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Hawke took Aspen’s hand and laid it on the warm, girthy shaft of his manhood. Aspen gasped hotly. The muscles in her arm went taut, as if to pull her hand away from something burning, but she didn’t actually move. Only felt the throbbing arousal of his erection soak into her sense of touch.

“Aspen,” Hawke cooed softly, “imagine how this would feel, stiff and hard, going deep into your womanhood. Think of how you would enjoy it. Then ask yourself why you want to deny yourself that. Is it because it makes you uncomfortable? Or because you think it should make you uncomfortable?”

“I… I…”

Aspen could imagine it all too well, like a vivid memory, and she felt a hot trickle of her arousal against the hand she had covering her groin. There was no denying it to herself—even the thought of joining in this sexual paradise, surrounded by three perfect bodies, the epitome of both male and female physicality… it was enough to make her come.

She grinned. “You’ll have to convince me. All of you. One after the another.”

Hawke didn’t even have to look at the anticipatory grins of the detective and the Englishwoman behind him. He could feel them on his bare back. “I have a counteroffer.”


“I go first.”

“Yes, go first with her,” Lara said, sliding her fingers along Sara’s wet pussy, working them into and back out of her swollen pussylips. “This one’s mine. My little crumpet to play with—always so wet and hot and ready…”

Sara whimpered in response, putting her hand on Lara’s own creamy sex. She eagerly ran her fingers along the opening of Lara’s cunt, loving the feel of how the folds slipped and slid around her teasing fingers. Her hips swayed forward just like Lara’s were, their aching slits meeting each other’s exploring hands.

“Let’s go for a swim,” Sara suggested.

They jumped into the water together, holding hands, taking only a moment to dunk their heads and cool their feverish bodies in the chilled water before they came together. Sara entwined her legs with Lara’s lower body, then prodded forward until her raven-haired pussy pressed against Lara’s equally dark pubic thatch. Their clits buzzed together like two livewires being joined. Then, with a slow, lascivious grind, they rubbed their snatches together.

Oooooh, YEAH! This feels amazing, Lara!” Sara cooed breathily. “So wet and hot…”

“I thought you’d approve,” Lara quipped, though her voice was growing hoarse.

Even without being suspended in the ocean’s rolling waves, they would’ve been sopping wet. Their slippery labias ran over each other moistly. Sara reached out to play with Lara’s throbbing nipples, while working her juicy cunt hard against Lara’s own sex. Rubbing her pussy with Lara’s was the most lewd thing she’d ever felt.


Aspen watched Lara and Sara frolic among the waves, subtly exerting her powers to hold them up in the water while they lost themselves in the sex. She felt like she was participating in the fuck, watery extensions of herself keeping the two lovers afloat, but then she discovered voyeurism was no substitute for the real thing.


Hawke had dipped his hand between her legs, fingers finding her sweet, combustible clit. Aspen backed up instinctively, pressing her body into the unyielding wall of Hawke’s muscular flesh. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight while the fingers of one hand played at her tight little cunt. Aspen writhed and thrashed in his grip, feeling his fingers push inside of her.

“God, GOD, that feels so good, baby! Feels as good as they look!” Aspen purred, looking perversely to Lara and Sara’s cavorting in the water.

Behind her, towering over her head, Hawke could see the action as well Aspen. But he didn’t find it as riveting as she did—or rather, he found the sight of Aspen cooing and panting in appreciation of his ministrations to be equally as enthralling as the lesbian antics on display.

Then Aspen’s head fell forward, obsidian hair hanging in front of her face. Hawke had buried two fingers inside her and she’d lost all thought of watching Lara and Sara—for the moment. She sagged, held up only by Hawke’s hold on her, giving into it, but spreading her thighs for her lover. She moaned, hips jerking wildly against his skilled hand and how undeniably wicked it made her feel.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself, gorgeous one,” he said huskily, stopping for a moment to pet Aspen’s luscious pubic hair with the fingers that had just been inside her.

“Yes, yes, please keep going, DON’T STOP!”

