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Patrick pulled Nancy hard against him and didn’t let her go, didn’t let her move an inch. His balls felt on the verge of explosion. “Nancy, shit, I’m gonna—JESUS!” he gasped, the first spurts wrenched from his balls.

“YESSSS!” Nancy cried, so loud it stirred the water around them, the gleeful outburst all her overloaded mind was still capable of while his cum attacked her pussy.

Syd wanted to come with them. She wanted them to come with her so good and so hard that they’d never leave her out of a fuck like this, ever. “Fuck that wet cunt, Patrick! Spill your cum into that pussy! Make her come, she wants to come! Fuck her!” she crooned with wild need, humping her cunt rapidly against the delicious feel of Nancy’s ass.

Something in the extra stimulation of the water on Syd’s clit, the crazed fuck happening so close to her that she was nearly a part of it, made her explode wonderfully. “AIIEEEE! NANCY!” she wailed joyously, everything in her pussy flashing with an intensity she’d never gotten out of sex before.

Nancy let go of Patrick’s neck. She mindlessly leaned back against Syd, seeming to share in the orgasms that washed over both of them. Her arms flailed, picking up water and sending it high into the air. Her long legs kicked beyond the rutting hips that had brought her so much pleasure. Her head slipped under. Syd managed to pull her back up.

Nancy didn’t care if she was above the water or under it. She squeezed hard on Patrick’s cock, wanting to relish every pulse, every burst inside the beautiful wonderland Patrick had made of her cunt. This felt like a milestone, one of the important moments in her life. Maybe it was her newfound intimacy with Patrick or maybe it was how much her relationship with Syd had deepened. Either way, she wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.

For a long time after she’d been ravaged by her passion, Nancy floated between Patrick and Syd, letting her husband cool down. He pumped gently into her numb sex, slowing down, working off the frenzy that had driven him to the height of orgasm and brought Nancy along with him, Syd along with both of them. Nancy looked into his eyes and smiled lovingly, knowing Syd was smiling the same way—she could feel the radiant expression behind her. She entwined her ankles with Patrick’s legs and let herself be held by her two partners.

“I am… so glad we reconciled… Mr. McKenna,” she said.

“Me too,” Patrick said with a last, affectionate thrust.

“Me three,” Syd said, lifting Nancy up to Patrick’s broad chest.

Their long, tender kiss was an exquisite end to the fuck they’d had. Nancy’s arms wrapped around Patrick, not needing to hold onto him, just wanting to feel even more of her husband’s body. She wanted the kiss to go on eternally. Then she felt Syd’s lips brush along her back; the woman craning her neck past Syd to kiss at Patrick’s shoulders.

“I think we’ve been neglecting our guest,” Nancy cooed.

“Feel free to neglect me as much as you want,” Syd quipped. “You’re giving me a lot of issues to work out with my therapist, the vibrator.”

“Why don’t we work ‘em out right here?” Patrick suggested.

He eyed Nancy. She met his gaze. There wasn’t an ounce of joking in his eyes, though there was the good humor she’d been so glad to see back in his face after their estrangement. He wouldn’t complain at all if Nancy ix-nayed the whole thing. She was his and she was enough for him. If Nancy weren’t well aware of just what an insanely beautiful woman Syd was, she’d think Patrick wanted to fuck her only to keep Nancy happy—like he was taking her uncle to the airport or helping her brother move or something.

Obviously, Syd looking the way she did, being the vixen that she was, there was the ol’ ulterior motive to Patrick’s helpfulness. But the man was district attorney. If he wanted to cheat, he’d cheat. This was something else. This was a lot like those dreams Nancy had that were almost enough to make her sweat off tequila—and almost enough to get her addicted.

“You’re welcome to try and satisfy Syd,” Nancy teased him. “But she’s not a pushover like I am. Girl’s all-out high maintenance.”

“I’m high maintenance?” Syd demanded. “Bitch, who’s been sitting here, watching you be in Dick Central while all I get to do is grind on your wet ass? Not much friction there, Nanc. Best believe I’m getting that hubby cock now that you’re worn out.”

“Oh, I’m worn out, huh?”

Syd coiled her arms around Nancy’s lean waist. They could’ve been taking a prom photo if they weren’t naked, with Patrick sagging against them. “You look like you need a lifeguard. You look like one of the Sims when someone takes the ladder out of the swimming pool.”

Nancy lay back against Syd, sadistically smiling up at her. “You can’t wait for my man’s white cock, can you? Big white cock gonna make you a race traitor. Twenty years from now, little Gs gonna be asking you why you don’t go out with black men anymore, you’re gonna have to tell them you weren’t smart enough to figure it out on your own. Your Mexican partner let you borrow her personal dick to show you how good it was. Made you an Oreo the fun way.”

Syd lowered her lips down to slide over Nancy’s scalp. “Now I know you’re getting some good D. You must not be living vicariously through me anymore, or you’d remember that I have tried vanilla wafers before.”

“Not like this,” Nancy promised her. “Look at me, Syd. Look at my fucking supermodel face and world-class ass and these mommy tits that’d have every bitch in the PTA hating me. Now imagine the cock it would take to put me on lockdown with a ring on the finger and a bun in the oven. That’s what you’re in for, partner. You’re gonna wish we were Utah’s Finest, so you could be my sister-wife instead of just begging to get into our private Snapchat.”

