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Clark stopped, holding her in his arms, pressing her to his broad chest like the good girl he’d called her. Then Karen pressed into her from behind, sandwiching Linda between Clark and her own hulking, yet abundantly feminine physique. The luscious curves of her body felt as good as the hard, hairy muscle of Clark’s towering build.

Linda closed her eyes, feeling her body trill with an electric thing she might call satisfaction, although that implied a relaxation she couldn’t really claim. Her body still trembled with needful lust, she’d just been broken of any energy to further sate herself.

And she still didn’t feel any shame. Her arousal collapsed with the closeness of Clark and Karen, the succor of being held by both of them, and soon her lust died down to leave her feeling only relaxed, comfortably, delightedly spent.

At last, Karen and Clark—all three of him—pulled away from Linda, lying her down in a pool of cooling cum. She rolled gleefully over, feeling the semen hang onto her skin like drying glue.

“Karen, it’s your turn now,” Linda said, sitting up, forcing herself to move against the languid sluggishness of her comfort. “Clark, you sit on her face and I’ll suck you. We both will.”

Karen lay down on her back, enormous breasts jostling. With them protruding through the cut-out in her costume, they had no support, no restraint, whatsoever. She pulled aside the absurdly small crotch of her costume and then Linda straddled her groin, her blonde thatch meshing with Karen’s, her pussy lips touching the other woman’s.

Karen felt a wave of lust roll through her, tempting her to rebel against how they were using her and greedily devour all the sex she could. But fundamentally, she was just too much of a sub to resist the thought of both of them topping her.
