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Then Lois’s flexing thighs tightened, Lana’s head clamped between them, muscular spasms working off the ferocious intensity of Lana’s tongue ripping through her quaking folds. It still wasn’t enough. Lois rolled helplessly on her back, cooing her delicious torment.

At least she was on the bed. She would’ve fallen off the couch by now.

Lois knew she was going to come. Any moment now she would come. She almost didn’t want to—as if this wonderful torment could somehow go on forever. She knew she couldn’t bear that, but she wanted to, wanted it to go on and on as long as it could last. But Lana was too good, too nice, to keep her in even the most pleasurable agony for long.

“Oh Jesus, baby—Lana—shit, Lana! Unhh! Ahhhh! OH! Yes, I’m gonna… come, COME—OHHHH! I’m going to! UNNNNN!”

Lana wanted it to last too, wanted to keep doing this to Lois for as long as she could, but she knew how close Lois was and how good it would feel for her to finish. She went for the burning little berry of Lois’s clitoris and sucked as if to swallow it. Lois burst, screaming like she was dying from what Lana was doing to her.

“UNNNN! AHHHH!” Lois shrieked, her body devastated by the convulsions burning through her.

Her orgasm seemed to tear her apart. She lay on the bed, sweating and shuddering and gasping uncontrollably as her climax hit her in waves, wrenching her from pleasure to pleasure.

As the torrent of her ecstasy subsided, Lois found that Lana had mounted her face, her own wet pussy offered up for Lois’s approval, the smell of her overflowing juices filling Lois’s senses. Her glistening pink pussy was blossoming in arousal, totally ready for her kiss.

Lois ran her tongue over either slope of the slick labia. Lana’s hips bucked hard—she gritted her teeth, trying to control herself long enough for Lois to eat her out. Her ass quivered and the muscles of her thigh flexed. She dug her shaking fingers into the disarrayed sheets.

Aauuunggh!” she groaned. “Hard! Do it hard! I want it fast and hard, Lois, just like I let you have it! Please, please, I’m so ready—oh yes, like that, GGGHH!”

Lana’s cunt was shiny with wetness, her labia lips swollen as if engorged with the pleasure she was feeling. Her hips rose and fell so convulsively that Lois had to wrap her arms around Lana’s thigh to hold her face to the delicious creamy taste of her slit.

She pressed her tongue deep into Lana’s clasping snatch, prodding and wiggling and tasting with her tongue for all she was worth, delighting in the juicy feast of Lana’s womanhood. It had been far too long since Lois had put her mouth on another woman’s pussy. What to do came so naturally to her that it was hard for Lois to believe she hadn’t been waiting for this, craving it, despite how satisfied she was with Clark.

She pushed her tongue into Lana’s dripping sex, moaning with crazily seething hungry. Devoured Lana’s lusty wetness, licking the shimmering folds from top to bottom, then sucking on the swollen pussy lips. She sucked and licked and hummed with pleasure until Lana was screaming, thrashing wildly, her body rushing towards orgasm.

“UNNHH! Nnnnnn…” Lana moaned, reaching down to hold her hands on Lois’s head, to keep her down with the taste of pussy in her mouth until they’d both had their fill.

Lois sucked and tongued Lana’s delicious cunt, thirstily swallowing all the cream Lana had to feed her. It was all she could do to hold down the other woman as her hips pumped and surged. Though scarcely weighting more than Lois, Lana seemed to have a strength that put her to shame.

Her body quaked and bucked off the mattress. She thrust her wet cunt against Lois’s mouth like she was trying to force Lois’s tongue deeper into her pussy—something Lois was enthusiastically trying to do as well.

Lois squeezed Lana’s toned thighs, trying harder to hold her steady. Her fingers clawed into Lana’s creamy glutes—Lana whooped with pleasure. “Oh yes! God yes!” she wheezed. “Squeeze my ass! Play with my tits! Looois!”

Her flexing thighs held Lois tight to her wet pussy. She gasped and thrust, grinding herself against Lois’s mouth. And Lois slid her hands up to Lana’s swollen breasts and squeezed their milky contours, relishing their luscious size, the exoticness of touching a bosom other than her own. She fastened her lips onto Lana’s clit while her fingers pinched Lana’s nipples. Sucking and twisting, she had Lana coming in great rolling waves of screaming delight.

Oh! Ohhh! YAIIEEE!”

Lois hung onto her as she orgasmed. She buried her tongue in the burning depths of Lana’s pussy, feeling the climax as it crested inside of Lana, fingers sunk deep into Lana’s plump breasts.

When it was over, Lois slid up Lana’s sweaty body and kissed her. Tears of overwhelming emotion were pouring from Lana’s eyes and Lois kissed them too, kissed them until all her tears were gone.

“Lois—“ Lana wept softly. “I always thought it would be Clark who—he’s always been the one I can turn to, to get me back on my feet—but you… you, Lois… No wonder he married you. You like being good to people as much as he does.”

Lois grinned at her. “It wasn’t exactly a hardship. Now, are you ready to close your eyes and wait for Clark to come to bed, or do I have to do that all over again?”

“I’m not that young anymore, Lois.”

“Neither am I.”

“But I’m not that old either.”

“Neither am I.”


