrusting hips as he fucked into her throat

The very rawness of their lust brought a moan to Jean’s lips, her tongue nervously licking away dryness as she felt her own cunt tighten. Oh God, what had happened? She had allowed her class and herself to fly out of control… to enjoy it!

But she continued to part her legs for Peter and watch the obscene ruttings with wide-eyed wonder. Wasn’t this what they’d wanted. For their students to have a positive, healthy association with sex? Was this any different from a pop quiz after a lecture? They certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves, as well as each other…

Jean began to undulate her soft buttocks in rhythm to the long cock she was submitting to. The heavy weight of Peter’s loins crashed hard against her ass, pushing her face brutally down against the cot. It was heaven.

Peter stretched the quivering white of Jean’s buttocks wide with his fingers, watching in the voyeuristic light of the presentation area as pink folds of wetly lubricated flesh clung to his impaling shaft on each stroke. A feeling of absolute power grew in him as he held Jean’s hips down in total subjugation to his rock-hard cock. It skewered relentlessly up into her ass and she loved it. His fingers gripped her hard, squeezing the soft, unresisting thighs, paining her, hearing moans from her tormented throat as she struggled helplessly beneath the outpouring of sensation.

Jean’s eyes opened and closed in a lost glaze of pleasure now. She spread her thighs wider, moving her feet apart as if debasing herself to kneel before an idol. She could feel with obscene delight the wispy pubic hair at the base of Peter’s cock as it brushed tantalizingly against the inner edges of her buttocks. She could feel his tunneling member embedded deep inside her rectum, entering her as no one ever had.

The humiliation of being bent over like a subservient concubine, the exhibitionism of being displayed before nakedly coupling boys and girls, watching her own lover being fucked into submission by this same cock, they all swirled together to move her need beyond the merely physical. She needed to be fucked in the ass more than she had ever needed anything. She wanted to be subjected to lewd demands. She was in love with the perverted lust surging through her like a fire raging out of control.

“Fuck me, fuck me deep in the ass!” she breathed rapturously back at Peter. “I like it, I like it, come, come in my ass, come, come!”

Through lust-dimmed eyes she watched as Laura climaxed spasmodically around Julian’s tongue. To her, it looked as if his thick, pink tongue had disappeared into a strange fusion with her moistly spread cunt lips. The young girl danced beneath his tongue, gasping out her orgasm in incoherent, high-pitched mewls, slapping her straining little cunt up to his maddeningly licking tongue.

Then, without warning, Jay jerked his cock from Sooraya’s sucking lips and held himself about two inches from her face. With an expiring groan escaping from his chew, he spewed burning cum directly into the girl’s face. The thin, quick spurts filled her tender mouth to the brim and crossed her black veil like the lashes of a whip. Sooraya swallowed voraciously, trying not to lose a drop of the hot cum.

Jean groaned at the obscene picture of the girl’s willfully embraced humiliation, as the subjugating cock throbbed out its last remaining spurts and thin strings of the hot, sticky seed ran down from the tip of his penis to her glistening lips like a marking of his territory. Sooraya’s throat bobbed up and down rapidly in an effort to keep up with the ejaculating cock before her.

“Oh God… Oh God, Peter!” Jean gasped. Her whole body twitched and writhed uncontrollably, her passion stimulated past the limit by the sight of the orgiastic abandonment all around her. “Oh yes, fuck me hard! Fuck me hard in my assss!” she begged.

She was fast approaching her own orgasm, and her body had surrendered completely to a madness she had never known before. The smooth warm tunnel of her rectum squeezed tightly around Peter’s cock, letting her feel every pulsing inch of his manhood. She screwed her buttocks back up against his belly until she could feel the tantalizing bulge of his testes press into her cunt, the soft and hairy skin of his scrotum warm against her sensitive pussy, sending further shivers of delight through her ravaged nerve ends…


Sooraya jerked her attention back to the presentation area, adjusting her veil to once more expose her eyes as a loud cry filled the room. Jean was twisting her head from side to side on the cot, lost in the throes of her own orgasm. Peter grunted, hard, as he fucked into her flushed-red buttocks.

Jean screamed again and screwed her thighs wildly back against Peter just as he jerked forward and shot deep inside her tightly wound asshole. Sooraya watched in fascination—they all did—as their teacher’s smoothly rounded buttocks began contracting uncontrollably, signaling her own climactic upheaval.

Thick white cum oozed around the cock of Peter Parker, running down the sweaty columns of Jean’s thighs. Her ass glistened, displaying soaked pubic hair and gleaming pink flesh as she pitched forward on her face, unconscious, Peter’s rapidly dwindling cock slipping from her mauled ass with a sucking sound that echoed through the classroom. Jean had joined Emma in unconsciousness, and Peter knelt over her, panting in obvious appreciation.

With a last sighing exhale, he climbed off the cot, drew its covers over Jean, and dropped back in a contented lean against the wall.

It was only half a minute later that he looked up and realized the class was still regarding him with open eyes.

“Ummm… did your usual teacher leave a lesson plan?”



I got a stupid idea I'd like to see realized, how does Commissions work? Do I pledge and you Contact me or do I wait until the monthly payments ding?


You can pledge 35 dollars and then send me a PM with your request. That seems to work.