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“What are you doing here?” Peter asked.

“I made up some crap about letting Reed run some scans about me, just to make sure all my gamma was in working order. Really, I was hoping I would run into you.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. I have to see you right away. Can we go someplace?”


“Somewhere here in the Baxter Building. We can’t be seen leaving together.”

“Why can’t we?” Peter asked innocently.

Jen smiled. “In case someone asks why you’re walking funny later.”

Peter thought about how he and Sue had once had a quickie in an empty supply closet. It’d been made redundant when Reed had started using Pym Particles to store supplies at microscopic sizes, but it wasn’t like they could unbuild the room, so it just sat there, empty and never visited.

“I know a place. But I won’t be the one walking funny.”

He led the way and Jen followed at a safe distance, until they reached the door. Peter went in first. Everything was exactly as he remembered it from his encounter with Sue. He’d wager money that no one had been in there since. He came back out, getting the door for Jen.

“It’s clear.”

Jen slipped inside with him. “Nice little make-out spot you’ve found here, Peter. Are we going to be christening it or do you take all your willing victims here?”

“I plead the Fifth,” Peter said wryly.

“You’ll plea alright,” Jen said, grabbing him, kissing him. She rubbed her body against his, feeling his prick stiffen into a hot, hard bar of steel.

Peter’s hands fanned out over Jen’s ass, big and lush—yet the word ‘fat’ didn’t seem to apply, when all that rounded flesh was so toned, so firm. Peter caressed her buttocks, really sinking his strong fingers into the muscle of her ass. It wasn’t soft, but it was supple.

Then he broke their kiss. He was out of breath, hot, trembling with want. Jen wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him in an embrace.

Mmmm… whoever you brought up here sure was one lucky lady… but it’s my turn now.”

“Yeah, it is,” Peter agreed, boldly manhandling Jen, turning her body so he could delve between her legs.

Jen quivered deliciously as he rolled his fingers over her juicy sex. Her breathing noticeably quickened. When he began to divest her of her tiny costume, Jen went along with it.

Ooh, you know how to get a girl hot!” she chortled. “Hope those fingers are good and strong from sticking to every wall in the city!”

Peter slid his fingers in and out of her shockingly pink snatch—contrasting lusciously with the creamy green flesh all around it—while Jen worked his fly down. His cock was already stiff as a tree trunk and it got even harder, throbbing with arousal, when Jen’s fingers wrapped around it.

“Easy does it!” Peter laughed. “It’s not going anywhere! You don’t have to hold it so tight!”

“If you can’t take a little love squeeze, how are you ever going to last inside my pussy?” Jen teased. “They don’t make vibranium condoms, you know. Even if a gamma-powered pussy could really use one…”

Peter kicked off his shoes, skimmed his pants and underwear down off his legs. He was left in socks and the T-shirt he’d been wearing, which felt mildly absurd, but Peter was in no mood to ruin the urgency of what was happening by stopping and neatly folding everything away.

“Then I’ll just have to make you a little less tight,” Peter said. “I think I have the right tool for the job.”

Jen pulled at his rigid cock with both hands, her slender fingers delighting in the heated hardness of him—how his prick trembled with gulping appreciation of her touch. She encircled his scrotum with her fingers next, feeling Peter tense a little.

“What’s wrong? Are you sensitive down there?”

“What guy isn’t?” Peter retorted. “Please be careful. Those are our future children in there.”

Jen nodded with a sudden giggle. “Don’t you think you should marry me before you breed me?”

“Sure. But I think it best that I let you beg me to give you a ring for a little while first. It’ll probably help with the pre-nup.”

“You’re confident,” Jen observed.

“And you’re holding one of the reasons.”

Jen tightened her grip just a little. “In that case, how about giving my Tootsie Pop a few licks? Or I might have to give you a vote of no confidence?”

Peter only grinned at her. “You’re a connoisseur. You wouldn’t do that anymore than an art lover would splash beans on a Goya.”

Jen smiled back at him. “Well, I’ve never been called that like that, but I’ll take it. So how about you suck me and I suck you?”

Peter didn’t bother to reply, only started kissing down the length of Jen’s naked body. She trembled wildly, letting Peter bear her down to the ground, her bare ass squirming into the floor as Peter’s kisses reached her dripping cunt.

“MMM!” Jen moaned, her shapely legs stretching out past Peter’s head. She dug her heels into the tile, then pushed her groin up at Peter’s handsome face. “If I weren’t a connoisseur already, you’d sure be making me one!”


Sue ran through the endless corridors of the Baxter Building in her spandex workout clothes. The Fantastic Four’s headquarters had several floors of empty space, as even the New York real estate market had no taste for living in close proximity to a superhero team that was both frequently attacked and conducted dangerous experiments on a near-weekly basis. Not to mention the music Johnny played.

So Reed had simply bought out the entire building, sectioning off the space not currently in use to either quarter guests or accommodate whatever needs might arise in the future. So, when the matriarch of the Fantastic Four didn’t care to have her privacy violated by anyone with a cell phone getting a picture of the famous Sue Storm sweating, she ran through the empty hallways, enjoying the quiet of the soundproofing, the cozy isolation, the succor of only having her own body to answer to.

Then she heard noises coming out of a supply closet. Instinctively, Sue turned invisible, sneaking up on the closed door. Then she turned part of it invisible—just enough for a peephole inside.

Her heart skipped a beat at what she saw.

Jen and Peter were down on the floor—and that cock that had brought her so much pleasure was currently being throated by She-Hulk.

Sue stood frozen at the door, enthralled at the scene before her, unthinkingly turning visible again, then forgetting to keep the peephole invisible. When it ‘shut’ before her eyes, she caught herself and, more mindful, invisibled the peephole once more.

Jen was giving head like a pro. Sue had always known the woman was sexually active… to put it lightly… and she knew that Peter was one hell of a cocksman, at least enough of a playboy to do her, a married woman. Yet the sight of Jen swallowing Peter’s nine-inch prick—loving every minute of it—every inch of it—right down to the hilt… It stunned Sue.

She guessed she had no right to be jealous. She certainly wasn’t being faithful in her trysts with Peter. But would he still want her when he had Jen?



This is taking an interesting turn! BTW, are there any references or models you use for Sue and She-Hulk?