About two hours later, Clark walked into the room. He wore his Superman costume, but he wasn’t worried about Lana seeing him in. Disaster control had a way of clearing his mind.

He saw now that he couldn’t go back to having Lana be out of his life, or just a small part of it. And looking at how Lois slept in Lana’s arms, he knew she couldn’t either. It was time she knew his secret, though he would run it by Lois first. He was married, after all.

But he was also a man. And the way Lois lay on her back, her arms flung up, her legs open, looking like she hadn’t moved since Lana finished fucking her…

Clark smiled, feeling his cock stir. After carefully controlling himself all through the disaster relief, even knowing what was waiting for him back on the farm, it was an orgiastic relief to unzip his costume and bring his erection out.

He opened Lois’s thighs until he could lower himself between them. She still hadn’t moved. Clark wondered how much Lana had taken out of her. Floating above her naked body, he reached down to her pussy. Slowly, determined to savor every moment of this new arrangement like he had all the time in the world, Clark played his fingers over her.

Soon she was hot, wet, moaning and trembling, but only a little. He slid his middle finger inside her, gently, so she wouldn’t be hurt if he had misjudged how wet she was. Lois gasped his name in her sleep. Clark supposed that in time, she would be as likely to say ‘Lana.’

He ran his finger in and out of her pussy until it was slick with her juices, as slick as her aroused cunt. Lois’s tits heaved and shook with her rushing breaths, calling to him. Clark took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked it with the same languid ease as he was working her pussy. He rubbed the breast he was mouthing, stroking his fingers lightly along her satin skin. Her heartbeat quickened; Lois was breathing deeper. Her moans seemed deafeningly loud to him, but Lana wasn’t waking. Clark guessed Lois had taken a lot out of her too.

He caressed the pink lips of her snatch until his fingers were dripping wet. Lois opened her eyes, moaned hoarsely, and closed them again. Clark smiled. He kept rubbing her pussy. Her clit was protruding now from its hood—he took it between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a pinch. Lois stirred, eyes open as she grabbed onto the bed’s headboard. With a deep breath, she opened her legs.

“Clark, you’re… you want her to know?” she asked, eyes wide as she took in the costume he was wearing.

“I do.”

Clark pushed two fingers into her wet slit. They moved in and out; short, fast strokes. Lois panted and twisted under him. He stuck his thumb on top of her clit and rubbed her there as his fingers drove in and out. Lois moaned rhythmically in response to his efforts. Her hips swayed towards him and away.

“This is one hell of a way to find out,” Lois groaned, but offered no objection.

Clark went between her legs, bringing his mouth against the hot, wet flesh of pussy. Lois gasped, gyrating her hips. Clark’s big hands collared her slender waist, holding her still to get her throbbing clitoris between his lips. Lois’s body heaved while he sucked on it, but his grip held her tight. She couldn’t get away from the ecstatic pleasure he drew out of the most sensitive place on her body.

Her juicy cunt called to him. Using his thumbs, Clark gently separated her labia lips until her cleft lay open and exposed. Then he thrust his tongue inside her. Lois jerked, howling in pleasure as she sat up sharply. Then, moaning deeply, she fell back down to the bed, throbbing against it, seeming to feel the pleasure Clark took in licking her cunt as it flickered up her red-hot flesh.

He kissed the left lip of her pussy and sucked it inside his mouth, lashing it deliriously with his tongue. Lois writhed sensuously, arching her back, too much ecstasy inside her body for her to begin to hold herself still. Cooing gleefully, she fell back to the mattress and thrust her groin to Clark’s face, immediately feeling his tongue’s tickling deep inside her.

Coming up to a kneel south of Lois’s body, Clark grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs. Lois giggled as he did it; she couldn’t very well stop him. He dropped down to her raised crotch and licked, tongue trawling from her sensitive asshole to her quavering clit, darting and probing to wherever bursts of pleasure waited to be unleashed on Lois.

Lana moaned in her sleep, as though riding the same crest of lust that was filling Lois’s body. The reminder that she was there, slumbering insensate while Lois was eaten out right next to her, brought Clark’s desire to such shuddering potency that he could no longer hold himself back.

He pressed Lois down to the bed and mounted her, entered her, knowing already from the wetness that coated his lips how ready Lois was to be penetrated. As his enormous cock stretched and held apart the slick walls of her pussy, Lois gasped loudly. But that was only the beginning of her impalement. Clark thrust the rest of himself into her, burying his twitching knob in her depths, feeling it bulge against her taut belly.

“Harder, harder!” Lois pleaded, humping herself up at the pure pleasure his cock offered her impaled body. “Fuck me harder!”

“You’ve got it,” Clark muttered, and fucked her so hard she was flattened against the bed, not able to pull herself up a single inch.

Lois couldn’t believe the pleasure she was feeling. Clark fucked her like a machine, and as he did, she kissed him eagerly. She bit his invulnerable lips, flicking her tongue over his teeth until he slipped out his own tongue for her to lick and suck at.

Their bodies were wild with desire. She took his fat cock eagerly, every inch of it, not fucking back at all, only trying to restrain her screams as he slammed himself inside her. The longer she put off Lana waking, the longer she would feel this bliss. And much as she’d come to love Lana, Lois was in no hurry to share her husband right this minute. Let Lana get her share of Superman after his wife had come a few more times.