Lara and Sara forgotten, Aspen looked down at Hawke’s hand sliding back between her thighs, his middle finger entering her. Hawke had a big hand, with big fingers. His digit pushed wide the tight, nearly virginal slit that hid the pinkness inside her.

Aspen’s keen intellect was absolutely blown away by the skill of his touch. His finger slid all along her folds, tracing a path to her clit, and when they brushed together, Aspen clamped her thighs together on Hawke’s hand, trapping his finger against her little bud.

“That’s it, that’s where it is, baby, do it to me there!”

Grinning in pleased noblesse oblige, Hawke rubbed her clit with his callused finger, making Aspen writhe and gasp and listen to the soft, lovely words he spoke in her ear. He kept fingering her until Aspen was less feeling his touch than the incredible orgasm mounting rapidly inside her burning body.

“I’m gonna come, gonna come, make me come, honey! I need to come, YES—HAWKE!”

She went totally boneless, as slack as the waters the yacht was bobbing in, and Hawke held her only gently, letting her dangle nearly to the floor. Her thighs limply spread, her body totally exhausted. Aspen closed her eyes to the sun and felt the warmth of her contentment spread through her, making all of her feel as good as her pussy just had.

Then she wanted more.

Straightening, Aspen turned around as if to present her naked body to Hawke, offering it to him for the first time. And Hawke was nothing short of worshipful, running his hands over her lovely face and the soft flesh of her breasts with equal fervor.

Her nipples were hard and hungry for sensation and Aspen felt a spark of her climax go through her again when Hawke pinched them. She ran a hand down Hawke’s athletic physique until it was wrapped around his thick prick. Then she pulled on it, leading him with a grin to the side of the boat.

Then down with her into the water, splashing alongside Lara and Sara. Under the waves, in a swirl of frothing bubbles, she squeezed and jerked his erection until Hawke moaned in bliss, a stream of bubbles escaping his silently gaping mouth.


Sara was almost totally ignorant of Hawke and Aspen joining them in the water. All her awareness was taken up by her sense of the buoyant waves that were stirring her body, only these were inside her, deep in her pussy, bringing her to climax. Her whimpers joined Lara’s moans, knowing she was going to come any second and seeing that Lara was too.

“OHHH, GOD, LARA! This is too good! I’m going to come!” Sara screamed, her lust skyrocketing right alongside Lara’s, both of them getting off on how the other was enjoying herself.

“Yes! Aaahh! I feel it too!” Lara cried. “Grind that hot cunny into mine! OOOHH! Harder, Sara! Harder!”

They bucked and rolled their hips in a crazed frenzy, rubbing and stroking their juicy young pussies lewdly together. Lara moaned ecstatically, her thighs and belly quivering with the flames of the inferno she felt in her sex. Finally, it exploded.

“AAAGGGH! SHIT! I’m coming, Sara!” Lara moaned, literally thrusting her convulsing snatch against Sara’s, their bodies wetly smacking together as if beating out the tattoo of their shared rapture.

Uuuhhh, yeah! Yes! It’s happening for me too!” Sara groaned, pushing her cunt right back into Lara’s.

They twisted and writhed, one body against the other, moaning and sobbing with the overwhelming relief they both felt. Finally they fell back into the embrace of the buoyant water, trembling and gasping for breath while the waves buffeted them around. Then the attraction they felt for each other pulled them together once more, plump breasts squeezed together in the middle of a naked kiss.

Hawke and Aspen surfaced beside them, drawn themselves to the lascivious show the two women put on, but they’d been forgotten about by the ardent lovers. So, with a light tap at Aspen’s backside and a significant glance, Hawke told her how they might take matters into their own hands. The two Blues separated, swimming to either side of Lara and Sara, then coming together with the humans in the middle.

Sara floated with her legs spread. Her pink cunt seemed to invite Aspen in as she pressed herself to Sara’s back.

Lara’s thighs were closed, but Hawke pulled them apart, opening her up for him. Sharing a lewd look with Sara, Lara let herself be thrown wide open.

