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Wayne sat back in his easy chair and rolled a joint. He fired the tip of it, took enough of a pull to ensure an even burn, then lay his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. For the moment, he just relished the lush fulsomeness of the weed’s aroma.

He had to do something about Stacy. Or rather, he couldn’t keep doing this to Stacy. She was a great girl and it wasn’t fair to her, dating her just because it meant spending time with her mom—but he couldn’t help himself.

Ana was just so friendly, so receptive to his company, so seemingly encouraging that every moment Wayne spent with her, he felt like he was on the verge of making the needed connection.

He pictured Stacy in his mind’s eye, shaking his head at the memory of her firm young breasts. He recalled the outline of her sweet ass under her skintight slacks—the soft brilliance of her blue eyes, framed so beautifully by her golden hair. She was delicious. She was the most delicious girl he could imagine, easily a match for her mother, who she was resembling more and more with each passing day.

But he had been set on Ana for so long that there was no resisting the habit of his obsession with her. Maybe if he fucked her, then he could clear his head and actually be a good boyfriend to Stacy. Though that obviously would never happen; Stacy would hate him if it ever did. But if he ever got the chance, Wayne knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

He felt a hand on his arm, startling him out of his thoughts. Stacy spoke in a hushed voice: “I have something to show you, Wayne.”

Wayne looked into her big blue eyes, instantly happy that she’d broken him out of his competing inner diatribes, even if he was no closer to finding a solution. He expected her to lead him to his bedroom—maybe even his parents’ bedroom—but instead she took him outside and brought him over to her mother’s house.

Wayne dropped his roach to the sidewalk and stamped it out quickly, grateful for the loafers he was wearing against the cold hardwood floors of his own house. “Where are we going?”

Shhhh,” she cautioned him, bringing him through the front door of her house and up the stairs.

Wayne felt desire for her, but being in Ana’s house, with her presence immersing him, overwhelmed Wayne with feelings for Stacy’s mother. He knew making love to Stacy, even in her own bedroom, would pale in comparison to his fantasies of Ana.

Then they reached the top of the stairs and Stacy turned left instead of right—not towards her bedroom, but Ana’s!

“We can’t go in there!” Wayne gasped.

“Just trust me,” Stacy said, her voice secretive. She tugged him down the hall until they were at the room Wayne knew to be Ana’s. He’d fantasized about it often enough.

There, Stacy stopped and slowly turned the doorknob. It opened. She entered the room on tiptoe, gesturing for Wayne to come along. He went with her, into the empty bedroom, then heard a humming voice coming from behind a heavy curtain. It had to be some sort of dressing room; that’s where Ana was.

Wayne’s breath locked in his throat, stopped up with excitement and a vague panic. Was it at the notion of being caught or at being closer to Ana than ever?

Stacy moved softly to the dressing room and got down on the floor in front of it before parting the curtain a little. Wayne understood: that way there’d be less of a chance of being seen if Ana looked at the curtain. He got down on the floor with Stacy and looked into the dressing room, so excited he didn’t think to ask why Stacy was even showing him this.

If he hadn’t thought to ask that already, he wouldn’t now. His mind went absolutely blank at the sight of Ana naked.

Her flesh had no blemishes. Her skin was a creamy white with a rosy hue of pure lusciousness. Her breasts like two scoops of ice cream topped with the juiciest cherries imaginable. Golden fluff peeped out from between her toned thighs, marking the hidden swell of her cunt.

Ana stood with her legs apart, her head and shoulders thrust back, accentuating the magnificence of her chest. Her eyes were closed, while the tip of her pink tongue slid moistly across her lips, leaving them shimmering with moisture. The lips of her cunt were the same way, dewy and engorged, as if aroused by his hungry eyes.

The mossy curls of her pubic thatch glistened lavishly in the dim light. Her high, round breasts heaved tantalizingly with her breathing, the tart nipples hard. Her thighs gleamed with wetness that had to come from her cunt.

Wayne stared, hungrier and hungrier with each heartbeat. Ana’s body was as perfect as he had always thought it would be. She ran a hand over her tempting pussy and the flickering flames in Wayne’s eyes became roaring bonfires. His fists clenched and opened, clenched and opened. And then, Ana spoke.

Mmm, don’t you like this, Wayne? Don’t you think I have a pretty little pussy? Have you ever seen such a pretty little pussy as mine? And you know what, Wayne? My cunt really is as tight and as hot as it looks. I bet your big fat cock has never been inside a cunt as tight as mine. Not even my daughter’s. How about it, Wayne? Would you like to give me a try? After all, little Stacy’s crazy about you. You two are practically married already. What do you say we keep it in the family?”

With a slow certainty, Ana lifted her arms, her eyes now plainly watching Wayne. She ran her palms up the curves of her satiny body, caressing the swells of her breasts, the tightness of her waist, and the flaring roundness of her hips, all as silky smooth as the delicate touch she graced them with.

Cupping her tits with both hands, she kneaded them gently, then held them up as if gifting them to Wayne. Her hands came down again—her breasts barely drooped without their support—and her fingers traced a slow path to the lean softness of her belly. Her hands moved along the taut, tiny hints of her abs until she’d reached her pubic hair. Her hands went lower, opening up her lusciously rendered labia to Wayne’s eyes. Wayne could see that she wasn’t pink like she was under her fleece, but a rich red inside.

Wayne lay there bonelessly. He couldn’t move. When he tried to speak, all that came out were the heavy breaths attempting to feed sufficient oxygen to his reeling mind. He was completely in the power of this queen, a slave to her witchy sensuality. His cock hardened and throbbed as if trying to burst through his pants, if not the floor below.