“Lotta wordage,” Syd retorted. “You think you’ve given hubby enough time to get it up again? I know he’s white, but he’s not Sting. Refractory periods are a bitch. Why you should try chicks, honestly.”

“I might’ve, but what’s the point when I’ve got this big married prick to come home to? I get all the orgasms and I can go to Heaven when I die.”

“Oh, now the Catholic shit comin’ out, huh?”

“He’s not only going to fuck the lezzie out of you, he’s gonna fuck the Holy Spirit right in. You’re gonna be right there with me next Sunday, taking mass and praying Patrick has a long-lost brother with a thing for chocolate.”

“Do you two talk like this all the time?” Patrick asked. “It’s a wonder I got elected without my wife getting me into a Twitter scandal.”

“Your cock might be able to shut her up,” Nancy suggested. “I’ve tried everything else.”

“Consider it on the honey-do list, babe.”

Patrick spun the coupling of Syd and Nancy around, turning Nancy away from him and placing Syd between him and his wife. He sandwiched the two of them against the side of the pool, pressing himself up into Syd’s back.

Nancy could see the patio doors that slid open to let pool-goers into the house. The sliding glass door reflected what was happening behind her, Patrick on top of Syd on top of her. In the mirror, Patrick mounted Syd like a stallion took a mare—Nancy saw it happen as she felt the pressure of Patrick’s body through Syd’s.

Patrick took hold of Syd’s hips and bodily pulled her backward… Nancy felt the weight of her body disappear off her own back… just before he thrust forward, slamming Syd right back into Nancy. Patrick grunted with each stroke, his belly smacking viciously against Syd’s big, luscious ass.

Syd gasped over and over again, the air abandoning her lungs on every passionate collision. “Oh fuck, you married a horny bastard!” she keened. “This boy knows how to appreciate a fat ass, huh? No wonder he went interracial. That fucking rhino dick would be wasted on some flat Becky ass—“

“He has got a big cock, hasn’t he?” Nancy needled her with lavishly innocent sarcasm. “Hope you’ve got a nice, tight pussy like mine to get it off. Don’t imagine you can take too much of getting fucked by him. You haven’t built up the stamina that I have.”

“Don’t know how long it’ll be tight, but she’s got a real hot cunt,” Patrick growled, so dirty, so much filthier than Nancy could manage. “She’s milking my prick like she wants to beat you to the punch, giving Izzy a sibling!”

Nancy’s body trembled. The pool ladder was nearby. She braced herself by wrapping five fingers around the handrail. Her other hand crept down between her legs. She was still a good Catholic girl. It was good to enjoy servicing her husband and his big white dick, even if he was a horny bastard with a filthy, filthy mouth. And she knew most reputable priests would probably frown upon her masturbating to the sight and feel of her husband fucking another woman behind her back—against her back. But it wasn’t like any of them knew how goddamn good this felt…

Patrick suddenly reached past Syd to shove the middle finger of his right hand into Nancy’s mouth. “Lube it up,” he ordered her, and Nancy obediently lavished it with her tongue—figuring her priest would at least approve of this wife loving, honoring, and obeying.

Then Patrick took it, dripping with saliva, between Syd’s buttocks and into her asshole. Syd’s eyes rolled back. She arched her back. She thrust her pussy against Nancy’s backside and it was hot as a steam iron.

“Oh, so Nancy’s a freak then, huh?” Syd spat out, her eyes wide and bulging—cunt so wet Nancy could tell, even with the pool water, but Syd being Syd, she was trying to cover for it.

“Yeah, she is, and so are you,” Patrick husked, twisting and plunging his finger in Syd’s anus. “But wasn’t it nice of her to help me get that fat ass of yours ready to be fucked? Chlorinated water just wouldn’t cut it. You need that personal touch. Now, next time you sit down—in three or four days—you can thank Nancy for helping you get fucked in the ass.”

Syd panted for breath, heated air exploding against the back of Nancy’s neck. “You want him to sodomize me, Nanc?” Syd gasped in Nancy’s ear. “You want your husband fucking my ass?”

“Don’t know,” Nancy replied, trying to play it cool, but unable to keep the warmth out of her words. It was throbbing in her cunt, spreading in waves throughout all her quaking body. “I’ve never let him fuck me in the ass. That can be yours, Syd. You can be the woman who gets ass-fucked by him. I’m just his wife. You be his anal bitch.”

Nancy felt heat bloom along her supple ass, right where Syd’s pussy was rubbing against it.

“Give it to me up the ass,” Syd moaned. “Give me that white cock all the way to my bowels, you horny straight motherfucker! Make me come from reaming my ass and maybe I’ll talk Nancy into spreading cheeks for you too, big-dick son of a bitch fucking me like I’m your Mexican ho wife…”

“But I’m not ready yet,” Patrick complained in a sardonic whine. “I haven’t had enough of your pussy…”

Patrick rolled his hips, churning his manhood inside of Syd’s well-used snatch. At the same time, his thick finger rotated back and forth in her rectum, loosening it up to the tune of the jagged pleasure Syd felt with each moment her ass was penetrated.


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