Between the long slender legs of the women, Hawke sent a current of firmly solidified water for the girls’ pussies. It flowed over Lara’s sex, into Sara’s, then down between her legs to lightly tickle the thighs of Aspen behind her. Hawke’s mastery of water made his control of it as easy as manipulating his own hands.

He cupped their two mounds with gelatinous water, finding Lara’s plumper but Sara’s somehow more heated. Then he entered them both, tendrils of phallic water pushing inside their slippery cunts. There was a sweet contrast between the two. Sara’s labia lips pushed out slightly, allowing Hawke to squeeze them gently as he thrust into her.

“MMMMM!” both women moaned.

Sara’s pussy was tighter; perhaps because she was leaner, less buxom than Lara. Maybe even less experienced overall, though she was every bit as appealing. Either of the women would make a wonderful sheath for Hawke’s twitching erection.


Aspen’s strategy was entirely different from Hawke’s, but no less effective. Her mouth hanging open, she made the water about her loins into something of a tongue, reaching out from her body to Sara’s, stretching between Sara’s legs and mixing with Hawke’s projection as only water could, before Aspen pushed through his deft use of power and tasted Sara for herself.

“NNNNNN!” Sara cried into Lara’s kiss, feeling Aspen’s surrogate tongue running along her seeping pussy.

Aspen tried out different ways of licking Sara, ways impossible for a merely human tongue to do. She made the tongue of water finely pointed, then vastly flat and broad, then long as could be. She licked Sara’s lips, her clit, and probed inside her.

Sara wiggled around the unconventional penetration. With her real tongue, Aspen licked the side of her neck. Sara was sweating heavily and the taste was even more delicious than that of the ocean.


As lovely a sight as Aspen and Sara made, Hawke didn’t allow himself to be distracted from his end of the coupling, from Lara. He licked her avidly, but with a man’s phallic mindset, solid water penetrating into her before whipping around lasciviously. While Sara was gently tried and sampled, overwhelmed by the vast array of sensations hitting her one after another, Lara was simply conquered by sheer overpowering pleasure. Hawke knew what worked and he did it to her—again and again and again.

It would seem that Lara was reacting with more passion than Sara did, but that was simply the aristocrat’s nature. Faced with an abundance of desire charging her meager senses, Lara was not content to be merely satisfied, but challenged it, demanding even more, determined to make Hawke truly work to satiate her.

With only Sara in position for her to vent her lustful feelings, Lara clamped her thighs around Sara’s slender hips and bucked her pussy against the other woman’s, renewing the sex that had already brought them so much delight. And it could only be better with Aspen and Hawke sharing in it.

“I love you, Lara!” Sara cried, before her voice was snatched away by Hawke leaning over Lara’s shoulder and kissing her.

“There’s a lot of love going around,” Lara moaned, herself ducking her head to kiss Sara’s bared throat.

“Typical Brit—can’t talk feelings,” Aspen mused, before she joined in, sinking her teeth into the other side of Sara’s neck to leave the policewoman totally overwrought.

Fucked and caressed and kissed and sucked, Sara was truly at her wit’s end. And as always, the Witchblade came to her aid…

Yessss,” Hawke groaned, now fitting himself to Lara from behind and sinking his prick into her. He wrapped his broad arms around her body as he had Aspen, groping her sizable tits while he fucked her, his cock throbbing its way deep into her sex. “Take it, my flower—take it while your lady takes the same, right before your eyes!”

Forcing herself to relax her bite before she drew blood, Aspen focused her attention instead on the liquid tentacle she had roiling between Sara and Lara’s legs. She brought it back and forth between them, licking one woman, then the other, making them wilder and wilder.

When she tried to pull her ‘tongue’ from Lara’s tightly coiled thighs, Lara squeezed hard enough to make Sara wince in pain, not wanting to lose the feeling even when she was already deluged by how Hawke was fucking her.



Oh. Yes. Love how you make use of their powers, especially.