“You want me, Wayne. I know you want me. It’s time to have me. You just have to do one little thing first. All you have to do is one tiny thing for me and then you’ll have me. I’ll do whatever you want, but first you have to do what I want. Will you do what I want, Wayne? Will you give me what I want and fuck me, finally fuck me? I’ve been waiting so long to be fucked. I’ve had to settle for touching myself. Will you touch me instead, Wayne? I want you to touch me and fuck me and make me come the way I can only come for you. I can’t make myself come that way. Only you can...”

Ana’s fingers started moving, moving with the inexorable motion that was the same as her endlessly lulling and waxing voice. They reached between her taut thighs, down to her sopping pussy, and her forefinger slid over her opening, making even more of her juices pour out.

Then she added her thumb to her forefinger and together they spread her labia, revealing the soft inner slickness that she was offering to Wayne. The begging knot of her clitoris stood out. Ana took it between her fingers and stroked it as if to show Wayne how to please her—but it was nothing he hadn’t thought about doing a thousand times.

She tweaked her throbbing clit around and around, until her thighs were glistening with fresh waves of her arousal. And while she teased her fiery button with her finger, running other fingers along the soaking slope of her labia, Ana whispered anew: “Fuck me, Wayne. Hurry! I’ve waited a long time to feel a big cock like yours inside me! Oh God! I thought it was all Stacy’s, that she’d be the only person to ever be satisfied by your big dick, but now I know I can have it too! Goddamn, I can barely wait! Give it to me! Slam it in my pussy! Come on, hurry up! Just do your one little job so you can fuck me, please, please, I want you to fuck me so bad!”

On and on she cooed, her voice a hypnotic mantra, the words etching themselves on what little of Wayne’s mind could think. Fuck, he wanted her. He had to fuck that golden pussy. Stacy was completely forgotten. He forgot everyone and everything but this love goddess who was offering up her entire body, not just to his eyes, but to his erection.

“You just have to fuck Stacy first. That’s all you have to do. Fuck her. Then I’m yours. We both are. So long as you fuck her the same as you fuck me. Fuck Stacy. Fuck my daughter. Then fuck me, Wayne. Fuck me like you’ve fucked her. Fuck us both, mother and daughter, an entire family for your cock!”

Wayne gasped. Even in the state he was in, lasciviously enthralled by every single aspect of Ana’s being, he couldn’t help but be brought up short by the notion of fucking both mother and daughter. It was just wrong—wasn’t it? It didn’t seem wrong. He felt befuddled in knowing that it was wrong but not being able to feel its wrongness.

Yet Wayne also felt totally clearheaded. He wanted to fuck Ana. Ana wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him to fuck Stacy too. Wayne wanted to fuck Stacy. Stacy wanted him to fuck Stacy. Stacy even wanted him to fuck Ana. What was the problem there? Shouldn’t he be able to think of it, if there was one?

“You… want me to fuck you?” he asked Ana, with as little dubiousness as he could manage.

Ana heard the lustful note in Wayne’s voice and felt a bolt of arousal. Yet, paradoxically, her fingers stopped their continuous teasing at her snatch, preserving her lust until Wayne could satiate it. She knew that would be soon. Her daring smile became one of victory. “Yes. But you have to fuck Stacy first. That’s the deal. Can you do that, Wayne? Can you fuck my daughter? Can you make her come? Before you make me come? I need to come so bad and Stacy needs to come so bad and we both want you to fuck us…”

“So bad,” Stacy trilled, her voice such a surprise to Wayne that he realized he’d forgotten about her being there entirely.

“She’s my girlfriend,” Wayne said uncertainly. “I should give her what she wants.”

“Yes, Wayne.”

“And you’re Stacy’s mom. I should give you what you want.”


“I want you both to be happy.”

“We want you to be happy too, Wayne,” Ana said with a lascivious smile. “My cunt’s all wet, Wayne. Why don’t you show me what you would do with it? Why don’t you show Stacy how you eat cunt?”

Stacy moaned out loud. She needed no further encouragement to accept sharing Wayne with her mother. It was fine with her. In fact, it was turning her on. And now that she didn’t have to complete with Ana, she was eager to show her mother that she’d grown up into one hell of a fuck. Quickly untying the belt of her dress, Stacy ripped off the scant garment and flung it down.

“Wayne—first me. Then my mother. Make us both happy.”

All Wayne could do in response to that was speak his lust. “Lie down on your back,” he husked.

Stacy obediently sat on the bed, then lowered her back to the mattress. Her legs opened wide, her eyes closed, and she pulsed with what was about to happen, wanting it and anticipating it with everything in her. She felt Wayne’s warm breath in her lap and quivered, groaning with need that had never been hotter.

Then Stacy felt his firm tongue licking along the insides of her thighs, lapping up the sweet juices that had escaped her cunt. “Ohhhh, yes, Mommy, it’s wonderful! He’s licking my cunt!” she cried.

“Not yet, baby,” Ana cooed, smiling at how much her daughter was enjoying herself already.

Wayne’s hot tongue licked along the furry slope of Stacy’s womanhood, then darted into her tingling slit, licking and licking into her until Stacy thought she was sure to pass out from the sheer excessive delight she felt.

His attacking tongue found her clit and Stacy moaned, louder and louder, while he licked it hard. Wayne held Stacy’s hips in place to keep her steady as she writhed about like his tiny tongue was managing to throw her whole body around.

“OHHH! Wayne! You’re making me come! Just like I always wanted you to—to—WAYNE! MOMMY! I’M COMING!” she cried.



Ohhh, this is perfect!