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Val backed up, but Sydney was much faster than Val’s confused reluctance. In one smooth motion, she had the door locked behind Val and Val pushed up against it. She was even stronger than her toned, taut musculature looked.

“Natalia, help me take care of how Val is overdressed. She’s going to learn a lesson about knocking before she comes in.”

Natalia bounded up and took hold of Val in a half-nelson. Sydney ripped away Val’s clothes so quickly and thoroughly that Val barely could even think to struggle in resistance.

“Hey! Quit it! You guys, this is nuts, you don’t want to do this to me!” the young hacker cried.

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Sydney said with a leer. “The fruit is juiciest when it’s just turned ripe!”

Despite the fact that she was trying to escape them, Val felt a strange sultriness pass over her womanhood. It was like when Johnny had turned her on, only now, her fierce struggles were what aroused her. Val strained harder against Natalia’s hold on her, while her pussy only got wetter and more sensitive, longing for some pleasure that seemed to be about to touch it… her body was anticipating what her mind couldn’t fathom.

Sydney took the whip from off her hip and gently slapped the leather against the palm of her other hand. “Hold her down for me, Natalia. She’s had that creamy ass parked in front of a computer for far too long. It’s time to give her something to think about for all those hours she spends sitting at a keyboard!”

Before she knew it, Val was down on her belly, Natalia sitting on top of her. Val’s arms were stretched backward, held in Natalie’s grip, while the Russian’s svelte weight was still too much for Val to shift.

Sydney laughed as she joined in, yanking Val’s trousers down to throttle her ankles. Val cried out and tried to clear them off, but her pants and panties were too tangled for her to free her legs. All she accomplished was making her pale little ass bob and weave haplessly—a moving target for Sydney’s vicious whip.

Val struggled as hard as she could, but there was no point in trying to escape from Natalia. There was nothing she could possibly come up with that Natalia couldn’t counter. Trapped in her grip, Val felt her resistance ebbing. She fought less, wondering if she should try begging—or why plea at all, if a part of her was looking forward to being used by the two women? She was just about to ask when they would start disciplining her when Sydney stroked her ass full-force with a lash of her whip.

Val thrashed, sobbing out, her ass wracked with the fiery pain tracing across the whip’s kiss. She fought even harder to free herself, but only grew more certain that Natalia had her dead to rights. The Russian wasn’t even adjusting her hold on Val. There was nothing she had to do to keep Val from getting loose. Sydney reared back again and cracked the whip across Val’s tender buttocks.

Rivers of pain coursed through Val, bringing her close to unconsciousness. Through her efforts to stay awake, Val smelled an overpowering scent of arousal. She didn’t know whose it was. The more she struggled, the more she sweated. And she felt Natalia’s perspiration as well—Val didn’t flatter herself with thinking she was making the Russian work up a sweat.

Natalia was getting off on what Sydney was doing to her, what she was helping Sydney do to her. And the burning pain, combined with the smell of sweaty bodies and wet cunts, stirred feelings in Val that even the whip couldn’t cause. She found herself rubbing her bare pussy against the ground, clenching her slender thighs, trying to complete the sensations that Sydney’s whip strokes had started in her.

There were tingling thrills electrifying Val’s wet sex. They got stronger and stronger with every moment Val spent held down by Natalia, every lash Sydney gave her—every time she fucked herself against the floor, joining in on her despoilment.

Just like with Johnny, Val felt like she was about to have a shattering orgasm. But she’d always wanted Johnny; when had she ever wanted this? It’d all happened so suddenly, without any warning or any reason.

Sydney moaned; turning her head, Val could just see that her free hand was down the front of her unzipped catsuit, doing to her sopping pussy what Natalia surely would’ve done if Val hadn’t interrupted them. The broad swath of flesh exposed by her open zipper was shuddering with sensual exertion, coursing with rivulets of glossy sweat. And Natalia was shaking just as vividly as she held Val in place.

It seemed ridiculous to Val that both women were suddenly so attracted to her that they’re start tormenting her over it, but it was equally ridiculous that she was enjoying it. And she knew what she felt in her tender cunt. There was nothing fake about it. She didn’t care how strange it was that all this was happening: she simply wanted it to keep happening. Val wanted more! Her pussy was screaming for satisfaction!

Sydney was moaning nonstop now, clearly closing in on orgasm as fast as Val was. The whip came down softer and softer on Val’s glowing red ass until its blows stopped altogether. Sydney dropped the weapon—making Val realize that Sydney and her bare hands were far more dangerous than a length of leather could ever be.

Whether by intent or happy accident, Sydney and Natalia double-teaming her had done nothing more than work Val up to a fever pitch. Losing her virginity to Johnny was only a prelude to the stunning amount of lust she now felt. And with her body suddenly deprived of the addictive feelings of pleasure, she bucked her ass even harder, pumping it up at Natalia like an animal in heat.

Natalia got the message. Reaching between Val’s thighs, she thrust a few fingers into Val’s clenching sex. Back and forth she sloshed her skilled fingers into Val. Her hand worked faster and harder than even Johnny’s dick had done!

Stepping out of her catsuit before it could be completely flooded, Sydney dropped down beside Val and Natalia.

“Now you really owe us, little hacker!” Sydney moaned. “Suck her pussy! Do a good job and maybe we’ll whip you even more, pain slut!”

Val wanted desperately to agree, wanted to beg for Natalia’s legs to open and let her into heaven—she hadn’t even noticed that Natalia was way ahead of her, her weight off of Val’s back.

The Russian sat down in front of Val, legs open, and pulled Val’s face between her thighs. The smell of her seething cunt hit Val even harder than the whip had, inspiring a lust far deeper than what she’d already felt.



Thrilling! ...I don't know why I picked that particular word, I just don't want to repeat myself again